Question asked by Swallow
Dear Your Emanence, I feel connection to Yamantaka but have no guru. Which way is best to do? (a) Wait to find guru and then do whatever practice he says, Yamantaka or no. (b) Find teacher who specialize in Yamantaka, ask him be my guru. (c) Take public Yamantaka initiation from H.H. Dalai Lama, or other teacher like that, even though he can’t be my personal guru. (d) Give up Yamantaka because too much complicated for ordinary people, and Vajrayogini more suitable, try to receive Vajrayogini instead. (e) Other possibility? Thank you Rinpoche, folded hands _/|\_
Dear Swallow, I will attempt to answer your sincere questions here.
1. Study the dharma such as Lam Rim, Wheel of Sharp Weapons, Bodhisattva-cha-avatara, 50 verses by Ashvagosha, and Three Principle Paths.
2.Although bodhisattva and tantric vows are secret, it is good to look through them to make sure you can follow.
3. Do your main preliminary practices 100,00 each such as mandala, guru yoga, prostrations, refuge, vajrasattva thoroughly and correctly. If you can do these and complete, you will be more ready for Yamantaka. Study up on them and complete them in the privacy of your home. See your mind through these practices.
4. When you have completed the above, then seek a Yamantaka lama who can confer full commentary teachings on you and you listen fervently. If you can recieve from His Holiness the Dalai Lama then you are very fortunate. If not, other qualified lamas would be good also of course. More important is your practice after recieving this from the lama.
5. If you feel more for Yamantaka, then you do Yamantaka. Yamantaka has many incredible qualities that is same in Vajra Yogini. I recommend VY because it is much simpler with same results.
I wish you luck and for now, you can get an image of Yamantaka for your altar, make offerings and do your preliminary practices in front of this image. This would make powerful affinity with Lord Yamantaka. Also it would be good to recite the WHEEL OF SHARP WEAPONS daily in front of your Yamantaka shrine. Do your prostrations, mandalas, offerings in front of Yamantaka daily. That would be wonderful. I sincerely rejoice for you from the bottom of my heart to have such faith in Lord Yamantaka.
Manjushri Bodhisattva of Wisdom,
I recall you in your peaceful,
wrathful, protective, male, female and mystical forms.
You are undiluted wisdom that realizes reality,
through this realization you cut the bonds of samsara,
in times degenerate, you manifest in ferocious forms
to eliminate our ego which lies undetected like a thief,
In this supreme form as Yamantaka, I bow down to your
feet suppressing the devas, maras and obstacles,
protect me in your divine anger and incinerate my self graping
within your ferocious flames..Tsem Tulku Rinpoche