Question asked by T
I have vow to kuan yin that I only stick to her and recite only her mantra. Now by reciting kuan yin mantra can I gain greater wisdom? We'll I hope I can. And ya do u know any manifestation of kuan yin in wisdom form? Can u mention the name of the being? Example hayagriva a manifestation of kuan yin in protector form. Thank you in advance
Dear T,
All Buddhas are fully enlightened, therefore all Buddhas embody the qualities of enlightenment: they have complete wisdom, they have complete compassion. Hence, you can definitely gain greater wisdom by reciting Kuan Yin mantra, simply because Kuan Yin himself embodies full wisdom therefore practicing Kuan Yin’s path will increase your wisdom. You cannot gain something from someone who doesn’t have it.
Why we choose Manjushri’s practice to gain wisdom and not Kuan Yin, although Kuan Yin also has full wisdom like Manjushri, is because of the specialty of the deity and the vows he/she made when becoming a Buddha. For example Manjushri in his previous lives must have made vows that once he gains Buddhahood, anybody who propitiates him and practice his path, he will endow wisdom, and the same goes for Kuan Yin in terms of compassion, Medicine Buddha in terms of healing, Amitayus in terms of long life etc.
As for Kuan Yin’s manifestation of a wisdom being, I am sorry that I do not know one at this moment, but I am sure there are, simply because he cannot manifest as someone he is not, so since Kuan Yin has full wisdom, definitely he can and has manifested as wisdom beings.
I thank you for your question, if I come across the name of a wisdom being manifested by Kuan Yin I will share with you, thank you.
Pastor Loh Seng Piow