Question asked by Theresa
Hello to all pastors,
I have a question regarding the daily sadhana , I purchased the book diamond path on vajrasecret and some chakras. While I am reading the daily sadhana(short version ). I don’t have altar but I have the image of Dorge Sugden from vajrasecret. Since I can’t perform all the sadhana can I recite(sincerely read)do the refuge( by doing), the four immeasurable, Je Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga, kanshang/kawang, mantra recitation, praise of the protector dorge shugden and the dedication. Remember I dont have empowerment or initiation. If this is not possible can I just recite the Migstema and Dorje Shugden 1 mala per day. I am just new to buddhism we dont have Monastery or temple in my country. Thank you
Best Regards,
Thank you Rinpoche for this profound teachings.