Question asked by tk
Hi stan good question, pastors are human beings, do you think they can help you to redeem and change. I doubt so, why they probably have a lots of unanswered answers to their own lives, they may have huge of problems not exposed, I know I am a well read and not a staunch buddhist and even goes to churches. We need to be sensible and practicals. I have seen many staunch and good buddhist or even other religious beliefs, there is no answer, just follow and believe within the blind(no offence). If all these have super powers(no offence and insinuation) can change, we have a peaceful world, the world will be a better world, peace, harmony, kissing each others etc.. Yes they are supernatural beings, I have due respect for them, ghosts and evils but to redeem, I have doubt, its karma.Rinpoche will agree with me, no offence. What you do you pay for the price, I do not know what is past sins. I just read about someone a doctor reached heaven(today news), in coma, just wish he can send us his photos, images etc etc.we are living in a fast pace and high technology. In coma, u sense yourself in heaven, then you should be in alive to send pictures, photos etc and produce it to us. I love to see heaven.
Pastors do not claim to be enlightened beings but what we do is we have made a decision to study and learn and do our best to assist. We do not claim ourselves to be perfect or can change anyone. We are not out to change anyone… but to share, in hopes that we can be of some help. Do we need help ourselves. Yes…that’s why we are on this path, trusting in the Buddha’s teaching and guidance of our Guru. We accept that we are not able to help everyone and not everyone will be open and accepting of what we have to share.
Dear TK, we wish you much peace and happiness as always and perhaps this blog site and over a thousand teachings Rinpoche has compassionately taught will be of benefit to you and many. The pastors may not have all the answers for you, but do continue to read the blog posts and visit