Question asked by troubled
I watched the wedding ceremony a few mths ago and being a cynic abt wedding vows and the possibility of maintaining a lifelong faith towards each other, i must say i was truely impressed and tears came to my eyes.
Qns: Marriage vows only exists when the couple BOTH undertake it. When one of them breaks the vow eg being infidel, does it automatically null the vow for the other partner, ie the other partner is free to be romantically linked to someone else without committing a sin?
Dear Troubled,
A vow reflects our firm determination to uphold whatever we have promised.
If we break it , it will have negative consequences for the vow breaker and will also affect the partner.
The partner will not commit negative karma if he/she re marries or become involved with someone else if the marriage is dissolved due to the infidelity act. If there is sincere remorse on the part of the offending partner, sometimes the consequences may only be a scolding or suffering from some material loss or reputation etc and the vows can be repaired or renewed.