Question asked by Tun Ba Kyu
Dear Pastors,
By chance, I have stumble upon this beautiful blog. I am from Myanmar, a Buddhist nation. My father is a buddhist by blood line and my mom is christian. Therefore I am a mixed theoretically. But I am happy to say that I am a self-thought buddhist.
I do have alot of questions regarding Buddhism even though I am Buddhist. And I would like to start with the 4 of the following questions:
1. What is the difference between Thiravada and Maharyana?
2. Why is there two or more Buddhism if there is only 1 Gotama?
3. I believe that Buddhism is not a religion but a PATH to everyday Life, do you agree?
4. Whether it is for good intention or not, choosing things has a greed, anger, lust.. etc… do u agree?
Thank you. My email is:
Dear Tun Ba Kyu,
Thank you for your question. I suggest you read books on Buddhism to gain more knowledge about the different schools of Buddhism. There are many books that explain clearly the history of Buddhism and how Buddhism branched out into a great diversity of orders, schools of thought and lineages. In Kechara House, for example, we belong to the Gelugpa School of Tibetan Buddhism founded by Lama Tsongkhapa whose lineage can be traced all the way back to Buddha Shakyamuni. On this blog, there are many articles and videos on Buddhism and also Buddhist practices to overcome anger, greed, jealousy and so on. You can also go to the Blog Chat and discuss Buddhist topics that interest you.