Question asked by Ugyen Lhendup
Dear Rinpoche,
Despite my assignment to be submitted tomorrow, I don't why I am not worried to spend half of my day going through your blog. I laughed, smiled, and cried! I usually get panicked for distracting from what I do. Does it mean anything ?
I have read almost all your pages and developed huge interest on your habits and way of informal interactions. Today's youth prefer the same style. I am wondering If there is any possibilities You could visit My country, Bhutan to talk on vegetarianism and other issues related to youths?
I am in Australia now and will be back home by next year January. I work in Royal Institute of Management, Bhutan and I am keen of having you at least in my institute to see future teachings that you may avail to my students.
I would be grateful to have contacted at or I hope things comes well as aspired happiness for all sentient beings…
May you live for eons …. May our connections grow hereon ….
Tashi Delek la.
Dear Ugyen Lhendup
Thank you for sharing your interest in Rinpoche’s teachings and your invitation for Rinpoche to visit your beautiful country, Bhutan. At this time, Rinpoche do not have plans to travel but to use the technology to share the dharma as it is far reaching for the many international students just like yourself.
Do continue to visit this blogsite and also where we put up the many teachings to share with all. Feel free to share these teachings with your friends.
May dharma spread and grow in Bhutan and all over the world.