Question asked by vivacela
Dear Pastors,
Good day to you. I have few matters that i need your advice on.
1) I've faced all "sorts" of obstacle since the day i was young. As i grow up, I was looking for a solution to at lease reduce these obstacles. E.g, at work, i will always meet up with evil colleagues who are always scheming something to put me in trouble. each time i'm going for exam something bad will happen to the extend i don't feel like attending the examination and even when i try to conceive something made the pregnancy unsuccessful. It is devastating. I would like to know is there a way for me to improve that.
2) My close friend, recently has broken up with her long time boyfriend. However, the breakup is not the main problem. Both being non-Penangites, they lived together in an apartment. However, lately, my friend noticed that someting is not right with her house. She felt like it is heavy. So i asked her to chant mantras for protection. She went to see a taoist master who told her that the reason for the "heaviness" is due to her ex boyfriend who is staying with her. His "star" is not that bright hence, the ghosts follows him back to their house. Not to say that she is believing blindly as there were many weird events that happened after that..Her room mirror that was laid against the wall for 7 years, suddenly crashed into pieces. She start to have scratches on her body. Different part every day. I wished to help her but i just don't know how.
Dear Vivacela,
Have you thought of learning the Dharma (Buddha’s teachings)? Because it is the solution to your “obstacles”. Buddha’s teachings will help you deal with difficulties in life and overcome your negative emotions (anger, greed, jealousy, pride, etc). When you get rid of all your negative habituations and emotions, and develop kindness, gratitude, patience, and forgiveness towards others, you will become a happier person. You must collect merits by doing good things, and helping others (people and animals) and so on. Stop blaming others for your problems because all your suffering is the result of causes created by you. Then you will find both peace and joy. There are many teachings of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche on this blog that can help you. Please find time to learn.
As for your friend, she can attend our Setrap puja on Monday night. Above all, it is important to practice the Dharma and be a good person. Then you will have less “obstacles”. Read Dharma books and learn from this blog, from Rinpoche’s teachings, how to deal with one’s negativities and how to develop virtuous qualities that will give you peace and happiness.