Question asked by Winston
Dear Rinpoche, I read your blog every day and rejoice that you may leave Malaysia. Don't go to the USA, though–it is full of lamas already. Come to my country, Sierra Leone! No lamas ever come here because we have no money, and because of our bad karma which causes life here to be so cruel. If anyone can overcome the problems of Africa, it is you, Rinpoche. Please have compassion on us!
Dear Winston, Tell me more about yourself.
1. Where do you live in Sierre Leone?
2. What do you do for a living?
3. Are there Buddhists there?
4. Does a permit or license needs to be obtained there to speak about Dharma?
5. Do you have anything set up?
6. What is the weather like?
7. Has there been any Tibetan lamas there before that you know of?
8. How is public awareness about Tibetan Buddhism there?
9. How’s your postal system? I will send you something to keep for your spiritual journey. Send me your reliable mailing address.
Please give me more information. I am intrigued and interested. TR
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