Question asked by WK
Hi Pastors, what is the best time to recite mantra and do prayers in front of altar? I do that in between breaks at noon and just saw in another post that this should be avoided as it will create bad karma? 🙁 Please advise the time frame when you mentioned noon and midnight, as in from what time to what time?
Also, is there a time restriction to recite mantra when i am driving or outside the house?
Hi WK,
I believe you read wrong. There is no bad karma in reciting mantra at any time . Anytime is a good time if the convenient factor for you is important.
Certain times are more conducive for serious practioners and monks.Eg meditating in the early morning, at 4 am when our mind is naturally more at rest.
Apparently studies show that noon time is when our biorythm is most active. Hence prone to mental excitement and distractions which makes us lose concentration in what we doing.
Certainly you should not recite while driving.