Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche: The true story of Su Ming’s nephew | 詹仁波切的奇迹:诗明侄儿的真实故事

Su Ming’s adorable nephew
Being Rinpoche’s personal attendant means that I am able to witness real Dharma in action, both on and off the throne. I consider myself extremely fortunate, and at the same time it is also a great challenge to instil Dharma in my life 24/7.
Over the years I have witnessed many cases of how Rinpoche helped many people in both worldly and supramundane ways, so I decided to have these stories told in comic form for the wider audience. It is my wish that through these stories many will be inspired to achieve the state of compassion and attainments like Tsem Rinpoche, so that many more sentient beings can be helped.
Pastor Loh Seng Piow
胜彪讲法师 上
- STORY 1: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32543
- STORY 2: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32654
- STORY 3: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32701
- STORY 4: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32791
- STORY 5: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=33669
- STORY 6: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34288
- STORY 7: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34438
- STORY 8: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34599
- STORY 9: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34928
- STORY 10: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=35710
- STORY 11: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=36173
- STORY 12: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=37202
- STORY 13: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=40216
- STORY 14: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=43007
- STORY 15: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=56434
- STORY 16: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=118568
- STORY 17: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=188840
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Tsem Rinpoche is very kind and always go all the way out to help people. As a pure Sangha, when he helps people, he doesn’t expect anything in return. We don’t have to be rich to seek advice from a pure Sangha.
Tsem Rinpoche through his very accurate divination will be able to prescribe what is necessary for the people. In this case of the baby, many pujas were ordered. Performing pujas can help the sponsors to accumulate a lot of merits and remove their obstacles so their problems are solved.
When the instructions are followed all the way, the outcome will definitely be positive. If we trust the 3 Jewels and with the power of the 3 Jewels, we will be able to liberate ourselves from sufferings. The benefit we get from following the Buddha’s teachings is not only for this life but for many lifetimes to come.
Every time when I read back the miracles that Rinpoche has done, it instills and reaffirm the faith that I have for Rinpoche. ?
Besides faith, it makes me contemplate on the reasons why I want to practice Dharma and subsequently encouraging me to go on. Attainments are necessary to harness the skilful means in helping others. Just like in this case, as an ordinary person we will always ask them to chant Protector’s mantra and do the serkym and reassuring the person that it will be alright or perhaps ; we can go one step further~ determining the actual cause to it and the best methods to counter it. Which is more beneficial? This is why we aspires to become Buddha.
Hence, that’s the very reason why we need to keep our commitments such as doing the sadhana daily, be loyal to our Guru, help whenever necessary and try to change our mindset. In monastery, Rinpoche surely will not find problems such as chasing after those that didn’t do sadhana or even to remind them to be aware of the refuge commitments. But here, the whole scenario is different. Sorry that I’ve written something which is out of topic but that what’s in my mind after reading this story.
Besides the story above, do look out for comments by Joy, Grace and others. There are more stories to it. Thank you Rinpoche, Pastor Seng Piow and others.
Thank you, Pastor Seng Piow, for this amazing sharing. There is no doubt about the ability of our Guru, His Eminence the 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche. His incarnations have been compassionate and taken rebirth to return and spread the dharma so that sentient beings can benefit and learn some dharma in our short life.
We shall never doubt our Guru; but must see that He is one with our Yidam and Protector, an attained being. Even if our Guru does not demonstrate clairvoyance abilities, we must never contest our Guru, for he holds the key (dharma) that can liberate us from eternal suffering in samsara.
WOW….interesting a miracles true story. Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor Loh Seng Piow for sharing.Reciting mantras by family members and doing 20 pujas done at the monastery to help the baby. These proved that pujas, which have been done for hundreds of years in the monasteries are very powerful methods for us to overcome difficulties, create huge amounts of merit and for protection, good health and long life.This show us how powerful pujas can help us when we have trust and faith in our Guru.And with Rinpoche divination,the baby was born and now a healthy boy.
Thank you Pastor Seng Piow for sharing this true story. Rinpoche always shower kindness, compassion and love to everyone especially those in need. It also prove that puja can help to clear our obstacles.
So glad that the baby is now a healthy boy 🙂
Thank you Rinpoche and Seng Piow for sharing this true story for us . Rinpoche help many people.he care,he love, he does prayer every single day for us . We are so lucky that have a Guru so near to us and always so compassion to help us in time.
Thank you Pastor Loh Seng Piow for the sharing.
Thank you Rinpoche for his cares for all sentient beings. Rinpoche always endures the pains to benefit others. His is compassionate and walk the talk.
[…] STORY 1: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-tru… […]
Rejoice for Su Ming brother’s family who now have a young son who is healthy and happy. Thank you Rinpoche.
[…] STORY 1: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-tru… […]
We are so lucky to have Rinpoche always beside and near to us. Thanks Rinpoche and Seng Piow for sharing this true story to us.
Su Ming make the right choice for helping Rinpoche and serve in Dharma, she not just collect Merits for herself but also her family members.
With clean Guru Samaya Su Ming is one of hard working and devoted assistant beside Rinpoche. Through the Merits collected by Su Ming, her niece able to be get of from dangerous situations hence be a health boy.
We are so fortunate to have such a protecting Guru that we can rely on at critical times when we have exhausted the traditional worldly methods.
May we also keep our samaya with our Guru clean and never be separated from Him.
Thank you SP for sharing this miracle story with us. No doubt about it our Guru is a true Buddha we are so fortunate to receive teaching and help from therefore we have to be repay his kindness by transforming our mind and do Dharma work to benefit ours.
Great innovative way of telling real life stories about Rinpoche’s kind deeds. Appealing to the young and semi-young like me. Thank you for sharing this here. 🙂
Thanks Seng Piow for this comic series of Rinpoche’s deeds make Known to the world. It is even harder to put down in words when you’re that received his kindness. Thank you Rinpoche for the decision to take this rebirth to be among us._/\_
Dear Rinpoche, the baby looked so healthy and adorable. I hope when this baby grow up, he will do every thing his parents tells him to do and be a good boy not like me. I wonder what will happen if I wasn’t born in this family? Will I become a normal spirit wondering around this world or maybe I would be in the hell realm suffering?
Rinpoche has helped so so many people, my mother once told me the same thing: the divination dice is just to show humility because Rinpoche is humble of His abilities.
The baby is so cute, I have seen him quite a few times, he’s very playful and adorable. Glad that this cute boy is now healthy.
Rinpoche always unconditionally helps all of his students. So many people have benefited from Rinpoche’s divinations and blessings. This baby is super fortunate to have met Rinpoche and be touched by Rinpoche at such a young age. She will have a great future in the Dharma 😀
I love reading these true stories. The best parts are the facts that all these stories are true. And can i just say, the real pictures of the baby is so cute!! I love children, they are always so cute and so nice.
But besides that i really enjoyed reading the story and i hope that Rinpoche will post more stories like this. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the sharing.
This is really an amazing story!! Rinpoche iss very full of compassion and help us whenever he can.
I wish Rinpoche long life and continue to turn the dharma wheel.
谢谢仁波切的真人真事漫画书分享。生命总是有奇迹,当人生在最无助的时候,佛法就是我们的救星,往往在那最紧急关头, 我们请求佛菩萨的帮助时,佛菩萨都会显应和加持我们。在克切拉里,我们尊贵的仁波切就是我们的活菩萨,只要我们有难,仁波切就会请护法帮我们。所以我们要感恩仁波切,祈愿仁波切长驻在世,常转法轮。
Thank you so much for sharing this story. Rinpoche’s love and compassion towards everyone is really eye-opening for me to learn the true goal of life. Thank you Rinpoche! 🙂
[…] STORY 1: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-tru… […]
感恩仁波切 总是心系着我们每一位弟子, 当我们遇到任何问题的时候,仁波切总是能及时的给予我们真确的指示与明确的方向,好让我们在困乱时,不会变的更加迷茫
wow, i love reading these stories and now i can read them all on the blog! Rinpoche always helps people with their problems as soon as he hears about it. he is a very caring man and i hope he will continue to spread the dharma to the world. and i am so happy that the little baby is healthy and so cute!
I was looking back at the old Miracles stories of Rinpoche’s hoping to find a good one to read. And of course, i did. This is such a nice story to hear. Rinpoche was so kind to organise so many pujas to be done to save a baby. Rinpoche has surely done the right thing here in this story. And also once again, showing everyone that Rinpoche is a very kind and compassionate guru and we are all very lucky to have him.
[…] STORY 1: http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-true-… […]
[…] STORY 1: http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-true-… […]
[…] http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-true-… […]
When our karma have ripen the effects will be felt in physically and mentally. The guru is very kind to help us by prescribing effective measure to reduce the pain we are suffering. Therefore we should repay our guru kindness by becoming a better person, by taking advise from our guru. When we become a better person we create positive karma and merits which will bring happiness to us and everyone.
I think it is great we have both English and Chinese it will benefit many people. And people should realize the power of a pure mind, motivation and prayers that can change things around.
Thank you Seng Piow for sharing this information to us. Rinpoche’s love and care for many is undeniable and we should do our Dharma work properly and correctly with the right intention. We are very lucky and fortunate to have Rinpoche in Malaysia.
Thank you Rinpoche and Seng Piow sharing the comic article to us , it very simple and easy to read thru all the story. very creativity ! how fortune we are ! we have H.E Rinpoche locate in Malaysia which able to guide / protect to us . we should follow the Rinpoche teaching all the way . Rejoice !
It’s very thoughtful of Seng Piow to put article into comic version.To a lot of people, pictures speak more than thousand of words. I love this idea. Spreading Dharma can be interesting and fun. Thank you Seng Piow. Always grateful to have our Guru to be with us. All of us are vry lucky. Rejoice for Su Ming and her family. Baby is really cute…:)
Thank you Rinpoche with folded hands.
Take good care 🙂
I’ve learnt that there are times when money can’t buy certain things in life. This is a perfect example. No matter how much money in the world Su Ming’s brother may have, the only thing that could save his son was the dharma. Tsem Rinpoche’s vast knowledge and practice of dharma helped save his son. Rinpoche knew what pujas to prescribe to overcome the complications to the baby.
That’s why it’s recommended that we learn and practice dharma so that when obstacles arise, we are equipped with the know how to overcome them.
Rinpoche doesn’t care about himself at all, what Rinpoche first thought is always other’s…… No matter who, if Rinpoche saw or know there is help needed, Rinpoche will never think anything, help first!
Glad baby Chuah is in healthy condition now ^^,
Thank You Rinpoche xxx
It shows the family are very devoted to our guru and have faith in Rinpoche. Glad and happy to know little baby is now healthy and happy 🙂 Thanks Rinpoche and Lord Setrap.
Thank you Bro Seng Piow for sharing this true story with us.
Indeed, Rinpoche has been very compassion and always be there for us whenever we need him. It is not just his students that has benefited from him, all our families and friends also benefited from him.
When I gave birth my youngest daughter, actually I was feeling not so at ease at that moment although I did not tell Lew. However, as Rinpoche had given prior instruction to Lew that he need to inform Rinpoche when I am in labour, Lew informed Beng Koooi when I was in labour room and Rinpoche immediately did protector prayer and serkym for me. He also taught us what we should do when baby is born, i.e. to recite mantra to her loudly. I am so fortunate I have Rinpoche and Protector that protect my baby and me.
Since then, I normally will share with whoever going to labour to recite mantra to their babies. A friend recently told me that they followed what I taught and they are very happy to give this precious gift to their son. I am very happy for them too.
Thank you Rinpoche for always be there for us. We should help Rinpoche more to spread his work so that more people can be benefited from him.
Thank u Seng Piow 4 sharing this wonderful blog of Rinpoche in his compassionate rounds in the wee hours of the morning. Thank u Rinpoche 4 giving me one of the most precious gifts in my life, my grandson. For this n all other blessings, great n small, u have showered me n my family, n 4 your intense love n care 4 us, I have to walk the extra mile to help others the way u have helped me.
I would like to thank u Rinpoche 4 the precious teaching u have given on karma. Everything comes from something. Nothing comes from nothing. You have advised us to accumulate merits because of our load of negative karma we have accumulated from our past lives n everyday, we are accumulating fresh ones .We have to do a lot of purifications n dharma work to lighten our negative karma n to prevent its explosion. It is also merits that help us to meet highly attained Lamas like u, Rinpoche, at the right time n in the right place not only to solve our samsaric problems but also to gain attainments.
Rinpoche, here I would like to express that your unconditional love, your immense compassion as a Bodhisattva, has indeed brought great joy n comfort not only to me n my family but to everyone your life touches. My family n I are really blessed to be in your all encompassing mandala.
With folded hands, I bow to you n with deep gratitude, thank you once again Rinpoche.
Seng Piow, who has given his life to serve Rinpoche 24/7, has many factual stories to share and it is very good that he is now sharing the inside and behind the scenes he spent with Rinpoche. This provides an insightful insight to the public of Rinpoche’s daily dharma work and activities, teaching and benefiting others.
Thank you with much respect, Seng Piow, for taking care of our beloved Rinpoche in very special ways that I could not.
Even before Su Ming’s nephew is born, he has so many obstacles to get thru, it is part of his karma that he has. With the guidance of Rinpoche’s and the faith that Su Ming’s and family have with Rimpoche, they have follow every instruction that is given by Rinpoche, like prayers at Monastery and also the mantras to be done by family. Family members have a strong karmic connection with each other, as by doing mantra for the baby, it helps and also the prayers at monastery. I met this cute and healtyh little boy personally when he came for a visit to Kechara recently. Thank you, Rinpoche.
Thank you Seng Piow for telling the true story through comic form, it was easily understand yet the impact so strong. My twin baby also premature and born in 32 week, elder is 1.6kg and young one is 1.4kg.both in incubator when delivered. the young baby cannot drink the formula milk and have to inject for fluid for survive. through kindess of Rinpoche, we have received His holy’s advice to do 1 puja in KL Kechara and baby’s father must attend. We have to recite 100,000 Setrap mantra plus 1000 times 21 Tara. After finished all the mantra blow on the baby .after finished recite all the mantra in 1 week time, finally my young baby can drink milk without further go through the suffering of injection. Have strong Faith to our Guru and never have doubt for his advice. It definitely will help you .i will never forget for Rinpoche’s kindness.i will bring Dharrna to my baby and family & friend around me.
Thank you Seng Piow for sharing the story with us. Very warm hearted to know that the little baby now very healthy. He is now a healthy baby to bring a lot of joy and laughter to the family.
It reminds me of how Rinpoche saved my bother’s life a few years ago. My brother was in coma without knowing why. Doctor could not answered. At that time I just joined Kechara not long. When Rinpoche heard about it, Rinpoche immediately asked a few things to be done such as candle offering, animal liberation, burning incense giving away statues, in order for my brother to collect merits to be heal. One of a very touching part was when Rinpoche suddenly showed up in KPSS2 and personally chose 17 statues for me. These statues were to be offered up to 17 people with condition that the receiver must do 100 thousand long life mantra and dedicate to my brother. Miracle happened after a few days time, my brother’s condition had improved. One month later, my brother walked out from the hospital and go home with his family. I still remember vividly, The day my brother was allowed to go home, the doctor still cannot answer me what caused my brother went into comma. Thank you Rinpoche for your unconditional care and love.
what a cute bubbly baby! I’m so happy that he pulled through, it may have been a different ending if not for Tsem Rinpoche, and the baby’s family’s connection with Tsem Rinpoche, in particular Su Ming and Mdm Chuah. This is just one of the many many many untold stories of how Tsem Rinpoche has helped so many people without differentiating whether they are his close friends or students or just random people. he treats all with compassion and care. compassion conquers all!
Thank you Seng Piow for writing this up. The comic helped a lot to describe how compassionate and caring Rinpoche can be. This is just one of the many examples that Rinpoche helped.
Let us share all these stories to all our friends and in social media! Thank you again!
Bb boy is so adorable. It’s a true story about how powerful puja is to help the bb boy overcome the obstacles.
This adorable baby is truly blessed to have Rinpoche’s care and prayers.He is now a healthy and bouncy bundle of joy.Rinpoche always pray and care for others,including strangers and students and their families.Offerings offered will be offered up to the Buddhas,so that the sender receive the merits.That’s how caring and compassionate Rinpoche is.We have to be a worthy student and open our minds and transform.
We are so fortunate to have Rinpoche here in Malaysia. Rinpoche is always very compassion to help us and others. Is very good to share all this story to people to inspire them that Rinpoche is extraordinaire, and help others to get connected to Rinpoche and start to learn Dharma
The baby is happy and healthy. It is through the blessings of Rinpoche that the baby is fine inspite of so many complications when borned.
Thank you Seng Piow for sharing this interesting story with us.
Wow! What a touching story. Rinpoche’s love and care for his disciples is immeasurable. The baby is so cute! I also really like this manga style blog post. I can’t wait for more like this. We are all extremely lucky to be able to have a guru that is always near us and always cares for us and is able to benefit all of us.
Thank you Rinpoche and Seng Piow for the true story. A most heart warming story and i love love love miracle stories! We are so blessed to have a most special and extraordinary Guru !
Can’t wait for the whole series to come out !
I remember during Su Ming grandmother pass away, through her, her mother (Mrs Chua) and her aunt (Mdm Han Nee) merits that Su Ming able to benefits her grandmother. This time is the same and that shows how much important for us to do dharma work to accumulate merits to benefit our loved ones and others.
Without this just imagine what would happen to this little cute baby?
We should start doing dharma now if we have not started and for those has been started we should do more and move ourselves to another level to benefit more people.
Through Rinpoche’s kindness and compassion we are not only being taken care individually but also our family. This is true compassion and can never exchange with any other things because this is the true formula of happiness for ourselves and others.
Yes, like the saying goes “Charity begins at home”! Madam Chu and Su Ming are like our own family members, who at required moment will readily render help to any KH members, or even to any outsider too, due to their good hearts of compassion. Nevertheless, glad to know everything’s fine and most important the baby’s healthy and cute!
I’ve heard of this from Su Ming during one of our trip KFR. I am really grateful to be a student of such a highly attained and compassionate Guru. I also am so thankful to my previous self to have done something so right to be within reach of him. From his life story, one would know that Rinpoche’s concern and caring knows no bound. Most of all, i am grateful that he had created Kechara for us to help ourselves and with the upcoming KFR & KWPC, so many more would benefit.
The pictorial illustration is good and with more, can eventually be made into a book that can also cater to the young ones.
In Kechara , When we recite the Refuge prayers, we begin with ‘Namo Guru beh…’ Refuge is about seeking protection.Our Guru is the supreme refuge who can allay our inner and outer fears. Our mind is not strong enough to deal with crisis level obstacles like serious illness or problems of loved ones,our kids etc.Even dharma cannot without cultivating to certain level. We can remain calm, stay sane to focus on our path assuredly knowing our Guru has full powers to make sure all will be alright presently and in future.Namo Guru Beh !
We are blessed to have Rinpoche here with us to help us and our loved ones! Rinpoche’s compassion is beyond boundaries. The baby is a healthy boy now and he is so adorable and cute.
Thank you Rinpoche and Seng Piow for sharing this beautiful illustrated comic.
Su Ming’s nephew is a cutie pie. Fortunately cutie pie has Aunty Su Ming working for H.E. Tsem Rinpoche to stay tuned and be connected to Dharma. Due to Aunty Su Ming he is guaranteed to a precious human life with the 8 freedoms and 10 fortunates. Bao Bao when you grow up you must be grateful to Aunty Su Ming and Rinpoche.
H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche is extraordinaire! He is an accomplished Buddhist Master both in sutra and tantra of our time and we have the great fortune to have him as our Guide. There are many miracles I have witnessed Rinpoche performed including life extension of many students who are now working closely with him. He is so humble and never reveal who he is and his attainments. It would take to write a book of his qualities and his miracles; and how Rinpoche has helped and benefited a large number of people in this region and beyond.
Today at Lamrim, we touched on the purpose of dedication. After performing a virtuous action (such as dharma work) we can actually direct the merit to whichever cause we want. Dedication ensures we get the intended result (the horse and the rein in the Lamrim), ie we can benefit others with our dharma work. Of course instead of dedicating to mundane things, the best is to aim to dedicate towards enlightenment of all sentient beings, then we also get the rest we wished for. How lovely.
Thank you Seng Piow for sharing your experiences behind the scenes with Rinpoche with us. It is very inspiring to know what goes on when Rinpoche is off the throne. Actually Rinpoche never stops benefiting people, on and off the throne. Yes I have also encountered many times how Rinpoche would know something even before something happens or even before anyone tells Rinpoche. I know this because many many times Rinpoche has called me up to ask about something that was on my mind, or say something to pre-warn me.
One example was when Justin Ripley came to finally settled here in Malaysia in 2008. He had several uneasy sleepless nights as he was being disturb my a mystical being. Justin did not tell me until it got a bit dangerous as this being was trying to pull him out of the window during his sleep. Apparently he said he was totally conscious and not even in dream mode and could see this dark man like figure. Next day we to KPSS2, at that time a small shop on the 3rd floor and suddenly Rinpoche showed up and said hello. Next thing we know Rinpoche asked Justin if he was experiencing disturbances and confirm it was a being from another realm, not a ghost/spirit. Then he gave Justin a Vajrayogini protection and blessing. From that time on… Justin never had any more disturbances.
Rinpoche truly does not need a dice or anything, Rinpoche is definitely clairvoyant. And it is only to show humility and also for some who are new, and don’t know Rinpoche, seeing the dice makes them feel more comfortable.
Thank you for this brilliant article. Although simple and short, it gives a clear message of how caring and compassionate our Guru is. The picture of the little cutie says it all. He is so fortunate to be born into a family near to dharma. Thank you Seng Peow for sharing this miracle with us.
Su Ming’s nephew is now a bouncy active boy. I saw a video of him recently. I got chills down my spine when I was watching it because I couldn’t help thinking what would have happened to him had his family not goten Rinpoche’s advice? Or Su Ming never did dharma work or quit and left as a result the link was cut?
This lead me to contemplate that when we make decision, whether positive or otherwise, it affects other people. We are interconnected. So dont make compulsive decisions that only leads to regret later.
Baby is so blessed to be able to receive Rinpoche’s blessings and prayers. In one way or another, we have all received Rinpoche’s compassionate help in our life. Rinpoche not only helps people whom he knows but strangers and animals too have received his kind help.
Thank you RINPOCHE and Seng Piow for sharing this post^_^
Everyone know Rinpoche help many people in skillful method,not only people,Rinpoche also love animals!!He realy benefit all sentient being.He is buddha,Real buddha with us,No doubt!! May we can meet Rinpoche every life time,can follow Rinpoche step untill englightment
!!”We love you”^_^
Thanks to Seng Peow for putting this very cute illustration that tells the story very well! The baby is very adorable too. How blessed to have Rinpoche’s care in this way.
For me, it is amazing that pujas and prayers can bring forward positive results.
Blessings are invisible, yet they bring effects.
Its through the merits of Su Ming’s mother (Madam Chua), the baby has the opportunity and affinity to get help and advice from Rinpoche for his well being and survivor. Madam Chua has been very involved in Kechara’s activities, giving helping hands, and even cook for the members and volunteers whenever she can. She attended all the dharma classes and activities in Kechara, and thru the good example and motivation, her daughter Su Ming naturally involved and soon became an active volunteer, and now a liaison. The baby is truly blessed to have a family member like Madam chua and Su Ming, who cares so much for others, and in return, they received the blessing and protection at the time they needed most!
Yes, this is how we gain the merits to help others through our own dharma work.
Rinpoche not only takes care of his students, he also takes care of their family members. Often, When Rinpoche hears of any sickness in his students’ families, he will immediately send medical help or nourishment to the person – a Bodhisattva that works tirelessly and continuously for the benefit of others.
Yes, it is truly a blessing from rinpoche that he is able to perform and take care of all his disciples.
The baby is a healthy boy now and very very adorable. I remember that I was given an assignment to buy baby clothes for a baby boy. They were gifts from Rinpoche. Rinpoche pays perfect attention all the way to the finer details. This shows how much and deeply Rinpoche cares.
Seng Piow, thank you for putting this illustration together. It is simple yet very explicit.
Thank you Rinpoche and Seng Piow for sharing this post. We are very fortunate to have our Guru here with us all the time. The baby is so healthy and cute.
We people in Malaysia, in Kechara are really blessed to have Rinpoche here who is always so compassion to help and care for every sentient being.
Thanks Rinpoche and Seng Piow for sharing this story for us, and showing us with this easy, nice comic way.
Its true Tsem Rinpoche help alot of people not only sick people.
Anyone in need or help if he know he’ll quickly help with no delay.
H.E always helping people no matter where, when and what H.E doing.
After reading this post am thinking. Better do my work properly, even in daily life better learn Dharma properly. Not do and practice when H.E “see” me and not doing work properly when i think H.E “not looking” at me. Have to remember this.
Thanks Rinpoche and Seng Piow to share this true story for us. We believe that everything happen due to past Karma, but if we able to collect some Merits in this life sure there will be a good way for us even our past Karma rippen.
We are so lucky that have a Guru so near to us and always so compassion to help us in time.
Baby is now healthy and a bundle of joy to the family.
Seng Piow’s article is so simply written yet it relates the event so clearly. Just goes to show when you have full trust in your Guru and listens to him in every way, you will never go wrong. For our Guru is everything to us.
Rinpoche help many people.he care,he love, he does prayer every single day .for(us) his student.how lucky we are.thank you so much rinpoche .you are great guru.namo gurubheo,namo buddhaya,namo dharmaya namo shanghaya .