Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche: The true story of Dato’ Ruby Khong | 詹仁波切的奇迹:拿督林秀月的真实故事

Dato’ Ruby Khong
Being Rinpoche’s personal attendant means that I am able to witness real Dharma in action, both on and off the throne. I consider myself extremely fortunate, and at the same time it is also a great challenge to instil Dharma in my life 24/7.
Over the years I have witnessed many cases of how Rinpoche helped many people in both worldly and supramundane ways, so I decided to have these stories told in comic form for the wider audience. It is my wish that through these stories many will be inspired to achieve the state of compassion and attainments like Tsem Rinpoche, so that many more sentient beings can be helped.
Pastor Loh Seng Piow
胜彪讲法师 上
Dato’ Ruby Khong talks about how
Tsem Rinpoche helped her and her family
Dato’ Ruby Khong helps society
via Kechara Soup Kitchen
- STORY 1: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32543
- STORY 2: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32654
- STORY 3: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32701
- STORY 4: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32791
- STORY 5: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=33669
- STORY 6: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34288
- STORY 7: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34438
- STORY 8: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34599
- STORY 9: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34928
- STORY 10: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=35710
- STORY 11: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=36173
- STORY 12: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=37202
- STORY 13: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=40216
- STORY 14: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=43007
- STORY 15: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=56434
- STORY 16: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=118568
- STORY 17: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=188840
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Amazing story of Datuk Ruby Khong.Its a miracles that with Rinpoche ‘s help She and family was removed from black magic done by some iresposible people.Its good that Datuk has no serious accident,no serious injuries and so forth as predicated by Rinpoche.All advices, following instrucions and having faith in Rinpoche whom she knew for many years has help her to be where is is today.She ia the director of Kechare soup kichen and acticely involved in giving foods to the homeless.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor Loh Seng Piow for sharing this interesting miracles.
Just wanted to say that my sons and I are huge fans of this series. This a another great way of weaving real life stories with the Dharma. Very appealing to the young and old. Bravo and many thanks to the team who brought us this series!
Dato Ruby 真是有幸遇到仁波切,能够得到仁波切如此的保佑对我来说真是莫大恩德。难得获得人身,我们应该好好修持,因为难保业力发生,唯有精进修持。
Thank you for sharing the story, comic really does make everything more understandable. We are all very lucky to have our Guru around us, Rinpoche sees things that we cannot, sometimes you just have to stop questioning and trust Rinpoche cause this is what Rinpoche is doing- helping sentient beings.
The teaching behind this story we must be listen to our guru take his instructions seriously , have faith in Rinpoche then protector only can help us. Thank you SP for sharing this story with us.
Dato Ruby is really a Gratitude person, hence she holding a Clean Guru Samaya with Rinpoche.
From this story share by Seng Piow we may truly believe that, if we believe 100% to our Guru and Protector we can be save.
Hence out of Gratitude, we should help Rinpoche to spread the holy Dharma to ten directions and help all Rinpoche projects to be successful…
I am so happy that Dato Ruby has Rinpoche around her to help and advice her. I am so relieved that Dato Ruby is now find. Through this we can see how loving Rinpoche is. And also when we trust our protector, how would protector be able to help us in ways that we will not know.
I did find out recently Dato Ruby was very good at recollecting numbers and situations I wonder how she does it. But hurrah she is one who went all the way in trusting Rinpoche hence her current success.
Dear Rinpoche, I don’t understand why people who possess this kind of power like the Thai black magic master wouldn’t use it to do good things such as saving people from getting accidents, I believe they have this kind of powers because if they have the ability to create this then why can’t avoid it? Anyways, I wonder what happened to the motorist that hit Dato Ruby’s car boot?
So amazing Rinpoche, i love reading these stories. They always make me so happy. I find it cool how Rinpoche has the power to actually detect all these dangers and warn people about them. Thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
感谢仁波切的分享。 看了这个故事。我有一些感想
1. 世间无常。我们不知道下一秒会发生什么事
2. 及时行善。 也许这一世我们没有行过什么大恶,不过难保前世的我们没有任何的恶业。
3. 虽然我们无法阻止业果的发生, 不过恶业成熟之前我们还是可以借助行善来减少恶业的冲击。
4. 100% 相信上师,唯一这样做上师才可以帮到我们。
i am so happy that Dato’ Ruby is ok. she is such a good person am so happy she i did not get hurt through the kindness of Tsem Rinpoche. thank you for sharing another amazing story
Thank you Seng Piow for the sharing.Dato Ruby was very fortunate to be able to meet up with Rinpoche. For that ,she was able to reduce the ripening effect of her negative karma with the help of Rinpoche.It is with her trust in the Guru that she manage to overcome her obstacles.
We are very fortunate to have Dato Ruby with us today as we could see that after that ordeal ,her mind had transform and she is sincerely leading us to the path of offering generosity and compassion to those in need.
By setting up KSK she manage to bring joy to the less fortunate and the opportunity for others to participate and learn in the process.
We like to see things from the surface,.My impression to Dato Ruby is a compassion,friendly, elegant, successful woman .i would think that her life always in smooth. Without the story sharing by Dato Ruby, it really can’t imagine how much she suffer due to her past karma . Thank you so much Dato Ruby for this sincere sharing, it made me realized cause & effect of Karma . With Rinpoche’s compassion, and Dato Ruby’s strong Guru devotion towards Rinpoche, glad that she have overcome her obstacles and help a lot of homeless.
Thank you Seng Piow. I love to read the stories. Dato Ruby’s strong guru devotion and complete trust in Rinpoche have help her to remove her obstacle. It also lessen the impact of a negative karma that is going to happen. Thanks to Rinpoche, Dato’ Ruby now have help and benefit so much people around her.
Dato Ruby has been with Rinpoche for many years, she has come a very long way till today, this is not something that ccan do within 1 – 2 days, it takes years and years of effort from Dato Ruby to achieve what she has today, and she is benefiting so many thousands of people in the society. Don’t you feel that she is great?
And of course Seng Piow too, his talent doesn’t stop in creating interesting audio music, he draw nice illustration with great content, he is with Rinpoche 24/7, he is the closest person to H.E.Tsem Rinpoche, so he is able to share with everyone what Rinpoche has done behind the scene, reason is not to show off, but to inspire more people to be kind and to serve more people while we still can.
Thank you Seng Piow for your sharing, will wait for the next episode to come out.. hehe 🙂
Thank you SP for sharing this true story for us in interesting way…This is such like a Hong Kong drama series, but it really happen on Dato’ Ruby life… Really thanks to Rinpoche for saving this gorgeous & kindness ladies life, as she have help and benefit so much people around, especially homeless people…
Totally like the example Rinpoche given as We can’t stop the avalanche, but we still can do something for it to prevent for less impact happen. Karma – you will get what you deserve.Only the dharma way, being kind to others, practice to save us for bad karma.
Thank you Rinpoche and Seng Piow sharing this great comics to us. Dato Ruby is so kindness and always bring a wonderful smiling. So fortunate she had met Rinpoche and done every instruction from Rinpoche to prevent some bad happen on her . Now, i also have fortunate to meet Dato Ruby 🙂
Dato Ruby and family so fortunate to met Rinpoche in early, in the story, Dato did showed us her Guru Samaya with Rinpoche. Whatever Rinpoche tell do, just do it with no question.
Thank You SP for sharing the story to us.
Nest Regards : Eric kksiow
I was really young when all this was happening, so I only remember bits and pieces of the story. My parents did own an island in Myanmmar and I remember for a time we had a bodyguard but back then, I didn’t know why (now I know!). My mum was also very strict about us crossing roads unattended just in case something happened to us, and insisted we go everywhere with a chaperone. She even got us our first mobile phones to use in case of emergencies.
Although money was quite tight at the time, she also got a Volvo S80 because Volvos have the best safety record and she wanted to be protected…so the incident depicted at SS2 is definitely accurate, because she was driving a Volvo of that make / shape at the time. She was so shaken after the accident because she had stopped at a traffic light, and had nowhere else to go when the bike hit her. Had she been driving another less well-made car, definitely her injuries could’ve been much worse.
I also remember Rinpoche giving mum that initiation, and coming over a lot to do pujas.
So for people who say these stories are made up, I can tell you FIRSTHAND that they are most definitely not!
Dear Zla’od and everyone
Let us reflect on verses 4 and 5 of the ‘8 Verses for Training the Mind’:-
(4)Whenever I meet people of unpleasant character or those overwhelmed by negativity, pain or suffering, may I cherish and care for them as if I had found a rare and precious treasure difficult to find; and
(5)Whenever others, because of their jealousy, treat me badly with abuse, insult, slander, or in other unjust ways, may I accept this defeat myself and offer the victory to others.
These were written by Geshe Langri Tangpa and are highly practiced by HE Tsem Rinpoche, the ‘Flying Spaghetti Monster’and Kecharians.
Our subjective comments are largely due to our perception (how u view the comics),habituation (how we have been posting comments on websites since we first knew to type)and objective (purpose of comment). Whatever they may be let us challenge ourselves to post comments that are positive and constructive which are inspiring and beneficial to oneself and others.
Rinpoche has helped saved many people’s lives… I can certainly vouch for that because Rinpoche have saved mine a few times already last year and this year. So this is something that is definitely true. For some of us, being close to RInpoche and doing Dharma work extends our life… hard to believe? Well if you view your Lama as a “living” Buddha, then it isn’t so hard.
Like Dato’ Ruby, because of her faith and devotion to Rinpoche, hence that is why Rinpoche can help her diretly and the pujas are effective. If the “samaya” (Guru & disciple relationship) is not “good” then it is harder for the Lama to help you. It is based on one’s good merits to have just view and faith in one’s Lama! This is why we pick our Guru over our attachments… at the end of the day, it is the Guru who will guide you to your next rebirth and ultimately enlightenment, not our attachments.
Wow, I was never told or made aware of this story. Thank you for sharing this story Seng Piow. Im glad I read it.
Thank you for sharing Dato’ Ruby’s story with us. These miracles of Tsem Rinpoche are private stories of true incidents and i appreciate you sharing them as i think it will inspire many people. Some people do not believe in black magic, which I find odd. It is common not just in Asia but even in the West.
Although Tsem Rinpoche is very humble, he really gives an uncommon protection to his students. These stories are just a few of the many that have happened, but are too many to tell!
Thank you, Seng Piow, for highlighting another article on how Rinpoche helped and guided his students.
Because of Dato Ruby’s strong guru devotion and complete trust in Rinpoche, her obstacles were cleared. She is where she is today because she had never doubted Rinpoche and will follow all the instructions from Rinpoche.
Dato Ruby is an inspiration as she has contributed so much to society through KSK. Her story is amazing. Thank you SP for sharing as now we know that she has gone through so much with Rinpoche to get to where she is today. She followed Rinpoche’s instruction without any doubt and results show that the guru will protect and guide us to reach our potential.
Through Dato Ruby, the Kechara name has spread across the community in Malaysia and abroad as we now have Kechara Indonesia and an affiliate centre in Singapore.
Thanks Seng Piow for sharing this awesome story… And thanks for Rinpoche that always ready to help others…
Dato Ruby is a very good leader that show us her samaya with Guru. After she get helps from Rinpoche, she follow all Rinpoche advice to benefits more peoples…
Dear Dato Ruby,
You serve as an inspiration to everyone else, not only to us Kecharians but to the public as well. This is proven by the numerous awards and recognition given by the different famed companies. You are one of the reasons why I am so passionate about volunteering at the Soup Kitchen regularly. Not only are you beautiful on the outside, you’re very beautiful on the inside as well.
I didn’t know that so many things happened to you and your family. But all thanks to Rinpoche and the Protector, everything was avoided and crisis was averted. Everything will be fine if our devotion to our Guru and the Protector are strong. If we just believe in our Guru and do as we’re told, miracles will literally happen. Rinpoche’s compassion truly transcends time.. Compassion Knows no bound!
I truly enjoy reading stories like this.. Because these are true testaments and by real people.
Thank you for sharing, Rinpoche and Dato Ruby! =)
Thank you Rinpoche and Seng Piow for sharing this true story.Dato’ Ruby is very lucky to have the blessings of Rinpoche and Lord Setrap,her faith and trust in Rinpoche help her overcome her obstacles !! This story remind me that we are so blessed to have Rinpoche in Kechara,we never never waste our opportunity since we have meet our kind Guru.We must learn more dharma,do more dharma works and benefit more peoples to
repay his kindness !!
I love the idea of turning some of these events/stories into comic book form. Glad that Rinpoche was able to help Dato Ruby Khong, and thus have her help the world out in so many ways.
Wow! I didn’t know Dato Ruby had so many obstacles as I have not heard her talking about it. And she owned an island!
The first person I met when I stepped into Kechara outlet was DR. She was very nice, kind and accommodating. In time, I got to know her and the rest of her family and the whole family are real nice just like her.
1 thing that stood out the most was that DR does and respect Rinpoche the most! No doubt about it as I got the chance to work with her and I noticed it. I love it when she tell stories of her experiences especially the ones that had Rinpoche in it. Hehe…
Thank you Rinpoche for always being so compassionate and caring. There are so many things that Rinpoche would always advise us and I strongly believe and follow Rinpoche’s instructions for Rinpoche knows much better! And in the end, it is for the benefit of ourselves…
Thank you Rinpoche for saving Dato’ Ruby from all the bad happenings. i Believe in Rinpoche and Setrap.
Dear SP
Thank you for yet another recollection of the help and care from Rinpoche to another of his students.
Call it what you may — Dato’ Ruby followed instructions to the “T” without any doubt.
Thank you Rinpoche for saving Dato’ Ruby from all the bad happenings. May Dato’s Ruby lives long with good health to serve and save many sentient beings ahead.
I personally believe in Rinpoche and we just need to follow Rinpoche’s instruction as much as we can because there is reason behind which might beyond our wisdom to understand it. I just want to say “Believe in Rinpoche and pray to Setrap”. Faith is very important for us to continue our pursue in Dharma
The example give by Rinpoche on Avalanche is very good to explain the karma that you can’t avoid it but can lesser the impact to reduce the harm.
This stories of Dato’ Ruby is like drama or tv series, but all are true stories…Compassion of a Guru is best to be shown trough this kind of stories.; and faith of a student is an important ingredient as well.
Thanks SP for another amazing illustration of the true kindness and care shown by Rinpoche to his students in times of their needs. I’ve heard some stories of how he had helped them but these are new to me. Although DR seems to have such heavy karma, she definitely have very good merits to have met with Rinpoche and to have strong Guru devotion. If she had ignored Rinpoche’s warnings and advices, then I think Rinpoche may not be able to help her as best he could. Her Guru devotion can also be exemplified by her hard work towards benefitting the homeless (dharma in action), making Kechara Soup Kitchen such a success! What more, she is also very hands on in fulfilling Rinpoche’s vision of the manifestation of Kechara Forest Retreat. Always humble, with a smile and hello, she definitely personifies what a student of Rinpoche should be.
P. 1. No, you are not Dato’ Ruby Khong–you are a PICTURE of Dato’ Ruby Khong!
P. 2. Why is it important to note that the elderly German had a Thai girlfriend? Is this a sign of his dissipated morals, or are we to infer that she was behind his decision to resort to black magic (something Germans are not normally known for)?
About the story as a whole: To an outsider, this is a bit like saying that you were about to be hit in the head by a meteor, but thanks to my prayers to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, it crashed in Russia instead–so give me money.
Dear Zla’od,
You are really bored with your life, aren’t you?
And I bet you have never read a comic before in your entire life? Did you ever see a character in a comic said he/she is a picture of the real person? Did you see spiderman/batman/X-men say he/she is a picture of spiderman/batman/X-men? In your logic then every single person appearing in newspaper/TV has to say they are not the real person but the printed ink or LCD crystal of the real person?
P.2. is to re-enact the story as close to the original event as possible, because it is a real story, like point 1 above, I realize that you have this tendency to over-analyse and create schism out of nothing, your mind is very negative, just in case you have not realized it.
There are so many good things to be inspired in the story, the virtues of Rinpoche, the loyalty and gratitude of Dato’ Ruby, the inspiration of Kechara Soup Kitchen etc etc…yet you mentioned none of those, all you see are negative points, and the words you used are very schismatic and in a way that try to create trouble. Please watch your mind and be aware of it always. A good story can be twisted into the most evil story in your mind, people like you create war, shameful.
Jason K.
I fully support your point Jason. Different people have different culture,religion and point of view event if is twins,you can choose to believe or not to. But definitely not to simply say bad thing about others and mess thing up.
I believe this wedside is to creat more love and sharing, not for people to do negative thing like create war. The comic i seen is very clear with some basic true information from the true person with her own picture. This comic try to bring out the true and pure message to us without adding things like what the others said.i didnt see any races issue or negative thing here. Infact, I want to say thanks to the artist who draw this comic. I really appreciate your work. Especially for those who cant be the worm of the thick book like me.
Last, i choose to believe, because my family also suffered black magic for many years. We finish all the money and had been through to many country and hospital to seek for help. But unlucky all the master,doctor we met who promise us can help dosen’t work. Untill now my husband could’nt go to work,he is the one who suffered most. sometime i feel very lost. But deep inside my heart i know we can not give up. I pray to god not to take him back too soon, please give us some time at least allow him to accompany his kids to grow up. He love his kids as much as god.
Bored? No, but I do confess to spending too much time on the internet. I also confess to stealing that joke from a science-fiction novel by Dennis Schmidt (I think “Kensho”). But if you want to get technical about it, her image is breaking the fourth wall, something that few superheroes other than She-Hulk do. (You doubt my geekery? Ha!)
Dear Admin,
With respects to Rinpoche, this person is definitely jealous, envious and a stalker. Rinpoche being very well known and is growing should expect this type of unnecessary attention. More might come.
It is very typical of serial stalkers (online) because they pick on points and criticize with no sense or logic. I am sure this person is American by his style of writing, commenting and if I might add, arrogance. I am sure he will continue.
He obviously has nothing better to do and lives in the East somewhere. Low self-esteem, middle aged and bitter he hasn’t achieved the fame and glory he craves from his style and focus of writing.
My advice is just delete his comments whenever he writes them. I am sure you have a warning system, tracking system and record system. It would be good to trace his location if you have not already. Keep a record of all he writes for any future actions necessary.
Rinpoche, please continue your good works. I am an ardent reader of your blog.
Jacque P PhD
Clinical Psychologist
I find ur comments really uncalled for. In midst of celebrating someone else’s achievements, do you really need to spill ur glass of wine on another person’s dress?
Jokes aside, I see how much this lady has put into devoting her life to her spiritual mentor after she has been saved from the clutches of death by her Lama. She spends the rest of her life dedicating it for the work of her spiritual Guide and also the homeless. Such an act of kindness deserves praise and commends, not ur ink washing of jealousy please.
This is a spiritual blog, please keep ur green-ness to urself.
I thank Datuk Ruby and her teacher, HE Tsem Rinpoche for showing the way by example to make humankind a better society to live in.
I said nothing bad about her. There’s no need to get defensive.
Dear Zla’od and everyone
Let us reflect on verses 4 and 5 of the ‘8 Verses for Training the Mind’:-
(4)Whenever I meet people of unpleasant character or those overwhelmed by negativity, pain or suffering, may I cherish and care for them as if I had found a rare and precious treasure difficult to find; and
(5)Whenever others, because of their jealousy, treat me badly with abuse, insult, slander, or in other unjust ways, may I accept this defeat myself and offer the victory to others.
These were written by Geshe Langri Tangpa and are highly practiced by HE Tsem Rinpoche, the ‘Flying Spaghetti Monster’and Kecharians.
Our subjective comments are largely due to our perception (how u view the comics),habituation (how we have been posting comments on websites since we first knew to type)and objective (purpose of comment). Whatever they may be let us challenge ourselves to post comments that are positive and constructive which are inspiring and beneficial to oneself and others.
Best wishes to all.
Jason, I like what you said. It reminds me of a Dharma teaching by Rinpoche. Those who you see fault or flaw in, it shows you your mind as it is like a mirror, same flaw you see in others, is the flaw you have yourself. Same if you see the good in others, it is the good you have yourself. How is this so? Well you can only recognise what you yourself have otherwise how would you be able to tell?
It is like if you yourself is not a sneaky person, you could not pick up on someone who is sneaky. So it is best not to judge especially when it benefits nobody… not even oneself.
1. Of course it’s understood it’s a picture of Dato’ Ruby Khong. what’s the point? Sarcasm tarnishes your post.
2. It is important to mention the German man has Thai girlfriend. There are tens of thousands of Europeans, Australians, Canadians, Americans who live in Thailand. Many practice Buddhism or will seek the help of powerful Thai sorcerers. There are Americans here who have business and they often call monks to bless their premises. In some cases sorcerers to fight spells cast upon them by rivals. So what?
Is it lowly to believe in Thai form or religion or worship? What is so superior about Germans? Just because majority of them does not engage in belief system similar to the East because they are overrun by Judeo-Christianity? Respect. Are the Thai belief systems inferior to German’s? Are Germans superior because they are white to Thais? What is wrong if a German subscribes to a Thai religious tradition. If a Thai girl converts to Christianity because of her White husband/boyfriend, does that make her inferior or superior or what?
You have no right to criticize any belief system. Or any religion. If you do not subscribe to other’s belief system, it is best to respect and keep silent.
Haiti has a population of 10 million as of 2013 and 80% of Haitians belief firmly in voodoo. Voodoo is an official religion. It is one of the major religious practices of that nation. I may not agree with the practices, but as a White man or any man, I do not have the rights to criticize their religion. Neither do you. You don’t believe, then keep quiet. Colonialism is over.
Setrap is a religious practice of Tibet/Tibetans. You have no right to so rudely criticize and make jest by referring to a ‘flying spaghetti monster’ scenario. Tibetans and those who follow their religion has every democratic right to do so. You may keep your opinions about race/religion to yourself. That is rude, uncalled for, and unnecessary in this day and age to criticize a religious worship.
If you cannot accept what is written here (comic) or find basis for it, no one is judging you. But you do not need to judge either. As for money, no one hired you to critique whether someone may give a donation or not. It serves no purpose. It gives no wisdom nor does it help anyone. It just offends.
I still see you in this Rinpoche Blog.You are not satisfy with all the answer that people give you?do you?I can say out of 100 millions people in this world.You are the only one who like to do boring thing and end up here.There is no colonialism in Tibetan Buddhism.Not at all.Every religions has their beauty and suitable for different people at different stages.They are free to choose their own beliefs which fit their mind.Some of the beliefs you don’t agree you should keep to yourself and practice moderation.This is true for every religions.Even if you talk until to the end of the world about the topic of religions,you won’t be able to finish.We are no one.We are not enlightened.I think you should go to sleep and clear your ‘short circuit’ mind before giving any opinions because you are simply creating nuisance and menace.
Why do my comments upset you so much? Of course you are free to disagree with me. But I plead guilty to the charge of immoderation, and agree with you that we will never settle religious questions, even if we talk until the end of time. I do see the beauty of many religions, though not everything in them is beautiful.
But WHY is it important to mention the Thai girlfriend? She played no role in the story as presented here. I don’t doubt that he had one, I’m just interested in the subtext.
I had assumed, perhaps wrongly, that the possibility of resorting to Thai-style black magic would not normally occur to a German. Is it wicked of me to disbelieve in black magic? (Just the other day, somebody on another website was saying that Buddhism is logical and rational!)
I recognize that religion can have positive social roles, but spirit-warfare is perhaps not the best example. I mean no disrespect toward Setrap, who is a symbol of Gandan Shartze. By the way, there is much to criticize about Haiti’s voudoun societies. Ever heard of the Duvaliers?
I am a White woman living in France. I practice Setrab for many years. It has much benefits. My mother, brother and sister have recently accepted the practice also.
They were Catholics and now Buddhists. So I highly recommend this ancient Tibetan practice to many. Like acupuncture, it was doubted by the White race until recently. But we Whites don’t know everything do we? No we don’t.
Dear Tsem Rinpoche,
Your blog is a amazing and continues to inspire. Your blog helps me and that is all that matters. This is my testimony. I will contribute in my small monetary amounts to your projects always. You have over 100,00 views per month, so you are doing something right!!! Keep it up. Viva La Tsem Rinpoche!
Your comments are a simple case of cherry-picking – you have nothing else to find fault with so you latch on to the most insignificant topics, just so you have something to criticise.
How about we look to you instead? Have you made any real impact in the Buddhist world? Where are your papers cited? How many people have you turned onto the Dharma path? Whose lives have you changed? Who pays attention to your research and quotes you as an authority in Buddhism? You give your lama, lineage and institution a very bad name.
Why am I getting so worked up? Simply put, your comments were totally unnecessary and uncalled for. You could’ve chosen to skip this post but instead, decided that you simply couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take a swipe at someone who has obviously done much more than you, and whose work garners far more attention for than what yours evidently does not receive.
Please stop. Your comments smack of a life lacking in any great impact; more than anything, your consistent sarcasm on Rinpoche’s blog reflects your inability to control your envy more than it does anyone else’s shortcomings.
Jealousy is so unbecoming and green is really not your colour.
Admin, please block him. I apologise for my tone but he is getting quite tiresome and is clearly here to criticise, not to learn. There is a difference between sharing opinions and poking the bear…and it’s clearly a difference he has not yet learned.
I like your comment very much, Jennifer. I hope Zla’od takes all these ADVICE as a way to mend his schismatic ways and instead of wasting time on picking on others out of jealousy, use that time to learn the Dharma and mend whatever bad karma he has already collected for defiling the Dharma with his bad speech.
Every time he makes a negative comment, he is not belittling Rinpoche but belittling the whole lineage that Rinpoche holds, all the way up to Buddha Shakyamuni himself. And belittling all the future Buddhas and Dharma practitioners. Imagine how much negative karma is that… If he continues his ways, I will make a request to the admin to block him from any further use of this blog, not because his messages is offensive, but to protect him from making any further harm to HIMSELF.
Dear Zla’od,
I’ll try to understand your comments and give you some of my own.
P.1 : No, you are not Dato’ Ruby Khong–you are a PICTURE of Dato’ Ruby Khong!
What do you mean by this statement? Its really deep, too deep for me. Its either that or give me some of whatever you are taking!
P.2 : Why is it important to note that the elderly German had a Thai girlfriend?
It’s because he had one. IT’S A FACT, PERIOD! It’s neither important or not that she’s a Thai; it doesn’t really matter. Its just is.
Well, your last comments truly strike a cord in me, an unpleasant cord. Your choice of words like “the Flying Spaghetti Monster” nearly really makes I want to judge you; and I am struggling to not do that. For me, I think, the action of judging anyone is wrong. Its especially true if I do not know
anything about you. Therefore, I can only tell you how I feel concerning words like “the Flying Spaghetti Monster”, used by you, to describe Setrap; The wrathful emanation of the Buddha Amitabha (http://goo.gl/dQc83A).
Did you set out, purposely, to offend and hurt anyone with that statement? Maybe to you, Setrap really does look like that, but to a lot of Buddhist, he’s a Dharmapala (Dharma Protector). Dharma being one of the Three Jewels of Buddhism; do you know how many people you have offended by it?
Looking just at the comments here, a lot, me included! Do you really want that on your conscience/ karma?
This statement of yours; “……..-so give me money.”
Are you trying to say that His Holiness Tsem Rinpoche was just out to get/ cheat Dato’ Ruby Khong’s money?
Its presumptuous of you to make that claim if you do not have the proof. Are there bad gurus/ lamas? I’m sure there are but to lump His Holiness with them, without proof of any wrongdoing is preposterous! That’s why I said that the action of judging is so dangerous. To judge without proof is even more so. You judged HH Tsem Rinpoche and found him guilty without even knowing him. How do you like it if somebody did the same thing to you?
“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” – Luke 6:31.
Do not worry too much about what had transpired, words had already been put to paper and water had already flowed under the bridge. You are not what you will be. There will be more searching. You found this webpage, didn’t you? Your karma/ fate has led you here; must have done something right. Right? I hope that you’ll find what you are looking for and that that will set you free!
P.S – I want to make clear that I do not know HH Tsem Rinpoche personally, although I’ll like to. I just happened to stumbled across his YouTube videos 3 days ago. “The Dying Process” being the first and I was/ am hooked; hook, line and sinker! I am a fellow Malaysian, a Buddhist, currently “surviving” in NYC.