Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche: The true story of Jie | 詹仁波切的奇迹:欧勇杰的真实故事

Jie, who can now speak after nine years
Being Rinpoche’s personal attendant means that I am able to witness real Dharma in action, both on and off the throne. I consider myself extremely fortunate, and at the same time it is also a great challenge to instil Dharma in my life 24/7.
Over the years I have witnessed many cases of how Rinpoche helped many people in both worldly and supramundane ways, so I decided to have these stories told in comic form for the wider audience. It is my wish that through these stories many will be inspired to achieve the state of compassion and attainments like Tsem Rinpoche, so that many more sentient beings can be helped.
Pastor Loh Seng Piow
胜彪讲法师 上
Baby Baptismal Ceremony by H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche
尊贵的詹杜固仁波切主持儿童洗礼 Part 1/3
Baby Baptismal Ceremony by H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche
尊贵的詹杜固仁波切主持儿童洗礼 Part 2/3
Baby Baptismal Ceremony by H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche
尊贵的詹杜固仁波切主持儿童洗礼 Part 3/3
- STORY 1: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32543
- STORY 2: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32654
- STORY 3: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32701
- STORY 4: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32791
- STORY 5: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=33669
- STORY 6: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34288
- STORY 7: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34438
- STORY 8: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34599
- STORY 9: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34928
- STORY 10: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=35710
- STORY 11: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=36173
- STORY 12: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=37202
- STORY 13: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=40216
- STORY 14: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=43007
- STORY 15: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=56434
- STORY 16: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=118568
- STORY 17: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=188840
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Rejoice for Jie that he can now speaks. All appreciation to the kindness of Guru, Tsem Rinpoche for blessing him and all the children. Besides, I believe it is because Chef Au has been working as a vegetarian chef and retrained himself from meat that have accumulated the merits to help his son. A wonderful miracle story to share to all. Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor Seng Piow for sharing this story.
Amazing miracles true story …of how Rinpoche helped. With Rinpoche blessing during the children baptismal ceremony,this little boy who had not spoken since 9 years old was able to speake again.Incredible….
Chef Au truly believes been a vegetarian has help him to collects merits for his son.Rinpoche’s care and compassion has benefited many more people.Through these stories hope more people will be inspired to achieve the state of compassion and attainments.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor Loh Seng Piow for this sharing.
Many miraculous things can happen when we are in the vicinity of a realised lama. Tsem Rinpoche is realised master who can bless people and awaken their potential. No matter how latent our seeds are when it comes across a power like Tsem Rinpoche, it can help those seeds germinate and help them continue a path that they have engaged in previously.
This is not the first display of miracles by Rinpoche. I have witnessed many others, obvious or subtle, yet Rinpoche do not openly talks about what miracles he performs.
If we trust our guru whole heartedly, trust in the Buddhas, the Dharma, and follow our guru’s advices and instructions [without complaints] explicitly, we will receive his blessings and miracles.
Dear Rinpoche, I have always been fascinated with The Miracles stories. Sometimes I repeat the stories to others. This is a way of keeping my faith and believe. I wish one day will have the opportunity to meet with you.
This is not the first “miracle” for the kids I have heard of. There are many more via Rinpoche & the pastor’s blessing. My nephew was one of them.
Also another student of Rinpoche who’s wife was pregnant when she met Rinpoche. Rinpoche prescribed Manjushri mantra for her to do daily and blow on to her tummy. And Rinpoche requested the mother to blow onto the baby’s mouth when the baby is born. Manjushri mantra should be the first to enter the baby’s mouth. I was there with the family throughout until today where the baby is now a 5yrs old girl. She is bright, quick, absorb information fast above average kids. Amazing how Rinpoche & the pastor’s blessing has benefitted this little girl.
Dear Rinpoche, I’m glad that Jie is finally able to speak normally. It is very ‘special’ that his first complete sentence is OM AH RA PATSA NA DI but the second sentence is funny at the same time is rude. But the only thing I don’t understand is why Jie wouldn’t speak for 9 years?
I rejoice for this family. It is true that children are benefitted by baptisms! Miracles do happen! I love these stories as they get to share all of the wonderful miracles in Kechara!
Rinpoche, I love you for your presence in this world, for the non-conventional, creative and surprising ways you and, through you, your students express and share the essence of Bodhicitta, for your absolute selflessness and unwavering commitment to end suffering for all. There are no words to express my gratitude for the appearance, in these confused and dark times, of pure Teachers like yourself who will never give up, even as we may falter and turn circles in our ignorance. Thank you.
With folded hands, I sincerely thank Seng Piow. Thank you very much for sharing all those stories with us. You see, I have not even met H.E tsem Rinpoche in person, but your stories (includes other stories) on H.E really inspires me. Tremendously. Due to these stories, I am able to meditate on H.E’s kindness and compassion. (In order to fuel my spiritual journey, I must be able to see my Guru as Buddha).It was due to these stories, I began to chant several short mantras such as Manjushri and Lord Setrap mantra. That is how my journey began.
Many thanks!
[…] STORY 4: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-tru… […]
[…] STORY 4: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-tru… […]
these stories are so interesting and happy in the end, he can now talk and he lives a good life, it could have been much worse. if it went on he wouldn’t have an education. thank you Rinpoche for blessing him and thank you for sharing this
This is magical Rinpoche. There is so much power within Rinpoche, and here is the proof. I actually do believe in this story and i know that it is true. Dharma can do many amazing things like this, and this is just the start.
[…] STORY 4: http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-true-… […]
[…] STORY 4: http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-true-… […]
[…] STORY 4: http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-true-… […]
[…] http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-true-… […]
I am totally touched by this real story ! Rejoice for this child and his family ! It must be such a great relief for Chef Au and GG to overcome the feeling of being helpless towards their own child . Rinpoche has shown us again and again his consistent care and love for all his students and their family. Thank you dear Rinpoche for tirelessly caring for us .
This is not superstitious at all that miracles happen. It is our motivation and sincerity that created a cause for good things to happen. If we just pray and not doing anything to improve, nothing will happen. Apart from praying to Setrap, Chef Au and his wife works/volunteers in Kechara Oasis, they became vegetarians. They have faith in Rinpoche and the three jewels. With their sincerity, they see the result. Rejoice!
Chef Au is Head Chef of Kechara Oasis. This is indeed a true story and testimony of how powerful and compassionate Rinpoche is. Not long after Kechara Oasis Restaurant was newly opened, when I was with Rinpoche out of concern I reported to him that Chef Au’s son is incapable of speaking coherently and he is already 9 years of age. Rinpoche spontaneously promised that he will heal Chef Au’s son, Jie in the course of time.
This is just one of many countless things Rinpoche has done to benefit all who have required his help. We have many worldly/mundane problems and difficulties that are part and parcel of samsaric existence that out of compassion, Rinpoche has had to deal with. For if we can get past our worldly problems, then perhaps we could concentrate more on spiritual pursuits. Having received the benefit, let us not forget to repay the kindness of our Guru. The highest offering to our Guru is our practice and mind transformation, because that is all that matters in the end.
After three and half years in Kechara, I really believed that the miracle always happened around me. See, I knew this young boy two years ago, I never noticed he got speak problem until I read this comic story. What make me feel touched was Rinpoche like usually helped someone behind the scene. How many people benefit because of Rinpoche tireless showed his compassion to everyone…Rinpoche will not be remember the person he had helped, however the people who be helped by Rinpoche they will never forget!
Jie and his elder brother were in our MKC class during the early days. It is so wonderful to know that Jie is living a normal life now and a huge relief for his parents. We shared this miraculous story last Sunday to the parent and kids currently attending KHJB’s Manjushri program in which we teach the children some basic Dharma knowledge and making prayer to Lord Manjushri. By getting the children to engage in recitation of OMAH RA BA TSA NA DHI daily, we are noticing improvements in some of the children’s behavior although they only have been reciting it for 3 weeks. I too see the significant improvement in my own 2 kids behavior both socially n academically. I strongly recommend parents to get your kids started with the practice.
Thank you Rinpoche for teaching us such a supreme practice to gain wisdom.
This is another amazing story from Rinpoche , H.E Tulku Rinpoche to have first baby baptismal ceremony in Kechara , thru this ceremony , Jie had get improvement on speech after direct blessing from Rinpoche ! Jie ! don’t give up , continue the mantra , it will benefit to you !
This is totally wonderful and unbelievable. Jie have so much improvement after the baby baptismal ceremony. Is really glad to know that is is now speak up 🙂 Thank you Rinpoche for the blessing.
The best gift we can give to a child is Dharma, because the kids are still small, their minds just like a piece of white paper, how we want the kids to be, it depends on how we write on this piece of paper. Dharma is the best knowledge to instill into this white paper, they will definitely turn out to be a good person when they grow up.
Om Ah Ra Ba Tza Na Dhi is the mantra of Manjushri, for baby to develop a relationship with Manjushri Buddha is very useful and beneficial to them, Manjushri increases our wisdom, our learning ability, speaking power, etc.
Manjushri is a male bodhisattva wielding a flaming sword in his right hand, representing the realization of transcendent wisdom which cuts down ignorance and duality. The scripture supported by the lotus held in his left hand is a Prajnaparamita sutra, representing his attainment of ultimate realization from the blossoming of wisdom. Manjushri is often depicted as riding on a blue lion, or sitting on the skin of a lion. This represents the use of wisdom to tame the mind, which is compared to riding or subduing a ferocious lion.
So glad that Chef Au and family can received true blessing from Rinpoche.As a mother, i can understand GG ‘s feeling that own children have “special” behavior yet can’t find the reason and solution through any medical help.i strongly belive miracle can happen if we have do more Dharma work and collect merits from good virtue like Chef Au promoting vegetarian which they create the cause & collect merits to help thier son.
Thank you for sharing these stories, Seng Piow. Rinpoche is so humble that he would never tell people what he does to benefit others. It’s only right for us students to share the true facts about Rinpoche’s care and compassion so that other people can rejoice and be inspired. After following Rinpoche for the past 7 years, I have seen countless miracles with my own eyes. I know for sure that Rinpoche is not an ordinary being and how fortunate we are to have him as our spiritual advisor.
very fortunate of Chef Au and his family to meet Rinpoche and receive blessing from Rinpoche and 3 Jewels. Miracles do happen believe it or not, but if one does not have faith, the blessing will not work perfectly, and i believe also it depends on the karma of the person. Blessing from the Guru together with the Mantra of the Buddha, it works hand in hand. Thank you for this wonderful story in comic version, it really fun to read. 🙂
This is another true story of Rinpoche’s amazing blessing. So happy to know Jie is now able to speak and communicate with others. Chef Au is collecting a lot of merits by cooking lots of non meat dishes so that people have many choices of food that does not involve meat. The children blessing was a good way to introduce young children to our Guru and three jewels.The OM AH RA PATSA NA DHI mantra is a good mantra to plant the seeds of Manjushri into the mind of children.
I met Chef Au, GG and the children at Kechara Oasis. Jie would always come along with GG and the elder brother when they came for their meals or to wait for Chef. Jie would always respond to me with hand gestures and he was such a shy boy. I am happy that with Rinpoche’s blessings, he is now able to talk.
Thank you Seng Piow for another sharing of True Stories.
Our dear Rinpoche was very kind to initiate the Baby Blessing on Wesak day 2011.It was a long awaited event for lots of his students,they knew how precious the initiation was and it would not be easy to come by the second time.The fortunate Parents and Visitors was also Blessed by Rinpoche on that day.I would not forget that day as I was one of the fortunate one.My mother was very happy as it was the first time that she got blessed by Rinpoche up close even tough she was not seated at the main prayer hall.Rinpoche was so kind to make sure everyone present was Blessed!
In deed on that day all the fortunate children was empowered with the mantra of Manjushri by our dear Rinpoche .May all those present that day be blessed with wisdom , compassion and protection by the Three Jewels.
I rejoice for Jie and Chef Au and his wife. Reciting Lord Manjushri’s holy mantra as his first words after the blessing is so wonderful. Time and time again, those with faith in Rinpoche and the Three Jewels have all been helped. Our Guru’s blessing is so precious.
This is yet another amazing story of how Rinpoche’s compassion helped and benefitted another family.
Reciting OM AH RA PA SA NA DHI is believed to enhance wisdom and improve one’s skill in debate, memory, writing and other literary abilities.
I rejoice that Jie was able to receive this gift of speech directly from Rinpoche and that his speech is improving. It must be a great relief for Jie’s parents as even doctors couldn’t find the cause of his slow speech.
May the Au’s family always be protected by the Three Jewels. Thank you, Seng Piow, for sharing.
Guru blessings can do everything!! We are so fortunate that we have met Rinpoche, I was at the Baby Baptismal when it was first performed by Rinpoche at Kechara last year.My 2 kids were blessed by Rinpoche on that day,They are doing their daily sadhana now and got improvement. This is one of the best things that as parents can gift to children are let them learn dharma!!
Thank you Seng Piow for sharing another amazing story with us.
An amazing story of yet another miracle! The baby blessing by Rinpoche not only gives the Protection of the Three Jewels to all the children,it also blesses them with seeds of wisdom. Furthermore come these miracles.
These marvelous stories show ,without a doubt, the great compassion of Rinpoche manifesting in miracles. This story of KO’s Chef Au’s son and the story told by Datuk Ruby about the son of poor villagers near Wu Tai Shan(who had climbed up the mountain to meet Rinpoche, trusting that he would heal their son also of speech difficulty)show both the Rinpoche’s great care and compassion as well as his humility. If not for Seng Piow telling these stories, very few people would have known about these miracles. Definitely, these stories must be compiled into a book and published.
It was the first ever Children Baptismal performed by Rinpoche at Kechara. The prayers text was personally composed by Rinpoche and this is to give the children great opportunity to get blessing when they are still young.
Definitely a great blessing for Jie and everyone can see and witness the improvement of him after the blessing ceremony. It’s important for our children to gain the blessing especially from young so they are able to clear their obstacles and create cause to be able to learn the dharma and have the wisdom to understand and practice it for benefiting others.
This is one of the best things that as parents can gift to their children for their future not just this life but planting a positive seeds for their future lives too.
There are many benefits from blessings,the act of invoking divine protection or aid.Jie received a gift of speech from Rinpoche whose holy blessings enriches this boy’s life tremendously.
A happy and beautiful family who is grateful to Rinpoche for this miracle.
Very glad to read this story. It must have been tough on the parents to have to take care of Jie in the past nine years.
But things are improving. With the blessings of Rinpoche, Jie will get better.
With Chef Au preparing such nice vegetarian foods, positive karma is generated every day.
I wish Family Au the best!
This is more than just a miracle. No words can be used to express the happiness that Jie’s family experienced when he can finally speak. I was at the baby baptismal ceremony on the Wesak 2011 and was so happy to see so many children getting blessed by a high lama at such a young age and furthermore being protected by the Three Jewels.
I was at the Baby Baptismal when it was first performed by Rinpoche at Kechara. 7 of my grandchildren were blessed by Rinpoche on that day. It is not my imagination since then, my grandchildren behave better and seem more focused out to their environment and people around them.
It is very fortunate that these children have exposure to Dharma at such a young age.
As to the comic version of the miracle on Jie, it would be wonderful that such miracles are compiled into a book available to many more people.
Many miracles happened in Kechara. If everyone share their stories here, I believe KMP can come out with a series of books. Basically most of the student has received Rinpoche’s help one way or another. Rinpoche saved my brother’s life who went into coma 4 years ago. Rinpoche is a very high lama who practice and hold His vows purely hence Rinpoche’s blessings is very powerful. It’s very happy to know that Chef Au’s Son Jie had improved a lot and started to talk after the blessings. May Miracles continue to happen around us through Rinpoche’s blessings.
Blessings from holy monks or nuns who hold their vows well will be able to bless anyone who have the merits to receive them. Receiving holy blessings from the sangha can either open up the minds of the person or to plant imprints to open up in the future.
Here at Kechara, we encourage parents to bring their children to attend dharma classes for both parents and kids so they may plant positive knowledge in their minds to create positive seeds for their future. Chef Au’s family certainly benefited from Tsem Rinpoche’s holy blessings.
This story of Jie reminds me of another young boy whom Rinpoche helped. It was in 1997 and Rinpoche was with afew of his students going to Wu Tai San (Five Peaked Mountains of Manjushri), China. A village couple heard about Rinpoche’s visit and made their way there with their son who had speech impairment since birth. They are very poor villagers so they had to walk all the way up to the mountain with the hope for their son to be blessed by Rinpoche.
Rinpoche blessed the young boy and taught him Manjushri’s mantra OM AH RA PA TSA NA DHI. The miracle happened; the first words the boy spoke was OM AH. The parents were so grateful they kneeled down and could not stop crying.
This is just one of the many many cases of how Rinpoche made a difference to one’s life.
I have a special child, and he is blessed by Rinpoche last year too, during Wesak Day. He does have a slight communication problem, not able to articulate smoothly, but since we brought him to Kechara and had blessing of three jewel and Rinpoche, he is much receptive to communicating with others too. He also knows how to chants mitgsema, setrap mantra, om ah ra pa sa nadhi. He loves Rinpche very much, and is always telling friends and family about Rinpoche. He shows the gift that he receive from Rinpoche to friends when they visit us at home. He is hyper active too, but I have also brought him to Puja/prayers and he is able to sit for 1.5 hours for the prayers. His teacher has also recently confront me and ask if he is not well, as he is been quiet and sitting down and learning, I was very happy to know this. Thank you Rinpoche for the blessings and guidance.
I just love these comics version of the stories… I hope you think about making a book out of it! Thank to the person who is doing the comings; they are great!
Hi aurore, it’s been some time since we last chatted! To answer your question, yes we are considering how to turn this series of stories into a book. We hope to let others know some of the miraculous stories surrounding Rinpoche’s work, and the power of the Dharma and Buddha’s blessings.
Did you know – the children’s baptismal is a new ceremony and ritual that Rinpoche himself composed. The majority of the prayers are extracted from the Gelugpa lineage, but the actual baptism prayer and ritual was composed during a bright sunny day at Rinpoche’s residence. Immediately after Rinpoche finished composing the baptism prayer, a light rain fell for about a minute before the skies clear again. What an auspicious sign – miracles surround Rinpoche and other attained beings like Rinpoche always, if we know where to look!
I am really happy that children now have an opportunity to enter the protective circle of Buddha’s mandala through the baptism ceremony, and I hope many others will receive a similar opportunity in future. Kechara conducts these ceremonies regularly and the response from the public has been very good so far.
Rejoice for Jie and Chef Au family, Children’s Baptismal is to bless the minds of the young and to give protection. They perform prayers and rituals specially composed by H.E Tsem Rinpoche to invoke the energy of the second Buddha, Lama Tsongkhapa to prevent negative interferences and increase good qualities.
What are the benefits of Children’s Baptismal?
The benefits and positive implications of this Baptismal for your children and you are numerous, and extend beyond this lifetime. Some of which are:
*Your child becomes a Buddhist
*Your child will receive the blessings and be protected by the Three Jewels: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha
*It plants Dharmic seeds and positive imprints in your child’s mind to become good people in the future
After Jie bless by Rinpoche he started to increase his good qualities so that he can able to reduce his negative Karma. Somemore his father Chef Au committed to be a vegetarian chef so the blessing come evn faster to help his son.