Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche: The true story of Wong Kok Peng | 詹仁波切的奇迹:黄国平的真实故事

Wong Kok Peng
Being Rinpoche’s personal attendant means that I am able to witness real Dharma in action, both on and off the throne. I consider myself extremely fortunate, and at the same time it is also a great challenge to instil Dharma in my life 24/7.
Over the years I have witnessed many cases of how Rinpoche helped many people in both worldly and supramundane ways, so I decided to have these stories told in comic form for the wider audience. It is my wish that through these stories many will be inspired to achieve the state of compassion and attainments like Tsem Rinpoche, so that many more sentient beings can be helped.
Pastor Loh Seng Piow
胜彪讲法师 上
- STORY 1: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32543
- STORY 2: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32654
- STORY 3: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32701
- STORY 4: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32791
- STORY 5: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=33669
- STORY 6: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34288
- STORY 7: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34438
- STORY 8: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34599
- STORY 9: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34928
- STORY 10: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=35710
- STORY 11: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=36173
- STORY 12: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=37202
- STORY 13: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=40216
- STORY 14: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=43007
- STORY 15: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=56434
- STORY 16: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=118568
- STORY 17: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=188840
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By just reciting powerful mantras can help us in many ways.These was proven in Mr Wong ‘s case.Amazing …just reciting mantras deligently as instructed by Rinpoche has helped Mr Wong to release from jail. From 72 years to only 2 months term for human tracfiking in Thailand.
With Rinpoche’s guidance ,Mr.Wong found a wonderful job ,can you imagine without working experience in that field.Its a miracle by just reciting powerful Vajrapani’s mantras.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor Loh Seng Piow for sharing this miracle story, to inspire us to have faith and trust in our Guru.
It is amazing that Wong Kok Peng had his 72 years jail sentence for human trafficking in Thailand reduced to 2 months. And later upon recitation of 100,000 mantras of Vajrapani, he found a stable position in an American company without any qualifications. This really show that Rinpoche’s kind advices helps us without fail. If Wong Kok Peng had taken Rinpoche’s first advice to offer RM100 to the 3 Jewels, he may not had to go through the later troubles. In offering RM100, Wong Kok Peng would have create that little bit of merits for Rinpoche to help him. It shows that we must remember that whenever Rinpoche advises on something, we should place our trust 100% as he always has our best interest in heart and never fail to care for us no matter what. Thank you Pastor Seng Piow for sharing this nice pictorial rendition of the miracles of Rinpoche.
Rinpoche is most kind. When Wong Kok Peng got into big trouble as he wasn’t applying what Rinpoche recommended, Rinpoche helped again. Changing a sentence from 72 years to 2 months! And finding a good job! Rejoice for you! How lucky we all are to be students and friends of Rinpoche.
Thank You Rinpoche!
Much Love
Rinpoche is compassionate and caring. Guru instructions is always collect and we should follow 100% of without any doubt.
Thank you Pastor Loh Seng Piow the sharing
Thanks Pastor Seng Piow for sharing this story.
Mr Wong is my friend and he was sharing his story with me last time , it is real story from him, no matter Rinpoche’s advice is big or small, we should follow 100% without any doubt. Just do it , it will be see something unexpected benefit in you life . Ex-specially dharma knowledge , what i see Rinpoche teach us in practical , how we apply in dharma path. Thank you Rinpoche and rejoice !
Rejoice for Wong Kok Peng. May more people get to know and practice the Dharma and prayers with the highest motivation of peace, love, caring and compassion to all sentient beings regardless of race, religion and countries. There are many people received blessings and protections from Rinpoche. Thank you Rinpoche for all your loves and care. May Rinpoche stay healthy and live long.
I don’t understand why would Wong Kok Peng illegally hire 6 Thai workers when he knows that it is against the law and he will be sent to jail if he gets caught? Wong Kok Peng was supposed to be in jail for 72 years! But fortunately after praying to Palden Lhamo. He was freed just after 2 months. Man, his lucky.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing this true story with us…
When we believe our Guru 100% the result will be 100%…
Thanks Pastor Seng Piow for sharing this story.
It is so fortunate that Mr Wong Kok Peng can have the chance to meet with Rinpoche and receiving his advices again and again. Not many of us who have the merits to meet with Rinpoche personally, rest alone get his direct advice.
What I learned is no matter Rinpoche’s advice is big or small, we should all follow. Just like the first time that Mr Wong do not follow the advice, he cannot overcome his first obstacles. Luckily at the end of it, he followed through all the subsequent advice and able to overcome his obstacles. Rejoice.
A Guru will always help and support us no matter where and how we are. However, we should also do our part to follow his advice all the way. Buddha shows us the way but we still need to walk the path ourselves.
Thank you so much Rinpoche for always be here for us.
Rinpoche really demonstrates just how powerful and benevolent he is. With strong faith, devotion, and following our guru’s advice, all obstacles can be overcome.
Thank you, Rinpoche,
Wong Kok Peng is extremely lucky to have met Rinpoche. And he has the faith to completely follow all the instructions that Rinpoche prescribed to him to overcome his difficulty and problems. Faith and compliance of instructions work together to bring the result one wish for.
RInpoche has touched our (me and my mothers) lifes in many ways. We are eternally grateful to HIS EMINENCE. Given a chance and with HIS blessings my mother and me aspire to meet RINPOCHE one day . THANK YOU RINPOCHE . PRANAMAS TO YOU and NAMASKAR
No matter how many times I read this, I still find it interesting. It is amazing how powerful mantras and purification practices can be when you want to achieve a particular goal.
[…] STORY 5: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-tru… […]
[…] STORY 5: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-tru… […]
Rinpoche is so caring and always helps with people problems. we all love him, he teaches us so many things and always takes care of us. this story is so nice in the end, thanks to Rinpoche. thank you for sharing this
Haha, i love reading Rinpoche’s Stories! They are always so interesting and fun to read. I think that Rinpoche did give the correct advice, and because of Rinpoche’s wisdom, he has yet helped another person with their life. Thank you for sharing.
[…] STORY 5: http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-true-… […]
[…] STORY 5: http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-true-… […]
[…] STORY 5: http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-true-… […]
Wong Kok Peng’s story reminds us that we must always follow Rinpoche’s instructions at all cost. Kok Peng learnt this the hard way. Fortunately, he did not have to serve even a year of his 72 year prison sentence.Rinpoche was most compassionate to not give up on him, but to continue to help him. It’s like us all. Rinpoche has patiently shown us his compassion despite our not obeying his instructions all the time.
1 thing I realized from reading the story that me tear is the part where Rinpoche did not give up at all!! Even when Rinpoche asked Kok Peng to offer $100 to the 3 Jewels, if was not for Rinpoche but for himself. When Kok Peng decided to ignore it, he got into so much trouble yet Rinpoche helped him again. After 2 months and out of jail, Rinpoche helped him AGAIN… How kind and compassionate that it made me feel the love and care Rinpoche showed.
This is what I know and feel, we are truly fortunate and blessed to have Rinpoche and we must appreciate what Rinpoche tells us to do for it is NEVER for the benefit of Himself but our ignorant minds as we are the ones who are crying for help.
Thank you Seng Piow for the sharing.It was very fortunate for Wong Kok Peng to be able to meet up with our dear Rinpoche.No doubt he did not follow Rinpoche first instruction and end up in jail,but our Rinpoche was compassionate to give him a second chance.When he follow the instruction to recite the mantra that was given to him,he realize how his life could only transform positively.From then onward he never turn back.
Thank you for Kok Peng sharing his true story.imagine if we encounter the same situation like him, what we can do if without Rinpoche advice?really we can’t do much if karma ripen ,only we have full faith towards our guru and follow his instruction strictly, things can be changed just like Kok Peng.
I have met Kok Peng a few times when he came to Kechara for Rinpoche’s teachings. His story depicted and told here are true for I have heard them through his brother Kok Thai. Many people, Kecharians or not, have benefited from Rinpoche’s teachings, advises, methods, care, love and compassion. This is wonderful, telling true stories of those who have been benefited by Rinpoche, on this blog. It tells readers what Rinpoche does behind the throne.
if you follow rinpoche’s instructions these miracles can really happen you just do what rinpoche says 100%and your wish will come true.
72 years in jail! he will be dead before that! he got out of jail when he followed rinpoche’s instructions 100%.when kok peng badly needed a job he consulted rinpoche and followed rinpoche’s instructions 100% his wish was fulfilled. miracles can happen if you follow rinpoche’s instructions 100%.
跟从上师的指示,它绝不会错的。 因为上师的慈悲和佛陀慈悲是一样的。上师是利益我们, 是引导我们脱离苦海。所以上师的指示是是有利于我们, 不要存怀疑。
Like everyone of us, Kok Peng is so fortunate to be able to meet Rinpoche in this life. I am glad that he eventually followed Rinpoche’s advice for him. One must remember that Rinpoche did not asked anything from Kok Peng and it is due to unconditional love from Rinpoche to save him from his problems. How fortunate really for him to have listened to Rinpoche’s advice.
我无法想象72二年在监狱里过日子! 我想我会疯掉!
I can testify to this true and powerful miracle. Kok Peng is now alive and kicking due to the kindness of Rinpoche. He is now working in a garment factory in Cambodia. He said he is forever grateful to Rinpoche’s help.
We need to trust Rinpoche’s instructions to us. We have the good merits to receive the compassion , kindness and guidance from Rinpoche , just like Kok Peng, and we must follow these instructions right to the ‘T’ !
Kok Peng has the good karma that Rinpoche advised him again and this time Kok Peng followed the instructions through, and now things are all working out for him.
Thank you Rinpoche for your constant love and patience for us.
When everyone looked at the story and I would like to tell a story, most of the people would think that how powerful the mantra just like the wish fulfilling rain. The power do not came from the mantra itself, but from the Guru. The mantras do not have that kind of power if Wong do not have Rinpoche’s blessings. Rinpoche’s kindness to everyone is equal. Rinpoche always find alternative ways to help. Wong was so lucky to meet Rinpoche.
Kok Peng is really fortunate he managed to turn things around by following Rinpoche’s instructions. Hope he will appear soon to help Rinpoche in his work. Thai jails are really atrocious as far as I have heard so best not create causes to go in. And if one is thrown in jail due to illegally appropriating thais, the thai jailer wont be coddling you at all.
A Guru will or will not reveal the reason he/she instructs you to do something, for this instance Wong Kok Peng was asked to do offering to Three Jewels, to clear the obstacles might created by people who wish to harm him, unfortunately Wong did not followed.
Even we do not know the reason/s behind some instructions, just follow through will only bring us benefits not harm, because a Guru has the ability to see things further and farther than us. If not, what is the reason we need a Guru?
Rinpoche continuously shows so much compassion and helps everyone who seeks his guidance. We must have faith and follow the “instructions” and put them into action to get positive results. Without us putting in effort and perseverance, there will not be any good result. I am glad that things are working out well for Wong Kok Peng.
I am glad that Kok Peng did not have to spend 72 years in jail, if he can survived that long! If he were to listen to Rinpoche’s advise, he would not even have to spend two months in jail. After this first incident, he was wise enough to follow Rinpoche’s advise and found a job.
Thank you, Seng Piow, for sharing another amazing true story with us!
If you believe Tsem Rinpoche said, just follow and life will be different. Since a lot of people did’t fall down and never feel the pain.
Thanks Rinpoche for always so kind and compassion to give us ur precious advice. Sometime we feel that what we are instructed is very hard to do and achieve but if u can find another way to fulfill 100% of Guru instruction sure we can get the 100 marks result.
I totally agree with Datuk May, if Kok Peng can try lend 100 from friend to do the offering maybe he will not get in jail even 2 months.
Dear Lim,
It is true, if he had done the offerings at the beginning, he might not need to even go through the torment of being convicted. There are many initial advice Rinpoche would give to his students but if the students do not listen, their obstacles will get bigger each time. If they do, it saves a lot of trouble, anxiety and money.
This statement above is not from hearsay, it is from being close to Rinpoche and experiencing the results on myself and also others. Therefore, always trust. It seems hard but it is much easier in a long run.
This is another true story of Rinpoche’s amazing blessing,very fortunate of Wong Kok Peng can have advised and blessing from Rinpoche!Miracles do happen if you believe and follow Rinpoche’s instructions 100% !! It is the great fortune that Fat Monk has do dharma work all the time,it is not only save his mother and also his brother!!
Few years back Rinpoche adviced me to make candle offerings and prayers to Dharmapala Setrap and he mentioned that it will be good for my family. I followed his instructions without delay.
A few weeks later, the car that my parents were travelling in on the way to my niece’s wedding reception in spainish resort met with an accident. Although the car was quite badly damaged but they did not suffer from any injury. Also some of my obstacles at work were cleared.
It is so important to follow the precious advice given by Rinpoche fully, immediately and never take it lightly. Rinpcohe once told us, if we dont follow instructions immediately, the same remedy can’t be applied later as the problem has turned worst.
Wow…this is unbelievable.Be in prison for 72 years is not a joke…gosh!!! If he were to listen to Rinpoche earlier to do $100 offering he would not have to go to jail. Well never fail never learn 🙂 He is very fortunate to meet Rinpoche and follow Rinpoche’s advice. The mantra is very powerful! This is an amazing experience! Thanks for sharing Rinpoche and great work Seng Piow.
What I learnt is that we have to listen and do 100% whatever instructions given to us by Rinpoche. If Kok Peng even borrowed the $100/- and did offerings as instructed he might not need to go to jail.
The other thing I learnt is the compassion of Rinpoche to still assisted Kok Peng when he went to jail and saved his life. Imagine 72 years in jail, may be dead before the sentence is over.
I am forever grateful for Rinpoche’s kindness and compassion for all of us.
It is Kok Peng’s merits in all his past lives and the early part of his life that connects him to Dharma and Rinpoche. Rinpoche advices always comes in many formats be in by action or by words, they are the most precious things one should take notice of. I hope through this, Kok Peng can practice Dharma more to benefit more people around him.
So fortunate for Wong Kok Peng to be able to meet Rinpoche and get such a precious advice in order for him to pass over his obstacle 2 times. I would said it his merits but it he has to continue to collect more as all of us still have a long journey to go.
We can see that by following diligently what the Guru said it will bring fruitful result in our practice and there is how Kok Peng benefited.
Rinpoche has been always generous and kind in helping people and the only thing that Rinpoche wants is the mind transformation and we able to help more people.