The Rain Stopper | 呼风唤雨
The Rain Stopper
A few years ago, I think in 2005, His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche and a few of us went to Kathmandu, Nepal to buy Buddha statues for our outlets in Malaysia, it was around July and it was a rainy season in Nepal, so it rained almost daily during the daytime and it made the shopping trip somewhat troublesome, because the statue shops in Nepal are mostly in Boudanath and it was not a covered shopping mall, you have to go from shop to shop in the rain. We were staying in Hyatt Regency Kathmandu then and it was raining quite heavily as we were waiting at the lobby for the taxis to bring us to Boudanath, Rinpoche commented that it was another tiresome rainy day, and he said to us “You guys wait here, I am going to talk to my friends”, then Rinpoche left the seat, walked towards the hotel entrance, and start staring at the gloomy sky while mumbling something. The few of us who looked at each other, and all turned to stared at Rinpoche, this lasted for about 5 minutes, then Rinpoche walked back to us and said “It’s ok now, I just talked to them and they are OK with it, we can leave soon.” True enough, in about 5 minutes, the downpour turned into drizzle, and we hopped into the taxis, by the time the taxis were speeding along the bustling streets of Kathmandu, the rain stopped completely.
几年前,大概是在2005年的7月,我们一行人和詹杜固仁波切去了尼泊尔的加德满都,为克切拉的文物店采购佛像,当时正值尼泊尔的雨季,差不多每天白天都在下雨,很是郁闷,因为加德满都的佛像店大多聚集在 Boudanath 大佛塔周边,不像我们的有盖空调购物中心,从此店走到彼店,肯定会淋到雨。话说有一天中午,仁波切和我们在加德满都 Hyatt Regency 酒店的大厅等候前往 Boudanath 大佛塔的士,正望着滂沱大雨发愁,仁波切突然对我们说:“你们在这儿坐着稍等一会儿,我去和我的朋友们谈一谈。”说完便起身走向酒店门口望着乌云密布的天空开始喃喃自语,我们一行人你看我我看你,面面相觑,然后转身面对着远处的仁波切发愣。大概过了5分钟,仁波切便走回来对我们说:“行了,我刚和他们谈过,他们说没问题。我们就快可以走了。”果真在5分钟以内,滂沱大雨就转为绵绵细雨,当时车也到了,我们一行人便跳上车,当车子在繁忙的加德满都街上穿梭时,车轮压过,路上水飞溅,但雨已经停了。
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Amazing ….reading this old post story of Rinpoche stopping the rain. All witnessed by Pator Seng Piow and a few of Rinpoche while going shopping trip at Kathmandu years back. It was raining quite heavily then when Rinpoche mumbling something while looking at the sky. Rinpoche did it, true enough the rain stopped completely . What an amazing miracles , only highly attained Lama could do this.
Thank you Pastor Seng Piow for sharing this incredible story.
Amazing ….what Rinpoche did of all the sudden the rain stops. Interesting story …as told by Pastor Loh Seng Piow. Only Highly attained Lama could do fantastic miracles creating and stopping rain. This is one example , as it happened right in the eyes of his student. Thank you Pastor Loh Seng Piow for this sharing.
Yet another amazing feat by a highly attained Lama ~ Tsem Rinpoche.
I’ve heard many true amazing stories of how Rinpoche can create miracles and in this case how Rinpoche can communicate with ‘His friends’ to stop the rain during a shopping spree.
And yet Rinpoche never show his abilities but stay humble and always teaches us to be kind and humble too wherever we are.
I am indeed fortunate to have met such a great Lama as my Guru.
Thank you Pastor Seng Piow for sharing this amazing story. Rinpoche had taught before that the mind is very powerful and its potential is limitless. If it is well trained , we can even control the elements around us. There are a lot of examples all over the world where in the western there are yogis that can create fire without any fuel and in Tibet, highly attained lamas can create rain and stop rain. Rinpoche had shown us an example as well.
Thank you for sharing this story, Pastor Seng Piow. I love reading stories like this.
Rinpoche always does the most amazing things, all the time. But the best of Rinpoche’s abilities would be his ability to bring dharma to the level that we beings of little merit could understand and apply, now that is certainly a miraculous deed.
Thank you Pastor Seng Piow for sharing !
不可否认的事实! 关丹是个多雨的地方, 经常关丹香积厨发放食物当天下雨, 但要出发和发放食物时,雨都会停了 ! 已经尝试过好几次了,一起发放食物的朋友也觉得很神奇, 我总觉得上师和护法在身边保护着我们 !
Thank you Pastor Seng Piow for the sharing. I have heard many amazing stories about Rinpoche. Some of the stories were shared the the students who had personally benefited or experienced it. This is another amazing story. Yet Rinpoche is so humble and does not speak about his supernatural abilities. We are so fortunate to have Rinpoche teaching us dharma. Thank you Rinpoche
Thank You Pastor Seng Piow for sharing another great story. Rinpoche is really humble, and do not even speak of his abilities, being simple and show great humility, but deep down Rinpoche is a Great Accomplished master.
As a student we must not bedazzled by Guru who always show his abilities to proof that they special abilities, but most important is the advice and teaching that able to help us transforming ourself to be better person, as spiritual power of the Guru not able to help us, but like what Rinpoche did is from his compassion to benefit beings and yet still be humble about it.
Thank you Pastor Seng Piow for sharing this interesting post,even though i have not witnessed Rinpoche’s act to stop the rain but i have heard before other Kecharians mentioned Rinpoche had stop the rain before the Kechara Soup Kitchen team went out for food distribution to the homeless people on the streets in Kuala Lumpur,so amazing!!
詹仁波切是格鲁派传承上师的代表者之一,仁波切对佛法仪轨的严谨,熟知他的弟子都非常清楚。不仅是如此, 仁波切对戒律的持守也非常严格,因为格鲁派传承坚信事师的依止心愈强,修法的成就愈高。为此,仁波切对弟子的戒律看得很严,稍微有出错,都会及时加以纠正。
仁波切显神通无意间被发现的次数挺多的,弟子与弟子之间都知道,但也会依着仁波切的教条,不大事张扬。仁波切透过本身的能力, 帮助不少需要的人,这是一个不争的事实。在克切拉中心内外,穫得仁波切帮助过的人数不清,有癌症的、有车祸后大难不死的、有被医生宣布无药可救的等等;当他们走投无路时,因福报够大,遇见了仁波切,仁波切只给了他们一些劝谏,结果问题就解决了。这间接说明了甚麽?说明了一位有神通能力的上师是非常低调、谦卑、深藏不露的;仁波切就是一个如此令人敬仰的上师。
Rinpoche is so funny 🙂 and not a show off of his abilities.
Rinpoche always does things that amazes all of us. Unlike with Pastor SP who is always with Rinpoche to witnesss all these amazing acts, I only get to hear about them. Nonetheless.. it is amazing 🙂
Thank you Pastor SP for sharing.