Hi Daniel,Yes, a high resolution version is available. The link in the gallery has been updated to include it. A mid-resolution one has also been prepared for you, just in case the high res one is a little too unwieldy.(1) VERSION 1 – low res (644kb. Good for up to 3R)https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/wp-content/gallery/buddha-images-high-resolution/dssungkhorlowres.jpg(2) VERSION 2 – mid res (6.1MB. Good for up to 5R)https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/wp-content/gallery/buddha-images-high-resolution/dssungkhormidres.jpg(3) VERSION 3 – high res (27.9MB. Good for up to 8R. Do be aware this will take some time to download, depending on the speed of your Internet connection)https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/wp-content/gallery/buddha-images-high-resolution/dssungkhorhighres.jpgHope this helps and do get in touch if you have any further questions.Thanks!Pastor Jean Ai
Hi Daniel, yes, a high resolution version is available. The link in the gallery has been updated to include it. A mid-resolution one has also been prepared for you, just in case the high res one is a little too unwieldy.
<<< LOW RES (up to 3R) https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/wp-content/gallery/buddha-images-high-resolution/dssungkhorlowres.jpg >>>
<<< MID RES (up to 5R) https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/wp-content/gallery/buddha-images-high-resolution/dssungkhormidres.jpg >>>
<<< HIGH RES (up to 8R. Do be aware this will take some time to download, depending on the speed of your Internet connection) https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/wp-content/gallery/buddha-images-high-resolution/dssungkhorhighres.jpg >>>
Just copy and paste the link into your browser to download the size you want. Hope this helps and do get in touch if you have any further questions.
Thanks, Pastor Jean Ai
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Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.