We have done Mama Mooi Lan’s funeral last night. She was 62 and passed of heart failure. Then we had to perform baby Tashi’s funeral a few hours later… Mama Mooi Lan was cremated this morning and baby Tashi was just cremated short while ago.. We did powerful pujas at the funeral home for Mama Mooi Lan and Baby Tash before cremationi. I am so proud our Kecharians went all the way to serve the persons that have passed away and their families without any sleep at all. Needless to say the families were so in shock and pain.We had to be there for them. I had to be there for them. I gave them dharma methods to collect further merits for their loved ones who have passed away. I was humbled and honoured to perform their funerals and do prayers for their posiitive rebirths. Tsem Rinpoche-Om Mani Peme Hung:
We have done Mama Mooi Lan’s funeral last night. She was 62 and passed of heart failure. Then we had to perform baby Tashi’s funeral a few hours later… Mama Mooi Lan was cremated this morning and baby Tashi was just cremated short while ago.. We did powerful pujas at the funeral home for Mama Mooi Lan and Baby Tash before cremation. I am so proud our Kecharians went all the way to serve the persons that have passed away and their families without any sleep at all. Irene of Kechara Oasis provided food for Mama Mooi Lan’s wake..Needless to say the families were so in shock and pain.We had to be there for them. I had to be there for them. I gave them dharma methods to collect further merits for their loved ones who have passed away. Instead of just being sad, put that energy into dharma for their loved ones who have passed. I was humbled and honoured to perform their funerals and do prayers for their positive rebirths. Tsem Rinpoche-Om Mani Peme Hung:
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Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.