1,000 Starve to Death on Farm
1,000 Pigs Starve To Death On Abandoned PA Farm
Posted by: Desirai Thompson
On Monday, up to 1,000 dead pigs were discovered on an abandoned Fulton County, Pa., farm. The owner left the farm in August, leaving the hundreds of hogs to slowly die of starvation. Among these decayed bodies were also what appeared to be the remains of six calves.
A Humane Society police officer with Better Days Animal League, Dennis Bumbaugh, said he’s never seen anything like it. “I was horrified when I opened the door and saw what I saw,” he stated Tuesday.
The farm is owned by a recently separated couple, Daniel and Kerron Clark. Kerron hadn’t been to the farm since 2008, arrived Monday, and was horrified by the carnage Daniel left.
The 218-acre farm with a listing price of $1.2 million has two hog barns. This is where the pigs spent their miserable, dying days. There is evidence that some tried to escape, and that the few who were successful, didn’t get far before collapsing and dying just outside of the barn. “It was a horrible situation,” Bumbaugh said. “They struggled and fought to get out.”
Not only are pigs intelligent animals, they also are social, protective creatures who make strong bonds with each other. Imagine the anguish they felt not only with the hunger in their stomachs, but also witnessing the slow death and suffering of their brethren.
When Farm Sanctuary, the leading farm animal protection organization in the country, heard of this willful neglect, they called for the individuals responsible to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Union Township Supervisor Gary Sheeder, an acquaintance of Daniel Clark, was appalled upon hearing the news. “This is unbelievable as far as I’m concerned,” he expressed. “I can’t believe, with as many kids as he had, that life didn’t mean more to him.”
Source: http://www.care2.com/causes/animal-welfare/blog/1-000-starve-to-death-on-abandoned-pa-farm/
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That is so cruel, and the man responsible should be punished like a person that just committed a mass shooting because all lives are equal and he needs to see that and receive punishment for that. The fact that he can just walk away because he couldn’t care anymore or he was just to lazy to take care of those poor animals just shows that he did not know that or he just didn’t bother. Either way he must be punished harshly and he must serve as an example that animal cruelty is not taken lightly to others that are doing the same thing.
Humans see animals as lower and that lead to this and that is so wrong that I am sick to my core when reading about this. It is seeing them as inferior them makes us think we have power over them and we do not at all and that is what make us so cruel and selfish. Human beings are big bullies that just exploit the world and they see to it that everything can perish under them because they know how and why they want something for themselves. I bet this man just did not feel like farming anymore and so many animals paid the price for that mans laziness.
He should be punished badly so it sets and example to others out there that do not care for other beings that it is not taken lightly and they will take care of others for themselves if they do not want to go to jail themselves. So this should be a learning point for us and learn to develop people better so that they know that a live is precious and is a responsibility that requires commitment under you. Humans just do not know that.
Dear Rinpoche,
This is unbelievable and utterly disgusting and sad. How could someone just forget about a barn full of pigs as if they were some sort of toy, or inanimate object? This is too shocking and disturbing. Humans are disgusting sometimes. 🙁
I hope upon seeing this post, people will become more aware and mindful of taking care of animals. If not, than the world is on it’s path to becoming lost.
Your humble student,
Keng Hwa.
Dear Rinpoche,
When I even saw the title of this blog post my jaws literately dropped because I knew what to expect…. bad news.
I just could not believe that such a thing had happened all because of a break up in an relationship.
It’s really sad to see 1000 pigs and 6 calves just slowly die of starvation….. the worst thing?
it was caused by us humans….. all because of some small problem it has lead to so many lives of innocent animals die slowly.
May this kind of problems never happen again.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
This is so bad, just terrible. This news really put a frown on my face. What poor pigs that they were all left all alone in barns slowly dying. They must have been in so much pain. I could never imagine such pain.
And the owners of the barns and pigs were so irresponsible to leave the pigs like that. So many lives, just gone like that. And thats all because of a few people. I wish that this had never happened.
Having to be born and live in a farm is already a sad story. Yet what happened to these pigs and calves was truly a tragedy.
It must have been horrifying days to have to watch own friends died one after another. This reminds me of the Nazi’s occupation where many Jews were killed in the gas house.
If this did not happen, these pigs can live for a slightly longer time before the slaughter time. In either way, it is death awaiting them.
Truly terrible to have to be born as an animal. Having said this, if we don’t practice dharma well, who knows, ….
Because of 2 people who are separated and having trouble with their relationship has caused 1,000 pigs to starve to death when they selfishly abandoned their farm. The 1000 pigs and two cows died slowly from starvation. The farm was later discovered by a Humane Society Officer Dennis Burnbaugh and was horrifed at the discovery of all the dead pigs. The couple because of anger and having no compassion and concentrating on themselves only. They have committed 1,000 killings indirectly causing them David and Kerron Clark to commit very bad karma. If David and Kerron Clark are Buddhist and believe in Karma. The pigs may have harm this couple in previous lives also.
Who cares about a farmful of disgusting pigs? And dead ones at that? They are only PIGS. They have no human souls or religous beliefs. I am fighting the urgency to say that you are not running on all 8 & need a psychiatrist.
If you don’t care about animals and have nothing good to say….. i would suggest you say nothing as to us we believe that we should be kind to all animals regardless of any animal.
In fact this pigs were never digusting it was not the pigs fault it is because of us humans that have caused this problem….and animals have souls too
I really do not understand why the man walked away from this barn. Was it on purpose or did he not know the fate of these poor creatures. I really hope that there would be no more cases such as these. If humans do not like neglect, would pigs like neglect? The answer is no! Animals are like humans as they have feelings too. We should treat them as if they do have feelings because they do. I just cannot imagine the suffering those pigs have to go through. First, They starve and they know that they would have a slow and painful death. Second, watching your siblings, parents or children suffer in front of you, that is really heart aching. I hope that those pigs would have better future lives as I believe that at least some of their bad Karma has been purified by their lives as pigs.
Because of 2 people who are separated and having trouble and problems have selfishly abandoned a farm leaving 1,000 pigs together with 6 cows to starve and slowly die from starvation. The farm was discovered by a Humane Society Officer Dennis Bumbaugh and was horrified at the discovery of all dead pigs. The couple because of their incompatibility and misunderstanding and anger has left and abandoned 1,000 pigs on the farm. By concentrating on themselves and having no compassion have indirectly killed the animals and also create the cause for Daniel and Kerron Clark to have very bad karma to be born into the lower realms. Daniel and Kerron may not have been a Buddhist. But I think the pigs in their past lives may have cause tremendous harm in one of their live times to Daniel and Kerron.
The only word that comes to my mind over and over again when reading this story is….WHY? Why would this man just walk away to allow this to happen? WHY????
I have a deep inner feeling which is very powerful and rarely incorrect. I bet if you showed me 10 pictures of large barns, none of them would compare to the deep, low feeling of murderous suffering that I get, automatically by looking at this particular barn. I focus on other parts… the towers… Not the same feeling I get when looking at the barn. Perhaps I am channeling my personal feelings for the incident, itself, or perhaps I can actually ‘feel’ a place that has had hellish suffering directly inside, all drawn from a mere picture. I look at that barn, and I want to puke. That is just the outside building! The mind is very powerful!