Above and Beyond Duty
This may be short and simple post, but it’s deep and meaningful. I am very touched. Please watch. Tsem Rinpoche
RICHMOND, Va. (April 4, 2014) – A police officer proved “serve and protect” covers just about anyone—even a dog.
Officer Karen Spencer-Boyles was patrolling Tuesday when she noticed two dogs in the middle of the road. When she stopped her cruiser, she realized one dog had been hit and killed; the other refused to leave its friend’s side and was frightened.
“You could tell he was scared. He just looked helpless,” Spencer-Boyles told WTVR. “It’s kind of like if you had a friend and your friend had been hurt. He just stood by his friend.”
She stayed with the dog at the median until he calmed down, got him to safety, and took him to a local animal shelter. Animal care workers believe the dog has an owner because he is neutered and has a flea collar.
Source: http://fox59.com/2014/04/04/officer-stops-at-roadside-to-comfort-dog/#axzz2xxwF8OFB
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Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this short yet meaningful article. Officer Karen Spencer-Boyles was so kind to comfort the shocked dog whose dog friend was hit and died. Dogs are like humans too. They have feelings too. That is why, we as humans must not treat the animals cruelly. They will feel pain too. I am sure we ourselves do not want to have the karma to be beaten up and feel pain too. So, let’s be kind to every sentient beings.
With folded palms,
Vivian Ong
A big hand applause to this police officer Karen Spencer-Boyles .she is so compassionate, kind and caring that while on duty she helped a frightened dog on the road.The dog ‘s friend was killed , she stayed with dead friend till this kind officer came.It showed us that animals do have feelings too so as all sentient beings.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this short but meaningful post to remind us always be kind,caring and compassionate to all sentient beings.
A very touching story. I respect the police officer for her kindness and love towards animal.
Animal is just like human beings, have feeling and will also feel sad and scared in such situation. Hence we must respect all living beings. Not to abuse and put them in such situation.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this story.
The officer turly has compassion for animals. Most of us would had passed by the dog without even a second glance. Her ability to emphasise the dog’s feeling is very kind. We need more people like her so that animals abuse cases will be less and less. Most of the time, due to the lack of empathy of human for the animals, we tend to treat them very harshly.
Animals are not so different from human. We share many common attributes – culture, communication, personality, intelligence, emotions. Sometimes it may even seems that animals have more ethic than us.
It’s nice to see someone going out of their way to help an animal. It’s specially comforting when it’s an officer because it gives hope and assurance that they are those who truly believe in serving and protecting.
A simple act by Officer Karen Spencer-Boyles but represent a significant importance in humanity and the values we need to treasure and uphold.
1)Dogs are truly amazing beings and companions, they might fight with each other but it is only because of their natural instincts and also because of their needs like food, water, shelter and mate. But other than these, they are awesome beings that have more compassionate than many people. There have been many cases where dogs would stay with dead bodies of other dogs that has been killed by cars, sometimes they would even drag the dead body of other dogs to the road side and most of the time they refuse to leave the body. In some cases, if the dog is very attached to the owner, it would even visit the owner grave often and it sometimes will also refuse to leave the owner’s grave.
2)There is a case where the dog would go to the train station every single day without fail, wait and hope for it’s owner that as passed away, no matter if the weather is summer or winter. The dog sat and waited for years even after the owner passed away and eventually the dog passed away as well. This story is quite well known around the world, they even have a movie about it and the movie is called Hachiko. It is truly a amazing and heartbreaking movie. I recommend everyone should watch this movie.
3)Isn’t wonderful to know how a dog would show it’s affection towards other beings? Don’t you think it’s a great idea to treat not just dogs but other beings as well better? I am sure that not only dogs are capable of showing such great compassion to other beings. We have been trying to look towards world peace, but have we ever taught of learning how to treat other beings just the same way they would treat you? Thank you for reading.
Wow. This is beautiful. Not a lot of people would stop their car for a dog on the road, and that is why this is just beautiful. I really hope that this video and news spreads and inspires many people to do good deeds like this kind-hearted officer here. 🙂
Also, this just proves how animals like dogs do have feelings just like us humans, and that we should take care of them just like how we take care of our loved ones. 🙂
This is really good and kind of this officer as she stopped to see and if they were in trouble and she did help even though the dog couldn’t say thank you and say you saved me. This lady did this to help and just to help which was really good and caring of her and she obviously respects the animal as a life unlike how some people do it like oh they are “animals” who cares. She cares.
It is so sad how she found his friend to be dead and hit by a car and the dog didn’t leave because they are lives and they don’t abandon their friends and they show emotion towards each other like us but people don’t know that because they just think that they are below us but they are not! They are lives and deserve as much rights as us so we can’t kill each other and just brush it off so you can’t do that to them.
This is a good cop, i once saw a video that showed a cop killing a dog to show off for fun in front of his family members when the dog meant no harm and was just approaching him. There was even one case when a cop shot himself because he was trying to shoot a friendly pitbull that was approaching him. This is not okay, you stop people from shooting each other yet you shoot other beings that actually meant no harm. Horrible.
True friendship not only can be found in human , the above story have tell us.The dog just have same feeling like human when lost someone we love and care .
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this video with full of compassion,this reminded me that we should have compassion for all sentient beings,not only for human beings.
Thank you officer Karen for your compassion.
This police officer is a real hero!!!! She just saved a dogs life!! If not for here the dog would have died. You rarely see these kind of people nowadays. I really rejoice that she did not go down and use her tazle and zap the dog!! In my opinion she should receive a medal of bravery. Officer Karen was even more than an odinary officer , but an extra high ranked officer!!! It is good to see that more and more people a re helping animals. The next step is to stop eating meat. Together they will make the world a better place for animals.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this really inspirational post.
Thank you for sharing this interesting post. It is amazing that people are beginning to abide by a law of compassion. Animals need the protection and care of humans, we must not continuously harm them. If possible, we should make communities where such accidents cannot occur by properly relocating strays to no-kill shelters etc.
This is so good! I am happy that this officer helped that dog out of his fear. I love animals and I am happy with the reaction of this officer and how she stopped and her reason. Thank you for sharing Rinpoche
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing.It is nice to know that there are those who is firm when it comes to duty .But done with compassion when it come to a situation for those in despair without discrimination of race or from the animal kingdom .
May the poor dog be able to find its way home to its master in the near future.
May this kind law enforcer be a role model for others to follow to spread compassion above the rest.
This is indeed very touching and meaningful, humans and animals should be treated equally, we share the earth together. We help each other when each other is in need, then only humans and animals can live in peace. I’m truly touched by the officer’s actions, its hard to find people like her nowadays.
Rinpoche, I have a request. This is about a lady that has overwhelming medical bill for a serious treatment. I don’t know this lady myself, but she is a good friend of my acquaintance. She needs some money and I can’t afford to give much right this second. Maybe you can think of something? She is fundraising via gofundme, I think there is a contact there as well: http://www.gofundme.com/98ujxo Best wishes
A good compassionate police officer with a real indept religious sense of wisdom been displayed! Thank you Rinpoche, for the kind teaching. Not only you be much impressed, moved and so touched by such scene, but all who has such religious sense of wisdom would also be!!! May she and kind living dog, be greatly blessed. Om amni padme hung.
I am so happy to know that there are still people like this Iin the world. This post truly made me happy and I hope that people who read this post learn from this and get the message that we should all be kind to animals. Thank you for sharing this short and sweet post with us Rinpoche.
Good news! The police officer Karen is a good example for everyone.
She had the same experience with her own dog and was very happy that someone saved her dog years ago.
It would be so good to have more “good news” instead of hearing so much sad and frightening stories on the news.
Thank you Rinpoche
Thank you Rinpoche. Being faithful and loyal even among humans is rare, let alone among animals. This dog may be scared, but his loyalty to his friend, who had been killed, made him stay there by him. Officer Karen is kindness itself. Kindness is empathy. She stayed with the dog until he was calm enough; then she took him to an animal shelter.
I’m happy that officer Karen is so kind that she saved the dog from being hit by cars. There are many roadkill these days. Last week, I saw a dog died in the middle of the road, it was too late to save it. It’s flesh was dismembered all over the road. And there is a video in Facebook that I watched it about 1 to 2 months ago. The dog’s owner was arrested for some reason and the dog was trying to protect him, but the policeman shot the dog couple of times and sadly the dog died. What am I saying is that no matter how bad the owner is, the dog will still be loyal to the owner.
Thank you Rinpoche, for this wonderful post.
It seems Officer Spencer-Boyles had a case of “paying-it-forward” kind of thing, apart from her compassion to “Protect & Serve”. Her dog was saved by a stranger, and she did the same.
I am glad there are people out there who still cares for animals, owned or strayed. And I am really happy Kechara Forest Retreat has a Sanctuary for animals…dogs…cats…and birds!
the first thing said in the advertisement that played before the video was – “when you take shortcuts, it shows.” Cool story. Thanks for posting. I’ve run over a cat before and a bird that flew under instead of over my car. OM VAJRA SATO HUNG! Driving is dangerous. I tend to forget that and get into this false sense of security when at any moment somebody could crash into and kill me.
Thank you Rinpoche for the many interesting posts.
It’s not so common nowadays for strangers to stop by and lend a helping hand. Officer Karen had put into action of “Service above self”.