A few days ago, a video surfaced of a dog being abused by a man in a small room. The video very quickly circulated on the Internet, especially on Facebook, where a very active online group was started just to identify the abuser. Apparently they have located both the man and the woman (who was filming)… and it has been said (on the online group) that the poodle has passed away for almost three years now..but the death is not confirmed.
It’s a bit unclear what the man wants the poor dog to do in the video… To stand on two legs or to be part of a boxing match? The poor dog gets so beaten up that, in the middle of the video, he’s so tired standing on his two hind legs that he just falls off from exhaustion.
Unlike beating up a man, where you can see the cuts… the bruises… the swollen eyes… because this poodle is furry and naturally looks very cute, it makes it even more heart-wrenching that you can’t see how much the dog is really suffering. He doesn’t whimper or cry…as perhaps it goes unheard and the dog just went silent…
According to those trying to locate the abusers, this video was shot in Malaysia. Most of them are outraged as, even if these people were to be prosecuted, the Malaysian law regarding animal abuse in Section 44 of the Animal Act 1953 (2006 Amendment) states that anyone guilty of an offence of cruelty to animals shall be liable to a fine of RM200 and/or six months imprisonment.
Compare this to our neighbouring country, Singapore, which has a penalty of RM23,000 and/or one-year imprisonment; or Thailand, which has a sentence of 6 months to 5 years and/or RM1,000 to RM10,000.

Sushi has dried tears below the eye…forced to sit like this or beaten to death…..How can someone be this cruel and treat animals in this manner? Some ppl say Sushi is dead. Some say alive…
Watch this video below… what do you think we can do to stop things like this from happening again?? Help create awareness for animals all over the world. Social online mediums can be used for much much much more…Let’s help stop the pain. Help animals please.
Tsem Rinpoche
Or view the video on the server at:
SPCA Singapore APPEAL FOR INFORMATION– dog abuse video

On the net (Facebook) this is posted..it is also their dog and it seems to be forced to train to do the same thing…what a horrible cycle of abuse from one dog to another..
The news of the man and woman abusing the poodle has gone international now, below is the news from Taiwan (in Chinese):
Or view the video on the server at:
This also came out on 2 news channels in Singapore, in Chinese:
Or view the video on the server at:
In English:
Or view the video on the server at:
A case of horrific dog abuse has just surfaced on Facebook. The video can be viewed at: http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1688604428314&comments&ref=mf.
It is not clear at this time where the abuse occurred although the person who uploaded the video says she found it in a “pendrive” in Kuala Lumpur. We have alerted our contacts in Malaysia and we understand that they are trying to identify the abuser.
The SPCA is appealing for information on the man in the video (see pictures). Please call 6287 5355 ext 9 if you have any information.
Please share this post to pass the message.
We would like to thank concerned members of the public who brought this case to our attention. We hope that the persons involved will be identified soon so that firm action can be taken and justice served.
Source: http://www.facebook.com/#!/spcasingapore
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My post is a long time after this post. It is so choquing. I would like to take the dog and give him a lot of love and cuddles. But probably today he died a long time ago. I hope he can receive love in the afterlife or there is somewhere a paradise for abused dogs. People like this abuser must be sent to jail and forbidden to take another animal. He is a murder. Peace and love to Sushi the toy poodle.
Puddle must be transferred to rescue shelter.he must not be allowed any pet animal.
The poodle in this video was ‘trained’ to walk upright. It reminds me of the same poodle in this post. This leave such bad taste to my mouth. The poodle must have experienced much abuse to walk in this way. Totally not cute. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPKyEGFQUPw
Dogs are men best friend. No matter how his master treated him, he will remain humble and loyal.
It’s sad and heart breaking to watch this poor thing being tortured, abused and yet it remain silence in pain until unbearable.
What faith Sushi have to go thru this life?
If it doesnt stay loyal, it will be beaten even more which I honestly dont care about.
What is wrong with the man torture that poor poodle. It can’t stand don’t force it . Dogs have there own mind . You can train a dog to stand on its hind leg but it doesn’t mean you can hit it .
You can’t force a horse to drink the water if it doesn’t want to, just like you can’t force a dog to perform tricks if you’re using the wrong way to force it. I feel so sorry for the dogs, they do not deserve this, sometimes we just get too overboard over some things, and I think most of them are attachments.
This is way beyond training, how could that man treat his dog like that? It’s not wrong to train your dogs, but you have to make sure the ways/trainings are not harsh, dogs are small animals, they are very vulnerable especially when it comes to this poor poodle, and this video is a very very bad example of how you should train your dogs. There are better and more humane ways of training your pets other than this. You can’t force your pets to do something out of their ability, just do not let your expectations lead to this.
Shut up pussy some people get off on hurting cute things. Thats the real answer
I think this form of abuse, like all animal abuse, is highly inhumane and unnecessary. The abuser in this case is not even attempting to train the dog but rather find a reason to harm the dog. In Sushi’s case, I rejoice that she passed away as she wouldn’t have to continuously have to endure the constant beatings. I hope she has a good rebirth.
This is horrible. The fact that it was shot in Malaysia makes me feel ashamed to be a Malaysian. Why weren’t the people caught for their deeds? Even if they were not caught, they would face extremely unfortunate circumstances in the future due to the law of Karma. They have just dug their own grave. How sad! Not only for the abused but for the abuser too.
I remember seeing this video a while back, it was so horrible. I actually couldn’t watch till the end of the video and i cried. Its so sad what this person does to this poor dog. So sad. I wish that i could give that person a good punch to the face but i know that wouldn’t be the right thing to do.
I just don’t understand why a person would do this to such a nice and cute puppy. Such bad karma to do something like this. I can’t stand seeing animals in pain, it makes me feel like i need to do something to stop it. And i wish i could do more.
It’s so sad watching animals being abused so badly and I can’t do anything about it. Making it to standing its two feet is like making a human to stand by using their hands and besides he is making the dog to stand for two minutes. How can a human create such suffering to an animals without feeling bad about himself. After abusing the poor dog, he still proudly said that he is a cold blooded killer on facebok. I wish that one day humans and animals will live in peace together forever. Thank you for reading
This is so terrible! How can the owner do this to the helpless little dog? How can you force someone to do things he can’t do? Its like forcing someone to fly. To train a dog is good, but this is too extreme! Animals have feelings too! Plus how can you be so proud to upload the video after what you have done to the poor dog? I feel so sad for the poor dog..if the poor dog has passed on, may he gets a good rebirth. If its still alive, may he live a happy life.
Thank You fo sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
Oh my… i don’t understand why this guy wants the dog to stand or sit with both paws up. There is many proper way to train them, not necessary using physical abuse on them… Om Mani Pedme Hum to Sushi…
This is a case of animal abuse that had gone viral especially through social media like FB. Tks to social media because in cases like this, awareness is built up and some abuses may stop.
Humans are very good in taking advantage of the weaknesses of others, those whom they see as inferior, those who cannot protect themselves.
Dogs have unending love and loyalty towards their masters. There have been so many cases already of dogs which lost their lives when they knew that their owners’ lives are at risk.
For us, these animals are a small part of our lives, but for them, we are their world.
Actually, they don’t need a lot, only love and foods.
I believe strict legislations are important in the effort to stop animal abuse. The fines and penalty will have to be very strong so that those potential abusers will think twice before they do harms on animals. Monetary penalty of RM 200 is too little, most people can squeeze that money out of their pockets. And this amount is so small when compared with the physical and emotional harms that are brought onto those animals.
A loving society will help as well, we cannot depend on rules and regulations for everything.
Love animals, because they will never bring harms to us, unless we attack them.
Oh my god! How could he did this to a dog?! He’s not fit to be a human! I’ll let him try this if he was a dog! Fucking man and woman! The poodle is so cute… … It does not do anything wrong and was being abused so baddly… …
Come across this video after 11 months, almost a year. I wonder what happened to the person that everyone out of anger shout out to look for him.. did they found him? To me, as long as people don’t realise that they are abusing a living creature, they will still do it. This is one of the very small case of tip of the iceberg. People will be angry and excited to look for the abuser when the emotion are stirred, after that, what happened? Nothing, still the animals or pets are being abused. Don’t talk about pets being abused, to me, eating meats is also means abusing the animals. Have you ever gone to a chicken farm to see how the chickens are before being made as food? Worst, they are being slaughtered and made as “food” to satisfy our desire. As meat eaters, we forget, or we tend to ignore that we are part of the abuser and killer too. Ignorance and not being mindful will really bury our compassion and suppress our intellectual. capacity.
im just gonna keep this straight forward. IF i was there with u, I would rip the small asian dick that is barely visible and stick it up ur ass so far that u would spit ur own cum. what ur doing is not human.
The puppy abusers the man and the woman must have been a sadist in their past lives. What are they trying to prove with the poodles. The poodle looks like it is a human baby that cannot protect themselves being manhandled by a mentally deranged adult. Is the man trying to prove something scientifically to make a world record that he can make an animal stand on two feet in periods without its hind legs as extra support. Or if Karma is involved this poodle may have tortured him in one of the past lives. When we see such happenings in our country we should do something. Either report to SPCA or any organisations who are more experienced in dealing with these type of cases.
Comparing the scene of phenomena between the blogs of “Extreme abuse” and the “Panist Dog” one could really see a world of karmic differences between the 2 dogs. As descibed by Rinpoche, the daily piano playing video scenes of the dog, “little Tucker” provide very cute and interesting entertainment of happiness,fun,and joy. With impressive acting talents in little Tucker,it was said that it could have been a musician in his previous life! Whereas, suffering “Sushi” the extreme abused dog, looked pathetic, sad, barbarically tortured and serevely depressed to no limit. Such scenes would without doubt induced any normal human being to feel sick to their stomachs!! I fully support what Martin has said in his comments, though not as a politician, but one who has good wisdom, realisation and a heart of compassion for all beings irrespective! So let us all join hands to tell the authorities and the World to save our society from further deterioration before it is too late!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, Elison Phang. Elison Phang said: a human acting far worse than any animal in the world. it's just sad. RT @Ethan_Cares: is this what we are good for? http://bit.ly/h8rCBK […]
Om Mani Padme Hung! i am so sad to see the happening – the poor doggy and the abusive people; one (probably) suffering its karmic retribution; the other one planting his evil karmic. seed. Om Mani Padme Hung – may it all end! On the other hand, we could do something!!! I am glad people are rallying around the case – yes, spread it! Thank you very much, Rinpochela, for posting it on your blog! i am going to highlight it with my pupils in school afterwards. i am going plant the little seed of kindness in their innocent minds. May it grow in them – this little seed; into a big tree with deep roots – may they grow into kind and compassionate adults! Rinpochela, please bestow your blessings, that i may carry this task well, not only afterwards, but throughout my carreer. Thank you again Rinpochela.
Hi Everyone,
There is an open online petition calling for the Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation to garner support in order to change animal rights legislation and bring tougher penalties to those guilty of animal abuse.
You can view and sign the petition here:
It is an open petition – you are not required to be a resident of Malaysia to sign it, so please pass it around your family, friends, colleagues and anyone else you can think of. It takes under a minute to sign the petition and the more signatures that are acquired, the more chance we have of affecting change.
Even the slightest action can be a positive step in the direction of the ultimate goal. A jug fills, drop by drop…
Kind regards and best wishes,
There is a new book out about animal ethics by Hal Herzog called “Some we love, some we hate, some we eat.” While he avoids giving his own view of animal rights, he does note that almost all human societies accept the principle that human rights are more important (for example, if one must choose between saving the life of a human and a dog, or ten dogs). Another observation is that we favor “cute” animals such as dogs, over others such as rats (“animal lookism”).
Dear Rinpoche,
Tashi Delek! Hope you’ve been keeping well.
I’m a dog lover and former dog owner. I couldn’t bring myself to finish watching this video. Just can’t understand how could anyone bring themselves to slap or torture a hapless puppy in that manner. Personally, I feel torn.
On one hand, one could argue that it’s the puppy’s karma to have to undergo such pain & suffering. And I really had the urge to give the perpetrator two tights slaps and a few kicks (since I’m already at that) myself. But then one stops to think if the perpertrator could have undergone or be suffering from pain & suffering at the moment, hence he couldn’t control his urge and took it out on the puppy? If I keep lambasting this man, am I not showing compassion and equanamity towards him?
Guess, I don’t really have any answers. Can only pray for everyone always have happiness and its causes and be free from suffering and its causes immediately. Only when we have true peace & equanamity within, we can then be of benefit to those (human, animals & all sentient beings) around us. It really does start with ourselves.
Oh, and if that man is so keen for his puppy to stand on twos, he should have gotten himself a bear cub in the first place
I forced myself to watch the entire video and it was very difficult. This is not an act of a human being and yet it happens, not only to a poodle in this occassion, but also to animals in general as well as human children.
We know of people who put out cigarette butts on little kids’ body, we have seen videos of people burning cats alive and now this.
I don’t think this is an isolated and random act but it would appear that under the pretty surface of Progress, our society has deteriorated beyond recognition. If i had to give a single reason why these abuses have been able to take place for so long without efforts to curb it, I would say that we, the people did not do enough to stop the abuse. We are outraged for an hour a day or a week and then we forget.
We let it happen and this is the most saddening part…that although we did not doe the punching, we did not use our vote to tell the authorities. We are part part of the problem. Our inertess. Take a look at the petition….tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of people around the world would have seen it. And yet, look at the number of people who actually signed the petition. Why?
Some politician should make this an issue. Some politician should campaign against the authorities sculling strays in their district.
Animals have had no champion to defend them ADEQUATELY.
In the meantime, we should always remember how much rot has set into our lives and our society. Life is now cheaper than before. Nowhere in schools do they teach the preciousness of ALL lives.
We are fortunate that we have Kechara to highlight and place these issues before us and tell us to make a stance.
Dear Rinpoche,
On seeing this video, I felt extremely heart-broken, for two reasons. Firstly, as someone who has had dogs all my life, I felt emormous sadness for the poor dog in the video; so helpless and defenceless – the poor dog’s only desire in its life will have been to give its owner so much unconditional love and yet in turn, it suffers the most horrendous abuse.
Secondly, I felt despair at the fact that such cold-heartedness can exist inside a human being. Most of us have had our moments of unskillful action and have said and done things we regret, but this kind of barbaric action is, for me, way beyond any kind of understanding.
My initial reaction towards the abuser – like many who have commented in press articles – was of hatred and thoughts of wishing extreme harm upon the abuser. But then I thought, “Here is one being inflicting immense suffering on another. By wishing harm on this being myself, how am I any better than the abuser? Surely I’m lowering myself to the same level?” So I tried to sit and subdue these thoughts – what result will come of feeling so angry and hostile?
As far as changing things go, I would say the same thing as I’ve said in the past about making any social/political change: awareness is not enough. It’s the first step, yes, but so many stop at awareness. They complain and feel despair about so many things and yet do nothing beyond a mouse-click or two. There has to be a proactive, concentrated and continual effort in order to affect change. Keep posting the video, yes, but you can also write to members of parliament, to local newspapers, get involved with local animal shelters, find out information on how you can help and if anyone reckons they’re “just one person” and can’t affect change, they’d do well to Google information on people such as Gandhi and Martin Luther King who affected huge social change because they simply refused to stand by and leave taking action to “someone else”. They made sure that “someone else” was themselves.
The only way change can be made is if we ourselves change. This barbaric act of animal abuse will no doubt have us all sick to our stomachs, but unless we make the conscious effort to use this feeling as a driving force to push awareness, write to people, get involved and make the change happen, then we’ll simply forget about this poor dog in a day or so. It will become just another story as another one similar to it becomes its replacement. At the moment, this is the way of things for most people, but the way of things is only so because we allow it to be so.
So please repost this video, this blog post and write to whoever you think has an influence to help your voice be heard (prominent journalists, politicians, local figures and so on). Don’t let the issue fade away. There will be more stories like this one. We have the opportunity to reduce the number of similar cases and everyone of us has our part to play if we so choose.
With warmest regards,
Looking at the messy environment these two abusers are living in, it is not hard to understand why they forced a four-legged being to stand like two. They have nothing better else to do than to mess with the poor little poodle.
I heard the male kept ordering the dog to stand properly and at the same time asking why is the dog restless?! Duh, who will still have strength after being hit like a sandbag, thrown onto the floor and kicked to the wall continuously?
The poodle definitely needs help urgently, if it is still alive, and so do the abusers!!!
I felt sorry for the little harmless dog, but yet felt release that according to a source, this little harmless dog had passaway 3 years ago at least I know the little dog is not being torture at this moment. We won’t even know this happen if it wasn’t someone posted this video up. Imagine this might not be one and the only one, I believe that many others dog are still suffering from human torture and left alone…. I pray that Rinpoche Vision for “Kechara Animal Santuary” will manifest asap.
oh its so awful..poor little things./.i wish all this terrible things would stop..i dont understand??? why??
Dear Rinpoche, It is sad to know the innocent being treated like this,as human have no rights to treat any of the animals as such!! After seeing the video i felt very sad, heart is aching and very angry. The anger and the sadness put me into sleepless night. I really dont understand human sometime how can they do that and what are they thinking!!
We all must pass the message to creates awareness to stop all these inhuman acts. We have to protect the animals.
I could not endure watching all 15 minutes of the vt. This makes me sick to the core.There are too many unprintable expletives from me to be written here! Why! Why! Why! How can a “human being” treat a sweet innocent dog like that?
TERRIBLE dont even sum up 1% of what i feel after watching the video… I didn’t know much about Sushi’s case when I signed the online petition, but somehow i managed to find his owner’s fb page (Doreen Loo)
The way they abuse the dog… if i have to compare, i’d say it’s at par with the snuff film i saw a few months back (A girl sits on a baby rabbit until it died)
As much as I pity Sushi… i also pity the owners (yeah, i’m going to get some serious bashing from some ppl due to this comment) Coz frankly speaking, i don’t think they’re ‘sane’. No sane person would ill treat anyone/being for no reason and their living quarters is in a mess! seriously… there’s something wrong with both Doreen and her abusive bf
I sincerely hope that Sushi is alright if he’s still alive…
Addition to that, to all Backyard breeders… This is what you’re encouraging when you don’t check out the ppl u sell those pups to…
I agree with you. The most pitiful is the man hitting and punching a little defenceless animal. And the person shooting the video. What karma awaits them…there is no need to wait for these people to take rebirth in conditions worst than Sushi’s to pity them.
We pity poor Sushi, but I also asked myself, is there anything I have done in this life that could cause me to experience Sushi’s life in my next rebirth?
Sorry to say this. I seriously felt this man and woman deserved the worst bad karma they can be bestow upon them. This is not an act of a human being but of something worst than animal. Their disregard towards such a defenseless little being is a very very sad sight. We ought to do something to raise the awareness that even the smallest creature deserve to be protected.
WWF MALAYSIA held a very unique awareness activities to stop tiger parts trading.
Check this out http://wwf.org.my/media_and_information/newsroom_main/?11260/Malaysians-Unite-to-Freeze-Tiger-Trade
Do you have any feelings on this? What do you have to say on the video you have just watched? What are your opinions? Please speak up and write it here. Let everyone know how you feel….
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