Baby Gongkar finds a home!
A while back, I was wandering in a pet store in SS2 and came across a skinny little sad dog with big eyes. It broke my heart to see him so down, quiet and locked a way to be sold…and nobody wanted him and he is fed very little as to remain skinny and pull at customer’s heart strings…well it worked on me.
I started text messaging and calling people to adopt him. I just couldn’t leave him in the shop…he needed love, medical check up, good food, place to run, friends, to be cuddled by lovely people and other furry friends if possible. Finally Paris (Jamie Khoo) called her mother Datin Jennifer who said she will keep Gongkar until she finds a proper home. Datin Jennifer already has 7 other dogs. She adopted another dog last year I found in the pet store I named Jamyang who is doing really well. Jamyang was big already and no one wanted him. I talked to the manager of Jamyang’s store and told her the ills of selling dogs..she listened and until today no more dogs from her shop!!
Anyway, Datin Jennifer fell in love with Gongkar. After keeping him just for a few days said, she IS NOT GIVING HIM AWAY. …..FANTASTIC! For the first few months little Gongkar was very ill a few times and Datin Jennifer lovingly took him to her family vet. He got all his little injections,etc and now Gongkar is doing really well.
Datin Jennifer loves animals and dogs especially. She is very kind hearted and I appreciate her adopting Gongkar and giving him so much real love. Gongkar has like 7 other dogs in the house to keep him company and they all get along!! And a yard to play in!! Thanks alot Datin Jennifer.
With folded hands,
Tsem Rinpoche
Baby Gongkar comes to the Ladrang rescued and waiting for Datin Jennifer to pick him up!!
Baby Gongkar excited to come to a new home filled with love…riding in the car to go home!!
We love Gongkar!
So happy and free!
Datin Jennifer meets her new baby Gongkar for the first time and showers him with hugs and kisses!!!
Baby Gongkar just found the BEST MAMA IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!!! You can rest assured that Datin Jennifer is a huge animal lover…..and they like many people love her!
Gongkar baby comes home…he is contentedly lying and relaxing on the couch in his new home.
Datin Jennifer snapped this picture of her new baby just relaxed,happy and at ease!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Datin!!!! Thank you from my heart with folded hands.
Tsem Rinpoche
P.S. Dear everyone, please never take your anger out on helpless animals. They have no reason to feel your wrath. Appease your wrath by taking a walk, or breathing or just calming down. Never take it out on animals. They have no reason to be made to suffer. You become a horribly mentally deformed person by hurting animals. Show them love, care and affection… they have tremendous feelings. You will be rewarded here and the after always.
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Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this. Gongkar is so cute and I like him very much. Animals has feeling, they can feel lonely, afraid, happy and love. We do not understand their language does not mean anything. Can we imagine ourselves to be kept in the small cage and is fed very little, how do we feel? For me, always put myself in other people’s shoes is a way to train my compassion.
Gongkar is now in a good place. Datin Jennifer is sure going to take care of him. Gongkar is such a lucky dog to in this position right now. I am glad that people are still like this, still kind to animals and still gives them love, this makes me very happy.
Hearing the plight of baby Gongkar, it was heart breaking to know what the pet stores of today actually do to the dogs which don’t get sold within a duration of time. I really admire Rinpoche’s loving care for these dogs. And this shinning example is rubbed off onto all his close students.
From this we can see that love is addictive and is worth sharing because WE ALL NEED LOVE, TO LOVE AND BE LOVED!!!I am really happy to know that Gongkar is gonna get a new home and be taken cared of by one of the world’s loving doggie mum, Datin Jennifer. Both Datin coupled with her lovely daughter, Jamie, Gongkar has grown to such a beautiful doggie today.
I’m sure Rinpoche and all doggie lovers share the same happiness reading this blog knowing baby Gongkar now is growing to be a healthy and active doggie.
Datin Jennifer has a big heart, a VERY big one. It is people like her who have helped to ease the suffering of many of our furry friends. Imagine what would have happened to Gongkar had he not been rescued and put into the safe hands of Datin. The love she has showered on him has been reciprocated by Gongkar by bringing much happiness to Datin’s family. Another way by Rinpoche teaching us to take care of other beings and how the happiness of Gongkar has influenced other beings. Datin is definitely another person to emulate and it is because of friends like her who have helped the reduce the suffering of another being.
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
Thank you Jamie and to your mom for taking up Gongkar and giving him another chance in life and providing in such a loving and caring way for his adaptation to the other pack.
I dunno is it me or what that I keep thinking so much this week about creating/planting causes and all of these cases made me think seriously about my own life and the causes created thus far and those that will come…
And when KAS finally manifests, it’s gonna be tremendous, giving ample opportunities for all to create Dharmic causes with each other and seeing Dharma at work in people’s lives and my own!
A little update: Gongkar is doing very well now at my mom’s. He’s all grown up and very well socialised with the other (six!) dogs in the house. He gets lots of toys, proper diets (because his tummy is quite sensitive) and a lot and a lot of cuddles (he really knows how to win your heart over for a hug). He’s not skinny anymore, gets lots of proper care and check-ups at very and is generally a happy little pup! Thank you to Rinpoche for finding Gongkar in the first place and for all Ladrang’s help in “rescuing” him out of that horrible pet store and into my mom’s home. He brings a lot of happinness to everyone around him, especially my family.
She is definitely a great puppy!
Gonkar is CUTE incarnate . May the Animal Sanctuary manifest based on Rinpoche’s activities of always saving animals.
Oh Rinpoche, toooo cute! Are Schnauzers very popular in Malaysia, or only in your Sangha :)). Maybe you could talk with the petstore about doing what some places here do: instead of selling dogs, they let dog rescues/shelters bring dogs in for people to see and be adopted. This helps everyone: the pet store still has cute animals to attract people, and buy things for their new pets, and animals from rescues/shelters get a chance of someone (like you!!) falling for them and so getting a new home. Maybe if this is a new idea in KL, some of your students could try and get it going and help the rescues/shelters? We do adoption days this way, and get donations too. Animal lovers like to help animals in need. Just an idea!