Betty and Davis rescued!!!
How can these adorable doggies be abandoned by their owners??? How can???
Betty and Davis was rescued recently…Paris is very kind to keep me updated….she has a real soft heart for animals like her mom, Datin jennifer.
They were dumped at a ‘sanctuary’ by the owners!!! Cruel….total cruetly.They were very sad, had bad wounds. The male (Davis) had very infected wounds on his paws with maggots…oh dear. Betty, the girl had bad infection on her anus and infected with maggots also. They are very attached to eachother and stay close to eachother. Dr Prem treated them and gave them heartworm treatment also. They had blood tests and it was clear. They had deworming. They have been spaded and neutered also. They have been found a home and they are ok.
What great news….Dr Hank, jp, yekyee, paul, susan and paris together rescued them from the
‘sanctuary’ and had them treated. Funds were recently raised in part and paris paid for the remaining bills. They are ok now….great..great…great…
Allen of KMP dept found them a home with their friends!!! Thanks everyone!!
Great happy story.
Tsem Rinpoche
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Betty and Davis might look old but they are still cute. I don’t understand why would a person want to have pets when he/she don’t even love and care for their pets? If you don’t want to take care of your pets then don’t buy or adopt any. The reason why we buy and adopt pets is because we think we can give them a comfortable home. Animals will make mistakes just like humans. You wouldn’t dump your own child just because he/she make a lots of mess right? So please, love your pets like how you love your family
Omg, this dog was in such bad condition when it was found, i cannot believe that people would treat such a nice and cute dog like this. But i am glad that it has been rescued and is being given the correct treatment it needs. I hope that this dog will heal fast and that it will not be in such conditions like this anymore.
Poor doggies. How can their owner be so cold blooded, leave them alone and let them rot. I’m so happy to learn that Davis and Betty are all right now. They deserve better.
hi there,
I just saw the article on the Kechara website and I would like to say, that they look like Basset Hounds (not Bloodhounds). I have a Basset Hound at home. yah really, how can anyone dump animals for spring cleaning! I’m glad that they have a good home now. Basset Hounds are stubborn in nature and are vocal. my dog is very loud but I have not receive any complains from any neighbours … I think they are used to her loud barks by now. if the owner requires any tips about Basset Hound, I’ll be happy to share any if it helps although my way of taking care of dogs may not be textbook. ha ha. =)
During April 2010, few of the Kecharians visited a local animal sanctuary, for education and learning purposes for future program KAS undertook to improve and be a better service to the animals.
During this trip, we came across two older bloodhounds, which later was named Bette (female) and Davis (male). Their owner dumped Bette and Davis at the sanctuary, the reasons given by the owner is they are doing spring-cleaning! This is really shocking! When has humanity degenerated to such a low?
When we saw them at the sanctuary, both of them were tied up with a rope and without a proper collar. They were tied so tightly at the neck that they almost choke to death. Their breathing was very hard and loud and was very strained. Few of us immediately started the rescue plans for Bette and Davis.
Hence, there is an urgent need to have more people and resources to rescue all the abandoned and physically abused animals like Bette and Davis.
Its inspiring to see that within Kechara there are people who genuinely care about animals, on the other hand it is sad to know that there are so many ugly Malaysians who the moment there is any problem with the pets, they just dump them. I really like to find out who these people are and give them a piece of my mind. Its very sad to people just dump their pets just like that, may these people never have the karma to own pets anymore. Its just so disgusting how they behaved. Good thing the two dogs have found better new homes.
Terima kasih Rinpoche!
How wonderful that Betty and Davis have found new homes away from the former injustice and cruelty that they suffered.
I shudder to think that after the Chinese zodiac year of the dog, many would have just dumped their dog pets and as a result planting unwholesome causes for both owner and animal in the here and now as well as the future.
We are all aspiring towards KAS and through that avenue, we can help alleviate and reverse this mind disease of irresponsibility and cruelty for our community and country.
Having said that, we rejoice with these heroes who have helped to take care of Betty and Davis and now have back their lives intact.
I can’t imagine how some pet owners can left or abandon their pets after years of their companionship. It is like abandoning one’s own child. In reality and sadly we must admit, many pets have been mistreated or abused also.
It is heartwarming to hear that these pair of lovely Hounds were rescued on time by our Kecharian animal lovers, Dr Hank, JP, Yekyee, Susan and Paris and they were treated and dewormed. We even found them a home with owners who really want to take care of them.
It is nice that we can actualise our teachings into action. May all these causes creat the merits for the manifestation of our own kechara Animal Sanctuary. May no animals suffer from abuse and be abandoned.
If you want to help with our animal sanctuary project, find out more from
I’d like to share an update: like Rinpoche said, Allan from KMP kindly found two of his friends who were very happy to adopt Bette and Davis. (though I think they’ve been renamed with Chinese names now!). They get a free run of the house and are getting lots of love from their owners, a very nice couple who loves dogs.
There were some complaints from the neighbours at first as Bassett Hounds do make a lot of noise, but I think they’ve adjusted and they’re okay now. Mainly, they are kept indoors so they don’t disturb the neighbours too much, and they seem to be very happy.
They really are such a cute pair and love each other ever so much. Apparently, they play and play non stop together and can’t bear to be separated. If they’re separate, or put into different rooms, the clever little pooches try everything they possibly can to get back to each other hehehe just way, way wayyyy too cute
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
It’s always wonderful to learn that Dharma can be translated into action and as demonstrated by this case story to highlight the preciousness of life and planting hope/potential into these distraught lives. Worthy examples of emulation and vocation.
They are so cute.
Pretty hound-dogs. Their sense of smell is unbelievable. I am happy the maggots are gone.