4 Bizarre Forms of Animal Cruelty
Have you ever witnessed something so bizarre you’ve involuntarily screamed out profanities? Or better yet, just gone completely speechless?
We think that we’ve seen it all. We’re connected. We’re exposed. And yet, once in a while we’re caught by surprise. By the extent of creativity us humans are capable of exhibiting.
And it’s not always a good thing.
Below are 4 bizarre ways that reflect how sometimes being on top of the food chain isn’t a glamorous spot to be at. Especially when our “superior” state is abused, and others get hurt. All for our entertainment.
He’s Alive In My Keychain!
Growing up, we’ve all had our fair share of little trinkets dangling off our backpacks, hand phones or house keys.
The need to accessorize has been very much pushed by the mass media. Whether it be a souvenir keychain of the Eiffel tower, or a piece of wood that has our names inscribed on it.
For a selected demographic, it seemed that the good ol’ fashion keychain wasn’t quite satisfactory.
Said to bring luck, for less than USD1, citizens of China are able to purchase a live animal keychain. The victims? A fish, salamander, frog or turtle. All in your desired coloured, “nutrient-rich” water.
Imagine standing up straight – in an upright casket – with glass doors. Unable to rest, move, breathe properly and living in your excrement. All whilst in constant motion.
A serious case of Digimon/Tamagotchi gone wrong!
Rooster Fightclub

In ancient Rome, gladiators were forced to fight or die.
Fast-forward 500 years later, and it appears that the arena (unwillingly) belongs to roosters.
Termed “cockfighting”, roosters are forced to participate in the blood sport where they fight to their death. All for the entertainment of bettors and onlookers.
Behind the scenes, there is selective breeding and intense training for aggressive roosters. It is also common to witness cruel practices such as the removal of bird spurs, steroid injections and the plucking of feathers.
More horrifically, most roosters have their waddles and/or combs hacked off by shears. That’s the flesh at the top of their heads and under their beaks. Why? To prevent other roosters from tearing them off in the ring!
Oh. Did we also mention that sharp weapons are attached to the roosters’ legs during the fight?
FYI it’s no vacation for the rooster before or after the match either.
Bearing It All Open 
(Photo credit: WSPA)
Around the world, millions of animals suffer in the name of medical science.
As we continue in search of medical treatments in order to address the wide spectrum of human diseases and illnesses – where do we draw the line?
One provided solution for our gall bladder or liver conditions is bear bile. Either via free range dripping or the insertion of permanent catheters, bile is extracted directly from a sun bear’s gall bladder.
Caught as a cub, bears grow up in mind-boggling small cages. Not likely to be released, these cubs spend the next 30 years of their lives in continuous torture in captivity.
And yes, their bodies gradually contort to fit the bars.
With the metal bars pressed against their weak bodies, most have very few teeth remaining due to years of chewing at the bars. From both boredom, and the hope to escape.
Across Asia, it is reported that up to 20,000 bears are kept in bear bile farms. With more than 10,000 bears in China, and 1,245 in Vietnam. That’s a lot of lives being kept in cages!
We exploit them for their bile, blinded by profits, unashamed of the reality.
The suffering endured is unimaginable. This one leaves us speechless.
Scooby-Doo vs. Baloo the Bear (Horror Version)
(Photo credit: WSPA)
Unfortunately, we didn’t make this up.
Known as “bear baiting”, the bloody sport involves a tormented bear, well-trained fighting dogs and lots of blood.
From the 16th to 19th Century, bear baiting was popular in England. Many members of the royal family were fans, including Henry VII who constructed arenas called the bear-gardens.
It may seem like a “fair” fight. One large bear, and a few small dogs.
However, the bears’ canine teeth are often removed, and their claws filed down. That’s like entering a Thai boxing ring with no hands and feet!
Each fight ends when the dogs successfully pulls the bear to the ground. And the entire horrific ordeal lasts approx. three minutes.
It’s extremely disheartening to know that bears usually have to undergo several fights during each day’s event.
They are seldom killed in the process, but sustain severed injuries to their necks. And as the fight continues, they bleed profusely from deep bite wounds.
Banned in most countries, the latest bear baiting incident was recorded in 2013. With Royal Canin being a sponsor, it was only brought to the public’s attention due to the blatant contradiction between the sponsors’ company values and the event.
With the “sport” being practiced in Ukraine, Pakistan (organized predominantly by local warlords who own the fighting dogs), and the United States, several backyard bear baiting goes unreported every year.
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Your Next Meal!
Yummy? Tasty? Behind the scenes of the meat on your plates. Meat is a killing industry.
This is Daw
This is what they do to get meat on tables, and to produce belts and jackets. Think twice before your next purchase.
Don’t Take My Mummy Away!
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They do this every day!
This is how they are being treated every day of their lives. Please do something to stop the brutality. Listen to their cries for help!
What happened at Fair Oaks Farm?
The largest undercover dairy investigation of all time. See what they found out at Fair Oaks Farm.
These extremely sad forms of animal cruelty show the extend of what we humans can go to take advantage and make money on the suffering and killing of another being.
What a poor person it must be to make one’s living out of this cruelty?
This is completely not necessary and if someone wants to see a fight, they can try to fight themselves and see if it does them some good.
We must create more awareness on the suffering of animals to stop humans from taking advantage, hurting and killing of them.
in a Japanese space theme park, about 5,000 sea creatures were embedded as a winter attraction in the ice ring. Luckily many people spoke up and all was removed. “Japan’s ‘Space World’ apologizes for freezing 5,000 fish in skating rink” https://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/28/asia/japan-frozen-fish-rink-trnd/index.html
We have the power to stop animal abusers and we need to speak up and be the voice for the suffering animals.
Only human beings can think of the most bizarre forms of animal cruelty, from placing life fish or frogs in key chains, to rearing roosters to be aggressive so as to engage in bloody rooster fights to the death, to keeping sun bears in captivity in small cages for as long as 30 years so as to extract bile from them in a tortuous manner for medicinal purposes , to rearing bears for well-trained dogs to attack in bloody bear baiting sport.
It is unbelievable that humans can engage in such extreme forms of cruelty for sport, entertainment or as cures for diseases. There must be some way to educate against such inhumane treatment of animals.
All form of animal cruelty are all due to the selfisheness of human beings. We want entertainments, profits, and to fulfil our craves.
Every life counts, tiny or big , common or rare, they are all lives. Stop supporting any or similar activities that harm another sentient being and stop the cycle.
Human beings are the most intelligent animals on Earth and yet are the most cruel. But, on the other hand, they are also the most kind and gentlest of all.
What these people did with the encasing of the little creatures in those fluids and the rooster fight and the animal lab testing is horrific. But then there are worse things that are done like the skinning of reptiles while they are alive and the processing of pigs before they are fully dead.
Nowadays, there are many activists bringing attention to the various cruelty inflicted on these animals. Their voices are increasing being heard via social media. And, it is also notable that the voices are from the younger generation, like Alicia Keys.
Thank you, Rinpoche for raising awareness among the younger set of Kecharians, the new generation of aware and mindful people.
All the pain and suffering rendered to the poor creatures just to provide entertainment or for self-gratification purposes. It is really sad that the one who are supposed to have more intellect are the perpetrators of such insanely cruel acts and they fail to see beyond their own selfish interest. How else would you explain the inability to see the torture inflicted on the animals or the ability to ignore or turn a deaf ear, but for them being blinded to anything else but their own wants and needs? Of course this is not right and these poor animals do not deserve to be treated like this, more so when they are just poor little helpless animals. We should be caring for them and respecting their rights instead of exploiting them for selfish reasons.
I decided to touch back on this because I feel I did not say enough before. Humans exploiting animals is so cruel and these example are just so bad. For the key chain one, you doom them to die in a closed off space where you just watch them? extreme cruelty. For the Cock Fighting one, you make them kill each other for your own pleasant viewing experience. Extreme cruelty. For the medical testing one, I honestly do not want to attack this example because although it is extreme cruelty and often animals do die horrible deaths, it is to an extent necessary for human health and continuing existence. For the Bull Fighting one, what a good fight huh? Put a tormented bull in there with killing machines, make those dogs live to kill and kill the bulls with them, all for your viewing experience. Extreme Cruelty.
These are horrendous, I can never under why would someone put a live animal into a keychain! Like seriously, what is wrong with the people? What is so fun about that? No animal should suffer such cruelty, none of them did anything wrong nor have they inflicted any harm on us.
In most of the countries, death sentences are no longer allowed even if one has committed a very serious crime, animals too have the rights to be in present on earth, breathing in the same air and drinking the same water just like we all do.
We should start educating the next generation of kids to respect and love animals, let’s not make them repeat what we are doing now. It will not bring any benefit to us nor them but will only cause a great disruption in the eco system, destroying the mother earth.
Why do we make them suffer? What do we get? What do they feel?
That is what everyone should think. WE make them SUFFER, they are sentient beings and we ruin their lives. For what? SO WE can get some kind of temporary satisfaction that we get from their SUFFERING AND PAIN. Being killed brutally, being trapped, being tortured experiencing pain and being looked down upon. They feel like us and we kill them.
One more thing to think of.
Would we like it? How would we feel? Why do we still do it then?
I have to be completely honest here, I had no idea that any of these methods of animal cruelty existed.
To me personally, the first method is the worst. By containing those small animals in keychains just for human satisfaction is terrible. I cannot imagine myself in that position. The animals are given barely any space, and i would imagine that they are being shaken around quite violently as that is how keychains are treated. This is by far one of the worst forms of animal cruelty I have ever seen. And the worst part, so so so many people do not see his as animal cruelty, but instead as ‘cool’ to have a living keychain.
Animal cruelty is already happening in slaughterhouses all over the world just to supply the human population with unneeded meat products. And now on top of all that suffering, us humans do things like this. Stupid. Like all the pain and suffering the animals go through in slaughterhouses isn’t enough. When are people going to realise that these kind of actions are wrong? I hope soon.
Thank you Rinpoche, for taking the action to bring this to light for us.