You need to see this!

Sometimes you come across people that really inspire you with their compassion and total commitment to benefitting others. I was so touched and moved by this video. I think it is amazing what these people are doing. Ms Du and Ms Yang are really heroes. Listen to their stories and what they are doing!! I am going to contact a Ms Yang in this video (you must watch!) and offer her contributions towards what she is doing.
Please share this video with as many people as you can. If you do this, you are spreading awareness from the comforts of your own home. You can save lives. Your efforts can create a change. Don’t look for the change. YOU BE THE CHANGE.
Tsem Rinpoche
China’s Animal Crusade
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In northern China, where there is a long history of consuming dog meat to ward off the coldness in the winter. They celebrates the summer solstice by throwing a festival that involves the slaughter and consumption of dog meats. Many people love the sophisticated tastes of their dog-meat cuisine. This tradition is slowly fading out as more and more people are aware of the cruelty and not a healthy life consuming it.
Reading this blog and looking at the pictures , one could see the poor lady activist kneels down , begging the vendor to buy those dogs from being eaten ahead of the annual dog meat. What she did was incredible ,sold her family’s two houses to fund the rescue of thousands of dogs. This amazing woman has spent large amount of money, saving dogs from the Chinese dog meat festival. She has dedicated her life to actually doing something worth doing about it. Attitudes towards dog consumption in China are changing, but some of these traditions have deep roots.
Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful sharing.
感恩这位 Ms Du, 她做了一个好榜样,让人们渐渐觉醒善待动物。感恩他的慈悲心让被宰杀的猫猫狗狗可以有丛生的机会。MsDu功德无量。
It is very good that more and more people are doing something to help the dogs. I really hope that the China government would soon have a law with regards to the illegal capturing of animals and killing them as food. It is just sad that people do not see these animals as beings that we should care for. Instead, they look as them as a item that they can abuse, or even kill for their meat.
so good, may Gods bless those who taking care Animal ….thanks.
It is said that the Chinese “will eat anything with its back to the sun/sky” – which pretty much means any animal in the world except humans (although there are also documentaries of how some Chinese boil aborted foetuses in soup as a remedy for good skin!)
As someone who has had dogs as a part of my family my whole life, finding out about people eating dogs never fails to shock and horrify me. Then again (and this applies to all pet lovers who eat meat), why is your adorable little furry pooch any different from that chicken that’s ended up on your dinner plate? Or the cow that has been minced into your hamburger? Or the cute furry little lamb that’s now sizzling on your barbeque set? Exactly, there’s no difference. So why should it be horrifying for us to see a video about the Chinese eating dogs but okay for us to keep eating that fried chicken, the hamburger or the lamb chop?
Thank goodness there are people like Ms Du and Ms Yang in the world. It’s not just for their rescue work – which is incredible in itself – but for that innate compassion within them that identifies that there really is no difference between those dogs and the rest of us. it is incredible to watch them have to struggle against a whole society that thinks completely opposite to what they think, where an entire country supports something they do not. But while this might mean their own lives are at risk, you can see how they would die trying to save a life.
So as you bite into that juicy piece of meat tonight for dinner, just stop for a moment to think of the horror that has gone into making that meal possible – and what some brave individuals are doing to lessen the suffering of the world. Thank you for sharing this Rinpoche. It was a series of videos like these a few years ago that sealed my resolve to never eat meat again and for that, I am forever grateful.
I am sorry, I don’t really see how the slaughter of dogs is any different from the millions abattoirs across China, Asia, Europe, America and the rest of the world. A sea of animals of pigs, cows and other types of animals are slaughtered daily. It’s incredible that people don’t see this fact. People are impervious towards the suffering of animals. I think that is international issue and not specifically Chinese. However, it is an uphill battle and the only weapon is exposure and awareness like through this video. Perhaps one day, China or any other nation would be leading country in vegetarianism and promotion of it.
all meat is murder all meat is wrong – but dog meat hits harder cause i have dogs at home
but really there is abuse of cows and chicken also in all of the factory farms !
Its sad that there are many countries that does not have laws to protect the animals. In Malaysia, there are many black markets, where restaurants sell wild animals. It is really cruel to see and hear killings everyday. People like Ms Du and Ms Yang are such inspiration to many. They show you that anyone can do it if only you do it. Not only cats and dogs but all living beings… Be kind…
We always read, hear and see about horrible news of animal abuse in China and how people actually eat domestic pets. This was one of the news I least expect to read and watch! I never thought there were anyone nice in China who liked animals actually and would actually help like this. I a surprised and glad to know that there is a glimpse of “hope”! Because we all know that there is no laws to protect animals in China.
Both the ladies seems genuine, sincere and determined to help as much as they can… it is heart warming to see and for once it is a video not about how they killed them but how the save them! I really hope they do create an effect and awareness in China and gain support and help!
If we cannot help, at least we should not harm… and it can start from our dinner plates.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing, and thanks Ms Du and Ms Yang. U two are really good.It is really sad to see people do not treasure animal lives,
I love what Ms Du and Ms Yang are doing for these animals. I wish that more people in the world will continue to do this. And its amazing how many cats and dogs she has kindly kept at her home. Then she uses mostly her own money to care for them. And she then builds them a new home and gives them love and care. Every animals is ment to be loved and cared for.
Thank you for sharing on this video.They are very kind humans, may God bless you.
All this people is cruel, that catch all the doggies to kill as their food to eat 🙁 It is so sad and wanna vomit when I watch this video… This people really selfish and no heart feeling, that they can treat the dogs like this….
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the video.It’s heart wrenching to see people are taking others life for food. The value of others are just how much money they could make, how selfish.
Before I become meatless diner, I was very into the taste of the food, something that can make my day. After I watch Earthlings and other videos in the slaughter houses, I found that it’s the demand of our tongue that kill the animals.
Actually not only dogs and cats, all sentient beings can feel pain too, although they do not look cute and lovely, they have their rights to live, and we have no rights to kill.
Please, do not eat animals.
How could someone eat man’s best friend. They are the closest thing to humanity who has feelings and sense. It is true to the saying that the Chinese eats anything which has their back facing the sky, and that included dogs.
I salute Ms Yang for her bravery in saving dogs in China where the dog meat trade is rampant. She faces a lot obstacles and rejection but she just continues on her fight to save dogs from the woks. From the video, you can see how much resistance she gets from the sellers because she is seen as wreaking their income.
Highlight her cause to the world so that more dogs will be saved and less bad karma be created for the world.
Mrs Du selflessly caring of hundred of dogs at China are very rare case. Although she facing scolding by people wasting money to feed the dogs. However base to her compassion and care to protect the dogs bring up much awareness to the China society not cruel to pets and not eating their meat.
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing.This documentary is in deed touching.I really admire the courage and determination of those animal activist.Out of believe,passion and compassion ,they were brave enough to do what others would just show empathy and not the one who will take ownership of change.Those activist have sacrifice a lot to make a change of what society accept as a culture and condone the practice.
I condemn those who out of greed who steal and kidnap helpless house pets for the sake of profit.Think of how the family(owner) of the pets would feel, when their love ones get kidnapped and never to be return to them.
Seeing how they torture dogs and actually cook them and eat them totally DISGUST me to the max. We here in Malaysia are common to have dogs as our pets and yet in China, they are actually being treated as a delicacies. I wonder what are they thinking when they are eating those meat. Simply YUCKS big time. Shall never hurt any animal as they got feelings to. Just that they didnt master the ability to speak to express it. They express it by attacking or fighting back.
The people who are crusaders of the preservation of animal lives and rights represent only a small minority. This is a good video that shows how there are people like Ms Du, Ms Yang and Mr Ma who commit their lives to saving helpless dogs and cats – beings that are helpless to defend themselves against yet another manifestation of human brutality. Elsewhere in this blog, we see similar angels who fight against cruelty to farm animals.
At the core, the primary issue is not whether we can or should eat dogs, cats, chickens, cow, pigs, fish or some other exotic animals, but whether we can see that ALL lives are precious and having equal value to our own. How we treat an animal is how precious we see all lives. And if we see all lives are being precious, we cannot discriminate as to which life we see as having more value than other because that is also discrimination in another form.
At the individual level we can save “one life at a time” and that is to be applauded but for the fight against animal cruelty to be effective, it need to be taken upstream and dealt with holistically. People have to understand the interdependence of all lives and the individual and communal repercussions of taking lives. At the same time, they need to be shown and to experience the benefits of saving lives. Therefore, if not the religion of Buddhism, then the teachings of the Buddha on the preciousness of all lives must be propagated widely.
On a personal level, we can use our own life as an example. We become instruments of the fight by treating our own pets very well and recognizing them as sentients beings, by doing our bit for the local animal rescue efforts, by sponsoring animal shelters and by refraining from eating meat and be the cause for farm animals to be butchered.
I believe that fundamentally people want to be better. The dog supplier in the video that Ms Du engaged with showed glimpses of compassion and was ready to release the dogs until he came under pressure from his clients. The look of shame and regret was on his face as he took his dogs back from the truck. I hope he finds a better way to make a living.
Compassion knows no barriers really best to describe Ms Du, she will go all the way to stop them from killing the dogs, she even fight, and scold and shouted at them in order to save the dogs. Does she has no fear? A woman who stand in front of the guys, who do everything to stop them from killing. She is really the representative of compassion.
She fights and she fought tirelessly for others who can’t speak, who can’t say thank you or repay her with anything, but she never stop because of that, her kind act is genuine, if more people are like her, animals will have much better life today.
First view this video in KFR. Watching this video, I just could not bear to see the pains of the dogs being abused and hurts before they are being eaten, especially when I see that they are in cages and were just kick and throw down from the lorry. 🙁
There are some believe that eating dog meat would cure their illness. However, don’t they know that eventually they will get the negative karma from killing? The best way to have a healthy and long live would be doing good and saving life. Do more animal liberations and save more lives would eventually help to have healthy life.
Great work Ms Du & Ms Yang! Thank you for saving so many lives!
I salute Ms Du adn Ms Yang for their devotion and great compassion to protect and save these dogs and cats. How many can and would spend their life savings, time and effort in helping these dogs and cats? May they inspire more to come forward to support their efforts.
These dog meaters need to realise that dogs are men’s best friends. Trained dogs help men in many ways – they lead the blind, they become the police dog, they work for the custom to track down illegal smuggling of drugs, they are useful companions for people who are alone etc. Some dogs had even saved human lives! Why would you want to eat a dog who is so kind, adorable and useful to mankind? Who gives humans the rights to kill and eat dog?
Dog meat eater and traders cannot imagine the heavy negative karma they are accumulating for eating and trading the dog meat! Dog meat traders should change their livelihood and not continue to kill and sell dog meat.
China needs to enact laws to protect the dogs and cats. Dog meat eating should be stopped and banned. There are other safer and healthier food to eat than dog meat. China needs to educate the public about this. People must realise that eating exotic food like dogs can endanger their lives. Many unknown diseases are spread through these exotic food.
We can feel the sadness in the dogs eyes and their cries of fear and pain as they were being dragged or beaten to death. So much cruelty and lack of compassion in those men. I pray that any government in the world will take strict action against animal abusers. Imagine how those abusers will feel if those arrested are being punished the same way as how those animals were by being treated by those inhuman people. It may make many of them give up the trade for fear of being arrested and punished. Ms Du and Ms Yang and all animal rescuers are heroes. It heartbreaking to see the animals suffer so much.
I am sure this video has touched the hearts of many people and i prayed and hoped that more people in China will come out to give support to Ms Du and Ms Yang who fought so hard against all odds to save the lives of the animals. They are truly so compassionate like Bodhisattvas.
It is truly inspiring to see how Ms Du and Ms Yang fervently helped to save the animals. Animals have the rights to live too. Not just human. Many animals are slaughtered often while fully conscious and it is painful to see or hear their wailing of pain. Imagine this is done on us (human), do we like this suffering instill on ourselves? How else the animals can endure? What make them difference from us? They deserve the rightful kindness, love and care too.
Fortunately, each one of us has the power to help end this suffering by simply choosing not to put a dent to our ecosystem of nature. It is important to save animals to maintain the ecological balance.
Nature has its own way of maintaining the balance. If we do not take steps to ensure it, we will ultimately have to face the consequences. Every one of us has the responsibility for each other and not just about ourselves. No one being or things on this earth is independent of each other. Similarly, if we have yesterday, we have today and tomorrow.
Nothing in the universe can exist independently, and all phenomena arise because of the culmination of various causes and conditions. Our actions impact ourselves, others, and even the earth. Our existence is intimately intertwined.
All animals according to Buddhist’s belief are considered to be living beings, irrespective of their levels of classifications. They have consciousness and sense of intelligience as can be seen in the blog video. They too, have the wish to seek happiness and not sufferings as much as we humans do! As compassionate spiritual practioners, we should help them out to seek santuary in fulfilment of our universal sense of responsibilities to the best of our ability for these poor helpless creatures, least of all, than to cut them up, sell their flesh and to eat them. In the wisdom-words of the Dalai Lama, who exclaimed, “Today, more than ever before life must be characterised by a sense of ‘Universal Responsibility’ not only nation to nation, and human to nation, but also human to other forms of life!” OM MANI PADME HUM.
Without Ms Du and Ms Yang, that will be much much more Cats and Dogs in China send to a dinner table, or some send to kill for medical purpose. Not just in China, every country and every human being should not ABUSE animals.
If human keep continue eating meat, when animals suffering will be End?
Thank You Rinpoche for sharing this to all of us.
Beat Regards : Erickksiow
There are many who keep dogs and cats as pets while there are others who breed and killed dogs and cats as food. Animals have a right to live and we as humans should not abuse them in this way. This is inhumane!
This inhumanity must stop. There is no legitimate excuse for such atrocities. Time for these people to evolve their culture and join the human race. While I am heartened by the compassionate work of a few Chinese activists on this video, the cruelty demonstrated by the Chinese meat marketers is intolerable and must become a highly ostracized global concern. Hopefully the crusade against this mass cruelty will be energized by this woman’s work. But China, you are being put on notice–the world is watching your every move with regard to animal cruelty.
很佩服Ms Du,Ms Yang有着对动物的那分慈悲心,拯救了好多的狗儿和猫儿让它们不用受宰杀之苦那是多么的开心事。现在是个21世纪的发达世界,我们有的是智慧,我们会分辨出任何对与不对的事,哪有什么道理是吃狗肉可以补身子的事,要补身子的方法有很多,不要再盲目跟随着所谓的“潮流”。
这些可爱的动物它们也都是无辜者,它们也需要被关怀,被爱护。请支持Ms Du, Ms Yang,分享正确的讯息让大众也参与这项拯救行动。
Please never give up the good work , may God bless you
I saw ur clip is there a website of Ms Du and Ms Yang? Is there a donation website like so she can receive funds to help her out and for the dogs she looks after?
Kindest regards
The ladies , Ms Du and Ms Yang, are modern day heroines. They are brave enough to fight the culture and conventional thinking, shared by the masses in China, regarding abuse and torture and killing of dogs and cats for their meat. They are brave enough to face condemnation as well as being labelled as ‘crazy people’ for their love and care of dogs.
But what Ms Du says is true too. The people in China just need to be re-educated against the abuse and horrendous killing of animals for food and for health and medicinal purposes.I just can’t believe a Chinese lady saying that she eats the meat of puppies, under ten days old, a couple of times a week as a cure for her headaches! And then she goes on to say, she only eats dog meat that is yellow in color! How does that make her more ‘merciful’ or ‘compassionate’ towards dogs in general? Imagine eating newly born babies of dogs, which are also living beings who want to live too ! Then again, whether it’s eating yellow dog meat or eating any dog meat or eating crocodile’s meat or beef or mutton or chicken or fish, what’s the difference? They are all results of the killing of mother sentient beings.
Thank You Ms Yang and Ms Du for saving hundreds of lives. They are very kind humans. They wiling to give up everything they have to save all these animals which is not an easy thing to do. May they have good health and long life. Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix
Ms Du and Ms Yang are really heroes. Thank you Mrs Du and Mrs Yang for saving hundreds of cats and dogs. Will shared these post with my friends and family so that they can realise and inspired by the action of them. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing on these video.
i am very moved to how many dogs ms du and ms yang will take in and care for because they have compassion for animals. i hope that they have a very long life and be very healthy.
Watching this video really gives me mixed feelings… It is really sad to see people do not treasure animal lives, yet inspired by people who are working against all odds to save them.
There are a lot of difficulties in China to stop animal abuse. The concept of being respectful to animals is not common to many.
One comment the dog meat producer made: “If they can have beef for meat, why we can’t have dog meat for meat?” really got me thinking… Many of the west condemn China for eating dogs and cats because they are considered pets in west; on the other hand, cows are considered as holy animals in India while people consumed them around the world…
If we are Buddhist, we know very well that each animal is a life, and killing animals means kill life. As such, we should do as much as we can to stop killing, and one of the easiest way to stop killing is to stop eating meat.
If a person cannot be 100% vegetarian, they should not give excuse to themselves by saying I can’t. Instead, a person can cut down on meat gradually. For example, one can become “Monday vegetarian”, for a start, then gradually improve. That is the very least we can, and should do.
You really have to give it to the people of China those who are swimming against the tide they have to fight against culture, habits, past habits of how people would treat dogs and cats. There are many kind and principled people in China who would not just take things as they are. they fight till the end.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing, and thanks Ms Du and Ms Yang. U 2 are really heroes.
Every sentient beings have their right to live, hopefully more and more peoples can realize in Karma so they can stop their cruel actions. May Dharma growth all over the world to save all sentient beings…
Thank you Mrs Du and Mrs Yang for saving hundreds of cats and dogs. They are so compassionate and caring,even when they lose their property they still resist to save these animals. I wish that no more animals will be killed for their skin and meat and remain as humans friend forever. Thank you.
In countries or places where there is no animal protection legislations, animal activists always have to take up the burdens of many others, something that they may not have to engage themselves with at all. But purely because of kindness within their hearts, they do it selflessly.
Much emotions arise in my heart while I was watching this video. In order to fulfill a simple and kind motivation Ms Yang is seen as an outcast and is getting into financial difficulties for reason other than for her own. I pray that the Kuan Yin in her premise will give her much blessings to get through all difficulties that she has.
Then I also thought, how nice will it be that those multi-billionnaires within China can donate a small percentage of their earnings to a good cause like this. A small percentage of their money can bring much changes to the lives of these kind animal activists and many poor animals out there.
It has been China culture and habituation to breed and eat dogs, it was also quite disturbing to see the dog meat was packaged as snack…. First time i heard that dog meat has medicinal purpose. It’s good that there is work been done to create awareness on this animal abuse. It also important to educate people on care on animals such as dogs. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing on this video.