Coloured frogs
Coloured frogs are now the latest rage in China. Not beautiful and exotic ones, but those that have been made colourful unnaturally.
To achieve such colours, the frogs are bathed in powerful lasers, various chemicals and dyes. These are toxic and no doubt cause a lot of harm and suffering to the frogs.
Frogs which are subjected to this type of treatment will definitely not live long and instead suffer from various diseases due to the harsh chemicals and stress. It is sad that weaker, harmless creatures are put through so much suffering in the name of entertainment and profit.
Let’s hope that this fad dies out soon and spares hundreds of frogs from suffering. It’s very nauseating in fact.
Tsem Rinpoche
Coloured Frogs Big Hit in China
Oddity Central | Published July 7 2011
Just like tattooed gold fish and live turtles sealed in keychains, artificially dyed frogs have been sold in China for a few years now, despite complaints from animal activists and warnings from animal welfare experts.
It seems regular frogs weren’t cheerful-looking enough for some people, so they decided to add a bit more colour to mother nature’s design, through modern technology.
Using various devices and techniques, including lasers and bombarding the poor amphibians with large amounts of industrial chemicals which are absorbed by their skin, they create what is known as coloured frogs.

For some reason, many Chinese seem to like these radioactive-looking frogs
The colours are vibrant and apparently last for up to 4-5 years.
For some reason, many Chinese seem to like these radioactive-looking frogs, and they are in very high demand at aquariums and ponds across the country.
Some even buy them as pets for their children, and vendors say people “like the bright colours because they are so cheerful”.
Unfortunately, few of them understand that the high doses of chemicals are lethal as indicated by signs like “Not for human consumption” on the side of their tanks.
Experts say thousands of tropical frogs could die as a result of this coloured frog trend.
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From lush rainforest to deserts, frogs are found in every environment on earth. There are many different species as well and colourful too. Unfortunately, an equally-horrific new fad has recently popped up in China, where millions of frogs are being coloured with industrial dyes. Those dyes contains a very high doses of chemical which is harmful to the frogs. They seem to be a popular trend in China and are in high demand at aquariums and ponds , some been keeping it as pets. Everywhere at wet market in China, the dyed frogs are being sold. The effect of injections of chemicals into the frog would be horribly injured or killed the frog. Recording to research the dyes being used on the frogs are dangerous and harmful to human as well.
May all sales of these coloured frogs must be banned. Its more or less abusing animals in such a way frogs were treated as objects and not living creatures in need of care. In no time all these frogs will go extinction .
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Thank you for the sharing, sad to read about the poor little creature has to suffer so much just for human entertainment, fun and pleasure. I never thought of frog had a huge demand till I came across of this article.
Every creation of God has a reason for living on earth with the same feelings. The feeling of pain, happiness, anger, depression etc. is the same for all. However, since animals and plants do not speak, we humans abuse them to such a great extent, that if they could respond back, we would have suffered much more and create the negative karma.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article. It is indeed my first time seeing coloured frogs. Some may find it cute/ interesting, but I find it kinda cruel and I’m definitely not buying it if I were to stumble upon one of these. Personally we must hold our mind strong, we might not be able to help, but at least we do not harm others. This is terrible but also good for us to reflect our own mind.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article. It is indeed my first time seeing coloured frogs. Why in the earth these people want to put color onto the frogs? Just because the public likes it and the frog vendor just do it to get business? Have they thought of the suffering that these frogs have to go through and their lives might be shorten due to the chemicals. This is another kind of animal cruelty which the people need to stop. Once there is no demand then the supply will eventually stop.
With folded palms,
So sad to see animals suffer because of profit oriented humans trying to get ahead of others. It is therefore important to be reminded daily and practice fervently the Five Buddhist Percepts; which is refraining from harming living things, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct, lying or gossip, and taking intoxicating substances eg drugs or drink. By following these percepts closely, we will do no harm to others and hence our existence will not become the source of hurt and pain for others, be it another fellow human or animals. Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Some may find it cute/ interesting, but I find it kinda cruel and I’m definitely not buying it if I were to stumble upon one of these. We cant see it but its definitely gonna affect the health of the frogs sooner or later. Sometimes we just cant make something change, we have to love it for who it is.
Dear Rinpoche, not to be rude. But this China Chinese are really disgusting, they eat almost every single animal on this earth. They kill animals for many stupid reason. Especially the ones that we don’t even need it in our life. I feel really sad for the frogs, I wish I have the power to do something about it.
this is horrible that these people make these frogs suffer so that they can get entertainment. would you like to be tortured and weakened like this????? be a vegetarian and never harm an animal ever.
This is terrible, people in China have no idea the amount of pain they are putting the frogs in. Its really very sad. And yet people buy them because they look cool. And i cannot imagine how much pain the frogs are being put in when they are being shot with lasers and when they are drowned in chemicals so that they may have a certain colour. And yet, its not enough pain that after all of the chemicals, they live a short and painful life with a lot of illness and diseases.
This is horrible! Why would people do that to the frogs when it makes no difference after all? It’s just the looks the chemicals have changed. It could have shortened the lives of the frogs. This is not a fashion trend, they are LIVES.
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
This is so cruel. Why do people do this? It does not bring cheer at all! It’s colours although pretty only are there because of pain and suffering beforehand. The people who do this are either ignorant or evil. This cruel practice must be stopped.
This is so cruel~ how could people just do such a things to animal just for their own leisure purposes!
Pls stop all the buyings! No demand there will be no more this kind of nonsense creation!
I really couldn’t imagine being laser or put under radioactive for coloring and stuff, then put into the aquarium and being sell. Parents should play their role by telling their kids this is not a trend, the frog should not be their pet because they are suffering. Friends should be treated in this ways!
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this. I am quite disturbed with this news as i totally cannot agree with what is done. No Buying! No Demand!
are you sure that they are not genetically modified to look like that??????? who says that dyes were used??? sounds like a stupid rumour to me. you should show the process of dying to prove it is true. Ignorance may run really deep…
In order to gain fast money, people can think of all sort of crazy ideas.
I have seen a picture of a dog that has a dog-looking face but with long nose like pig. This is due to the unethical dog breeding ground. I pity this dog for it has to come to this world with deformity.
These frogs are not cute at all, for me they look eerie and I pity these frogs for they need to go through so much sufferings for the short term pleasures of human beings.
At the end not only these frogs suffer, but also us human beings. No matter how almighty human beings think they are, the nature has its final say.
Sickening people with sickening ideas…!! They think they are creative..!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! They just being selfish to harm those helpless beings!! NO BUYING, NO DEMAND!!
Sometimes human can be so creative in a scary way. Who will think so something like this? Just to imagine someone injected some coloring into our body and we change into the certain color, we will not going to be happy, NO WAY.
We should not buy any of this “product” as a pet just because of their vibrant color. We shouldn’t spend our money to bring others suffering.
Money can really makes someone lost themselves, because we want something so badly, we can easily bring suffer to others, as long as we got my money or anything i like, this is the trend nowadays.
Personally we must hold our mind strong, we might not be able to help, but at least we do not harm others. This is terrible but also good for us to reflect our own mind.
Just imagine how selfish we are, all manifested in different ways. I just feel very sick. What they or people these days concerned is money, anything can get more money they will do it irregardless whether another party will suffer or not.
If we do not educate our younger generation how to be kind now, future situation will be even worse.
They did it again! Sick people with sick ideas for money. Let alone the sufferings of the animals but how it will educate the next generations and today’s people. Are they trying to tell people that these animals are “cute”?
People these days will come out with anything for the sake of money, very sickening. These animals suffered for nothing and we get to live comfortably and earning a good buck too! But i believe karma, no ones gets away with anything. We have to educate the youth, the kids that not to follow these young acts. Education is very important!
Just like what Margaret had commented, we had to stop so they will stop supply because of no demand. Simply because there are not as cute as they seemed to be.
China strikes again…..from substituted chemicals in milk powder, fake ingredients in packaged food, live fish in key chains to colored frogs….
I urge people not to follow the business idea and we should refrain from buying these colored frogs to reduce the demand.
Om Mani Pad Me Hung……
Thank you Rinpoche. This is something new to me and it’s so cruel. I’ve heard about dogs being injected with certain types of chemical to stop them from growing but this is worse. I’ve been under laser and needles. Trust me it’s not an enjoyable process. Imagine the pain the frogs have to go through and the disease they have to endure during their existence as a frog. May they never have to endure pain worse than this.