If you ever see any videos of animals being crushed…they are not isolated incidents. It is all part of a market called Crush Fetish.
Crush Fetish is something that has been going on for decades. With the Internet being widely used now, it is a fetish that has gradually come out from underground over the years. There is the Soft Crush and the Hard Crush. The Soft Crush is when small insects like worms, caterpillars etc, get crushed..and the Hard Crush is when small rabbits, kittens, puppies etc, get crushed. IF YOU HAVE TO CRUSH…STICK TO CRUSHING AIR, STONES, PAPER, WATER…or your ego??
This fetish feeds the people out there that have a desire to see little animals being crushed, usually by a member of the opposite sex. It is apparently quite a big and profitable market…these videos are made, replicated onto DVDS and then exported around Asia and the West. These animal crush videos are sold to fetishists who get some kind of sexual satisfaction from watching them. Incredible disgusting that will lead to horrible spiral down.
Those that participate in the videos get paid quite a lot…apparently for the small animals, they get paid RMB200-300. Some get paid up to RMB6,000 for the larger animals.
There is also a small group of people that have a fetish for seeing the opposite sex crush food and fruits……there are really many different types of people out there…
Tsem Rinpoche
(Warning: Graphic Images)
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Can you send me all the crush videos on “
Hi George!
You’re fucking sick in the head if you want to see those. Please seek therapy you degenerated incel
Humans are the most dangerous creatures on Earth and this is one of the proofs of that. How can a person enjoy seeing animals die in pain? And how can a person kill an innocent creature in cold blood for money or fun? Probably a sociopath with no empathy… I believe not all Chinese people are like that.
Please get help if you have this disgusting disease called “crush fetish” before it’s too late.
Dear Rinpoche, I didn’t know that there’s this term as ‘Crush Fetish’. It’s totally out of my mind, moreover stepping on animals/insects? I scrolled these collages rather quickly, neither do I want to Zoom in. I hope people will be aware of one’s behaviour.
When I first read the heading , I wonder whats all about. But as I continue reading , its disgusting looking at those heartfelt pictures. Well… what goes around comes around. Didn’t expect beautiful wealthy women wearing nice dress and shoes did such an ugly act. Feeling sad for those been crushed to death . So cruel yet to them is fun.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this to bring awareness . May all these cruelty end soon and hopefully authority could put a stop on these
What has got into them..Such an inhuman behavior. I got no heart to see all those pictures, had to scroll down as I couldn’t bear seeing this cruelty on poor animals. I have seen people watching slime videos for satisfaction, this is the first time seeing this. This has to end very soon !
Thank you Rinpoche
This is so sick! Who would want to hurt animals and then even pay people to do it. How cruel these people are…
We should never hurt animals. Always encourage others to help animals, rescue animals, and show them love.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article. I find these ladies are so sickening. Why on earth they want to do such things to an animal? Have they no other better things to do? I hope they would not call this as a new hobby. I wonder if they ever feel pity for torturing and killing a small animal. May the animals that have been killed by these ladies have a good and swift rebirth.
With folded palms,
If you are going for best contents like myself, just pay a visit this site all the time as it provides feature contents,
Outstanding post however , I was wondering if you
could write a litte more on this topic? I’d be very grateful if
you could elaborate a little bit further. Thank you!
This kind of people are super disgusting and cruel. Especially the creator of this market and why would people even think that it’s fun. The pain that the animals felt during these cruel process. Imagine you yourself is being stomp by a giant human wearing high heels. The feeling when the high heels finally puncture through your body, isn’t the pain unimaginable?
if u want send me some this videos to my mail ? or from where i can download it?
Dear Rinpoche, these people are really scary! I have no idea what the heck is china people thinking. Enjoying taking their life while the animals suffered tremendous pain that you can never imagine。 No matter how pretty the girl is, I would also stomp on them if they do this kind of cruelty act.
I’ve seen quite a few videos about some retard girls crushing rabbits. The most recent one I saw was about 3-4 girls stepping over a little puppy. In the video, the puppy was crying and barking for help, but unfortunately no one helped the pup. The video was so disgusting, as the pup was crying, the crazy girls were talking and laughing, they even stepped on the pup with their bare feet. Disgusting! This has to stop so badly!
eu gosto muito de crush
Dear Rinpoche, I have watched the videos before. They are really heartless, I’ve heard that they say if they keep on making these videos then the owner of the website will somehow give them money. But is money more important than lives? Why do they even want to kill these cute and innocent rabbits, animals aren’t born to be eaten and killed by us, they should be being loved and cared by us.
This is just so disgusting, I have heard stories like this before, but I have never seen any videos or photos like this. This is just so disturbing. If they can do this to small animals now, imagine what would they be crushing in the future if this is matter is not being taken cared of by the authorities. I believe if this carries on, soon, people will be crushing infants as well. It is just so disturbing to see these acts. Hopefully they have stopped all acts like this.
This fetish is so messed up. I wish that it will be stopped. This barbaric behaviour must be stopped. I wish that this lady will be caught. Why does one have to make other beings suffer just to satisfy their selfish sexual desires? Sigh…
This is the most terrifying thing i have ever seen! I don’t understand how someone could do this and yet find it fun and entertaining. So cruel. It looks as though these people are doing these things to this poor rabbit just for the fun of it. Terrible, just terrible. Rabbits are such cute animals, why would anybody hurt them and abuse them. It doesn’t make any sense.
To call this sick and gross would be the understatement of the millenium! The first reaction after seeing these pictures was anger! Kept asking myself how could these people do this to the poor helpless animals? After getting furious for a while,then I took pity on these people instead. They do not have the Dharma knowledge in them and if i am not mistaken, they would most likely be going to the lower three realms with kind of actions. This is really sad because they are creating negative karmas for themselves.. May they gain wisdom and compassion and stop the cruelty!!!
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Rinpoche.
This is so sick! These girls disgusted me a lot! How can they stand that? What have the people becoming? Get paid by tormenting and killing these helpless animals? Such an ugly practise!! If fame is what they wanted too,they have got it. But it’s too bad that people are remembering them by the nasty stuff they did, not the good stuff…
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
This discussed me a lot. I don’t get why people would actually get paid to torture so many cute little animals that didn’t even do anything to them. Why do they want to create sufferings to those animals, what is so fun about torture and killing animals. I wish the person who created this program were never born, so thousands of animal won’t have to die. Please stop this kind of animal cruelty. If you agree to what I just wrote, then please go facebook and support our fan page named ANIMAL BEFREINDERS COALITION. Thank you
This is the first time I come to know about this market called Crush Fetish.
This idea is really very sickening. I really cannot comprehend what kind of sexual satisfaction one can get out of watching this type of video.
Has our world become so money-minded that we run out of ideas to generate money and that we have to resort to animal abuse? To get money by killing/bullying those beings who are defenceless?
All bulliers in these videos are ladies. I wonder if they have ever had a sense of guilt? How can they step on animals and ignore their calling for helps just for the sake of money. Horrible!!!
How serious is karma they have committed by killing animals like this??
Ok i am discusted by these little fuckin douche bags! Why is it that everytime i see somthing about animal abuse its always a pathetic ignorant chinese person? The chinese are the worst kind of humans out there! They also raise and then brutally and slowly kill dogs and the newest kind of dog meat on the menu is saint bernard! They skin these dogs alive so that the meat tasts sweeter because the dogs body releases addrenaline because of all the pain and fear it is experiancing! Absulutly fuckin sick! The chinese sure have gone above and beyond to raise the most despicable heartless ignorant humans! These people shouldnt be allowed to breath the same air as i do, god wasted alot of flesh creating these dumb bitch’s in this video. Complete waste of perfectly good skin. I hope these little skanks rott in hell for eternaty!
These Girls Are Absolutely F**ked(Excuse My Language)Up! My God, How CRUEL Could You Get?! Yeah, The Heels Are CUTE But, Their Putting Their SHOES To BAD USE! How Could They Do These To These Animals?! They Should Get A LIFE Cosz They’re Sick, Man!
I have watched a movie about the war this afternoon and now this. I feel sad..though I know there are still many these kind of cruel killing happening anywhere in this world, there is very little I can do to fix those things….I can only pray for those suffering lifes and wishing them can be free from the bad Karma someday soon..
SICK! SICK! SICK! People out there. How can a normal person could do this to other beings.
I think all the girls that is in the video may have taken drugs and are very high. So they will feel the pleasure and the enjoyment of crushing these insects or animals. Or they may be practicing sadism. If you just look at the girls and not see that when they are not torturing the insects and animals. You will not believe that these girls will actually do such things. They look so dainty and pretty. The saying that goes ‘Don’t look at the outside of a person. They may not protray what you expect them to be’.
after seeing the first photo, i scrolled down quickly til the end as i cant bear to watch the rest. how cruel some humans can be!!!!
karma will definitely get them back some day.
看来这班女生肯定精神出了问题。正常人看到这些可爱的小动物,肯定去抱抱与疼爱一番了。怎么可以下得了脚呢? 而且这些短片,官方不应该在让这些无耻的人,再放上网络了。
If we stop people for posting these videos/photos, we will have lesser chance to know what is happening out there! These are important materials to use create awareness.
Watching this shoke the ground underneath me.
Finding pleasure in other’s suffering and death disturbs me deeply.
I just can’t understand, is this a bad dream?
This group of people is really worse than animals!!!! How can they do this to these helpless beings…..
I wonder how they’ll feel if they were the ones under the deadly shoes!!!! How sickening can it be???
How degenerate can human being be and i wonder what they’ll face when they close their eyes for the last time……… sigh…..
What terrible karma the animals must have had , to suffer these horrible deaths. What terrible karma these “humans” have just created for themselves by committing these actions. Such a vicious cycle.
what terrible karma we are creating for ourselves, each day we remain in ignorance.
This is precisely the Degenerate Age that the Buddha foretold. Effects of the 5 poison increases; wrong views and beliefs become pervasive, wars and famines are on the rise and it becomes increasingly difficult to help all beings. Lifespan decreases as sufferings increase.
Upholders of the Buddha’s teachings should hold strongly to the dharma, which is our shield as it is our sword.
Dear Rinpoche,
On viewing these images, apart from the usual feeling of horror, I felt an incredible sense of confusion. Not that I’d condemn any violent action, but usually one can see “OK, sick as this is, this is the reason they’re doing it”. However, this sort of fetish seems completely warped – how anyone could have any kind of pleasurable thoughts while watching such images or videos is beyond me.
What I also fail to understand is the seeming lack of compassion or awareness of the people who participate in this kind of action. How can anyone personally treat any being like the animals in these clips are being treated? As much as I don’t find the likes spiders or cockroaches “cute”, they have the right to live and go about their lives peacefully – I wouldn’t do to a spider what these people have done to “cute” animals.
It really is horrendous to know that these kinds of warped and inhumane actions are being carried out by human beings. I’d say I’d like to spend an hour inside the minds of such people, but I think it’d be too much to take! I’m no saint, but I simply couldn’t imagine intentionally causing this sort of harm to any being for any reason, let alone for money. It’s really appalling stuff.
These kinds of blog posts (though horrifying) are exactly what is needed in order to raise awareness to barbaric acts of cruelty. There is no point in calling for the heads of those responsible – you can jail/kill a person, but the problem will always remain unless there is ample education and raised awareness.
As human beings, it is only natural to feel sick or angry when we view these kinds of acts, but we really should work towards transforming the energy from our negative emotions into something positive that drives us to raise awareness ourselves and spread the word that this kind of thing happens and, sadly, happens frequently.
Only by continually shining a light on these dark, cruel and horrific acts can we ever hope to make a difference. Being aware is only half the battle.
As for the participants in these acts, I can only hope that they find inner peace and happiness somewhere along the line. I sincerely pray for this, because the more people who find inner-peace and happiness, the less suffering will be inflicted upon other beings. There is no sense in our own anger being allowed to flare up in hatred of these people. I also pray for the poor animals who suffer at the hands of such cruelty. May they find rebirths that allows them peace and happiness.
Kind regards,
This has really turned my stomach. OMG!!! how utterly awful!!! Only thing keeping me sane is to NOT get furious with those who have done this inhumane thing coz who am I to judge, horrified as I am. People evolve at different rates and they seriously wouldn’t be doing this if they were more evolved…sending love n compassion to the poor animals crushed senselessly
Very very sickening !!! Almost made me vomit. If i could just do the same to them. Sorry but just being frank ! Real humans would just not understand or comprehend what goes through the mind of this barbarians. They seriously deserved the same severe punishment equivalent to murdering a human being.
I didnt know or will ever thought of such fetishes even existed until now. Is this how we educate the next generation ? The parents of those in the video should be shown this and let them see what they have created. A cold blooded murderer.
O, my God! It is for the first time that I leran about it.I didn’t even know such horrible things exist and most of all that a sick mind can think of doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!