Discipline!!! Amazing!
Dear friends,
Without discipline when growing up, as adults we give up easy. Find responsibility foreign. Take advantage of others and generally find it hard to bring plans to successful completion. A cheeky spoiled kid might seems cute at 9 but not at 19 or 29 or 39 or 49!! We all need discipline. With discipline when we are growing up, as adults we can function with responsibility, care and maturity. With certain types of discipline, it can even give us the tools to be successful in life.
This is just so heartwarming. Everyone from humans to non-humans needs discipline. And we depend on our guardians to discipline us and give us the care to grow up to be good ‘bears’…this is just such a heartwarming story and I keep looking at the pictures repeatedly. The mother bear is clearly compassionate and loving towards her baby. Mothers are so giving always. The baby bear is beyond adorable..after the hugs from Mama bear, I’d like to give baby bear a hug too. Get my plane ready to go to the Ukraine. Hehe. Enjoy what you are going to see!!!
Tsem Rinpoche
Discipline, Mummy Bear-style: Cub given roar of disapproval…. before finally getting a hug
By David Gardner
Quite what the little chap had done to incur his mother’s wrath remains a mystery.
But the chances are that he won’t do it again.
This astonishing series of pictures illustrates how, in the world of the brown bear, there are no agonised disputes over corporal punishment of children.

Perhaps THIS will teach you a lesson: She picks him up by the scruff of the neck and swings him around
First, the mother glares angrily at her son as he stands a few feet away looking guilty and sheepish.
Within seconds he is backed into a corner with a terrified expression as she roars her disapproval.
Shortly afterwards he finds himself airborne after she seizes him by the scruff of the neck and propels him from side to side.
However, the fierce encounter at Simferopol Zoo in the Ukraine comes to a peaceful conclusion when Mummy, who weighs the best part of 550lb, gently hugs him to her chest to reassure him that all is forgiven.
source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2109443/Discipline-Mummy-Bear-style-Cub-given-roar-disapproval—finally-getting-hug.html?ICO=most_read_module
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Discipline brings stability and structure into a person’s life. … If there were no discipline, people would do whatever they wanted and make mistakes without putting the consideration of others first and foremost. Discipline is a way of a positive outlook to life. Discipline brings stability and structure into a person’s life. If there were no discipline, people would do whatever they like and wanted and make mistakes without putting the consideration of others first and foremost. There are enthusiasm and self-confidence from within. It has us to keeps one active and not lazy . It promotes good human behaviour to better society and make it a more enjoyable place for everyone to live. Its better to train and teach the younger generation from young.
Looking at the series of pictures of mother bear and the baby tells us all in the world of theirs.
Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful sharing.
Very heart-warming! It amazes me that this mother bear can show her child that he cannot get away with being naughty or breaking codes of behavior in such a firm yet loving way. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this story with us.
The pictures do indeed say a thousand words! The young cub gets a stern ‘lesson’ from his mother about how not to be naughty again. He is picked up and swung around! Then, after he has been set back on the ground again, his mum gives him a big roar as though to say “Don’t you dare do this again ‘. At this stage, the cub has become truly chastened,. He approaches his mother , is contrite and asks for her forgiveness. He has learnt his lesson, and is unlikely to repeat his act of mischief again.
Aa he gets a bear hug from his mother, the cub knows he is back in his mother’s good graces, and is once more in the warm embrace of her compassion.
This is a stern reminder to parents and mothers not to spoil our young children. It is time (if you haven’t done so already) to start disciplining them out of care and compassion.
I like this series of photos that showcase mommy bear who uses her way of communication to discipline her cub. Judging from the guilty look of this cute little cub, it is obvious he (or she) must have done some mischieves! More importantly, thank you, Rinpoche, for using this series of photos to bring out the essence of instilling discipline in us and in the children.
Well i do beleive love mixed with firm discipline is what produces functional happy children. Discipline should come from natural consequences. It should not come from induced fear, humiliation, shame, yelling and any form of emotion.As parents, we should provide our children with freedom and hold them accountable when they make mistakes.
Thats where they learn from their mistakes.Love and discipline are together to have a good and happy relationship .
The mother bear hugging her baby bear were so adorable showing the love of a mother .So touching.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
I was going to say that love and discipline in equal measure are very important in the upbringing of a child, when I realised that discipline IS love. Love is making sure that you use whatever means necessary to ensure your child is raised correctly, to think in a socially conscious manner that is constructive for themselves and everyone else around them. To equip them with the right tools to live a productive, happy life, that’s love for your child. It’s also love for the earth when you ensure you don’t send another greedy, self-absorbed being into the world, to add to the pollution and the exploitation of natural resources.
We live in an era with a growing middle class, where it is becoming easier than ever for people to achieve a decent standard of living. Education opportunities and employment opportunities are opening up, and there are greater levels of gender and class equality than ever before at any time in history. Since achieving a decent standard of living is becoming easier, it’s up to parents to ensure their children can achieve a decent quality of life. And a decent quality of life can only be accomplished via a person’s mental health. When a child’s thoughts are at its most malleable, that is when parents need to fill their child’s mind with positive patterns of thinking.
Plying your child with more luxuries than they know what to do with is not love. As the old adage goes, if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day but if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. Giving your child the proverbial fish may look like love in the short run but in the long run, teaching him how to fish is a much greater act of love.So even in the wild, in the case of momma bear, love is making sure your child will be able to fend themselves physically and mentally long after the parents are gone.
Dear Rinpoche, it is true that everyone needs discipline. If there is no such things as discipline, the world would have been in a big mess. People will obey the laws, kids will disobey their parents or even fight with their parents we would easily get rob by thugs, people would be hurting or using each other and etc. I don’t just wanna hug the bear, I want to cuddle with it every day. Because it is just too adorable!!!! I have to admit, every baby animal is super adorable except for a few animals such as salamander .
Dear Rinpoche, the baby bear is so cute!!! I didn’t know that animals will teach their babies about discipline too. But there is one thing that keeps on repeating in my mind “in the animal kingdom, do the animals have their own languages or they are able to communicate with each other but it sounded like they are just roaring?” It will be so cool when we know everything about animals
When I first saw this post I am so amazed by how compassionate and intelligent Mama bear was! To actually see something like this being captured on camera is super awesome because it proves that all mothers are truly wise and kind, they will discipline their child out of deep love and care as and when necessary just like our mothers.
Only a mother who is wise will do this type of wrathful discipline and you can tell it is out of real care because she hugs her baby after the scolding! Hehe so cute! Mama bear so clever! So think… if animals can be so caring and smart… why would they not feel depress, sad, fearful and hurt when we human hurt and torture them and kill them for their flesh? How inhuman can we get.. sometimes I wonder who is the animal, who is the human?!
Wow this is so amazing. Thank You Rinpoche for sharing this article. I never knew that animals can teach their babies to be disciplined until seeing this article here. I won’t say how good or bad I am but everyone needs discipline. The mother bear is just like my mother. After my mother has scolded or punished me, she will hug me and tell me gently not to repeat the same mistakes again..
Thank You Rinpoche for reading.
I know how it feels like! When my kids are naughty, I get angry too. Listening to Rinpoche explained about spoilt kids woke me up as I am spoilt in many ways hence the comfort zones. I do not give my kids everything they want except when they do something good. As a reward… I dont want my kids to grow up being spoilt and useless like I was…
Thats adorable! The mother bear is smart to discipline her cub. Could you imagine your self as a spoiled 40 year old with no discipline.
Just beautiful!
Many adults around here let their little ones get away with everything and when they’re older and impossible to “control”, they give them drugs for “hyperactivity”
This story is just do touching, ans the baby bear is SO CUTE!!! 🙂 i wish i could have seen this happen in real life. A mother has so much love towards her children, it amazing the amount of love they have.
And i agree with what Rinpoche has said, everybody needs discipline, and it puts even more affect on your life if you start young. Then when you are older, you become a better and more successful human being. And when you are successful, you can do more for the dharma and help Kechara to grow. Thank you for sharing such a touching story Rinpoche.
So cute and warm!
So true, like what Rinpoche had mentioned
“We all need discipline. With discipline when we are growing up, as adults we can function with responsibility, care and maturity. With certain types of discipline, it can even give us the tools to be successful in life.”
Regardless we are dealing with work, relationship, family matters etc, without self discipline may lead to irresponsible actions, parents play a very important role to cultivate kids discipline from very young age, otherwise when kids grown up ban be a spoiled, irresponsible adult.
I read this article many times. Every time when i read it, it reminded me about my son, William when he was very young. I spent a lot of time with him doing his homework. It’s very hard to get him stay focus in order to keep him focus I have to set many break time in between for him to study or to do his homework. He run around a lot and always hit himself with something. I will screamed at him when he hurt himself just like the mother bear. I will also hug him in my arms when he regreted and said sorry.
I agree that discipline has to start from young age, this is the time when kids are more receptive.
It is clear that our environment has changed and our lives have gotten better. Unfortunately, however, we see more juvenile problems in this world and in well-off families, many kids are spoilt rotten, and they break easily – strawberries.
Things that are seen as easily do-able by older generations are seen tough by these youngsters and many of them cannot withstand stresses.
I cannot imagine how this world will be like with these spoilt kids. I guess I can only hope that it will not turn up to be too bad.
So heartwarming, that gesture can melt anything in the world.
Discipline is very difficult to maintain. I am the person who really lack of discipline. My mum is a discipline person. She is a traditional Chinese woman. Work very hard in her whole life for her family. My mum very discipline, while she made her mindset want to do something she will go all the way without hesitate.
My mum can work very late and wake up very early everyday. She always teach me must finish your work before you go to bed. She is my family live model. Unfortunately my mum good quality none of her kids have it. It is so sad.Now I am reading this post, really make me thinking about my mum good quality.
My mum is a very simple Chinese woman but her discipline make all of us respect her so much. Because of her discipline many matters in my family can get it done very easily and effective. The important thing avoided so many misunderstanding. That why I agreed discipline is so important for our successful.
That is a very nice sharing, Pastor Yek Yee. My mother is the same. Very determined and disciplined, but somehow all us five kids followed my father’s temperament… i guess it is our negative karma that makes us more inclined to negative behaviour so we have to work harder to break our negative habituations. I do agree that discipline is very important to our spiritual and secular progress.
Wow, the demeanor of the bears captured in the photo images is unbelievably human. The way the little cub stood with bowed head when the mother was scolding him is just like any human child.
This reminds me again that animals and humans are more alike than we perceive and like the documentary (EARTHLING) accurately say: we are all fellow earthlings. Our interconnection is unquestionable. Animals are not just a piece of meat or sheet of leather for our convenience. We experience the same pains and comforts.
This is one among many other reminders from Rinpoche to develop mutual respect and kindness.
Feels like looking at a human mum scolding her kid. Conclusion : animals have feelings too!
Very cute, animals can really discipline their kids. 🙂 Also animals can be very patient eg when you see a dog trying to cross a road with many vehicles, it doesn’t give up but kept trying many times. Maybe because of food…
This is so cute! If animals can show so much love and care in guiding their offsprings to be disciplined, they are no different from human beings. Only the method differs.
I love the last picture where mama bear hugs baby bear. So affectionate.
cute and warm!
My parents did the same thing, but they didn’t hug me la of course.
I can see a bear mother’s love for her baby, want only the best for her baby, to think of his future not only now. Just like our mother’s love for us, Rinpoche to us and all real guru’s love to their disciples.
Parents who discipline their children are giving the offspring the best chance in life. (As in the Bear’s examples) – It is revealed that children treated with “tough Love” developed significantly better than those whose families adopted more lax regimes. Good parents refuse to leave their children at the mercy of their own folly. Expecting every effort to prepare their children for successful living, they teach them manners, respect from the Law, rules and authority, good consideration for others, especially filial piety for the “elders” and the elderly, and the need for self-control. Children whose parents practised “tough Love” were likely to develop good character traits at the early age of 5years, said the specialists. However, whatever the degree of emphasis on parenting, Discipline still matters the most!
Awwwwww ^^, Adorable, sweet, cute!! ^^, Hehhehe ^^,
These pictures are adorable!! Animals show even more compassion than we do.I’ve always known that animals are equal to us,even if they cannot solve a mathematical problem which is not a big dear,at least to me.
OMB This could be my mother!
It shows that someone who cares will do things that may be seen as aggressive or even anger-some in order to help. When the hand (of my mother) that feeds me, that cleans me, that pampers me, that is soft, gentle and caring, that protects me, when this hand looks aggressive, then serious thinking takes place, a helpful thinking, a beneficial thinking. A lesson is learned…
This show how a mother, whether bear or human, disciplining their child with love and care equally. After a NO NO time, it must followed by hug hug time. so heartwarming!
my son is 19, definitely not cute at all when I saw him lack of discipline. I’m worrying everyday. How is he gonna liev his life? If I’ve put in enough time and discipline him when he was much younger, his life will be easier for now. I won’t give up even my chance of getting him back to track is slim. To be able to do that I need to be very skillful. But I believe love & pray are the keys.
What cute bears ! Discipline by parents to their children is all for the children’s own good. The child might not like it at that time and might not realise that whatever he had just done might well put himself or even worse , someone else in danger. Discipline is such an important part of our lives and even more so in our spiritual practice .
The last photo of the mummy bear giving the baby bear a big hug and cuddle brought tears to my eyes. It is so very touching – the love a mother has for her child.
The motivation behind the Mummy bear is simply determined and passionate in order to discipline the cub.
soooo adorable…no matter how, the mother love is same,warm and unconditionally…discipline our-self and show good attitude is a praise for our good mother too.
Omg, a massive overload of cuteness! From these pictures you can really tell how much love mama bear really gives to her cub. Wrathful, but still love. I am thankful for the beatings and scoldings I received as a child, I thank my parents for knowing what’s best for me.
I totally agree on the fact that discipline is something to begin with at a young age, when our minds are like sponges, absorbing everything we see and hear others do.I mean, I maybe to late if you see yourself old, cranky and spoiled, everyone’s busy at work and you find yourself unemployed because your attitude was not fitting and there is no discipline in any work you do. Thats when you know your finished.
If mama bear and baby bear can do it. So can we. Disney was right! (Pocahontas, Brother Bear) Bears do care!
Somehow we know the bear are fearsome, yet we think it is cute… may be too much of Disney…
Anyway, I felt certain level of wrath is required when training the young ones. It may look like a lot of anger, but when the motivation is out of compassion so that they learn, it is no longer anger.
Just like a mum who hit the children. When the mum, out of anger, hit the children, it will harm the children and that is not skill. That is just anger.
However, if the mum, out of compassion, want to stop the kids from playing with the electrical socket, she may so called “hit” the kid, but the kid will not be hurt, yet remember the lesson. This is wrathful and skillful mean.
We all are used to this wrathful method since young, just that we tend to forget when we get older 😛
It is touching to see just the pictures which again proven that animals are no different than human, and mothers definitely love their children unconditionally.
How much our parents love us – they are willing to risk their reputation in our eyes in order to teach us the lessons we need to learn. How much more then our teachers love us, because they do the same thing every single day of their lives, at much greater risk because we can always run away from them mentally (“you’re not my parent, I don’t have to take this”) or physically.
This is too cute!
Yes, the love of a parent is simply indescribable! The amount of effort that a parent put into a child is immeasurable. Talking about discipline, I did not know the true meaning of discipline until much later. I finally understand the meaning and how much heartache I brought to my parents when I don’t listen, rebel against what they told me to do. When I was away alone in foreign country, only I realize being independent is not easy at all, without discipline, everything will fall apart… Without mum cooking for me even when I’m sick, I have to clean myself, go to school on time… That experience made me realized how much effort my mum has to do for me! We have to really discipline ourselves since young, so you don’t end up like a monster like me; learning to fry an egg when you’re 18!
I love the expressions of the baby bear. You can truly see him looking guilty. Animals have feelings too!
It’s so true about how cute little child can grow up to be a monster! During then it’s too difficult to discipline the monster already.
Yes, discipline doesn’t have to be with aggression. If taught well from beginning, there is no need to use violent methods at all. If there is opportunity, parents should use Dharma teachings when it comes to bringing up a kid. It is the best tool to have.
OMG this is too much of a cute attack. But yes, the compassion that Rinpoche highlights is much to be admired. I daresay you see more compassion in animals than in our own fellow humans. So many parents out there don’t discipline their children at all (claiming that to do so would bring down their self esteem, and curb their self-expression – what a load of bull sh**t!). Those kids aren’t even my kids but seeing the way they behave sometimes makes ME want to turn into a bear and club them over the head.
I totally agree that discipline begins when we’re young and we have our parents to thank for that (much as we hated the bedtimes, homework times, and “punishments” at the time). It doesn’t take rocket science to know this. How responsible, committed, loyal, honest, aware, conscientious we are as adults will begin first by the discipline we begin to develop as children.
Even the animal kingdom is wise enough to see that. If parents can’t understand this, then there’s only one clear conclusion: they aren’t fit to be parents and shouldn’t have kids!!! Thank you, the world doesn’t need more of your kind who doesn’t even understand the meaning of discipline!
生不教,母之过! 养不教,父之错!
I do not think we can view this bear’s actions as ‘natural’ considering she is probably overly & unnaturally stressed at being forced to mate, give birth & raise a cub in captivity. Humans are NOT bears & discipline does NOT need to be violent.
Aww. This is so adorable. 🙂
How adorable!
Sometimes I think animals have more emotional intelligence than humans. What would we be without our parents! This can be one of the cute- attack posts, Rinpoche.
I love it, and your explanation for the incident. Thank you.