Dog Day and Sara….. heartbreaking..
This poor dog was found outside KSA (Kechara Saraswati Arts) by Matthew Leung (a 12 y/o Kecharian). Upon seeing the poor female dog who was bleeding, he called Khong Jean Mei (personal blogging assistant to me), who alerted her sister Khong Jean Ai of Tsem Ladrang E-Division. Jean Ai quickly drove to KSA and found the poor dog outside a massage parlour (the shoplot next to KSA). She found the dog bleeding quite heavily from her anus.
Although the dog was responsive to sound and was alert, she was not moving around but remained laid there. Seeing this, Jean Ai quickly called Beng Kooi and Martin who came over to help her move the dog to the IKANO vet (about 10 mins away from KSA).
Upon inspection, the vet wasn’t sure what was wrong. She said that it could be anything from internal bleeding to hemorrhage.
The dog was injected with morphine, Solucortef, Hemo and Ampi, and put onto a drip. All these were done to stabilize her condition until she could be diagnosed and treated.
Due to the side effects of the morphine, the dog vomited and out came a lot of blood and parts of her uterus. As a result of the vomiting though, the vet was able to diagnose her as having had a prolapse uterus.
Immediately after vomiting, her bloated belly reduced and her breathing eased. When they did a blood test, they found that she had a high count of white blood cells, and very little blood (9.5 litres out of the usual 44 litres!!).
After the dog was stabilized, they then brought her to the vet on Jalan Ipoh for a blood transfusion.
Because she was found in front of Kechara Saraswati Arts, Jean Ai, Martin, Fang and Beng Kooi have named her Sara. At Jalan Ipoh’s vet, the doctor is currently performing emergency surgery on another dog but Sara is next.
Sara got a blood transfusion and she is more alert. She is resting at the animal hospital now. So we will see how she is tomorrow.
Martin and Fang are reciting Medicine Buddha mantra for her, and she has Jean Ai’s Vajrayogini pendant on her head. They have also dripped holy water into her mouth and given her a mani pill to swallow.
Jean Ai feeding the dog some food and giving her water to drink. Testing her response to humans outside of Kechara Saraswati Arts Dept…
Poor Sara’s bleeding anus.
The vet doing a quick check on her..Martin named her Sara short for Saraswati…nice.
Putting a drip onto Sara..
Getting the drip in..she is so weak now
Poor Sara vomited a lot of blood. It covered the table and the floor..making the whole room smell strongly of iron..
The blood all over the floor and parts of her uterus she must of ingested herself
The uterus that she vomited out
Sara’s stomach is visibly less bloated after vomiting out the uterus…
Martin chanting Medicine Buddha mantra for Sara…Compassionate kind and caring Martin spent the whole day with our small group rescuing dogs…
UPDATE: SAME DAY (14-11-2010) 9.30 PM
The blood transfusion has begun. Sara is being comforted by Fang. Fang has a huge heart, love and genuine concern for animals. It is so beautiful to see this part of Fang. She must manifest more and more….she has it…compassion.
Martin, Jean Ai and Beng Kooi are continuing to chant Medicine Buddha mantra for her.
UPDATE: 14-11-2010 10.00 PM
Sara receiving blood transfusion…pet owners who let their dogs donate blood is saving Sara
Jean Ai taking her turn to chant Medicine Buddha mantras, while Fang checks on the blood bag.
So much care, love and genuine spirituality. To help something that can’t even say thank you………BEAUTIFUL.
They were pouring some holy water into her mouth when Sara sat up. They said that she looked like she was considering what to do next. They are all still around to recite Medicine Buddha’s mantra. The vet will move her to a resting area soon. Martin here so loving. What a beautiful person.
I will update more on this blog post as to what happens to Sara. I am very concerned. I am very relieved that these wonderful people are helping her. This is the spirit of Kechara. This is what being a Kecharian means…
Today earlier, before rescuing Sara, Susan, Martin, Beng Kooi and group also went to save 18 puppies. They were successful. The authorities grabbed the puppies and threw them into a holding truck. Our people got them back & took them to the vet and they are all ok I am happy to update.
They are in a temporary shelter and homes will be looked for. Meanwhile they are too little and need care. Our Kecharians will look after them..
See here about the 18 little adorable puppies:
After spending Sunday rescuing the puppies, then doing their best to save Sara’s life, they have just gone to Kepong to help another doggie in trouble that was called in by Wee Liang. I have not gotten any updates but as I type this they are on their way. Jean Ai, Martin, Beng Kooi and Martin are going to try to help another dog in trouble RIGHT NOW. I am so proud of these Kecharians. It is 11:49 PM and they are still at it…
Spirituality must be compassion in action. Just eloquently talking, listening, reading and thinking of dharma in our comfort zones will not get us far. Comfort zones are spaces that fool us into sedentary lives of selfish justification for not doing more….when we can and should…comfort zones are the real negative ‘demon’ inside of us we need to fight by simply doing something now and continue with it…..
Kecharians have the attitude to do more. All those who have affinity and karma with me will have the same attitude and we will do wonderful things to benefit others together… Couch potatoes who join us will be inspired to get off the couch!!!
Tsem Rinpoche
UPDATE: 15-11-2010 12.06PM
Sara’s doing a little better compared to last night but she is weak and isn’t very responsive. She is staring off into space and making consistent groaning sounds. The doctor recommends doing the surgery today, as her white blood cell count is very high and septicimia is setting in. Waiting would be more risky. At the moment, her red blood count is not great but its the lesser of the two evils.
Beng Kooi has decided to go ahead with the surgery.
UPDATE: 15-11-2010 12.36PM
Sara is weak but has stopped huffing and wheezing. She still seems quite spaced out and stares off into the distance most of the time. It may be due to her pain. She does react to sound and movement.
UPDATE: 15-11-2010
Sara looks better compared to this morning. She is still wheezing and staring into space, but her eyes are not as glazed over as they were earlier today. Now, her eyes respond to movement and she’s making a bit more eye contact.
She is also moving her head more, and her body’s a bit warmer too.
UPDATE: 16-11-2010
Sara’s on a drip with morphine and antibiotics. Her white blood cells count is falling, which is good. But her red cell count is dropping too, which is worrying. She’s crying and crying, and every breath she takes causes her more pain.
Nothing much we can do now except recite mantras for her. The vets will monitor her and check her blood in 2 days time for signs of improvement or deterioration. If she looks particularly bad, they will test tomorrow instead.
She has other health problems, but first is to make sure that she gets through this.
Medicine Buddha mantra finally got her to sleep…
UPDATE: 17-11-2010 12.30PM
Sara looks much better today. Her bandages have been changed and her collar taken off. She even sat up when she saw Beng Kooi and licked her hand for a while.
She wasn’t crying when Beng Kooi went into the room, but after a while she started crying again but much less compared to last night. For dogs like Sara, it’s quite clear that she hasn’t had much kindness in her life…and crying and licking people’s hands is the only way of release.
The vet suspects her prolapsed uterus was caused by a male dog pulling out too fast during the act of mating. Perhaps caused by other rival dogs around. And then either Sara herself or other male dogs bit her uterus off.
UPDATE: 17-11-2010 9.50PM
Sara is in much less pain. She is eating fine but has to be hand-fed. The blood test came in with great results!
Her white blood cell count is 29,000 (down from 47,000 yesterday) and her red blood cell count is almost 3 million compared to yesterday’s 1 million. In other words, she’s recovering! They may remove her drip tomorrow.
UPDATE: 18-11-2010 10.45PM
Sara continues to recover. She has been taken off the drip and painkillers and she’s not crying anymore. She eats but only when hand-fed. The vet says it could be due to the fact that she was the lowest ranking in the pack and only eats when “allowed” to. She is allowed to be taken back when we are ready. She will be kept there until her next blood test which is this Saturday. She still needs to be adopted by someone with a good home.
When Beng Kooi got there, Sara was sleeping. She opened her eyes as Beng Kooi approached her but didn’t sit up. She kept her eye on Beng Kooi throughout the entire time and was quiet, at peace & resting. According to Beng Kooi, she looks a little depressed and it’s likely from being caged up for a long time. Street dogs are not used to cages.
UPDATE: 20-11-2010 7PM
Sara is recovering steadily. She now eats on her own without help, and is sitting up more. She’s still weak though and may not be able to walk properly yet.
Her white blood cell count is rising again, but the vet says it’s nothing to worry about and has started her on a new course of antibiotics. Her red blood cells is stable but below normal so she needs more time to recover still. We estimate another 3-4 days at least.
She’s gentle with Martin and Beng Kooi so far, but growls whenever any of the vets come near her.
Tomorrow Martin plans to bring her for a short walk if she is able to, and on Monday they will go to ISPCA to see if they are able to provide her with the level of care that she needs.
Otherwise, Beng Kooi will keep her in Naropa house once she doesn’t need monitoring, until she is strong enough to be without medical care.
UPDATE – 12-12-2010 10.30 PM
(when found at SunwayMas)
(just before surgery)
After Sara’s time at the hospital, she was temporarily adopted by Martin and Jean Ai who kept Sara on their individual front porch.
On the same night, Sara attempted to run away from Martin’s house twice and once from Jean Ai’s. When she ran away, a long dog search made up of a group of volunteers was sent looking for her. After finding her, they had to coax a little to get close. Back at Jean Ai’s front porch again, she was placed into a boarded (ie windows were boarded) dog house on the porch of Jean Ai’s house.
Despite how difficult and almost runaway-proof they made Sara’s living conditions to be, she got away again!! She had ripped up the boards and gotten out of Jean Ai’s front porch! AGAIN some volunteers got together and they went looking for her. This time a few hours became a few days, and after a few days…they couldn’t find her.
They looked behind every tree, car, rubbish bin etc in the neighbourhood and neighbouring neighbourhoods! One day they found Sara….on the very same spot they had found her just before rushing her to the Jln Ipoh hospital. She had made it all the way back there, which is about less than 10 mins drive from Jean Ai’s house.
Seeing how happy she seems to be back there, the “rescue team” decided to leave her there permanently, feeding her daily.
On the 12th of December, she was found on the same spot by Wee Liang. This time, however, there was a very big gash below her right eye. We suspect that she was in a dog fight. It was quite bad as it looked as if her eye was going to fall out. Martin came immediately and took her to the Jln Ipoh hospital yet again.
Yesterday (14th December), she was taken into surgery. Sara has been receiving treatment on her eye for the last 2 days and it has healed considerably. The wound was stitched up as well. Sara was in GOOD spirits and recognised Martin. She wagged her tail and licked his hand incessantly.
There were “some complications” with the surgery according to Dr Siva but it should heal nicely and she will not lose the eye.
UPDATE: 23-12-2010 7.00 PM
Look who’s back on her courageous feet and recovering very well. Sara’s is going to be ok and her eye lid which was torn open is healing nicely. She’s ready to go home. And guess what, she’s a lot friendlier now and very loving. I love this life called Sara!
Update: 11-02-2011
Since Sara’s eye operation she has been staying at the animal hospital on Jln Ipoh. It has been just over 1 month since the last update on Sara and look at her all smiling and healthy!!
If you have been following this blog post, you’ll know that Sara’s current condition is almost a miracle. From throwing up her uterus…bleeding from her anus till it was swollen and hanging out from her body…to having only 9.5 litres of blood out of the usual 44 litres, all signs were leading to her dying quite a painful death. At that time a group of Kecharians, who rescued and brought her to the vet, were doing hundreds of Medicine Buddha mantras and stayed with her each step of the way.
Their persistence paid off!
For the next 2 days, Sara will be the main attraction for the Kechara Animal Sanctuary (KAS) booth at the Grand Setrap and Dzambala Puja (GSDP).
What most people don’t know is that rescuing Sara was the very first rescue activity for a group of Kecharians. She was the catalyst that created the sense of urgency for KAS to manifest. It was Sara’s pain and suffering that naturally brought this group of people together. They did it out of care, but the journey that Sara took them through made them realize a few things:
- Paying for Sara’s operation, staying at the vet etc showed them that they would need to raise funds.
- Looking for Sara every time she ran away made them realize that they would need full-time members to focus just on KAS.
- Finding more dogs like Sara showed them that they needed to get a place of their own. It made them realize that they needed KAS to manifest and they needed it to be fast.
For every day spent without KAS, another dog like Sara will suffer as, without the funds, people and facilities… how many dogs can one person rescue??
Her story also showed to others that these group of people were serious… that they didn’t just say that they will rescue and help animals, but they actually will DO what they say and they don’t give up even when at times rescuing certain animals seem hopeless…
It’s very clear that people believe in KAS. Since rescuing Sara… people such as Martin, Jean Ai, Susan and Beng Kooi have been getting endless calls about stray and injured dogs everywhere around PJ and KL.
For them, it is not a forced display of compassion, but one that comes naturally from not wanting to see another animal suffer. The effort is there, because the care is there.
I heard that many people are looking out for Sara at the KAS booth during GSDP. Over the past 3 months, a lot of Kecharians and other people have been following up on Sara’s progress… she has become somewhat of a star since coming into our lives. For those who are attending GSDP, do look out for her! She will be there, however, she won’t be up for adoption.
There will be 10 other puppies and 2 kittens that will be looking for a new home…Patches will be one of them.
Tsem Rinpoche
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Thank You for sharing Rinpoche. It’s amazing how much effort they have put in to save Sara, it broke my heart when I read about Sara’s only way of releasing her gratitude is by crying and licking people’s hands. Poor doggie, she went through a lot! Great to know that she’s all fine now.
Dear Rinpoche,
When I read the top part of this blog post I was truly saddened and heartbroken because it was just so heartbreaking to see an Sara so uncomfortable as well as in great pain.
But as I read more and more towards the bottom of this post and seeing the pictures of Sara getting better I just could not resist breaking a tear or two because during the time when Sara was suffering in great pain there was kind people such as Martin and Fang to be there by her side to comfort her as well as to chant Mantras to her.
I am very glad to know that she is well and recovered and looking back I am sure that without the help of Martin, Matthew, Fang and a few more other people Sara, on the day she was found could have already died.
Really glad she survived!!!!!
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing!
Rest Well
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this post. I used to be avoiding or do not care so much of stray dogs on the road as I am afraid of dogs. However, since seeing and joining Kechara & following what Rinpoche and other Kecharian has been doing, I learn that stray dogs are just like us, they also need love and care besides lacking of food and shelter.
Thank you Rinpoche and Kechara for showing me another level of compassion that is the same for human as well as animal. Besides, due to karma, we and our loved ones maybe also born as animals in our next life. So, we should love animals too.
May Sara & all the strays dogs can find a home and free from harm & sufferings. May Kechara Animal Sanctuary (KAS) manifest soonest and able to benefit more animals.
Amazing and I like happy endings. This is true compassion and giving without asking for anything. If only we have good and kind-hearted volunteers here, I don’t mind going all out to share and help too. I feel so helpless and angry whenever I see strays all around here, especially puppy too, nothing to eat and seeing their poor conditions make my heart goes out to them!
Oh my god, this is so bad. This dog must be in so much pain 🙁 When i saw the blood on the floor, i knw that it was a serious situation. All i can say is that i am so glad that at the end this dog recovered and is now healthy and moving around. Its so nice to see people being nice to animals.
Dear Rinpoche,
It is amazing how lucky Sara was to be discovered by Matthew Leong outside KSA, Sara was also lucky in a way that there were our people who once they heard the news they quickly sprang in to action.
It is really a miracle that Sara survived her near death experience thus proving that mantras really do their work and healed Sara quickly.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this wonderful article,
do u all need cat??but i think is pregant very frienly i saw her while i on the way back so i take her to my house give her food this morning was raining and she got wet.T.T she come and find my and i give her some cat food.i cant adopt her cos i got 1 bunny and3 fighting fish and 5 hamster and my mom araird of
can i noe which vet u bring the dog went??cause i have a rabbit tat having fungal prob i apply canisep for him before not painful but now once i apply for him he seems to be very painful and i araifd to lose him.i adopt him cos the owner dont want him.i promise my bunny will treat him as my child.thx
This is actually a question not reply. I have come acrossed the blog while browsing some information.
Tonight i have rescued a female labrador outside my home. Feed her up but still i am worry that the council will take her away, the situation does not allow me to keep the dog. I was just wondering whether Kechara has any shelter for dogs at this moment?????
I am a dog lovers, i have rescued a lot of dogs and find them homes for adoption. I am quite reluctantly to sent her place like PAWS and SPSCA, the reason being that they dont really take good care of the animals there. I dont blame them because they have too many to look after.
I am amazed with the Kecharian spirits, in fact i can also contribute to some voluntarily works.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you.
Keep it up. The world needs more people like you all. Thank you.
The day that Sara the injured stray dog was discovered was outside KSA. Some volunteers and me were busy rolling mantras inside KSA. Mathiew a 12 year old volunteer was sitting next to me. He suddenly shouted and say there is an injured dog walking by with a big lump of flesh and blood hanging down from her anus. Blood was dripping on the pavement as she walk past. Mathiew ask me what should he do. I told him to call Kechara Care. But he called Jean Mei instead. And Jean Mei called Jean Ai her sister who took over with Martin and Beng Kooi to take Sara to the vet for procedures to be done as Sara was very sick. Sara was given the name by Martin as she was found outside Kechara Saraswati Arts or KSA,. KH not only help feed and take care of homeless through Kechara Soup Kitchen but also help to take care of animals and finding them homes for adoption.
I’m very happy yesterday upon hearing the Kechara Animal Shelter License has pass trough. The next step is getting the land…. May the land come to us ASAP so that we can help more Animals out there.
Thank you Martin, Jean Ai, Fang and Beng Kooi for taking great care of Sara.
Martin, Beng Kooi, Jean Ai and Fang, what you have done for Sara and earlier on for the eighteen young dogs, and are continuing to do for homeless, stray dogs, is truly inspiring. May all your tireless efforts create the cause for Kechara Animal Sanctuary to manifest quickly.
I really cannot imagine the suffering that Sara is in now. I hope that she will get better soon. I believe that Sara is one of the reasons that Kechara Animal Sanctuary needs to be manifested. There are still many animals out on the streets that are still suffering. Uncle Martin has been a very good person he has always shown care for sentient beings. May he have a long life so that he can continue to benefit more sentient beings. Kechara Animal Sanctuary is not something far away. It is something that can begin within your heart.
If we truly believe in Karma. Every Sentient Being had been a mother before whether you are a man, a boy, a girl or a woman or even as animals you would experience the joy, the sufferings, the pain that a mother would have to endure in giving birth. It depends on your positive and negative karma that you have created. In the case of Sara the mother dog that had a prolapse uterus. I can imagine her sufferings, emotionally and physically. I have heard people say that the worst sufferings is in childbirth. Sara has been made pregnant had delivered with more continueous sufferings when she had to undergo operation for prolapse uterus. Hopefully Sara would have purify all her bad karma to be able to create good karma. And to accumulate merits for the kind and compassionate people doing pujas and taking care of her.
I have so much respect and admiration for Beng Kooi, Fang, Jean Ai & Martin who went out of their way to save this dog! They really represent Kechara’s spirit with so much of love and compassion! We must all make a conscientious effort to contribute to KAS to help expedite their dreams of providing a good shelter and care for these poor animals.
Great effort by such a dedicated and compassionate team untiringly helping Sara. She could have died if she was not rescued and taken so good care with the right medical assistance.
Last night we dedicated our puja to Sara. We prayed that her sufferings may be lessen and she will overcome this health obstacle that she is experiencing. May she be blessed with a speedy recover.
Thank you, Martin, Jean Ai and Beng Kooi for your tender loving care to make sure Sara is comforted and her agony will not be so painful.
This is an excerpt of my night tonight, 11/14/2010, after I found a wandering, lost dog while going to the corner store for some soda pop.
“I just found a wandering pit-bull male, middle aged. Wandering the street on Center and 17th. I asked the man at All American Tattoo to call the humane society or animal control. Both were closed and the telephone Inbox was full! Then I met a late 20’s homeless man on a bicycle who agreed to take control of the dog that night, and look for the owner because I could not bring the dog home to my mom’s house, she would not allow it. I fed the dog a can of Alpo, and then bought the homeless man a couple of sticks of Jerky as he was pretty hungry himself… Then I went home and brought the man a piece of rope to be used as a leash. The dog had no tag, only a collar. Then I let the man take control of the situation, which he happily agreed to, because he said he loved dogs, and I went home… *sigh* homelessness…. Grr…”
“To help something that can’t even say thank you” -Rinpoche
Not in English or Chinese, Your Eminence, but I firmly believe she will be transmitting the energy of “Thank you” to very many people in the near future, Rinpoche!
I fold my hands in your direction, Venerable Lama. Without you, there would be no groups of compassionate students to help Sara.
Truly, we must put Rinpochela’s advice into action – not just talk about compassion. Those wonderful people who took care of poor Sara, you have really done more than just that – you have moved many others to want to become like you! Thank you immensely!
Thank you so much Martin, Jean Ai and Beng Kooi for your caring work!
Infinite gratitude always for your dedication and all your beneficial actions to help other beings in need,in pain. Thank you Rinpoche for offering this so inspiring blog to us!
Namaste to you all for your work. Sarah is not suffering in vain. She will be an example for the rescue of other dogs. I wish to meditate a dukkar or white umbrella which is what I have seen….for her….
Tenzin Samdrub
This is an inspiring story, Rinpoche. My prayers for Sara, and all the other dogs and animals in dire need and my gratitude to your students for responding from the compassion of their hearts.
[…] For all my life, I had never been an animal lover. But I can now see that my interest in animals is starting to grow. Animals, like us human beings should live a good life. That saying so, are they? What inspired me to write this entry is how a few wonderful people worked tirelessly today to help save a dog, given the name SARA. You can read more about dear Sara over at […]
I am so happy you are taking care of so many dogs. Thank you.
Wonderful! I am really moved by how you guys tirelessly help these animals. Really got me thinking on what have I done for animals in my life..nothing! But I know it is never too late to start!