Dog nurses injured bird!
May 11, 2011 | Views: 668

This dog has been nursing an injured bird back to health. Amazing.
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Thank you Rinpoche for sharing us this cute story. I had seen many incredible stories about how dogs show kindness to other animals. This is so heartwarming. I think this is something very extraordinary. It warmed my heart when I read about this.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing us this cute story. I had seen many incredible stories about how dogs show kindness to other animals. Animals are kind by nature and there are tons of examples of it. There are some animal abuse sports such as Bull fighting and dog fighting where the people would say the animals are hostile in nature and they are not forcing the animal to be aggressive. They are just blaming the animal to justify their sick hobbies. There is a video of a bull running around the rink looking for an escape without hurting the people who are standing in the rink not moving. There is another photo of a bull looking patiently at the metador when he sat down realising this gentle bull is not a crazy beast after all. Animals are kind and they will be forced to fight back when they are cornerned.
Dear Rinpoche, it is very normal for dogs to save each other but this case is really special. Because normally when dogs see birds they probably eat the bird and there is also a very special case about a cobra protecting 2 puppies from getting drowned in a well. Isn’t that cool?
This is so heartwarming. I read a news regarding a king cobra protecting 2 puppies who fell into a well while playing. Whenever the puppies tried to take an exit from the well which leads to some place that’s very dangerous, the snake will stop them. Even the the most venomous snake can protect the puppies, I think this is something very extraordinary. It warmed my heart when I read about this.
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
This is amazing. This dog is like Rinpoche’s Yogi and Oser who saved a little birdie too. This is hard evidence that animal can be very inspirational. Heck, most humans do not even care to glance at an old man begging for help. This is also a reason to be vegetarian. People claim that one of the reasons that they eat animals is because they are “dumb” or “stupid”. This should change their minds into understanding that animals are like humans and that they have feelings too.
WOW. I loved this post, although it was just a small picture and some words. It tells us a lot about animals. It shows us how kind and caring they are, and how much they care and put effort towards others. People should show the same effort towards all animals. Just like how this dog is doing so do this bird. Even if the bird is not its kind, its still a living being and that is good enough of a reason why the dog should take care of it. Thank you for sharing this with us Rinpoche. It was very nice to see this image.
Aww..this is so sweet. Even animals know what care is. Sometimes I actually think that animals play their roles better than humans do. I’m very happy for the doggie, it did a wonderful job. Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
Lets go beyond intraspecies in terms of our compassion all beings deserve love and kindness.
This is so cute. I love stories like this
It shows how animals actually have a bigger heart than humans. Animals care so much for those of even different species. Whilst, some humans cannot even feel compassion together with people that of the same gender. More when it comes to other genders. More when it comes to the same race. More when it comes to different races. Most when it comes to different species. Humans are very cruel natured.
The solution to this horrid problem is to do what animals do. Share your heart with others. Don’t be so selfish. Love everyone in the world. Never breed hate in others. Animals never show hatred towards another species of animals. Take them as examples. If you want to talk about Cats and Dogs, search friendship between cats and dogs on google. Tons of stories.
Thank you.
Wow Sean! You nailed it right on the head. It is very encouraging to see responses from you, Julien and Beatrix. It is amazing that what animals know by instinct and what you and the young members of ABC gang feel with your hearts are something so basic and yet so many adults in modern civilized still cannot get it. The greatness of a being’s kindness cannot be measured by the size of their hearts and neither can the wisdom of a human being be measured by their age, as you and the gang have so ably demonstrated. It has been too long ago since someone reminded us that we can learn much from animals and some like dogs only have love and loyalty for their masters even though they are badly treated.
Please keep caring and please keep showing the way. Same goes with Beat and Julien. Thank you!
So cute…a good example for humans to follow.
Amazing! And so adorable. 🙂
This is very cute!
A very important example for all humans to help each other!