Excellent News!
I really love news of this nature. It encourages me so much..I really feel touched by these 8 persons’ efforts. It’s nice when we put our dharma into action…Life is about doing as least negative actions as we can.
Wonderful!!! 8 persons took vegetarian vows today.
- Wan San (6 months)
- Jill (6 months)
- Chervenne (whole life)
- Sam (whole life)
- Victor Phang (whole life)
- Jack Ng (whole life)
- Rena Wong (6 months)
- Lilyn Tan (6 months)
I am so incredibly happy to get the news. It is very rewarding when some take the teachings to heart and some positive action arises as a result. I congratulate those 8 people who have developed compassion and enough awareness. They have put their attachments for meat aside for spiritual attainments. It is wonderful not to be the cause of the murder and killing of animals just for our tastes buds…
I thank all of you so much from the bottom of my heart!
Tsem Rinpoche
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Rejoice to everyone who had chose to take the vegetarian vows. By this, it clearly showed that this wonderful group of individuals understood the meaning of compassionate living and also the importance of holding vows. These ingredients are imperative on everyone’s spiritual journey. Thank you for this sharing.
This is really good, i hope these people also help animals and NOT EAT THEM LIKE OTHER SELFISH PEOPLE. I am a vegetarian and i believe is animals rights.
this is such good news !!!!! thanks to these people a little less animals are being killed just for our taste buds.
This is an amazing news. I’m very happy for the 8 beautiful people. This is the best way of creating awareness to the people around. More lives shall not be killed through the action they have taken–became a vegetarian. Rejoice!
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
This is fantastic Rinpoche. I hope in the future, more and more people will continue to take these vows to be a vegetarian. This is one of the best ways to stop or reduce animal suffering. I myself am a full time vegetarian. And i have also brought my best friend into vegetarianism. His name is “Alex”. I think that anybody who is vegetarian full time, should also do the same as i have done, to bring friends, family or whoever you want, into vegetarianism. This will help the animals a lot. Thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
Rejoice rejoice for these beautiful people. Very inspiring 😉
A few years ago when Rinpoche told JP to go vegetarian, JP replied and said what else can he eat if he became a vegetarian. We all so attach to good food!
Being a vegetarian is not only practicing compassion, it also cutting down our food attachment and it’s also to protect the environment so that we do not need to breed more livestock, fish crops etc..please give a pat on your shoulders. You guys are saving lives everyday and collecting merits.
Rejoice!!T0 all 8 dharma brothers & sisters,…..Anyone who practice kindness and compassion by cutting off own attachments,and also with the purpose to alleviate sufferings on others are deeply respected….. Rejoice again…..
Rejoice good news.
So lucky we are that our Guru creates the awareness for the suffering of beings. On my way to my working place this morning, a truck with animals passed and it was smelling so strong. I thought how grateful I am that I stopped eating meat. This really can’t be healthy. Congratulations to everybody.
These people are incredible, they are now taking their journey in life to a higher level, many people talk a lot, they keep on proving how much they love animal, but after saying that, they sit on the table with full of meat… Do you really eat someone you love?
congratulations guys, you have made a decision that gains everyone’s respect, you are one example of action taken.
Eating vegetarian not only an action of being kind to animal, but it is also a way to love ourselves better. because being a vegetarian is also one key to anti aging.
read this for more information:
Rejoice for all the above mentioned people.
We read Lamrin or we came across about compassion that is important to the path of enlightenment, and yet many of us end up with wanted to develop the quality of compassion but still attached eating meat. Fun right?
Respect to all the 8 persons put compassion into action.
i’m so happy for the 8 people and the animals! they will not regret their decision. now they won’t have to feel “guilty” for knowing but disregarding what happens before the meat gets on their plate. many people have told me that going vegetarian helps to improve the temperament, among all the other health and environmental benefits that so much credible research has shown already.
I have been a vegetarian for 3 years now and I don’t regret it. At the beginning it is not easy of course, you pace yourself and do it one step at a time. First was cutting meat once a week, then make it 3 times a week, then increase it to 6 times a week. Eventually it will be a whole week and when you’ve done that, the day you actually choose to eat meat, by that time you will already feel disgusted and sick even from the smell of meat.
I’ve come to realised that making the choice to eat meant or not to is a conscious decision and choice. That craving to want to eat meat is all in the mind, once u get used to not eating meat, that craving goes away.
It is excellent to take vegetarian vows in front of Buddha because for every single day we don’t eat meat we collect the merits of not killing. You also create such a positive change in your physical health, you feel less lethargic and less hot tempered. You are light in body and also in mind. If you can’t do it for yourself, what about doing it for someone else, some one you love, your mother, father, spouse etc… for their long life and good health or dedicate it to someone who has passed on? Compassion in this gross form is a start.
Being vegetarian is a very significant step to take for a person who wishes to practice compassion towards all mother beings.Once you become a vegetarian, you grow a compassion that will surely and steadily extend from animals that used to be your food to all animals and to insects and so on.
I rejoice and know that these 8 people will encourage more and more to join in and become vegetarians.Have just been reading the book Food for Bodhisattvas and find it most illuminating in highlighting how Boddhisattvas show compassion of the ultimate level by refraining from taking meat.
Great to know more and more people are opting to be a vegetarian in this modern society.
This is definitely a great piece of news to be rejoiced. May we receive news in the near future that 80, 800, 8000 people have taken on vegetarian vows!
rejoice !! thank you for the 8 friends to taking the vegetarian vow and put in the teaching into action.all sentient being are equal and precious, we should take the ownership by taking vegetarian and let go our attachment towards meat, this is true action for developing compassion instead of words.
Rejoice for all of you! You are helping to save more animals from killing. Hoping that more and more eat less and less meat, kill less and less animals…
Congratulation to this 8 persons that so sincere be a vegetarian..
Rejoice for you all..
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing…
This is such great news for all sentient beings! 8 more people who have decided to put compassion into action… by simply changing their diet!
Different people have different reasons to go vegetarian but doing it out compassion for animals (and all human beings since it saves mother earth as well) would rank the most supreme of all. Tsem Rinpoche had advised everyone to watch this video, its a must if you want to understand why we should give up meat. Check it out here http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/animals-vegetarianism/earthlings.html
By generating and cultivating compassion for all beings without exception,eventually we are able to completely abandon any and all attachments to ourselves. Congratulations to the vow takers for making a wise decision.
Thanks for the eight person sincere action to take vows to be a vegetarian, their action remind me the beneficial to be a vegetarian. Rejoice for them. Thanks.
我是感恩的。自己從一個不知生命為何物,有何價的人,成了懂尊重生命的人。而這一切,就多得師父。師父在鼓勵人們吃素是不留餘力,盡心盡力的。現在,有多了好幾位朋友決定吃素,真替他們開心啊。 🙂
Congratulations to all of you for making the right choice to take vegetarian vows. Less animals will be killed and you will have a healthier body. After six months you will not miss or want to eat meat anymore as your taste buds will find it repulsive.
Congratulations and well done to the magnificent 8. Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice!
These 8 beautiful people are putting compassion into action. If you really love animals, then act on the value! They are setting good examples for the rest of us, they walk the talk seriously by taking vows. Congratulations my friends 🙂
This is wonderful news!!! It is great that more people are opting for compassionate dining. Animals should never be the victims of our ‘wants’ because that would just mean we’re too selfish.
Congratulations to all of them for taking an extra step, after all, being vegetarian when there’s a choice is spiritual.
Congratulations to you all. You will never regret for making such a wise choice. 🙂
Congratulations guys and gals! You are one step closer to enlightenment!
Congratulations to all vegetarian vows takers. I rejoice.
Congratulations to all of you for making the right choice,what a wonderful news to hear! I believe after taking vegetarian foods you wouldn’t want to eat meat anymore for the rest of your life.
Congratulations to the 8 people who has made a choice to be vegetarian. This is wonderful news and I’m sure you will not regret it! A bold step by you will make a huge difference in humanity.
There are actually a lot of choices of food available for vegetarians, if you are worried about this. Hehe…..
Congratulations to all of you.
Congrats to all of them. Rejoice for all of them too.. :))
Best Regards : Erickksiow
Yum Yum KFC? Fingers licking good? I love those commercials that made the chickens look SOOOO cute that made us forget what the true chicken is suffering in their small cage. Especially in cinemas before the movie starts, lil chicks with Colonel, haha, I just feel funny when people laugh at the advertisement and forgot what is behind the scene and kitchen then proceed to KFC, that’s where I want to be!
Anyway, I congratulate the vow takers. Rejoice.
Congratulations to the eight persons who took the vegetarian vows.
The Buddha has said that if a person does not harm any living being and does not kill or cause others to kill, that person is a true spiritual practitioner.
On the other hand, one who eats meat can cultivate a pure heart just as one who is vegetarian might have an impure heart. Why not cultivate a pure heart by being a vegetarian and make the extra effort to further the practice of Compassion.
We can get all types of disease from eating meat, while having a vegetarian diet can not only prevent, but help cure many diseases.
So why not have the best of both worlds, be healthy and be a true spiritual practitioner!
Congratulations to the magnificient 8! Such decision shows that you have great respect and care for your body, planet earth and the animals living in it in particular! Generally, it is said that a lot of people are dying of diseases that are directly tied to eating habits. Countless studies and researches have confirmed that a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, rice and soy is the best bet for living a longer, healthier life. A China Health Project who eat the least amount of fat and animal products have the lowest risks of cancer, heart attack and other chronic degenerate diseases. A German cancer Research centre in Heidelberg claim that vegetarians’ immune systems are more effective in killing off tumor-cells than meat eaters. Studies have found that a plant-based diet helps protect against prostrate, colon and skin cancers. All of you have made a wise move, syabus to you.
Rejoice! Congratulations to the 8 people.
May you be blessed always!
Congratulations to the 8 wonderful people.
Much rejoice and 8 of you really put the dharma that you learn into practice. You found your compassion in you and would like to make a different for others.
Eating meat is really just a habit and this habit causes suffering to others. You all understand this and don’t want to be the cause of your own selfish act. Great choice!
This is really wonderful.
Dear Wan San, Jill, Chervenne, Sam, Victor, Jack, Rena & Lilyn
Thank You for your compassion and kindness!
Great! it is a very significant milestone in your spiritual practice. Not many take the vegetarian vows. You have showned that you really care and concern about the millions of animals who were killed daily for their meat.
Eating meat is just a habit which can be abandoned if we are serious about it. Why accumulate negative heavy negative karma of eating animals’ meat when we strive so hard to accumulate merit in our spiritual practice? It does not make sense! Hence, going for full vegetarian is the direction to go for all Buddhist practitioners.
Rejoice & Congratulations to 8 of you!!! ^^, ^^, ^^,
Why eat our pass life parents? Rejoice for the 8 people who took the vow, through this will help others to be vegetarian eventually, a healthy chain effect,someone have to start and take the lead first.
I rejoice in the determination of the 8 to go vege out of care and concern for animals welfare linked to our habit of eating meat.There really is no good reason to continue eating meat. It is not that there are no vege restaurants around or the food served is boring. From the health aspect, everything is pointing thumbs down for meat that give rise to a host of illnesses associated with it. Whether we are going organic, for religion, for health or out of compassion,going vege is the way to go in this 21st C.
Wow.. So many people taking vegetarian vows together 🙂 May the merits reduce the suffering of the less fortunate ones..
This is such wonderful news! Less animals will be killed because of this practice of kindness and compassion.If only more people understood this and ate more vegetables. Plus it is good for our health
Congratulations to you dear dharma friends. You are not just doing it for compassionate reasons but you are also loving your heart – you will become healthier.
Dear Vegetarian Vow Takers of 23 May,
You have put dharma into action, congratulations !
How can we advocate compassion if we don’t stop killing and eating others? Chicken, pigs, cows etc have feelings, they don’t want their lives cut short prematurely just like us.
I rejoice and may your examples inspire others to practice compassion sincerely.
Congratulations for taking the step to stop suffering towards other beings through cutting your attachments to taste. The results is very rewarding 🙂
Congratulations all! Rejoice! May you all be blessed always!
Rejoice to Wan San , Jill , Chervenne , Sam , Victor Phang, Jack Ng , Rena Wong & Lilyn Tan
what a wise choice!
Rejoice for Wan San, Jill, Chervenne, Sam, Victor Phang, Jack Ng, Rena Wong, Lilyn Tan, u all are started reduce ur chances to create more negative karma and started to gain compassion in this way. Congratulation, ur health will be improve through vegetarian also…
Rejoice! This is a good news! Thanks to the 8 brother and sister. Be a vegetarian is not hard, not to be a vegetarian is hard. Every time i eat now, i feel joy and relax. No more contribute to the killing. No more hearing the animals scream and yell before die as our food. Once again, rejoice!
Congratulations to all!
You are a great role to all.
This is really good news. Rejoice!
This is Dharma in practise! Welcome to the club!