Extreme Abuse: Dog found in trash
On 16/03/11, a near-dead starving 1 year old pit bull cross was found dumped in the garbage at the Garden Spires apartment complex in Newark, New Jersey, after apparently having been put in a plastic bag and thrown down a trash chute in the 22-story building.
Maintenance workers pulling out garbage from the chute and into the compactor discovered him when they noticed one of the bags moving. The pup – who was hardly more than a skeleton – was rushed to the trauma unit at the Garden State Veterinary Specialists, where he received proper medical treatment, including blood transfusion. Since then, seven veterinarians and several veterinary technicians have been nursing him around the clock, feeding him intravenously and warming him with heated blankets.
Hospital staff say it’s one of the worst cases of abuse they’ve seen.
“He’s the worst I’ve ever seen as far as starvation, skin and bones go,” said Katharine Palmer, an emergency critical care specialist at the animal hospital. “The first couple days after he came in he wasn’t able to stand or bear weight, he was so weak.”
Thankfully, he is recovering well. By Monday, the dog was later named Patrick by hospital staff because he made it through the night and into St. Patrick’s Day. He will be up for adoption at a later date.
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Patrick was so weak when he first arrived at the vet, he could BARELY move. It’s amazing how he managed to gather his energy to get attention from the custodian. | All skin and bones. Patrick was so thin and dehydrated the hospital staff had to start him on blood transfusion |
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Patrick spends most of his time in his cage recovering, napping next to stuffed animals donated by the hospital staff. He doesn’t bark or wag his tail, but lifts his head whenever someone passes by | Patrick being cared for by the hospital staff. Nice to see he’s regaining his strength. Unlike many abused dogs which turn skittish and aggressive due to fear, Patrick is a very loving dog. He will be available for adoption once he’s fully recovered |
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Or view the video on the server at:
Animal cruelty is not foreign, and most of the time abused animals go undiscovered. Over 12oo dogs were reported to have suffered at the hands of mindless people, not including the millions of animals suffering from abuse and torture.
Efforts by authorities to curb such deeds were applied by law. In this case, New Jersey’s animal cruelty law states a penalty of up to $1000 fine and/or imprisonment of up to 18 months. While in Malaysia, a fine of a mere RM 200 and/or 6 months jail is no real deterrent and offenders do not usually end up in jail.
Is life only worth this much in the eyes of a regular person?
Feel for these beings. Empathy is the greatest innate gift we have. Don’t look away just because you’re too squirmish to accept that an animal is being abused. Don’t not lend a hand just because you think someone else will do it.
Act now. Be the one to ease the sufferings of these beings, because there is nothing more satisfying than to know you’ve brought comfort to those who need it.
Tsem Rinpoche
Source: http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2011/03/tinton_falls_animal_hospital_h.html
Update: Patrick on YouTube
There are 22 videos that have been uploaded onto GSVS Pet Hospital’s YouTube. These are videos of Patrick’s time at the hospital that he has been saying at.
Jessi Bryant has informed me of the link, thank you for your initiative.
You can take a look at GSVS Pet Hospital’s YouTube link at: http://www.youtube.com/user/GSVSPetHospital. I have added 2 videos below… it’s very comforting to see the love and care given to Patrick. He deserves it.
Patrick playing
Or view the video on the server at:
Patrick having breakfast!
Or view the video on the server at:
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Sometimes, it’s best to watch these videos as it directly cut through our hearts and generate compassion in that instant. Thank you Rinpoche for this.
Animal abuse frequently occurred in a number of area. Its heart breaking looking at the pictures of that extreme animal and neglect case of a dog in this article . The abused dog was packed in a plastic bag and thrown down a trash chute in the 22-story building. So inhuman for someone to do that . Not only that the dog was under un nourishment, thin, dehydrated and looks more than a skeleton. The condition was so bad that the dog needs a blood transfusion. Thanks to the maintenance workers who found Patrick in the neat of time. Looking at those pictures one will be definitely shocking to see his condition. Thankfully, that poor dog named Patrick is recovering well after been nursed by the hospital staffs. Its one of the worst cases of abuse they’ve seen. A dog is men best friends , shouldn’t be abuse or harm them. Give them love, care as if they are one of us.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Dear Rinpoche,
It is very sad that someone could be so cruel to “throw” a living being out into the garbage. When Patrick was found, he was in a plastic bag in the dumpster waiting to die. He was literally being treated no different from a trash. I don’t understand how someone can treat a living being as an object and discard them in this way. Don’t they have any sense of humanity at all?
The person that done that to Patrick is a cruel man and he must had collected heavy negative karma for abusing the dog and discarding him when he is no use to him. We have to be aware of our actions to not create any harm or suffering to the lesser beings around us. Just because we have the ability to overpower them, doesn’t mean we can exploit them. We should use the ability we have to protect and care for them even more.
Oh no, little Patrick boy was so severely abused that he just looks like a dead dog, literally. I don’t understand why is it that there are people who are so heartless and cruel to that extend that they just do not care about living beings, animals too are lives, it doesn’t mean that they are incapable of feeling just because they can’t speak like how humans do. Animals are very poorly respected within the society nowadays, I hope more people will come to realise the importance of respecting other sentient beings.
Poor little Patrick, when he was found in the trash, he was so thin and weak that he even looked like a carcass. I’m very glad to know that he’s doing great now and that he doesn’t shut himself from being so loving. Patrick is a
great companion.
It is really sometimes unbelievable how we humans can be such barbaric, cruel and inhuman to another that is far weaker than us. What gives us the right to treat animals with such abusiveness. What happened to being the protectors of our planet? Okay perhaps I am a naive fool or people are just sick. People are so disconnected with the fact that animals are also beings that deserve the same happiness and do not want suffering just like us humans. I guess the only consolation is that they will definitely not escape their karma for being this cruel to another living being.
It is true miracle that Patrick lived and is on the road to recovery. I am sure by now he would have found love in a good home. His will to live is inspiring, his will to forgive is amazing… not even us humans can forgive so easily and continue to love the very species that hurt him in the first place! May God, Buddha, Jesus, and all the positive enlightened force bless Patrick baby x
Actually, it’s really quite shocking to see just how many pitbulls are abused, abandoned or thrown out. I am Facebook friends with a shelter home in America and they post up appeals to rehome pitbulls almost on a daily basis – if not these beautiful animals are just put down / put to sleep! Yes, pitbulls are known to be quite aggressive and for that reason, many humans are quick to just put them down, claiming that they are dangerous and a menace to society. This is actually absolutely ridiculous and any dog trainer will tell you that any dog can be trained and subdued to be very gentle, if given the right training and instruction from a young age. It is up to us humans and pet owners to train them responsibility and give them the right care, and attention. Usually, it is only because of negligence or unnecessary provocation that leads to any animal being aggressive, or reacting aggressively (usually out of defence, actually). Then, because WE have been negligent and cannot handle these dogs anymore, we claim they’re a nuisance and put them out. How is this fair?! Really, if you look at it, it’s the humans that cause all these troubles, never the dogs.
I am so happy that this dog is alive. What kind of person would throw out their dog like trash like this. Terrible. I wish for things like this to never happen in the world again.
This is so cruel! How can people do this to the animals? Poor little doggie.. How would you feel if you are to be starved and thrown away into the trash?? Animals do not deserve these, they deserve to be loved and treated well. Such actions should be stopped now.
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
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Being a dog lover, it is really hard for me to see incidences of any dog abuse or neglect. Perhaps it is the same for those who see little value in these animals – they cannot understand why we need to put time, energy and love on these beings.
I feel so sad for what happened to Patrick – to be chucked from a high-storey apartment at a very young age of 1 yr old and to have to undergo extreme neglect.
I cannot imagine the amount of frightening and worrying that he must have gone through after being dumped from his owner, it must have been very painful to be dumped from so high-up, painful to the little heart too.
Thank goodness, however, that he moved a bit and was discovered and then was cared so much by so many vets.
I hope very much that Patrick is now in good hands and well loved!
Buddha said: all living beings must live together harmoniously. I am glad the workers found Patrick and safe his life. Today, people became very cruel and desperate for things that they want. For example, when we want something we use all kinds of trick and ways to get it. When we get bored or we do not want it anymore, we trash it and dump it far away from us just like Patrick. Things that we dump included garbage, DOGS, CATS, BABIES etc. What a scary world we live in? what about those evil mothers who throw their own babies into the trash?
Here is one happy story about rescued dogs. One is a Guide Dog for a blind dog and happily they have been rehomed together:
I really love animals and I am angered by people who doesn´t respect or love such and ABUSE an adorable companion! I am really happy that PATRICK is recovering great fast! My sincere heartfelt gratitude for all the care and help by the hospital staff. Way to go!!!
This is such an amazing story of abuse and how little some regard animals especially dogs who don’t have a voice, capacity and strength to talk or fight back when they are hurt. Immediately, I wonder what’s this world coming too and where is our humanity… But as I follow the video, I realise that there are also many out there who care and are concerned. So, bringing greater awareness to such cases of abuse is actually a good thing as awareness and if possible, bringing the culprit to justice, it will serve as a deterrent for others.
Thank you Rinpoche, for asking everyone not to “look away”. These abused animals do not have anyone else to protect and help them other than human beings who are prepared to set up and mitigate another human being’s senseless cruelty. What better way to deserve protection from the Buddhas than to offer refuge to those who need it from us?
Patrick may have been the victim, but the real tragedy is that a person could be so callous and having such a seared conscience, to be able to be this wicked. Patrick’s ordeal may be over but not for the person who threw the pup down the trash chute. How pitiful to be in this state of senseless-ness.
Dear Rinpoche,
Here’s a link to a youtube channel where people can keep up with Patrick’s progress. He has a FaceBook page too. What a fighter! His will to live is amazing. He’s even wagged his tail. I love my dog Chibi so much. He’s not like family, he is family. I don’t understand how someone could do this to anyone, much less someone who is supposed to be family. Thank you for helping to spread Patrick’s story around the world. Maybe it will save someone else from having to go through such a torturous hell.