Faithful Dog Chases Deceased Owner
Dear friends,
As my readers will know, I have a soft spot for animals, especially dogs. I have previously written about how dogs have human-like traits and they have feelings too, like loss, happiness and depression.
If you watch the touching video below, you will probably agree that this dog definitely possesses the traits of human loyalty. It proves that although they may not be able to speak, they have a mind which allows them to think, feel and have emotions.
Please take five minutes out from your busy schedule to watch this heart-wrenching video and share it with your friends.
Tsem Rinpoche
Tear-Jerking Moment Faithful Dog Chased After Deceased Owner During Funeral Procession
By Ling Kwan Posted on March 6, 2017
The love and loyalty this dog had for its owner is beyond anyone’s imagination.
Recently, a netizen, Leong Khai Wai uploaded several pictures and videos of a funeral procession on Facebook which made netizens shed tears. The incident took place in Kampung Air Jernih, Terengganu.

Source: Leong Khai Wai Facebook
During the procession, a white dog with brown patches on its body can be seen walking alongside other people. Apparently, the deceased individual was the dog’s owner.
However, when the convoy reached the main road and the vehicles started picking up speed, the faithful dog did not give up and was seen running beside the road. Poor doggy…
The dog can be seen struggling to keep up with the cars, but it didn’t give up and kept running. Obviously the dog wasn’t ready to let its owner go.
Or view the video on the server at:
Just like that, the dog tirelessly ran for 3km before it reached the cemetery ground where the vehicles finally slowed down.

Source: Leong Khai Wai Facebook
The dog then walked beside the vehicles following the convoy.
If that wasn’t touching enough already, the sad-looking dog quietly laid flat on the ground beside the grave that was dug for its owner. Awwwww!! :'( !!!

Source: Leong Khai Wai Facebook
When it was time to lower the casket into the grave, the dog was asked to move but it refused to do so.
After being persuaded by someone close to it, the dog moved aside but quickly went back beside the grave seconds later.
What’s more, after the casket was lowered, the dog looked at the casket while lying flat on the ground. It seemed like the dog missed its owner dearly.

Source: Leong Khai Wai Facebook
The heart-wrenching moment of the dog chasing after the convoy left many netizens tearing up.
There were also some who criticized the convoy for not giving the poor dog a ride and letting it run dangerously beside the road.
“They should at least give the dog a ride. It only wanted to be with its owner, that’s why it didn’t mind walking for a long distance. Poor dog,” said a netizen.
Hopefully the other family members will take the dog in and shower it with love and affection, just like how the previous owner did.
This goes to show that dogs really are a man’s best friend. Remember to shower your own with much love!
For more interesting information:
- Why Losing a Dog Can Be Harder than Losing a Relative or Friend
- Stray Free Selangor!
- Do animals reincarnate back as humans?
- Good News for Animal Lovers!
- Casper the Therapy Dog Needs Therapy
- Don’t Abandon Senior Pets!
- The Father of 735 Dogs
- Sylvester Stallone’s Best Friend
- 7 Signs Your Dog Is In Pain And Trying To Hide It
- Dog Funerals Held By Kechara
- Our beloved pets are important
- Earthlings
- Take 2 Minutes to see something cool!
- The honourable Mr. Pak Mie
- Incredible Loyalty! Must share!!
- Hachiko~ A Lesson in Eternal Friendship & Loyalty
- Amazing Dogs Protected Human Baby
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A man ‘s good friend and companion a white faithful dog with brown patches ’s chased after his deceased owner during funeral procession. Heartfelt looking at the pictures and watching the video tells all. The love and loyalty this dog is simply amazing. This dog is the only thing on earth that loves his owner more than he loves himself. Even after the burial ceremony this dog refused to leave. He is so royal to and would fiercely defend his owner whom it loves. Obviously the dog wasn’t ready to loose and let its owner go. So sad to see the moment . May this royal dog found another owner who would loves and care for him like the previous owner.
Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful sharing.
Animals show love for humans! Cow, lions, apes, dogs, bears, parrots and more can all be very affectionate and show surprising emotions when it comes to expressing their love for people. An emotional animals hugging humans video.
You guys are going to have a cute attack with these two super adorable videos of Tsem Rinpoche’s doggies Oser and Dharma.-
The videos JUST came out!
H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche loves animals and is passionate against their harm, torture, and abuse.
The few minutes a day we spend on social media creating awareness for animals who cannot speak is purely spiritual and humanistic practice because we are trying to alleviate pain from another sentient beings and that makes us more spiritual, and that makes us more spiritual and more humane.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing such a lovely yet sad article. I have heard about many dogs’ story that didn’t want to leave their owner and this is one of the sad story of a dog. I remember there was one real life incident, it happened in Taiwan, where the owner moved to an apartment which doesn’t allow them to keep their dog. They had to release the dog somewhere, but every time the dog came back to their apartment. Every time they released him to a further place, but the dog still came back to them. Until one time after many attempts, and that was the last time, the dog came back, and kill himself by hitting his own head to the wall in front of his owner, due to very broken heart that his owner tried so many times to exile him. Yes, dogs have feelings and they have human-like traits. That’s why dogs are men’s best friends. The only thing is they can’t talk. I believe if they can talk, they can be more closer to human. _/\_
It is heart-breaking to see the dog has to go through such sadness, seeing his owner being buried, nothing else he can do beside bidding farewell to his owner quietly.
Remember when I was young, one of my christian neighbour passed away, the funeral was held in the house, I heard the Christian Pastor giving some teaching to the audience saying the deceased will be in good hand, because his believed Jesus and now he is in heaven, all human who believe in Jesus will be saved, unlike animal, example dog, dog does not has soul, they have no feeling, they can’t think, hence, they would not be able to go heaven, etc, etc… bla bla bla…
(not the exact words he said, but this is part of the content)
When I heard this, I did not agree at all, my house has a dog since i was born till today, I have been with dogs and I know dogs has feeling, dogs will feel sad, bored, unhappy, excited, tired, sick, etc, this is exactly just like human, except they can’t talk, so what makes us says that dog does not have feeling? This video has proved that statement wrong.
Dogs are man’s best friend, this is the unshaken fact, dog’s loyalty to their owner is beyond words can describe, it break my heart seeing from the internet that dogs being tortured, being skinned alive, being cooked alive, being beaten till death by their owner or starved them till death, for a human who can do such things, are we still call human? Where is our humanity?
I really hope all the dog owners take care of their dog really well, take care of them not just feeding them and bathing them, but also to take care of their feeling too, don’t wait till too late, because when we lost them, means we have lost someone that is faithful and loyal to us, the unworthy human.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article and the short video, while watching this 25sec video clip, it reminded me of the 2 (real story) movies that I have watched and I have watched this 2 movies few times, everytime watching it, only I realized there is a leakage at my eyes.
1. The tale of Mari
2. Hachiko
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these touching story of this loyal dog. Dogs and pets have feeling too. They are just another sentient beings and we should not causing any harm to them. Previously I am not a dog lover but due to the examples shown by Rinpoche on how we can be kind to animals, I have started to take care of dogs, would feed strays or chant mantra to them. Thank you for all the blogs articles and showing by examples that help me to cultivate the values of kindness.
Dog indeed a loyal friend to man. They have feeling but they show it with their own ways. A nice and very touch video. Thanks for sharing.
Dogs are very faithful animals. They can do things that we can’t imagine they will do. If they can talk i belief they will make us cry.
The characteristics of a dog such as devotion and loyalty towards the owners remind me very much of how a spiritual student should act towards their spiritual teachers. They don’t hold on to vengeance and anger when they have been scolded. They are able to develop obedience when taught. We should definitely learn these traits from dogs.
This is my second time to read about the touching story above. I really sad but also proud of this dog because he show the loyalty to his deceased owner.
I hope this story can be a lesson to educate every dogs owner to give more care and love to theirs dogs. Please treat dogs or pets as part of our family members.
Thanks Rinpoche for such educational sharing.
There are so many similar stories of dogs that have remained loyal to their masters all the way till the end. Dogs are really special. I love them too. I’m very much a dog person, just that I’m drawn more to dogs than other types of domestic “pets”.
I wish dog owners can always be just as loyal to their dogs as much as their dogs are to them.
They should have put the dog in one of the cars when they saw it running along the road. Poor dog.
This is truly a very touching story. Dogs are known to be fiercely loyal to their owners. It’s heartbreaking to see the dog chase after his deceased owner and there is no way for the dog to express its pain for the loss.
Dogs are like 3 year old kids. They are very individualistic but they are also very dependent on us on an emotional level. Mistreating them is like mistreating a 3 year old child. I do hope the deceased family members take good care of the dog.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this and I was touched by this story very much. I personally think that this faithful dog must has very close karmic connection with its owner and it know that the owner is died. Furthermore, animals are very sensitive to our energies and mind states. So, if we are loving kindness and compassion, they can feel our love and care.
As such, we must treat the animals like humans too. Not to harm them because humans can be reborn as animals and animals can be reborn as humans. We have to accept that humans and animals are interconnected and just like a family.
Many times, over and over, many animals have shown their loyalty and affection towards human. It shows clearly that animals have feelings too and we need to treat them with love & care. Or at the very least not to harm them.
May this dog able to finally let go of his owner and not go into depression. May he be well take care to easy his pain.
This is a very touching and emotional real story. A pet dog with so much sense and feelings for his deceased owner whihch is sometimes stronger than human beings. I grew up with pet dogs and cats who has such intelligence just like humans. That’s why I truly understand how this dog is feeling. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this eye opening article to people who just treat amimals like animals and start to think they are sometimes more sensible than us._/\_
Dogs are ever so adorable for me. I used to hate dogs but when I was being put into a situation to either stay with two dogs, it did forced me to accept initially. But over time, we became friends and they are so so loyal. Since the first one week, I look forward to go back home every night wanting to spend time and play with them. One of the smaller dog that me and my wife have is also very protective. She would literally jump into where we are whenever we called for help. Cute and sweet. This article is very good for spreading awareness and promotes to others about dogs are friends and not food. Are you reading these China, Vietnam, Myanmar and countries alike who take dogs as food.
This is a very touching article. I totally agree that dog is a man’s best friend. They are always so loyal to the owner. However it is sad that not all pet owners are such. Some will only treat them literally as an animal and therefore do not take good care of them. Dogs or any other animals are beings that have feeling. There should not be neglected and be abused by us. This article reminds us to always care for all beings and respect them.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this heartwarming article.
Its a heartfelt touching article of this faithful dog.Cannot imagine this ,such a wonderful relationship between that dog and the deceased owner.The greatest fear dogs know is the fear that we will not come back for them That i noticed from observing from my pet poodle.In this case this faithful dog knew his owner won’t be back.
Dogs are loyal, patient, fearless, forgiving, capable of pure love and have feelings too.He must have missed the owner badly that he wanted to accompany the owner all the way to the resting place.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing. May that faithful dog ,continue to serve and well taken, love by the other family members.
This really shows us that animals especially dogs have feelings too. They deserve care and love just like as we can see here that they feel loss and loyalty.
May the dog be well taken care of by the family. We should always take care of them and love them.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article. This is such a sad yet touching article. The deceased owner’s dog is such an adorable dog. He misses his owner so much till he followed through the whole cremation. Many dogs around the world have similar loyalty towards their owner. They would do anything for their owner.
With folded palms,
When I was young, about 5 or 6 years old, a very intelligent mongrel stray made her way to our neighbor’s house. Our neighbor did not want to care for her and neither did anyone in my very small one-street neighborhood so my dad somehow got her into our car and drove her more than ten miles away to a wooded area and left her there.
A week later she showed up at our doors!
Believing in fate, our neighbor took her in and not long after that she gave birth to five or six pups. I ended up having my first dog Rover who was the plumpest from that litter and who lived to a very ripe old age healthy.
Rover was our playmate, trainee, horse, food taster, and best friend. He never ever got angry or showed his teeth to us, never ever even when as boys we were sometimes a bit rough when playing. He was a gentle, calm, very intelligent and quite a large dog. One thing he did was to protect us. He was very loyal, very protecting.
Rover taught us many things – bravery, loyalty, love. Most of all, he taught us that we are not the only intelligent beings on earth and sometimes, dogs are a man’s only best friend if you know what I mean. Thank you Rover. Thank you Mumu. Thank you to all the dogs in my life.
This is so touching. Dogs are man’s best friend for a reason. The friendship between man and dog has gone back thousands of years. They give us unconditional love every day. Their loyalty is unquestionable and developed from trust, care and love. From the article above we can see how the dog can feel the lost of his owner. Dogs are also naturally affectionate. Their instinct is to want to bond. Dogs want to love and be loved, which I think deep down is what all of us want. Dogs and humans have had a history of unique, symbiotic relationship that has helped both species accept the other as a part of their natural life. Hope the dog can pass through this difficult time and someone can take good care of it.
OMG! This is very touching. To see a doggie who never left go of his owner in spite of death. Way more powerful than many who proclaimed “till death do us part.” Just like the human, not all doggies are as loyal as this tear-jerking pet, but I truly believe almost all doggies offer unconditional love to the person who feeds and cares for them. Even when they are stray animals. There was a stray dog who will run two streets from the entrance of the “Taman” until the car stops in front of the house, just to greet me. You can imagine the warm and conviction in my heart that these beings are more than capable of loving than many of us, human! Thank you for this lovely sharing. I miss my doggie, Sherab.
Thank you, Rinpoche, for sharing this moving story. This dog has such loyalty and love for its deceased human owner that he ran all the way for three kilometres to catch up with the convoy that was accompanying the owner’s hearse to the burial ground.Only when the cars in the convoy had slowed down to park in the cemetery ground, did he slow down to a walking pace.
Afterwards at the grave, he lay flat on the ground beside the grave, and watched as his dead owner’s coffin was lowered into the ground. When he was being urged to move away, he did so only for a little while. He then quickly returned to lie flat on the ground next to the grave.
Observing this faithful dog all the way, through the pictures taken by Leong K W , brings many teary moments, especially when he untiringly ran beside the cars for three miles. He reminds one very much of Hachiko, who had waited faithfully, day after day, at the train station for its owner’s return, for nine years after his owner died.
I hope this faithful dog in the story is being taken care of by the family of the deceased.
Our Pet can give us the best example on how we should treasure our relationships with others.
Thank you Rinpoche.
Sometimes animals can show so much good qualities, and can be an example to all of us. Loyalty is something, that people in general still admire up till today, it is very noble to be steadfast and loyal. I feel the dog knows his master has died, yet it still shows his devotion to be as close possible, if the dog had no inkling the master had died then it could jumped into the hole, that would have been an instinctive move. Yet it stayed at a respectful distance. Yes I do hope many people after seeing this story will take care of their animals, and hope this lovable doggy will be taken care of.