Fishes liberated for Mumu

200 kg of catfish to be released
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
As Mumu has been ill, I decided to have pujas done for him and release of life. The merits dedicated to my little Mumu’s health and long life. This release of life benefits Mumu, the people participating, and of course the fishes. Mumu now is thankfully recovering under the loving care of Kb, Monlam and Beng Kooi. I really appreciate them to nurse Mumu back to health.
On Wednesday, Nicholas Yu, James, Mr Lee and Mr Lee’s Nephew and Bonita released 200 kg of catfish in dedication for Mumu’s good health and long life. Everyone recited Shantideva’s dedication prayer and recited one mala of Medicine Buddha mantra. After reciting, through the power of mantra, they blessed the fishes by blowing onto the fishes before releasing them into the lake. Mr Lee and his nephew did this in Mandarin.
Whenever the animal liberation group needs fishes to release, Mr Lee is their main point of contact. He is very supportive of Kecharians. There are times when the animal liberation group releases fishes on an adhoc basis. It might be that Nicholas Yu (the coordinator for the group) would call Mr Lee at 2pm to get 200 kg of fishes (440 lbs)…to do so within a day is a VERY difficult task. These fishes are meant to be slaughtered at the market the following day; for fish mongers to part from them is not easy and to get that amount of fishes in 24 hrs (or sometimes less!) is difficult.
There are times where because of the time constraint, Mr Lee would personally drive the fishes to the lake himself. He would take the event very seriously and would make sure that everything is in order. He never complains, give excuses..he just gets it done.
Mr Lee used to be a fish monger himself! For 10 years, he has sold fish at the market. Mr Lee found out about Kechara through his friend, Chef Au (Head Chef of Kechara Oasis). He now sells vegetables and has being nicknamed “Choy Chai”..which in English means: Vegetable Boy!!
I thank everyone involved to get this done so fast. I thank Andrew whom I text message to arrange all this and he did it super fast. Thank you for helping my Mumu to get well.

Reciting prayers and mantra

Freedom for fishes

Mr Lee feeding the fishes

2 Indian boys who were there for fishing joined in the feeding. We encouraged them not to do fishing there.

Park officials participated in feeding the fishes

A token of appreciation for Mr Lee for his help and support for our fish liberation programme
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Tsem Rinpoche’s two adorable cute Schnauzer dogs Oser girl (white) and Dharma boy up to their various antics. Short videos that will warm up your day and give you a ‘cute attack!’ Enjoy!
“Tsem Rinpoche’s Schnausers Oser and Dharma trying their luck”
“Tsem Rinpoche’s adorable Schnauzers Oser and Dharma have a challenge!”
“Friendly Encounter”-Oser and Dharma meet Johnny & Casper
“Friendly Encounter”-Soer & Dharma meet Johnny & Casper (2)
“Tsem Rinpoche’s Pet Schnauzer Oser’s Treat Time!”
“Tsem Rinpoche’s doggie Oser girl and Dharma boy getting treats”
“Dharma fights Chip! Showdown between Tsem Rinpoche’s pet Schnauzer and a dog on wheels!”
“Dharma & Oser Getting Treats in Playhouse”
Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
It is nice to see so many fishes being liberated from their destiny to be left on the dinner plate. Liberation of animals is not only beneficial for the animals but creates A LOT of good karma and merit for everyone involved!
Dear Rinpoche, I hope Mr Lee’s (Choi Chai) business is fine. He must have collected a lot of Kharma because he have selling fishes in the market for almost or more than 10years. I suggest Mr Lee become a vegetarian, practice more Dharma and liberate more fishes so that his Kharma will be reduced.
It’s very nice of Mr.Lee to help and support the liberation programme.I have seen him before in the morning market, my parents will always get the vegetables from his store whenever they go to the market. He is a very helpful person.
Mumu is very lucky to have Rinpoche besides him, all of the Mumus are. May Mumu have good health and long life.
Love, beatrix.
This is really a lot of fish. I am so glad that these fishes got released for such a good and heartwarming reason. And i hope that the reasons would come true, and that Mumu will have good health and will love very long. I wish i could have been there to help release the fish.
As Rinpoche has said, “Every living being, no matter how small or insignificant, deserves the chance to live.” Thats why when mumu fell sick, Rinpoche had pujas done for him, simultaneously with the liberation of animals’ lives(fishes), primarily, to collect merits for mumu, secondly to set free of lives however small and insignificant, and last, but not least for the benefit of all participants to generate good merits too. Our guru’s kindness and compassion towards animals nevertheless rank suppreme and is exceptionally special in his unconditional love for animals whom he rgarded to be the weakest with no one to turn to for help and survival! For this reason, Rinpoche has announced the formation of Kechara Animal Sanctuary and appeal all kind leaving being to help him in finding/locating a suitable piece of land to house these poor helpless beings, especially the abandoned, abused, sick and diseased ones with no one to turn to. This KAS project is one that remains his vision closest an utmost importance in Rinpoche’s heart! PLEASE HELP IN THE NAME OF HUMANITY TO BENEFIT ALL BEINGS – OM MANI PADMI HUM.
Rinpoche has always take good care of Mumu and now when Mumu’s health is not good, Rinpoche has arranged for the release of life and dedicate to Mumu speedy recovery and good health. Mumu is cute and adorable and I pray that Mumu will recover fast from his sickness and have a healthy life.
Respect Guru…!!! Guru care about Everybody and anybody. 🙂 _/\_
mumu is a wonderful and adorable! I love mumu and mumu is cute!
May mumu have good health and long life…! OM MANI PADME HUNG.
love, angel
Rinpochela has shown us that we should take care of animals properly – physically, as well as spiritually. Thank you Rinpochela!
Chef Aw has solved a problem for us. He has introduced Mr Lee an ex fishmonger to Kechara Care Nicholas Yu. He will be able to source big quantities of fishes for people to perform Animal Liberation with fishes whenever fishes are needed. Mumu is a very special dog to Rinpoche. So special that he may be someone close and dear to Rinpoche in past life. Rinpoche is creating more merits for Mumu by doing Pujas and releasing fishes. It is hard to take rebirth as a human again once you have taken rebirth as an animal. As Animals will not have the facilities and wisdom like a human do to collect merits and purify a lot of bad Karma which we have collected during all our lifetimes. Mumu is very lucky to have Rinpoche take care of him in this life so that he will take good rebirth as a human again to practice Dharma.