How long do animals sleep?
Jul 8, 2011 | Views: 1,322
Dear everyone,
I found this interesting as now I know how long my Mumu should sleep to be healthy and fit. I thought I’d share with you also.
Tsem Rinpoche

Click here to read National Geographic’s article.

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Thank you for the interesting sharing, Almost all animals do have some sort of pattern when it comes to sleep. Some of these really surprised me especially the horse and the bat. I had a great info from this article.
Interesting articles, I never thought how many hours animal really slept. I think it is amazing for the house to sleep only 2.9 hours. For an active animal they can adapt to the environment to only rest and sleep so little. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this info.
Sleep is body’s way of recuperating and all living beings need it. This is a good-to-know infographic to understand the sleeping need of different mammals, it serves to introduce the idea that different species have different sleeping needs. It is also a handy reference for us to care for our pets’ sleeping needs. Thank you for this sharing.
That’s interesting for us to know ……..for those animals lovers and those who own one should know how long do their pets sleep. Infact i did a reasearch on the hours of sleep for my poodle mixed , …15 hours or more. For us to know is important.,or else you will wondering why are you pets always sleeping. Their sleeping needs will decrease with age. For puppies it is normal to sleep quite abit and extremely active while awake.
Wow….horse only needs 2 hours of sleep and little brown bat needs about 20 hours. Interesting knowledge…….now only i know.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this imformaion.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the research report about how long do animals sleep. It’s really very interesting and educational 🙂
Wow I’m amazed that even though the little bats have to rest up to 19 hours every day, which means they will have only 5 hours to go out and hunt. Its weird, tiny species actually need more resting hours than bigger mammals do, example, the bats and horses, horses only sleep for 2 hours? That’s really little…
Dear Rinpoche, I love to watch Nat Geo. I think one of the animal documentary said that sloths needs more than 20 hours of sleep everyday and they only climb down to the bottom of the tree to poo poo only once in a week. And horses are just too cool, they look so majestic when they run around. I really wish that I could own a personal horse one day.
Thank you Rinpoche, now i know how many hours my dog needs to sleep. I hope that all the animals get enough rest, so that they may stay healthy and not be in suffering.
Sleeping for survival. This should apply to us humans as well. We need enough sleep to recuperate our energy to accumulate merits for our future “safety”. Or perhaps we can eat more, sleep less and do more beneficial things with our lives because we can.
If without Rinpoche posting this article, I will never figured out that chipmunks need to sleep up to 15 hours when giraffes only sleep up to 4.5 hours. It’s kind of epic when a small animal sleeps more than a big one. Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
Thank you Rinpoche for posting this article. And only now how many hours does animal sleep per day.
Sleep too much and if you are not a predator you will probably end up as someone’s meal don’t do it!
Yes some animals just have all the luck!
Dearest Rinpoche,
I have emailed the attachment to Rinpoche’s FB about ‘Do fishes sleep’. Do let me know if it is still not enough. Thank you Rinpoche.
Dear Rinpoche,
I would also like to take this opportunity to tell people with pet parrots that they require a minimum of 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night. My parrot, Mika (a female Hahn’s Macaw) has her own room and separate cage with a cover so she can get her required sleep. Keeping a parrot in a cage when the television is blasting interrupts them and many behavioral problems can occur, leading to biting, leading to people dumping their parrots at shelters or rescue. I wish people would do their research before having pets.
My love and devotion to all Kechara members, as I also consider myself a devoted student of Yours,
To have fish in the house it takes a patience person to do it… you need to clean the aquarium every other week. The filter, the water pump must be in tip top condition. Furthermore the water condition also plays a part. Some fishes are the ‘jealous’ type and they do not like other fishes in the same aquarium.
I used to have 18 parrot fish, now only left 5 due to old age as I have kept them for years. And now I have a Silver Arowana and 5 small patin.
The food also important. And at times also have to treat the fish with medicine.
Having fishes is nice. When you look at them you will feel relax. Especially when come to feeding time, they will know and they will automatically swim to you.
This is indeed fascinating to see the difference in sleep patterns between animals that need to keep awake to avoid being eaten and those that get to sleep in hiding versus their eating habits. I notice similar patterns in myself. I sleep less when I have to keep awake to complete something, I tend to eat more too! However, my lousy metabolism can’t seem to break everything down so I tend to put on wait anyway. Nonetheless, the facts presented in this article is intriguing.
Dearest Rinpoche, thank you for the interesting blog. I’ve always wondered how fishes sleep…haha..and how long do they actually sleep.
Dear Tenzin, I also wonder about fish sleeping habits….do they sleep? How long? Do some fishes sleep and some don’t or how. Maybe you can do internet research and let me know and I can blog. It should be interesting. TR
Dearest Rinpoche,
I have searched a few sites including Nat Geo and found this site explains it well. This one talks about the fishes in our aquariums (mostly) while the YouTube video(bottom) talks about the fishes in the sea. Please let me know if this is sufficient, Rinpoche. I can do more research if Rinpoche want more information. Thank you Rinpoche.
Do Fish Sleep?
Do fish sleep? If this is the question that is bothering you then, you must know that like human beings fishes need proper sleep. Since fishes don’t have eyelids and their eyes are moist. Therefore, mostly people think that fishes don’t sleep. Fishes sleep in order to protect themselves and conserve their energy. Sleep is significant for all types of animals as well as human beings as it helps the body to recover from all the work it did while it was awake.
Every fish have some different ways of sleeping. Some fish sleeps during the day and others in the night. Moreover, they do not show REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep that is usually seen in human beings as their brain waves do not change. They reduce their state of awareness while sleeping but never turn unconscious. Mostly fishes sleep in such in such a manner that they look half awake and half sleep.
When fishes get tired, they use to take themselves in a nook to sleep. Usually fishes picked out the corner for them in which they like to sleep. There are some sharks that sleep while floating in water. When fishes sleep their metabolic rate slows down. In winters, they usually adopt a position towards the bottom of the end to sleep properly. They usually get tired due to floating in the water whole day therefore they sleep.
It’s sure that fish do sleep in some form, either slowing down its movement or coming to a complete stop, either hiding in water or doing it in the open. So try not to disturb them at the time of sleep, the slightest rippling of water can disturb their sleep. They might not sleep for long hours, but they do sleep in order to restore their power.
Fishes generally sleep when they require rest. At times their sleep depends on whether they are nocturnal or diurnal. Fishes can see when sleeping and can be instantly getting prepared to any risk. When you see your fish being motionless or staying in one position then it means they are sleeping. It is a good idea to shut off the lights of the aquarium so that they can have the darkness that they need. They usually sleep regularly if the conditions that are provided by you are right. Fishes are in a steady movement while sleeping so that they can take oxygen in through their gills and into their bloodstream. Their favourite mode of sleeping of fish is hiding at the bottom of the tank or near rocks. It’s likely that fish do sleep in some shape, whether slowing down or coming to a full stop, whether hiding or doing it in the open.
Nevertheless, when they sleep the small flow in the water can disturb them. However, in some way they sleep, just as we do.
I also found on YouTube a video with explanations about fishes in the sea.
Dear TL, Thanks for your research..Interesting. TR
Dear TL, do you think this is enough information to blog. I would like on pet fishes in houses, fishes in housing ponds and wild fishes. TR
Dearest Rinpoche, I will find out more information soonest possible. Please bear with me for a while.
Dear TL, Please don’t rush…find the information and I will blog it and it will clear some questions on this for others who visit the blog…thanks alot. TR