I Love To Hunt… Let’s Go Kill!
This is very disturbing to me. There are so many ways we can spend a holiday to relax that does not require us to harm or take a life in anyway. The possibilities are endless for relaxation that we do not need to kill. At the end of last year, I blogged about a hunting service that was specifically catered to women who had a passion for hunting. Women, who usually brought along their daughters, would travel all over the United States to kill exotic animals.
It seems that there is now a specific hunting service catered just for the rich Chinese… most of them are businessmen who seek to hunt overseas. KEP recently posted the 2 articles below about a club called “I Love Hunting Club”. They are one of the many, many hunting clubs which offers rich Chinese men and women the chance to shoot wild animals for approx. 500,000 yuan a trip (USD79,377)!
These hunting companies provide packages which includes everything from accommodation to hunting permits. Hunters are allowed to choose their hunting weapon… for those who choose rifles, they are trained how to shoot before flying off to their hunting ground. According to micgadget.com, a hunting company in China called 52safari has had ‘about 100 rich Chinese people (have) hunted overseas and the participation is increasing’.
Many Chinese have expressed that rage online… so we can’t assume that all Chinese love to hunt.
Would you like to hunt on your holiday and destroy beautiful animals for relaxation? Or consider that a vacation? What pleasure is there for killing? What can YOU DO ABOUT THIS?
Tsem Rinpoche
Club offers trips for rich Chinese to kill animals abroad, triggers uproar
Updated: 29 Feb 2012
A club whose members, rich Chinese, travel abroad to shoot wild animals, has sparked outrage after reports it was planning a trip to Canada to shoot black bears or polar bears using rifles or bows and arrows.
The “I Love Hunting Club” is offering the trips at 500,000 yuan (US$79,377) per person.
Animal lovers across the country took to the Internet to condemn the club and its customers for damaging the environment and killing innocent animals for money.
The club, established by an American in 2007, says it provides “high-end and legal hunting services” for Chinese people. Members have to purchase hunting permits from foreign country governments to be allowed to hunt specific species in hunting grounds, according to club officials.
On the club’s website, a hunting trip to Africa or North America costs from 60,000 to 500,000 yuan to cover travel, accommodation, hunting permits and other services.
So far about 100 Chinese people, mostly rich businessmen, have taken part in the club’s hunting trips, and numbers are still increasing as hunting wild animals is becoming popular, a club official said.
But the scheme has caused huge waves of revulsion among animal lovers.
On popular news website 163.com, more than 37,300 people took part in a discussion about hunting with many of the 1,300-plus comments left expressing anger at what the Chinese hunters were doing.
“With 500,000 yuan in hand, they may save many scattered and poor Chinese families, but they chose to shoot down a polar bear. How ridiculous!” was one comment.
Others said they were shocked to see pictures posted by hunters showing how they shot bears and ate their claws.
A club official surnamed Huang said they feared their business might shrink due to rising online anger.
But he said its services were totally legal and approved by governments of other countries
, who are actually protecting the environment by allowing hunters to shoot down over-populated animals.
“In some European countries, hunting wild animals is considered to be an elite sport,” Huang said. “When the number of certain animals increases to high levels, the food chain may be affected and the ecological environment may be damaged. Hunting them down scientifically may help protect environment.”
Money paid to the government may help it protect the rest of its species, Huang added.
Source: http://www.whatsonsanya.com/news-20310-club-offers-trips-for-rich-chinese-to-kill-animals-abroad-triggers-uproar.html

網民怒抨獵殺者殘忍- 主辦人辯稱:可保護動物
團費包交通獵具豪華食宿- 可預訂獵殺何種動物
不包括製作運輸標本網站貼狩獵遊記- 抱垂死美獅坐大象屍拍照
逾百國家開放狩獵旅遊- 殘忍殺戮遭詬病
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It is said that when materialism and wealth increases, spirituality decreases. It’s clear that not only spirituality decreases, but morality too.
For people who enjoy hunting, it’s a clear reflection of how they can detach themselves from empathy. How can you end another person’s life, be okay with it, and yet wish to live long?
If we can’t stand the pain of a knife running through our skin, how can we inflict that same action onto another being?
I have a few friends who hunt, and I honestly don’t know what they see in it. I find it borderline traumatic watching animals die, and yet they can participate in an activity they call a sport.
How can you help people who have no empathy towards another being. We need more Peter Byrne’s.
Its true, what you have said here. Though I believe that money/wealth is not a negative thing, it is truly the motivation and method of using the money that not correct.
Even in Malaysia, this type of ‘sport’ is sort of picking up among younger people that hunger for adventure. I know a friend who signed up for wild bore hunting in Negeri Sembilan. Fortunately, he couldn’t stomach the brutality of shooting the wild bore and just stood from a far to see the hunters.
The worst thing about this is that the ‘businessman’ that encourage this activity actually said they’re doing the locals a favor by controlling the wild bore population in the area, which is why every hunter can only shoot about 3 wild bores and not more.
Whatever it is, killing is killing. And I’m extremely disappointed that Malaysia has this type of activity also…
Sometimes I really don’t get it why people kill animals just for the sake of entertainments. Animals are living beings as well, they have feelings too. They know what hurts and what doesn’t. We should appreciate what we have on this earth.
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
i personally would like to shut down all of these hunting clubs. they do it for fun!!!! i can’t believe it. killing is not fun, always remember that
I don’t get why peoples take joy by making suffering for animal. We should protect animal from being abused.
All of you are complete idiots… Let’s pretend you get your wish and everyone on earth quits hunting. This leads to overpopulation, which ultimately leads to starvation. This would lead to the death of far more than hunters kill.
It is already bad that people killed animals for their consumption. Now they are paying and getting hunting permits to kill animals for their pleasure they called sports. It is a shame that money are spent on such negative actions when it can be put to better use.
How can any body derive happiness from taking the lives of others?
Just because these people are rich with loads of cash to spare does not give them the right to kill. Human is supposed to be the most intelligent specie on earth. They are entrusted with the duty to protect planet earth. However, everything we do is going against this sacred duty.
When we come face to face with the end of our world, we have no one to blame but ourselves !
This is “ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” For sure, all these people will have very very very very bad karma!!! Sorry to be rude here, just cant stand it!!!!!!!! ><!!!!!
Some of the most compassionate and enlightened masters came from the Middle Kingdom, so it is heartening to see many chinese people outraged by such services. There is absolutely no justification to harm beings other than oneself surely out of pleasure.
The Chinese are showing their evil side more and more, money corrupts , absolutely corrupts. No fear of karma, conceit and self pride abound!!!
less words is better
be best
It is just so DISGUSTING!
This is outrageous. How so sad they turn this hunting to a hobby. How would they feel if we turn the situation around. Let the hunters be hunted by the animals. How would they feel in this situation is how the animals would feel.
Just can’t imagine these poor helpless animals are being killed and photographed for fun or as a hobby for some rich people.Don’t they have any feelings for other sentient beings? Wished they could use their wealth to benefit all sentient beings instead of killing.
Inspite of statistics being given out yearly, that every year in the USA alone, Hunters killed more than 100 million animals, still these Chinese people from the various Hunting clubs have no sympathetic feelings towards animals at all! They yet organise through their hunting Club called “I Love Hunting Club”, to offer rich chinese men and women the chance to shoot black bears or polar bears for 500,000 yuan (US$79,377-) a trip per person to Canada. Compassionate animals’ lovers across the country condemned the Club and its participants through the internet, for these senseless killings of the innocent animals. Such phenomena brings us back to the Nazi’s days when the “Victors Nazis” hunted down and killed human beings like as if they were killing foxes, just like these rich Chinese hunters are doing!!! The animals’ Rights position on hunting seems very clear. It is morally wrong to hunt and kill animals for sports and pleasure. The basic interest of animals are seriously violated in order to satisfy less basic human interests. The animals basic interest is to continue to live, whereas the trivial basic human interests are sport, pleasure and preservation of cultural traditions. But who is to decide the “clear-cut” morality or logical reasoning of these Ethical Guides?
Mr Huang, how idiotic do you thing readers are? To suggest that killing animals may be necessary in order to raise funds to preserve their species of animals you are killing. Huh? And one more thing Mr Huang, the ONLY species of animal that is completely screwing up the food chain (by eating meat which they are not designed to) and making a diabolical ecological mess…is Man. Do we shoot them and raise funds to preserve animals that are actually going extinct because we chase them out of their environment?
The ONLY reason you are in this business Mr Huang is for Profit…Money. Not anything else and certainly not anything remotely close to preservation of life.
How tragic it is that at the end of presumably a struggle to attain success, that all one wants to do is spend big money to kill animals that cannot defend themselves from a long range rifle. I don’t know what the karma of this is, but perhaps one possible effect is that some may be reborn having to kill for food and kill in order to survive. Like a predatory animal…the kind that Mr Huang is encouraging you to shoot.
Totally senseless and harmful.
It is really unbelievable. These people are putting their evidence of killing online. Doesn’t this group of rich people have any other things to do than killing. How can they wasted their monies on accumulating negative karma? The money should be channel to a beneficial cause. They might be having great fun, excitement & a sense of success with their prey. But their true suffering will come when they rebirth to the lower realms. STOP the brutal killing. STOP the inhumanity and cruelty act. Be compassionate and create a better world for our future generations.
I am sure there is some sort of primitive thrill in killing since we humans seem to be hooked to this habit since we have been here. However how this thrill completely shadows out the compassion and common sense of wastage that hunting is, is beyond me. Perhaves it has to do with the wealth of these clients. I believe wealth does make people more insensitive. China is booming, but like India (my country) distribution of this booming wealth is highly asymmetric with few people getting super rich that they are ready to spend 100K dollars to kill specially bread exotic animals but unable to give 1$ to save a dying human being. Sad.
The so call hunting club was for the rich to flaunt their ego and showoff the status. It was really sad that they are not doing anything to benefits and contribute to the society with their power and wealth. Instead, they had chosen to indulge in killing for fun and create living hell on earth. Shame also to the organizer for taking the opportunities for making profits from sin business. Those involved are lower than animal in mentality. It also further mark that the degenerate age is getting worse. Animal kills for food, human kills for skin and sport.
Peace to the world………is it still possible?when on the individual level, the basic underlying of human attitudes had became so tarnished. We can only hope. Om Mani Padme Hum.
It’s bad enough that people kill animals for a meal… now people are killing animals for sport also… Although it a ‘practice’ that has been happening for centuries, I thought that as time pass, people will be more ‘evolved’ than continuing to seek fun through the death of an animal.
In Malaysia, we also have this so called ‘hunting sport’. I got to know about it because a friend of mine signed up for an outing with some senior hunters who goes for hunting trips regularly. Here, they go to a forest in Seremban, where they hunt wild boars. They take it as if they were doing a favor for the locals in controlling the population of the species… but we all know it’s not the main reason. My friend, who went for the outing said it was horrible… and he was never going to sign up for something like this again (despite my advice to him earlier, trying to deter him from joining the group)
This is really terrible, took the lives of animals and then smiled to the photographers…
While I have yet to convert to being a vegetarian, but looking at these pictures bring disgusts. Spending that exorbitantly big amount of money to kill animals. Plus that they are rare species.
There are people who try so hard to save animals, but yet there are ppl who kill for fun.
How nice will that be if they use the money on the needy, be that human beings or animals.
I wish that these ppl can change their mindset, if not immediately, then gradually, at least changes are possible to stop these.
Dalai Lama has said it very nicely ‘If you dont want to love, at least dont harm.’
Sigh! People with too much money and creating MORE negative karma for themselves. So sad! Aren’t there other activities to do rather than killing???
I’d rather go shopping than go hunt!
I don’t know about you, but seeing photos of dead animals in front of the hunters really disgusted me… I also hate seeing photos of people holding dead fish and hang them in their living hall..