If you can’t bear the pain of watching these videos, why do you bring them pain? | 若你不忍心看这些视频,那为何却忍心伤害它们?

Photo credit: https://veganuary.com
By Heng Meng Kiat
After watching this 5 short videos, I feel sympathetic towards the misfortune of these poultries and animals.They too are living sentient beings who feel happiness and pain. But why is the treatment towards them so different? Should we assume that they are meant to be tortured and slaughtered just because they are born four-legged with their backs facing the sky and their inability to express themselves through speech? Personally, I think that humans and animals should live together harmoniously. Humans should not be killing and torturing animals. PETA and other animal rights organisations alike, play an extremely important role in protecting the animals.
#1 Please stop harming them for the sake of fulfilling our desire of fashion indulgence
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The first video explains how huge demands towards leather goods is making the cattle industry growing vigorously. With this growth, it means more cows will be and are being slaughtered. The process of killing is extremely inhumane. Picture this: the butcher uses a hammer to strike the cow’s head repeatedly for 6 times, and whilst the cow lay dying, the butcher then plunges a sharp knife right through its neck. It is extremely cruel. While the cow is bleeding, it is still conscious, therefore the pain it endures is beyond anyone’s imagination. Mankind slaughter animals in exchange for a leather belt and leather coat. Is it fair to justify what we are doing to them? Animals are not our clothes. Please stop harming them for the sake of fulfilling our desire of fashion indulgence.
#2 Just for a plate of pork slices…
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The first and second video are quite similar. In this video, the main victims are pigs. Pigs live in slaughterhouses under extremely poor condition with very little space to move around. When it’s time to slaughter them, a pig will be pushed into a narrow space. The butcher will then use a sharp rod to strike its head. Out of fear, the pig will start to scream and struggle. While the pig is dying, it will be hung and its throat will be sliced open for blood release. The scene is extremely disgusting and violent. From the old traditional way of slaughtering to the modern way where machinery is used to aid the slaughter, it all concludes that more pigs are dying due to our craving for their meat. If we are to promote vegetarianism, it will definitely cut down the demand for its meat and slowly, less pigs will share the same horrendous fates. Imagine how beautiful this would be if we could spare these swines their wails in exchange for a plate of pork slices that we can do without.
#3 We have alternatives but they don’t…
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The third video zooms in on the actions taken by Animal Recovery Mission (ARM) which had dispatched an investigator to collect evidences of animal cruelty in Fair OAKS Farm. The newly-born calves that live in the dairy farm are separated forcefully from their mother. Calves that are deemed useless will be viciously killed. Originally, the milk from the cow is meant for its young, but mankind will never find a humane method for milking because the demand towards milk is too high. Having said that, if we could use plant-based milk such as soymilk, almond milk, cashew milk, coconut milk, walnut milk and any other nut-based milk to replace dairy milk, our reliance on cow milk will be drastically reduced. Plant-based milk are also rich in protein, calcium and minerals. They are especially rich in fibres which aid in proper digestion. If we choose to use plant-based milk, we need not worry about innocent animals getting harmed because of our consumption.
#4 Animals do have feelings
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In the fourth video, we are looking at a car dragging a goat behind it. It is a baby goat chasing longingly after its mother. It is extremely unsettling for me to have witnessed this scene. In the video, people who abuse the animals are cold-blooded. In fact, if we examine it closer, there’s no distinction between the terrorists and them. All sentient beings have feelings. Seeing how the cute little goat wails and watches its mother abused to death, I suddenly feel the ruthlessness of our society. We have to stop eating meat. This video alone proves that animals do have feelings!
#5 To realise world peace it starts with developing compassion towards animals
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The fifth video talks about the operations of poultry slaughterhouses. After watching this video, the only words I can use to describe mankind are selfish, inhumane and brutal. We have this concept that there is nothing wrong with eating meat and that we need the nutrients to sustain our body. This concept that “humans are superior to animals” is absolutely wrong although it is deeply ingrained in our minds. Humans do not only slaughter animals, we will breed them on a large-scale just to kill them to satisfy our selfish indulgence. By abstaining from meaty diet, we are able to develop compassion, it will also help everyone on this planet to develop compassion. In that way, world peace could then be achieved.

My Guru, H.E. Tsem Rinpoche has been consistently teaching and guiding students to look at the sufferings of animals and to develop compassion towards them by adopting a meat-free diet. Click on image to enlarge.
To conclude, mankind do not need meat to sustain our bodies, there are many other plant-based alternatives available on the market. Large-scale breeding grounds are not only cruel, they also destroy the ecosystem. Countries, governments and celebrities should go out of their way to discourage meat consumption. Eating vegetables can also enable one to be happy and healthy.
About Heng Meng Kiat
Heng Meng Kiat has been a student of H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche for 13 years now. Instant faith arose when Meng Kiat first met Rinpoche at a Dharma friend’s house. Meng Kiat finds Rinpoche’s teachings very profound, yet easy to comprehend and extremely relatable to our everyday life. H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s teachings have helped Meng Kiat to develop broader thinking and taught him the best way to problem-solving is to practise calmness and patience.

#1 请不要杀害它们来满足我们对时尚衣着的欲望
#2 就只为了一盘猪肉片……
#3 我们还有其他选择,它们却别无选择……
第三段影片讲述Animal Recovery Mission(ARM)派遣调查员在Fair OAKS Farm 收集虐待动物的证据。奶制品农场的新生小牛都会被迫跟母亲隔离。至于那些被视为“无利可图”的小牛还会被人用极其残暴的方式杀死。母牛的奶原本是给小牛喝的,可是人类永远不可能以人道的方式取奶,因为人类对牛奶的需求太大了。话虽如此,但如果我们能以植物奶,如豆奶、杏仁奶、腰果奶、椰奶、核桃奶和各种坚果奶取代牛奶,那么人类对牛奶的依赖将会减低。植物奶也含有丰富的蛋白质,钙质,和矿物质,而且更富含植物纤维,有益于消化。如果我们选择植物奶,我们也就无需担心无辜的动物因我们的选择而受到伤害。
#4 动物也有感受
#5 要实现世界和平,善待动物也是一种必要

For more interesting information:
- Hours Before Death
- Forest Man of India | 印度“森林之子”
- Global Superpower China Will Cut Meat Consumption by 50%!
- Amazing Things You Didn’t Know About Them
- Do you know what you are drinking?
- Do you know what is killing us slowly?
- FDA Admits
- How long do animals sleep?
- How We Have Lulled Ourselves Into A False Sense Of Goodness
- Huge reduction in meat-eating ‘essential’ to avoid climate breakdown
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Thank you Meng Kiat for sharing his thoughts on the animal cruelty videos. These videos show us the truth that is being kept hidden to us behind cold walls of slaughterhouses. The suffering of animals is the same to us if we are being put in similar situations. We ourselves wish that we will never experience such pain and suffering. However, why is it okay for the animals to go through them?
Is our attachment to meat and animal products so strong that we are willing to inflict great harm to animals so that we can enjoy the taste of meat? If that is, we are a bunch of selfish people who only think of our own needs and never consider the pain that we will inflict onto other sentient beings.
All sentient beings do not wished to be harm to endure sufferings. We being born as humans have the intelligence to understand and practice Dharma. We should be protecting them instead of exploiting them.
Thank you Rinpoche and Meng Kiat for sharing the truth about the animals’ sufferings and pain when they are placed in a very uncomfortable living environment, being tortured, being hit and being killed in full of consciousness with tremendous pain in order to feed those who choose to consume meat as their diet. These animals have to go through so much pain, fear and suffering in exchange with human’s desired meat-eating demand, will create a very damaging effect to the world that we are living now because everyday human world will accumulate more and more bad karma to live shorter in life and could have infected with sicknesses and diseases according to the law of karma (cause and effect). Being a vegetarian for everyone will eventually put the animal’s suffering to a full stop and a big help to all the animals that are yet to be bred for food manufacturing industries.
May no living beings ever suffer or live in pain with fear. May more vegetarians encourage other people to take vegetarian or vegan meals as their daily diet. May all the animals live in peace, be free from being captured and tortured, and happily live on this planet.
Thank you with folded hands,
kin hoe
Extreme cruelty by all these farmers. Why do they treat animals in such a manner? We human are the culprit of their pain and suffering. If we do not eat meat, demand all kinds of leather goods and drink milk , animals do not have to go through such abuse and pain. We have to change our mind and wrong perception thinking meat is a must consumption for balance diet and that animals existence is to serve human. We have plenty of choice which do not need to harm animals. Choose wisely. Thank you Meng Kiat for sharing this article. Hope it will create more awareness to many that we should stop eating meat and using leather goods product.
Heartfelt watching those videos. Animals and poultries do have feelings like us. Those poor poultries, animals were abuse, tortured before been slaughter for human consumption . The yelling, crying of those poor animals were turned deaf ears to butchers. Sad , very sad….torturing . Animals are better off than a lot of humans, being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude. Even though they ask no questions and they pass no criticisms yet they are such agreeable friends. Animals such as cats or dogs or even alligator are part of our everyday lives and part of our families. They provide us with companionship but also with emotional support, reduce our stress levels, sense of loneliness and help us to increase our social activities. Scientists discovered in their research that modern animals exhibit an amazing genetic, physiological and behavioral similarity to human.
More and more people are aware of the harm done , are avoiding using animal based products such as leather belt , coat, handbags and so on. People are eating more and more vegetables instead of eating meat for health reasons as well. Good choice. Thanks to animal rights organisations who play an important role in protecting the animals.
Thank you Meng Kiat for this sharing.
Kudos for the informative writing. My experience is that it’s an uphill task to influence change in meat lovers. When asked why I choose to be a vegetarian, I observed that any response tends to offend the questioner who is usually a non vegetarian, in a way that they are not for the reason that I am. So I have learnt a new response….I am a vegetarian because I can, and I choose to . If it garners further interest, then we can discuss with due respect to the other’s opposing diet preference ?