Jesse the Housemate?

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Dogs are cute, intelligent and can be trained to utilize their skills to the fullest potential. Many people keep dogs for the great companions that they are. Children love them, senior citizens enjoy their company, the blind and disabled can be aided by them. In most countries, the police force recognize them as one of their own. A dog’s sensitive nose is perfect for search and rescue missions, as well as tracking down drugs and runaway criminals.
No matter what they do, one thing is for sure… they are extremely loyal and faithful and will protect you with their lives. It is not uncommon to hear stories of dogs saving someone’s life.
I have 3 schnauzers – Yogi (Mumu), Oser and Dharma… I love my mumus very much. They are very alert and intelligent, which is a characteristic of the schnauzer breed, and they are also very obedient.
A student of mine sent me a video of a Jack Russell Terrier named Jesse. It seems that he loves helping out around the house!! He is able to close doors, throw rubbish into the trash, put laundry into the washing machine… This is a must watch! Even if you’re not a dog-lover, this video will surely amaze you.
It just goes to show you what you can accomplish if you train your dog well and you’re a responsible pet owner. Your dog can really become your companion for life.
Tsem Rinpoche
Or view the video on the server at:
Click here to watch Leo the Jack Russell who refused to leave a burning house…
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Jesse indeed is a very intelligent and loyal dog. A dog can be trained and when we show our care and love to them, they can feel it and in return, they will open to you and trust you. It’s from this trust they do what you say and be what you want them to be. What the ask is your care, love and trust too. Dog a much simpler than us and they are straight forward.
Most of the time human is the one that breaks their trust and makes them vulnerable and once you betray them it will make them being defensive and violent to protect themselves from being hurt again. It just like humans, when someone betrays us and we feel the hurt, our guard will raise and we will be all the time on defensive mode and will react negatively when people come to approach us not because we are evil but just to safeguard ourselves from being hurt again.
How we want people to treat us we should do the same to others. This applies the same to animals. For the dog, they will have their limitations as compare to human but they are more loyal than humans. What we need to remember is that they have feelings too and treat them just like how you want people to treat you.
Wow…..such a good companion to have. JJack Russell Terriers are loyal, loving, affectionate and energetic dogs that delight their owners with their relentless interest in life and play. It will be wonderful to have such a dog like Jesse as a pet in our home. Jesse is warm and friendly with humans, including strangers. Watching Jesses videos tell a thousand words….helping around doing incredible households . Such a helpful dog indeed, would be wonderful for lonely people. Dog are our best friends after all.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
It really warms my heart to see Jesse as a very intelligent pet and housemate. Reminds me of some of our dogs and cat we use to have. Hope to have housemete like Jesse again in the future. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this heartwarming video of cute and smart Jesse???
Nice! Doggos are capable of performing tricks and some of the tricks proved to be useful as a housemate! lol. No wonder many people have no regrets to have a furry housemates to keep them company.
Dear Rinpoche, they have quite a few videos about dog tricks for us. I really want a dog but I live in a condo and my mom is afraid of dogs. But she said when she buy a landed property she will allow me and my sister to buy a dog. I can’t wait for the moment, the feeling of having a dog. Jesse is a really smart dog, I wonder how did the owner manage to train it so well. It knows so many useful tricks that can help us when we have no time or to lazy to do the work. Hehe!
Jesse is so cute and intelligent, I have never seen a dog that can perform so many tricks in my life. But one thing that I do not understand is why do we have to train our pets to do house chores? I can imagine the how hard was it to train up Jesse.
Dear Rinpoche, Jesse is really amazing. I think he is just about 3-7 human years only and he has already know this uncountable tricks already. I will become lazier if I have a dog like Jesse but he can really me out, especially opening the door for me when my hands are full. And he is super adorable.
Dear Rinpoche, he is so adorable!!! I’m really surprised that he could actually perform countless of tricks and I think not just me but everyone wants a dog like Jesse. He is too smart to be a dog! I wonder what tricks do the owner use to teach Jesse?
This is how well trained dogs can be! Those who claim that animals are not intelligent should totally watch this video.
Animals are capable of thought and emotion. Thus, this is a reason to respect animals and not eat them.
Also, this dog is capable of doing what other dogs cannot do! It can even do what some humans don’t know how to do properly! Very cool!
wow Jesse is really a good dog! very intelligent and obedient. i love dogs and this is what they can do. please never hurt a dog or any other animals. be an animal lover. 😀
it’s awesome when a dog is trained well, not only to do tricks but to be a working dog. In this case, a domestic working dog. It stimulates the dog and tells them they need to work for their food.
It’s very important to train dogs well. A well-trained dog is treated better, have better life because the more mischief an untrained dog gets up to, irresponsible owners give them up eventually.
This is how amazing dogs are, you just need to teach them and love them. If you have watched the video above, you would agree with me. And i really like how the dog can make the bed. I find that very very cool. I found this dog so talented, i wish i could see more videos of him.
Some dogs are so great they are really fun and they can do all kinds of fun tricks.
What a clever brilliant smart mumu! When it comes to anything to do with doggies ( furry babies as i call them ) , i’m totally biased ! They are just the most wonderful species ever!
As i just said , i’m totally biased with it comes to these wonderful ‘furry babies’, i believe that of all the animals (be it wild or domesticated), dogs actually perform the most service to man. Guiding the blind, drug sniffing,cavader dogs, rescue dogs (eg earthquakes, avalanches ), companion dogs to the elderly,guard dogs for people and properties, herding sheep, locating cancer cells on humans through smell, informing an epileptic patient when the next seizure is going to happen so that the patient can take the necessary medication and precaution in time, and the list goes on and on. How extremely great and amazing the dog is.
And all these services come from pure unconditional love and loyalty.
I absolutely love love love all the furry babies in the world !
Wow! I’m amaze with what Jesse can do. He is adorable and so intelligent and so helpful. His eyes are so brighten and he is full with energy to do so many things. i think he is feel good and happy that he can do all this things as well.
I love this video so much! Need a lot of patient and love to train a dog.
Dog can be trained, how about us? Most of the time we refuse to be trained and when we are stuck and left behind, we blame others not being understanding or did not given chance to do big things.
To train the dog to those action, need to start from small and gradually more complicated actions. We are the same, when given a smaller, easier assignment, we felt that we are being put down and does not want to do, or do it completely.
But how can we do “big” things if we can’t even complete a small task? And how would people trust us if we can’t complete a smaller task?
This is really a genius of animals. Until we saw the video recordings, we may not believe it. It looks like this dog is the only one of its own kind and has the intellegience like a human. He is doing things so systematically and so full of confidence that look so much better than some humans do in this respect. As like dolphins, which are regarded to be the most intellegient animal that inhabits the sea, are said to be easy to train. They have been found to have the the ability to think, plan and comprehend from their previous experiences. Dolphins could also make certain form of squeaks and whistles to communicate with each other. Many animals whose intellegience are like humans can be trained to the fullest to utilize their potential in helping out human beings!
Videos of these lovable animals always touch a cord in most people’s hearts.
They share all the emotions we, human, have.
Watching these videos help me realise all animals deserve respect, love and the right to live as much as we do.
Thank you Rinpoche for your skillful guidance.
Jesse is not only a great companion but a great help at home. He’s more helpful around the house than my kids and he doesn’t talk back! Maybe I should send my kids to Jesse’s trainer.
Wow.. the dos is smart and cute. So helpful! Is nice to watch the video 🙂
very cute and smart dog… so adorable..
Dharma, Mumu and Oser just as cute, but their cute is different as they are with Rinpoche.
hahahahaha… cute. It’s really a fun, obedient and lovable doggy. Hope nice to have one around. To do house chores? I don’t think so….. 🙂
Thank you Rinpoche for the video. I’ve watched this video before and it brought tears to my eyes cuz the dog is just super cute and smart.
wow….cute & amazing dog.
Dog can really do a lot of things if we train them properly.
This definitely need time but worth it.
Is just like how we teach our kid. We want them to be a good person we teach them.
For dog is the same. We want them to be a helpful dog, we need to teach them.
Or are you planning to work out of your Ladrang in Bangkok from now on? 🙁
Dear Rinpoche,
With Mumu, Oser and Dharma doing all your house chores, you really don’t have to lift a finger! When are you relocating them over to your new Ladrang in Bangkok. They must be missing you a LOT!
Haaahaa, very cute dog:)The video is very entertainment and educated. Love it!!You must watch and share to your friend, family, anuties, uncle, relatives and who you know.
Watch the video and see what Jesse can do…amazing….very intelligent, happy, fast and super adorable. TR