Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche
Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche is one of the most accomplished Tibetan Buddhist Yogis alive today. He was born in June, 1913 in Kham, Tibet. He rescues millions of animals each year and has been a strict vegetarian for over forty five years. Now in his 90’s, he is as active as ever, helping humans and animals alike with an unfathomably deep compassion. TVA had an exclusive interview with the Yogi himself on 29th May, 2005 in Nepal. Ven Khenpo Dorjee Tsering and Jamphel Rabten transcribed the Rinpoche’s speech and Chonyid Zangmo translated it.
I was the first to become vegetarian since we came to India. The first year of the Nyingma Monlam in Bodh Gaya was non-vegetarian. In the second year I came there and spoke at a meeting of all the high Nyingma Lamas. I told them that Bodh Gaya is a very special place which is holy to all Buddhists, and if we say we are gathered here for the Nyingma Monlam and yet eat meat, this is a disgrace and the greatest insult to Buddhism. I said they should all give up meat from now on, during the Nyingma Monlam. Even the Tibetan lamas and monks eat meat! What a shame if even the lamas can’t give up meat! First the lamas should commit themselves to being life-long vegetarians. If the Lamas become vegetarian, and then you can address the lay people. Then also you should urge the monks to become vegetarian. Otherwise if knowledgeable religious people eat meat, how can one expect the ignorant public, who follow along just like sheep, to become vegetarian?
Earlier in the Sakyapas, Sachen Kunga Nyingpo abstained from meat and alcohol. From then on gradually in the Nyingmapas there was Ngari Pandita Pema Wangyal, an emanation of King Trisong Detsen. He was a vegetarian all his life. Also the non-sectarian Lama Zhabkar Tsogdrug Rangdrol: he was born in Amdo and was a heavy meat-eater, but when he went to Lhasa and saw the many animals being slaughtered in the butchers’ district of Lhasa, he became vegetarian for the rest of his life. Many of his disciples also became vegetarian. Many others – Sakyapas, Gelugpas, Kagyudpas and Nyingmapas – have done like this and become vegetarian.
In Kongpo, Gotsang Natsog Rangdrol told his monks to abstain from meat and alcohol. Because the Kongpo Tsele Gon monks wouldn’t obey his orders, he became angry with them and went to Gotsang Phug in lower Kongpo, and stayed there in isolated retreat for 20-30 years. Abstaining from non-virtuous actions such as eating meat and drinking alcohol, he attained realization and became known as Gotsang Natsog Rangdrol, a highly qualified teacher. Similarly, Nyagla Pema Dudul abstained from meat and alcohol. He meditated in isolated hermitages for 20-30 years, not relying on people’s food but rather nourishing himself on the essence of rocks and earth, and attained rainbow body. He is known as “Pema Dudul who attained rainbow body.” He lived at the time of Nyagke Gonpo Namgyal. It happened like that.
When I was in Bhutan, sometimes meat would be served during big ceremonies or pujas for dead people. This killing of animals for the dead person is an obstacle for the spiritual evolution of the dead and an impediment on the path to liberation. It is of no benefit to the dead person.
The people in the Himalayan region are all Buddhist. Some of the Tamang and Sherpa lamas are ignorant. Because they want to eat meat and drink alcohol, they say that it is necessary since they are followers of Guru Rinpoche, who ate meat and drank alcohol. But Guru Rinpoche was born miraculously, not like those Lamas who were born from human parents. Guru Rinpoche is known as the Second Buddha. The teacher of the Sutras is Shakyamuni and the teacher of the tantras is the omniscient Guru Rinpoche, who prophesied exactly what will happen in the future. Abstaining from meat is a means of attaining world peace. I have given up meat, and I also don’t eat cake since it contains eggs. Eating meat and eating eggs is the same. An egg will hatch into a chicken. A chicken is a sentient being. For example, there is no difference between killing the unborn fetus in a pregnant woman and killing the child after it is born; the killing is the same negative action. This is the reason why I don’t eat eggs.
Your work is not useless – it is very useful. This message is not just for Buddhist; everyone who thinks and reasons can understand it. Especially all the learned scientists and doctors should think about this: are smoking and meat-eating beneficial? As an indication of this, who has a longer life span, smokers or non-smokers? Who has more illnesses, smokers or non-smokers? You university students can think about all the reasons and figure it out. I only speak Tibetan; I don’t speak other languages. But I have studied the Buddha’s outer vinaya and inner vajrayana teachings. Especially I have studied the Dzogchen writings of many scholars and yogis. They all say that abstaining from meat is good for longevity.
If I consider my own family, there is no one else who has lived beyond 60; all my relatives are dead. But because I left my homeland and abstain from meat and smoking, I am now 93 years old. I can still walk, sit and get around everywhere by car and plane. A few days ago I went to Lhakhang Gon in Helambu, where they are building a new Sherpa monastery.
You asked me to talk about the reasons for becoming vegetarian, and what I have told you may be publicized. What I have told you is all true, not a lie. It is based on the Buddhist scriptures, the teachings of the gurus, and on my own experience, not on the words of a few people who claim to be scholars.
That is why you should publicize this message. I also rejoice in your virtue. Your actions are definitely virtuous. You should continue your campaign to educate the lay people, and also the ordained people. You should tell it to the lamas and Tulkus who sit on high thrones and think they are important, and also to those of the lowest rank, to the monastic communities and also to the public, to those worldly people in high position with common sense who can reason for themselves and also to those without common sense.
This is what I have to say. You have asked this frail old man to speak, so I have told you my heart advice.
There is a need for this message and the reasoning to be publicized; there is nothing in this message that should be withheld.
May all sentient beings be happy.
May all the lower realms be empty forever.
Wherever the Boddhisattvas live,
May this prayer be realized
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Kyabje Chatral Rinpoche, also known as Chetul Sangye Dorje, is one of the few living disciples of the great master Khenpo Ngagchung . A great renowned realised Dzogchen yogis Master known for his great realization and strict disciplines. He lives a life as a wandering yogi meditating alone in caves for many years ,ceaselessly working to overturn samsara for all sentient beings. During his life Chatral Rinpoche was one of the most vocal opponents of meat eating in Tibetan Buddhism. He releases large amounts of fish from the Calcutta fish markets every year.Chatral Rinpoche even composed a song about this practise of saving lives. His amazing story and teachings had indeed inspired many especially the westerners. Interesting read.
Thank you Rinpoche.
Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche was a Dzogchen master and a reclusive yogi known for his great realization and strict discipline. He was one of the few living disciples of the great master Khenpo Ngagchung. He had helped countless beings through his immeasurable vast wisdom mind and boundless compassionate activities such liberating of fish, animals and all sufferings beings. During his life Chatral Rinpoche was one of the most vocal opponents of meat eating in Tibetan Buddhism.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing of a GREAT LAMA.
Here we see a Bhutanese woman confirming that His Holiness the 4th Zhabdrung Rinpoche wrote prayers to Dorje Shugden. At first people did not believe that Zhabdrung Rinpoche actually composed the prayers, but people went to check with their monastic authorities, and they confirmed that the prayers were real. Before this, she had vehemently said that there were no such prayers and that she would go to check and then prove that the prayers were false. She must have gone to check and ask about Zhabdrung Rinpoche’s prayers to Dorje Shugden. As we said, the prayers are real but she still cannot accept the fact, even with all the proof.
Some Bhutanese feel like they cannot openly acknowledge that the article on Zhabdrung Rinpoche’s composition of prayers to Dorje Shugden is true, because it would mean that the Je Khenpo and Bhutanese sold and betrayed their own lineage. So even though they now admit that they prayers are real, they keep saying that he is just a minor deity and in any case, the Je Khenpo banned the practice. But if Dorje Shugden was just a minor deity, why would both Zhabdrung Rinpoche and Drubwang Tenzin Zangpo have composed such extensive prayers to Dorje Shugden? If Bhutan’s founding fathers like Zhabdrung Rinpoche promoted the practice of Dorje Shugden, why is someone like the Je Khenpo, whose position was originally created by the 1st Zhabdrung Rinpoche, banning the practice? Why do they want to go against what Zhabdrung Rinpoche did? If they do that, why do not they ban the entire country of Bhutan, because he founded that too.
They also claim that thangkas of Zhabdrung Rinpoche with Dorje Shugden are fake. However, there is no such thing as a fake thangka, because when someone has faith, they commission it, place it on their shrine and accept it. How can a thangka be fake when it has been individually commissioned? There is no rule or guideline what someone can or cannot put on a thangka. It is up to a person’s personal choice. That means there is no such thing as a fake thangka.
This woman came back on social media and confessed that the prayers are real. Even though she was still shocked, angry and dismayed, she told the truth. She could have kept quiet but she did not. Through all her debates and denials, she still had the honesty to leave a comment and admit that the prayers were real. When people can accept something, even though it may make them uncomfortable or angry, it means that they are practicing the Dharma. Dorje Shugden was practiced by the 4th Zhabdrung, and even though it may be an uncomfortable thought to some, it is clear and proven to be the case.
The 4th Zhabdrung Rinpoche of Bhutan and Dorje Shugden
Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche was a disciple of the great master Khenpo Ngakchung, he was widely regarded as one of
the most highly realized Dzogchen yogis. He was also famous for his great realization and strict discipline.
A true Buddha in person ….. Kyabje Chatral Rinpoche remained for 103 years in this world helping beings immeasurably through
his vast wisdom mind and boundless compassionate activity. He rescued millions of animals and was a strict vegetarian for many years.
When he was in Lhasa ,he saw many animals being slaughtered for meat as foods and that’s where he decided to became vegetarian for
the rest of his life. Many of his disciples also followed him to became vegetarian. He has always against people eating meat and alcohol.
Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche said. ,,,,,,,,This killing of animals for the dead person is an obstacle for the spiritual evolution of the dead and an impediment on the path to liberation. A good teaching .
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this beautiful article of such a great Master of all time.
Dear Rinpoche.
Thank you for sharing this message from this incredible lama. I have learnt from thisa rticle.
1. Our actions as a Buddhist must correlates on Buddha’s teaching and not just talk about it. Refraining from meat is showing compassion to the animals. If we eat meat and still talks about compassion for all sentient beings, we will be hypocritical.
2. When we are doing pujas or rituals for the dead person, we need to avoid using meat. In Chinese tradition, it is common for us to prepare a lot of meat to “feed” the deceased so that they dont feel hungry. Little did they know that by slaughtering animals for the deceased, we are creating negative karma for ourselves as well as the deceased. It will not help them. In fact, it will cause them more obstacles.
3.Being vegetarian is good for our health. Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche had lived longer than any of his family members and relative due to him being a vegetarian.
thank-you very much for sharing . sorry i never met you .am also vegetarian animal lover & do tibetan meditation since 1981 . now mostly all alone , groups too abusive to me , but have friends sort of in france dhagpo kagyu ….live now in cape town. thank-you .
What a straight forward honest message from Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche! I like how he said it without any qualms… “You should tell it to the lamas and Tulkus who sit on high thrones and think they are important, and also to those of the lowest rank, to the monastic communities and also to the public, to those worldly people in high position with common sense who can reason for themselves and also to those without common sense.”
I’m sure He had a lot of Lamas on their high thrones not very happy with this statement of his however… but I am sure more respected him for his courage in speaking up out of true practice rather then using their authorities to justify themselves on eating meat! Chatral Rinpoche sure walks the talk.
It is true, if we wanna talk about compassion and Om Mani Pedme Hung while we stuff ourselves with Chicken KFC and Lamb chops… it is most likely our speech will have no power in moving anyone, it does not even move ourselves to be more compassionate in the most gross form… how do we expect to influence the lay?
It’s very true of what Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche said. Especially the part where he said about serving meat during pujas for the dead people is an obstacle for the dead people to go on the path to liberation. Eating meat is very bad karma. Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche’s words are very direct and simple. You can feel his power between the words. I admire this Rinpoche that he told off other lamas who eat meat and he doesn’t care but speaks the truth. I also admire this Rinpoche who is so energetic at 93 years old! Even the people who are not Buddhists should learn from him– Smoker or non smoker, who lives longer? Meat eater and non meat eater, who lives longer?
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the information. The Blog is an amazing library!
Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche, fearless with pure compassion, especially for animals and all sufferings beings, therby giving him tremendous energy and inspiration to rescue millions of animals each year.He even feel ethical to be a strict vegeterian for 45 years till now to avoid killings of animals. As taught, the rationale for such compassion is that everyone of us wants to avoid suffering and gain happiness. This is also said to be undiscriminating,spontaneous and unlimited compassion. Thus this true practice of compassion and wisdom as shown by Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche is not only to make one a better human being but for creating Harmony and World Peace too!!
I pray more people will heed the advice of Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche.
Being a vegetarian is actually one of the most immediately efficient and effective way to practice Dharma. This is because we eat at least 3 times a day on the average. Thus, making a decision to be vegetarian, we are empowered to create a different…more beneficial…result 3 times a day. This is definitely more impactful and long term compared to (without disrespect) just going to help the needy once in a while.
Being a vegetarian protects our physical health that directly contributes to better emotional health which, eventually causes the development of healthy relationships. Eating “green” is a form of giving back to Mother Nature that has nourished and given us everything we need. Thus, we are not only being environmentally considerate but also practicing gratitude when we go vegetarian. Being a vegetarian can also be our stepping stone towards our spiritual growth because spirituality stems for our ability to practice kindness towards another and saving lives through our dietary choice is certainly a form of kindness.
May more people hear the message of Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche and be inspired to give vegetarianism a real shot.
Thank you, Rinpoche, for this inspiring post on Chatral Rinpoche, truly a great yogi and a Bodhisattva of our times.His sincerity and deep compassion shines through his words.
His love and compassion for animals is translated into his deeds and his practice as a strict vegetarian. He has rescued millions of animals from being killed and slaughtered. He has shown us, very convincingly, why abstaining from meat and alcohol keeps one healthy and ensures longevity.
He has also shown us how being a vegetarian and non-alcoholic is a practice that can lead to great attainments. For example,Nyagla Pema Dudul, who had retreated to isolated hermitages for 20-30 years and sustained himself only on the essence of rocks and earth, was able to attain the rainbow body.
I can understand why “abstaining from meat is a means of attaining world peace”. When we take meat, we are ‘accomplice ‘ to the violent act of killing the animal for the meat. Also, taking the meat involves absorbing the negative and aggressive energy of the animal which is in the meat.If we refrain from taking meat, we will not be absorbing or creating negative violent energy in us. Instead we will be growing inner peace, and inner peace is the source of world peace.If we can love and have compassion for animals, we will reduce the dualistic perception we have about beings and “ME” and “OTHERS”, and this too leads to peace.
Chatral Rinpoche is truly an amazing person from what I read above. He is compassionate and He put His words into action. He inspires and make sure that people around Him do the same. Its true, how can you expect people to listen and follow your advice if you yourself, not showing the example.
“Eating meat and eating eggs is the same. An egg will hatch into a chicken. A chicken is a sentient being.”
Would it matter if the eggs in question were unfertilized? If not, we are left with Monty Python’s “Every sperm is sacred.”
Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche message about being vegetarian is not just for the monks & Buddhist only, it is for everyone regardless of culture, color & faith. The benefits of vegetarianism is more than just an virtuos act in our spiritual practice, there is also a lot of benefit to our health. Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche is a living proof of this. For those of you still think that meatless diet is less superior than meat diet, please think again & start being a vegetarian now.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this inspiring story.
Thank you for this heart advice. I want to give up meat and your words help me
I admire Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche dare to speak up in regards to the behavior of some monks who take meat. I think the monks who no longer residing in the high land should really give up meat in their diet. As a monk should not have take meat in the first place if one wants to achieve more in their studies and tantric practice. They no longer required such diet in order to keep warmth and the needed energy as at this point of time we can easily replace it with other needed supplements.
Beside abstaining from meat is good for longevity, as a Buddhists we all should set an example to the public by refraining ourselves from taking meat as we preached to be compassionate. How are we going to advice people not to kill but here we are putting a piece of meat into our mouth. We should all “Walk the talk”, we should all inspired meat takers to respect animals and eventually become a vegetarian.
Thank you Tsem Rinpoche for sharing this very inspiring article.
Yes we are not lotus born like Guru Rinpoche, for Guru Rinpoche to consume meat it benefits the animals. For us to eat meat we are creating the causes to be ill from consuming meat of beings who have been killed violently.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the inspiring article.
For most of our condition, it’s not difficult to be a vegetarian. I remember what made me decided to become a vegetarian was after I watch the movie “Earthlings” which given by Rinpoche.
After I saw how much pain we have given to other beings because of our craving for good taste, I am guilty. How could fulfilling our craving is more important than others’ lives?
We like KFC, Char Siew, Bak Kut Teh…but do you know how do this food come from? It comes from the screaming of the animals before they die, it comes from other people who is bearing the karma of killing…
We can do good by shifting of choice of food to meatless. Please be a vegetarian now!
How do we achieve world peace when we kill other animals just for the sake of our taste buds? If we really want world peace, we should stop killing each other to create the cause for peace.
“If I don’t eat them (animals), they won’t die, but if I eat them, they will die”
I liked Chantral Rinpoche’s fortrightness on vegetarianism in this interview. The message in this interview is superb, addressing the ordained people, the lay people and the worldly people. Indeed whoever can reason for themselves would know vegetarianism is good for our health. It is because of our attachment that stops us from cutting meat. All I know is that I feel good by not eating meat and the butchers out there will have one less customer. If many more people can do that, the demand for meat will be much lesser and more animals can be saved.
In the Chinese custom, meat is served during a funeral and prayers. Chantral Rinpoche said that ‘the killing of animals for the dead person is an obstacle for the spiritual evolution of the dead and an impediment on the path to liberation. It is of no benefit to the dead person.’ Good to know and understand it.
These are the key points which stood out when i read the post too.
Another point which people commonly use as a reason is by saying “so and so monk and high lama eat meat. Look at the monks who eats anything when people offer dana.” etc.,
Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche use the example of people’s reasoning that Guru Rinpoche ate meat and drank alcohol but he was born from the lotus and we from human parents! What more to say and debate?
This is such an inspiring article Rinpoche! Back in the Himalayas monks part take meat because they needed the energy to sustain their body warmth but as the Tibetans are currently in exile from their highland, adopting vegetarianism would be the best way to put their teachings into practice.
What stuck out here was that Kyabje Chatral Rinpoche spoke openly to the Nyingma Monlam committee about being vegetarian in order to walk the talk was very inspiring. I do think that as a Buddhist and if we believe compassion, we should do the same in respect for other living beings.
Being vegetarian is not difficult, it is curbing our cravings and overcoming our preconceptions that are difficult because we are very comfortable doing it already.
It reminds me of how I first became vegetarian. Rinpoche asked me to take a week’s vege vows to dedicate it to my mother and it gradually became longer and now it has become natural for me.
Thank you Rinpoche for posting this up for a Lama such as Chatral Rinpoche will help inspire more to becoming vegetarian.
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Thank you for posting this. I have been trying, more and more, to give up eggs. I thought “If they are unfertilized – then there is no life – hence it’s OK”. But the more I think about it, it’s better just to avoid eating eggs. It’s really hard since sooo much food has egg added!! But even harder would it be to live in the lower realms.
It is very true the message that given by Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche. If we say we are compassion or wanted to practice to be more wise , and yet we are eating meat- to me, the scenario can be described like a killer is killing a person, and yet he or she keep telling you that he or she is not a killer.
When people asked me why are you vegetarian, i always told them by not eating meat, i am practicing compassion and wisdom. Compassion in a way, at least i do not contributed to the death of an animal in order to become my meal. Practicing wisdom in a way, try not to be selfish; in order to satisfy my desire I have to murder the animal. Practice to be not attached, in a way not too attached to my desire.
By not eating meat, to me is a quick way to “cut” the immediate desire, selfishness and attachment.
The words of great masters like Chatral Rinpoche must be heard and thought about deeply then applied. Tsem Rinpoche