Marc Ching Shows Us The Way
Dear Friends around the world,
I came across Mr. Marc Ching on the internet quite accidentally. I was amazed at the compassion, commitment, love, care, effort and incredible sacrifice Mr. Ching a single person is working towards ending cruelty and giving life to the hopeless. His thoughts are that of a enlightened man. A man who has reached an intelligent and logical level of evolution that if more people adopted would make this place a better world. His enlightened and evolved way of thinking is simple, don’t bring pain to others and let them live. How beautiful and simple is that? I can go on all day praising Mr. Ching, but I think I will let you read the information I have blogged here for educational purposes and I hope you reach out to help this man and his cause. Why did I blog about Mr. Ching? Because he is the type of human we want our children to learn about. He is the type of man we want more stories on. He is the type of man that lets us know being kind is cool, not out of style and simply necessary for our emotional survival. Please support this man, his works and proliferate his thoughts. I am doing this with this sharing.
With deepest humility, appreciation and prayers, I thank Mr. Marc Ching for showing us the way to who we really are which is to be kind loving human beings. As cliche as it sounds, all we need is love. Thank you Mr. Ching for all you do. Thank you for being the perfect imperfect human being we all aspire to be.
Humbly, Tsem Rinpoche
Man Rescues 1,000 Dogs From China’s Dog Meat Festival
Marc Ching just might be a dog’s best friend. The American activist recently traveled to China where he rescued 1,000 dogs from slaughter. And it’s only the latest trip around the world he’s taken in recent years to save endangered dogs from not only becoming food, but the often inhumane treatment they receive in captivity before being slaughtered.
Each year, Yulin City hosts a 10-day-long dog meat festival in which an estimated 10,000 dogs are slaughtered for consumption. According to Distractify, there’s a local belief that dog meat helps the human body deal with heat. Over the last several years the festival has come under increased scrutiny from animal rights activists.
So, Ching traveled with an activist partner where they managed to rescue 1,000 dogs from six different slaughter houses. However, Mashable reports the rescues didn’t go off without a hitch. Although Ching bought the dogs from sellers at the market, he was often harassed once people realized he didn’t plan to have the dogs slaughtered. A number of other activists have also reportedly been harassed by police and other locals participating in the festival. Ching says he was detained and even beaten by local authorities.
But there’s also some good news. In addition to all of the dogs he personally rescued, the Human Society says the overall number of dogs being slaughtered at the festival appears to be down from recent years. They’ve also created an online petition you can sign if you want to help stop the practice. Ching also often offers dog sellers money to help invest in new business ventures so they won’t have to return to the festival next year.
The city government in Yulin has also formally distanced itself from the festival, forbiding government employees from attending and putting other restrictions in place. Some critics have argued that it’s hypocritical and even racist to criticize the festival considering America’s own ongoing dark practices in the meat industry. But even if we have our own challenges in front of us, people like Ching show that protecting the lives of animals doesn’t have to be limited by geographic or cultural borders.
Mr. Ching was very emotional seeing the sufferings of these animals
”We came to Yulin to tell people here dogs are our friends,” activist Yang Yuhua told Mashable. “They should not kill dogs in such a cruel way and many of the dogs they killed are pet dogs.”
The Yulin Dog Meat Festival, or The Lychee and Dog Meat Festival see people gathering in Yulin to sample dog meat hotpot, lychee fruits and local liquor. About 10,000 dogs and cats are expected to be killed and eaten during the controversial 10-day festival in Yulin.
A tradition of eating dog meat dates back some 500 years in China, South Korea and other countries, where many believe it wards off the heat in summer months. However the Yulin festival, celebrated during the summer solstice, is a relatively new one, beginning only in recent years.
What Happens To The Animals?
Residents and vendors in Yulin say the animals are killed in a humane way. But critics say animals are killed brutally and publicly, and are sometimes beaten to death or cooked while still alive.
Ahead of the festival, dogs are often kept in small, cramped cages. Some photographs show animals wearing collars, suggesting they may have been stolen pets.
Many dogs are transported from other cities in cramped lorries and unsanitary conditions, allowing diseases to spread easily. According to campaign group Stop Yulin Forever, dogs are denied food and water for days during their trip.
Even when they kill the dog for consumption, they find the cruelest method of murder
Cruel Treatment of Dogs
Or view the video on the server at:
What Can You Do?
This year, media reports say officials have banned the slaughter of dogs in public. In anticipation of protests, they have also increased security on streets near well-known restaurants and markets.
Andrea Gung, founder of the Duo Duo Animal Welfare Project which aims to end the dog and cat meat trade, says the local government is aware of the problem, but no one wants to “stick their neck out” to stop it.
Please support the Duo Duo Animal Welfare Project by signing the petition to shut down the Yulin Dog Meat Festival.
Please watch the video below by Last Chance for Animals (LCA), a non-profit organisation dedicated to eliminating animal exploitation through education, investigations, legislation, and media attention. Please sign their petition also. CLICK HERE TO SIGN ANOTHER PETITION TO STOP THE YULIN DOG MEAT FESTIVAL.
End Dog Meat Trade in China
Or view the video on the server at:
Marc Ching, is a holistic nutritionist for animals and started The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation in 2011 after he realised he could use his abilities to rehabilitate abused and neglected dogs in need and place them into homes.
Then in 2015, he heard about the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China and decided to travel there to learn more about it. Once he arrived, things were much worse than he could have imagined. “The abuse and inhumanity is so brutal out there that it doesn’t compare to anything here in America.” After Marc returned home, he knew his life would never be the same.
May Mr. Ching have more exposure garnering more support
When I die, I want to die knowing that I was the best person I could possibly be. That I reached out. That I did what I could. That with the hands I have and my time here, that I breathed life into those that could not breathe for themselves.
There is so much suffering in the world. I see it everyday. I hold it in my hands when I rescue the torture cases that I do. I pull it close to my chest when I save dogs who are broken and abused.
And I do not get it. Why there is so much hate in the world. Why whole wars are waged over beliefs and religion. Why people bomb and hold mass killings.
As a people and as a race, I wonder how evolution has not reached certain parts of humanity. I wonder how people are bound by a culture that has only collected dust, like a book left upon a shelf.
I wonder how as we learn and as we become more sensitive creatures, how cruelty still exists throughout the world.
In the Tongzhou province of China, I ventured into a slaughterhouse run by a small community. There were dogs, cats, rabbits, and fear that perspirated off the walls with such intensity, that fear itself looked too afraid to face death and die there alone.
When my soul pierced into this dark hole, my heart bled through my eyes crumbling to the soil beneath me. I cannot even put into words what I saw. I cannot even use the ink in my pen to paint upon the ground. To describe what it is like seeing living creatures chained to tables with their organs exposed.
Screaming. Some without feet.
Some with no eyes.
Still alive… screaming.
I asked, why not kill them first? He said its culture, and that they have been doing it the same way for years.
Slavery used to be culture. Lynchings, hangings – culture. But as we learned, as the human heart grew in size and grandeur, history became the past. History became a bridge that taught us not what to do, but how to do better.
I told this man, the greatest thing in the world, is not found in death. It is found in breathing life into others. There is only blood in death. Only destruction. No love. No hope. Only nothingness.His face was a blank stare. My gift, a poem to eyes that could not comprehend, or maybe did not care.
I rescued all the dogs I could and whomever was strong enough to survive transport. Saved three cats, and released a pair of the rabbits down by a river. The tortured that died there, I pressed my lips to their skin and shed tears with the hope that in the darkness – they knew they were not alone.
The greatest gift in life, is not death – it is breathing life into those that cannot breathe for themselves. In all my weakness. In all my failures as a man. In all my wishing that who I am was stronger. At least I understand and know this one thing…
The greatest gift in life is giving.
My heart is dedicated to those around me. And if I learned anything from my journey back into that dark night – it is to try to be the best human being I can possibly be. We should all breathe into those around us, because that’s all it takes to change things. One breath.
And giving.
“If I don’t do it, nobody else is going to.”
This moving speech by Mr. Marc Ching is a must-watch.
Or view the video on the server at:
The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization focused solely on rescuing abused and neglected animals. We rescue them, provide full rehabilitation services, and then work to find them their fur-ever families.
What makes us different from other rescues is that the animals we take in are not only shelter animals or strays. They are animals that have been beaten, kicked, shot, run over, used for gang initiations and have been waiting for the day that someone would come to save them.
Our other focus has recently been on rescuing dogs from the Asian Dog Meat Trade. From the slaughterhouses and torture chambers where the use of cruel and barbaric methods are practiced to kill dogs in order for their meat to taste better.
Our rescue is built into The PetStaurant, a natural food wellness company owned and operated by Nutritionist and Herbalist Marc Ching. Our organization is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization, so all donations are fully tax deductible. Thank you for your help and support
Visit The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation’s website at:
or contact:
The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation
4344 Van Nuys Blvd,
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Phone: (818) 386-8937
The look of fear is clear. DO NOT eat animals and do not make them suffer.
Please support us so that we can continue to bring you more Dharma:
If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the blog team
Your Next Meal!
Yummy? Tasty? Behind the scenes of the meat on your plates. Meat is a killing industry.
This is Daw
This is what they do to get meat on tables, and to produce belts and jackets. Think twice before your next purchase.
Don’t Take My Mummy Away!
Look at the poor baby chasing after the mother. Why do we do that to them? It’s time to seriously think about our choices in life and how they affect others. Be kind. Don’t break up families.
They do this every day!
This is how they are being treated every day of their lives. Please do something to stop the brutality. Listen to their cries for help!
What happened at Fair Oaks Farm?
The largest undercover dairy investigation of all time. See what they found out at Fair Oaks Farm.
Is it true that Marc Ching left the 1000 dogs behind to die of starvation and illness after captured? That Ching ordered all volunteers to leave the dogs behind and most of these 1000 dogs died any way with no care, vets, medicine food or water? This is the story going around and where are the dogs today that he saved?
Thank you Marc Ching, for all your efforts and work to help all these dogs. What makes it even more a powerful act, is that such animals cannot even thank Marc Ching.
There is also much awareness that is created from his actions. May his actions create more causes for more dogs to be freed and live free lives.
After reading this article, I think Marc Ching is very kind and compassion. He put his kindness and compassion into action. I think we must not to eat dogs and cats, we must treat them as our friends. I hope that there will be more inspired by him and there will be more awareness being created.
Dear Liang Jing
Thank you for your comment. I totally agree with you that we must not eat dogs and cats. They are our friends. Actually we should expand our love to all animals and not only cats and dogs and resolved not to eat them. All animals have feeling and therefore we should feel some compassion toward them.
Through Marc Ching compassion and kindness he has rescued animals from being tortured or killed . he has been harassed by others even put his life on danger.. His love for the animals is greater than his own life and families that is kindness my salute to brother keep it up the good work. This showed us how compassion he is for living beings..
From what has written by Marc Ching and what has done by him to rescue, we can know he is a tough look man with very soft heart, and who wishes to use his life to benefit only others the possible way he could. I think his thinking and motivation to reach out to help has summarised in his writing: “The greatest gift in life, is not death – it is breathing life into those that cannot breathe for themselves…We should all breathe into those around us, because that’s all it takes to change things”.
What I like about Marc Ching is he speaks no big words in his mission to rescue dogs. He did not throw ant theory or big ideas to you on why he wishes to rescue animals. He just reasons the extreme cruetly, hate and inhuman acts of some, compare to we live as a normal human with love and kindness which we always expect from others. He just wishes to make his life and time on this planet in this life as meaningful as possible by helping the helpness, and without voice like animals.
I am against all cruelty to all animals and in the current state of the world, we are actually slowly moving on to a future where animals will be treated more of a family and friend instead of food which I am looking forward seeing it. Just I have mentioned earlier, I do not support any cruelty towards animals and after reading this article, I feel really sad about what those dogs and cats have suffered through just because human’s selfishness.
I personally would prefer a vegetarian world but at the current state of the world, eating meat is very common and I can kind of accept that. But what I can never ever accept is that why and how people would torture those poor animals just because they believe that it would make the meat tastier. It is just so inhumane. What about the compassion towards the poor dogs and cats? This just shows how selfish one can be.
I really hope these inhumane actions of those bloodthirsty people can be stopped as soon as possible. May my dream of a peaceful and compassionate world including all living beings quickly be fulfilled. Thank you for sharing.
The amount of atrocity and cruelty done by humans to these dogs really questioned the origin of the word “humane”. Marc have acted out of his conviction, belief, compassion. A lot of us feels the sufferings but what Marc has done is take action and engage. We need to step up and be heard. Thanks for the sharing, Rinpoche, sometimes these articles remind and reflect upon us how trivial our problems in our current lives are compare to those who are fighting with their lives & fighting for a cause.
I have always been taught by His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche that we will find real happiness when we use our time and our lives for others. In helping others, we ultimately also help ourselves.
Reading this post on Marc Ching’s heroic act, and the words spoken, brought tears to my eyes that touched something deep within me. Marc’s passion and compassion, is beyond words, and for him to act on it, shows what kind of a person he is, and the depth of his kind soul.
The cruelty dealt to animals by mankind is revolting, and I could not imagine how anyone could bear carrying out such acts, and even more, how Marc can enter this slaughterhouses and witness what is going on, and done to these lifeless beings by our fellow men. It must have taken so much bravery in him to do so.
Thank you for inspiring us to go beyond our feelings and words to act and do something about what we stand for instead of staying silent. That in itself is something special.
What Marc has done is not only admirable but remarkable given the distance that Marc has gone to address this issue. Many would be compelled by sympathy and outrage to comment and generate attention in attempt to petition for Yulin festival to be cancelled whenever news about it emerges every year but for most part, many do not even really think about such issue (especially after the hype on it has passed for the year). It is as if it is a trend where people are only prompted to think about such cruelty and horrors around the designated time rather than it being a lesson/something taken to heart and actioned. Granted, it is important to express horror at such violence and generate immediate awareness so as to attempt to stop it, but in addition to that, unfortunately not enough efforts are put in consistently to warrant a more long term overall solution. In this regard, Marc is inspirational as he truly embodies his belief put into action, making a difference regardless of the obstacles thrown in his way.
Marc Ching is full of wisdom and compassion. His thoughts are deep and spiritual as shown in his message below:
“When I die, I want to die knowing that I was the best person I could possibly be. That I reached out. That I did what I could. That with the hands I have and my time here, that I breathed life into those that could not breathe for themselves.”
This statement is so powerful. It is people like Marc who embraces in this belief are those who make incredible differences in the world. Marc can risk his life and go through tremendous hardship for the sake of the animals who can’t fend or speak up for themselves. He’s like the Mother Theresa of animals. What an incredible person.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article of Mr Marc Ching. Mr Marc Ching started the ball rolling by going to Yulin City to save the lives of helpless dogs from the dog meat festival. Even though he is beaten and hospitalize it did not stop him from continue his mission.His life may be at stake but he is determined to save the lives of the dogs who was tortured and brutally killed. He is willing to sacrifice his life for good cause. He has a very compassionate heart and is a rare gem.
The greatest gift in life, is not death – it is breathing life into those that cannot breathe for themselves. In all my weakness. In all my failures as a man. In all my wishing that who I am was stronger. At least I understand and know this one thing…
The greatest gift in life is giving.
Very inspiring quote.
Do support Mr Marc Ching to end this inhumanity
When I read the post from H.E.The 25th Tsem Rinpoche’s blog post talked about Marc Ching, he is an amazing hero which I not expect to know him.I found out he really a man who want to do something related with humanity. Many people like to talk big but not action. For Marc Ching, he used his real to move your heart.
Firstly, Marc knew very clear what he want! Before he started his rescue mission to all around the world such as Korea, Combodia and China, he prepared full acquirement for example video, shoot, camera and so forth, take more pictures, videos, to share in social media. The reason for him to do like this, sometime may be threaten his life only he cannot tolerance that some beings be torture and kill so cruelty?
I really speechless what he talked to his wife, if I cannot come this time, please forgive my selfish…from here what can you say? Especially people like me didn’t do much…
I showed my deepest respect to this young man, he come out his comfort zone to give hope to other beings. I am not sure is he a Buddhist practitioner or not? However, from my point of view whatever he done is exactly Buddhist practitioner should do. Thank you Marc Ching show us a very strong example to make something beautiful happened. Many people cried when they read this post, because Marc Ching used his own life to exchange other beings life. And yet he still very real and humble.
He not the normal cover boy in magazine, if you check with foundation, he and his teams created website page, Fan Page, Instagram, he managed all these social media tools very successful, many follower, and well done, they really attract my attention!
Again I would like to thank Rinpoche arranged this post, it is powerful and informative too. Thank you Marc Ching for your effort and keep it up.
Its hard to think, but Marc Ching is one such person who willing to go to such extent to save the dogs from farm and rehome them. He uses not only his money, he is using his life, and energy and focus on doing what he need to do, that is to save the life of these innocent sentient beings from being killed.
His dedication and commitment towards what he is doing is amazing, no matter what ever situation he face, even being hospitalized from being attacked by dog seller, he is unfazed, but more determined to bring the message to the world, to end the dog meat trade. especially during Yulin Festival, where thousands of dogs are captured and being slaughter alive and with brutal inhumane method, just because of unproven health benefits.
Does killing of one lifes, able to benefit you if you consume their meat? or are they ignorant of Karma?
Please support Marc Ching cause to end the inhumane festival.
Mark Ching is truly a real Animal lover. Perhaps, loving and taking care of animals form an integral part of his life. These incredible and compassionate people do what they like to do, because they feel tremendous pain when seeing an animal suffers. They do feel great joy when they can care for and ease an animal sufferings, sometimes more important than their own! Many animal rescuers and care-takers, feel they must break their personal limits to give a voice to their animals in need, due to their overwhelming dedication and love for the animals! Animal-care professionals can be said to be some of the most pain-saturated people that anyone have ever worked with in this World.
The very thing that makes them great at their work is their empathy, dedication and love for the animals that make them vunlerable. Especially, for those compassionate recuers who cared for hundreds if not for thousands of dogs on a daily basis, where they have to struggle to provide food and the best for them on a daily basis, while at the same time, finding them good homes! How compassionate and traumatic it must be for these kind-hearted rescuers who may have to turn away on a daily basis new-born puppies or any dogs that cannot be rehabilated or rehomed due to lack or shortage of funds or space! Unlike any others, “The animal Hope and Wellness Foundation” of Marc Ching’s is one that is so different from other rescuers. The animals they take in are not only from shelters or strays. As said, “Our Focus has recently been on rescuing dogs from the Asian dog meat Trade, from the slaughter houses and torture chambers, where the use of cruel and barbaric methods are practiced to kill dogs in order for their meat to taste better. As the religious saying goes,”Life is as dear to a mute creature, as it is to a man. Just as one wants to live and not die, so do other creatures.”
It would pain anyone’s heart just by looking through the photos and watching the video. The images showcased the cruelty of mankind that is beyond plain meat eating. Thankfully for someone like Marc Ching who put himself on the line of fire to save some of the dogs. He might not have saved all the dogs but Marc Ching had, through his action, created awareness of this unholy event in the west and in the media, personally saved thousands of dogs to be rehabilitated. His tenacity and kindness should be something we must learn from because it represented “the difference one man can make”. Many of us might brushed our effort aside thinking that since it was just me alone, the effect would be minute and meaningless. Marc Ching proved us wrong.
Thank you Rinpoche for this article, and thank you Marc Ching for the shining example.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
It is not just meat eating but a clinging to a culture that is outdated. The belief that the meat is more tender when the animal is stressed. That is not acceptable in modern times.
In the olden days, meat was food and that was it. In a land where there is little or no produce from the land, meat is food. Even then, the killing was a way of culling the population as there was not enough food for all. But the inhumane of way of killing the dogs does not come under the need for food category.
The way they kill the dogs is so very heartbreaking. It is sheer and pure torture and these people seems to delight in torching and bashing the dogs. That is the real horrific thing. They should take leaf from New Zealand with regards to recognizing animals as sentient being.
These people should be made aware of their actions. Education is the way to go and that requires the government’s aid. In the meantime, we can only sign petitions and promote awareness.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the story of Marc Ching who inspires others to do more for the fury friends who cannot speak for themselves. Almost all of us would comment and say how cruel others were to have treated animals in such a way but we seldom actually do anything about it. Marc Ching has gone out of his way to help the dogs thousand miles away. It makes me reflect and examine myself.
Many of us, when reading about Animal abuse or animal eating season will end up either ignore it or just read as a story.
Marc Ching is a person put his compassion into action. He do not walk away when he came to know about the Yulin Dog Meat Festival, he went to China and save the dogs. He do not stopped even being beat and insult. He truly wanted to save the dogs.
When we put kindness into action, not just verbal. It is a real kindness. I thanks Marc Ching for his compassion acts.
This is a real example of how one person can make so much difference and benefit many. It takes only one person to do so much. Imagine when more people come together for the same cause. The world needs more people like Marc to end the inhumane treatments toward our fellow earthlings including meat consumption.
The cause that Marc and many activists are working on is really not just to end dog killing but to pay attention to human greed in meat eating. We have to put a stop to meat eating before people start human flesh eating. This is definitely possible.
We can end this by starting today by adopting full vegetarian diet.
Seriously feeling depressed reading about all the animal tortures which has been circulating the internet. One can’t even imagine the excruciating pain experienced by the animals in captivity in comparison to the pain to watch their endless torture. I salute Marc Ching for taking action in saving those dogs and cats. All it took is someone to make a little difference.
If everyone does their part in doing some kindness in their lives even as simple as not consuming meat, many lives will be saved.
Dear Rinpoche
Thank you for sharing this article.
Please find my learning on this article
1) Marc Ching showed us that saving the lives of animal doesn’t have be limited by geographic and cultural borders.
2) He rescued animals from being tortured or killed . He doesn’t care being beaten, harassed by other, or being detained by any local authorities His love for the animals is even greater than his own life and families. This showed us how compassion he is for the animals
3) He also ventured into the slaughter houses to record how the animals are being tortured and killed to create awareness and reduce the killing and torturing of animals
4) To help the animals, he also founded a non-profit organization, “Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation” which focused solely on rescuing abused and neglected animals. provide full rehabilitation services, and then work to find them their fur-ever families.
5) We must support Mr. Marc Ching. How can we do this?
a) Blogging his website.
b) Provide financial support if affordable
c) Signing petition to reduce animals being turtured or killed
With folded hand
Pee Bee Chong
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing Marc Ching’s action in saving the dogs. It is very painful and sad when I see those people tortured and killed the dogs.
Thank you Marc Ching for his work in rescuing the dogs from the slaughter house.
The yearly Yulin Dog Meat Festival have to be called off. May the awareness campaign gain more and gain support in stopping this kind of cruel festival worldwide.
May Marc’s compassion and kindness continue to inspire more and more people to join him to rescue more dog from the crazy trade and slaughtering.
Humbly with hand folded,
Here is a thought-provoking quote from a great article about Marc Ching in the LA Weekly.
“Ching was born to a teenage mother who gave him up for adoption. He says he went on to suffer from “identity issues,” getting into drugs and trouble as a teenager. Some of this turmoil is evidenced by the many tattoos that wind their way up his biceps; he now keeps them covered up and has tried to get a few removed, saying they no longer represent the person he is today.
He says his personal crises inspired him to help those who have suffered.”
Marc’s strategy in filming the torture and slaughtering of the dogs/cats and making it public to force the local Asian governments to ban dog and cat meat consumption; I feel is the correct strategy. He said it himself in the video and he feel that he is close to achieving the banning of dog and cat meat and saving millions of dogs and cats.
So please help in sharing this in support of Marc’s effort.
這位美籍華裔Marc Ching的行为却是让人们感动。不管面对什么困难,也甘願冒著生命危險拯救狗狗的生命。
Marc Ching 的行动让人敬佩,值得赞扬。身为一名专业的成功人士,他把他的专业一起发挥在救狗行动,并不是为了名和利。Marc Ching 为的只是要把狗儿放逐自由,让它们也一样得到爱!!Marc Ching 的行为犹如活菩萨再现,他是狗狗们的救星,英雄!!他也告诉大家可以像他一样努力拯救世界各地将被杀害的狗群,猫群,给它们一个呼吸的自由。Marc Ching知道他的能力有限,但是他怀着的英勇精神是救得了多少就多少,他也努力的教育大众勇敢的为懦小的生命付出一份爱!!
这一些所谓的几百年来的吃狗肉文化,为了降身上的火气和给身体起保健作用是多么的荒谬。很多方式可以运用来降火气,强身健体的。 试想一想那些狗儿是你们家里的一份子,把它们视如己出,你们还会这样残忍的对待他们吗???
Indeed in our society in these days we need more people that are like Mr Marc Ching. Every person that cares and goes out of the way to help will make this world a better place for all to stay.
Through his actions it has brought more people to know about the Yulin festival as well as to the countries that consume dog meat. The worst is not that they are consuming meat, but the fact that they are brainwashed to believe that through torturing of dogs it will make them taste better. The methods that are being used in these slaughter houses are inhumane.
If we cannot bare to see the videos or the scenes behind these places why is it possible for us to consume the product that comes out from these places then? We can complain or report about these videos or pictures being posted. Yet, we do nothing about stopping the main act.
We should be stopping the act of cruelty and not the act of bringing awareness to this situation.
Thank you Rinpoche for making things like that available for us to read and understand. Playing that part that we can as well.
Watching the video and seeing how the dogs are being tortured in the most inhumane way is really heartbreaking. It saddens me to think that there are people who really have no compassion and feelings when they heard the painful cries of these dogs.
I salute Marc Ching to go and rescue these dogs from being killed for food. I am not sure how they come to the conclusion that the meat will taste better when the animals are brutally tortured.
For me I think karma will catch up with them. This is the law of cause and effect and I sincerely hope that the Yulin Festival which started just a few years ago will be ban soon.
Let’s sign the petition and create awareness to the mass media and the whole world to stop the Yulin festivals where 10,000 dogs are killed every year.
Please remember that all animals are sentient beings and they have feelings like us too.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us.
Jill Yam
Marc Ching 不愧是一个真汉子!他爱动物,也付之於行动,不管是否会有生命危險,只想到救得了一隻就一隻.
Marc Ching is ‘hero extraordinary’ when it comes to championing the cause of saving dogs from abuse and slaughter. Only a rare being will have such passionate altruism as to say,”“If I don’t do it, nobody else is going to.”If he doesn’t continue rescuing dogs from the most depraved and inhumane forms of torture and death,nobody else will. And he’s right. Only a man with such deep compassion and love for these furry beings will do it.Such “highly evolved” and compassionate beings are hard to come by. Of course, he will exposed himself to certain danger.
So kind is he that he even offers dog sellers money to invest in business so that they won’t have to come back to the dog festival next year!
After reading about how he tirelessly goes after those who cruelly abuse and torture and kill animals,to expose them to the world ( and will not rest until cruelty to animals stops completely),is there anyone left who still insists that this abuse and cruelty is a myth? Is there anyone left who will continue to shut their eyes tight and just mindlessly consume meat, the product of killing of lives of beings that had wanted to live?
And when you think of those who mete out this cruelty in the name of culture, culture has become a deadly instrument for self-serving individuals and politicians. Just like the curb on religious freedom and the ban on Shugden practice is being enforced by politicians who insist that democracy and human rights are not a part of their culture.Culture is history and belongs to the cobwebs of the past, especially when they do not help man to evolve into a highly evolved being of kindness and compassion.
“Slavery used to be culture. Lynchings, hangings – culture.” is EXACTLY what came to mind when I was reading this. Slavery used to be legal, and so did lynchings and hangings. In some cases, they were even encouraged by those in positions of authority who stood by and watched as the crimes were perpertrated (see the case of James Cameron here, the only known survivor of a lynching: Well, staying silent made them complicit in the crimes.
It used to be the state that sanctioned the mass murder of Jews. It used to be the state that sanctioned the segregation of Chinese and colonisers from parks in Shanghai. It used to be the state that sanctioned the civil war of Uganda. Just because it’s sanctioned by state and tradition does not make it right. (therefore just because the Dalai Lama and Tibetan leadership sanction, endorse and enforce the ban on Dorje Shugden does not make it right!) As long as the result of the activity is pain to others, it must stop.
The human race have so much to be ashamed of; most think they are elite compared to the animals and have rights to do as they deemed correct or fair. There are endless of examples of cruelty towards animals all across the globe. Here are some links
Cruelty in the ocean. Some think that the beings in the sea don’t suffer but they do too, tremendously so !
We need lots of people like Marc Ching to champion against such cruel practices and trends. He is one that actually walks the talk. He also has publicity to bring more awareness to the issues. On top of all that he does, he also operates a Petrestaurant
As the lead nutritionist, Marc makes species appropriate meals for both dogs and cats, understanding the anatomy of animals and how their bodies process and absorb nutrients. He will also advice his clients on what’s best to feed their pets.
Basically Marc has dedicated his whole life to this cause of “The greatest gift in life is not death; it is breathing life into those that cannot breathe for themselves”. Thank you Marc !
He is a great man!!!! The Hero!!! He is inspiring… What he does will definitely left him with legacy. His philosophy for life is worth sharing. May he be blessed always.
Its is absolutely heart breaking to know about Yulin Dog Meat Festival that going on every year. What a cruel festival that they can ever think off!! I really hope the awareness spread widely and stop the trade asap!!! May all sentient being blessed by Dorje Shugden and no more suffer for them.
It saddens me to read and watch the torture of dogs in Yulin festival. It is horrible that people there torture the dogs to death just so they can consume the meat. The act of torturing these dogs and eating their meat is very inhuman
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the great work done by Marc Ching. He is truly a very compassionate person. He has faced challenges but yet he persevered and saved the dogs from being slaughtered.
With folded hands,
Leonard Ooi
It is baffling that humans would torture, kill and then eat dog’s meat! Dogs are known as human’s best friend and are non- harmful. How could humans become so sadistic and cruel? Are these humans so ignorant of their heavy negative actions that will eventually lead to heavy repercussions? We have a choice of a meal without meat. Why are they so attached to meat?
May Marc Ching’s compassionate effort create more awareness and support to stop Yulin Dog Meat Festival,
the torture and consumption of dog’s meat.
May the sufferings of these dogs and other animals that were killed and eaten quickly cease.
May those involved in the supply
of meat to consumers have a right livelihood and their involvement in the supply of meat cease altogether.
May humans who have the desire to eat meat stop immediately their attachment to meat and become vegetarian or vegan.
Would like to clarify that most of the killings in Yulin are done by blows to the head and sharp knife to the throat. (Exactly as the slaughterhouses in the USA).
Those footages depicting the cruel burning of the dog was not taken from Yulin. Many footages are very old and some even has nothing to do with China, much less, Yulin.
Killing is all done indoors now, and none of the vendors have the time to ‘torture’ the animals, the focus is on speed, to kill quickly and prepare the meal.
There are even a lot of false footage appearing, making claims that dogs are being skinned alive, etc. These are all false. FYI, those pictures or videos of dogs being skinned are old footage as well, and has to do with the leather industry (golves, etc), nothing to do with Yulin. And the main buyers of dog skin are actually the USA and European markets. Golfing gloves, for example, other than synthetic ones, are almost always made from dog skin.
A whole of of ‘jumping on the bandwagon’ and misleading articles with photos falsely attributed to Yulin, (asking for donations) which has absolutely nothing to do with Yulin at all.
Also, Yulin is not a ‘festival’ of any “culture” at all. It was just an idea coined up by dog meat sellers just a few years back, to increase sales. That’s all.
We need to keep a factual perspective and not keep on rehashing what has already happened years ago.
There are improvements in China which I would like to highlight as well. Dog meat are no longer allowed to be sold in meat markets, under governmental regulations. And since this was organized by merchants and restaurateurs, it has nothing to do with the city officials, who are all barred from participating in any form, not even allowed to buy nor eat any dog meat.
Very glad that the numbers of dogs being slaughtered are on a decline.
Looking forward to more positive changes. Although I know that everything takes time.
I would like to thank all the tireless Chinese Animal Activists who are working so hard with boots on the ground, but almost never mentioned in all western media. (However, they are all over Chinese social media as well as the bloggosphere). Many of them put in a lot for the animals just to ensure their safety, ignoring their own personal safety. There are also many instances of Chinese Animal activists mobilizing in a moments’ notice and gathering speedily to waylay trucks already on the highways delivering the dogs. They then negotiate for immediate release of the dogs and bring them to shelters. Hundreds of dogs at one go, all at a moment’s notice. This in itself is an enviable and astounding feat, which is not seen in other countries.
As a vegan, I would like this to end, as well as all other slaughterhouses across the globe. We can be happy and healthy without killing innocent, sentient beings who simply want to live and be happy.
How do you know the specifics of what happened in Yulin this year? Can you back that up woth some media reports (in English, please)?
I could kill all of thoose SOB ??????????
Dear Fátima Fonseca,
It really does make people wonder why human can be so cruel to other animals. Please sign the 2 petitions in the article to campaign against Yulin Dog Meat Festival and support the great work of the NGOs and dog rescue effort.
Also, there are other similar articles of this category on the blog that may interest you, do check them out and leave a comment or two ?
Of course he is an angel for savings those dogs❤️But we can’t only buy the dogs! It has to be a LAW the bloody ‘festival’ needs to banned and the government of Chine and Korea must have strong law to stop this!
We can’t wait until Chinese people to be educated and stop the cruelty this must STOP NOW!!! DOGS AND CATS ARE PETS NOT FOOD!!
Dear Yildiz,
Thank you for your comment. I agree with you that the festival needs to be banned. Please sign the 2 petitions in the article.
Also, there are other similar articles of this category on the blog that may interest you, do check them out and leave a comment or two 🙂
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this inspiring article.Marc Ching’s story have create awareness on humanity .
10 million to 20 million dogs are killed for their meat each year in China.
Dogs are known to be faithful and loyal companions, protective of their masters and take care of those needed like those disable.
A dog is a friend, do you go around killing your friends? No, so why do the same to an innocent dog, it doesn’t have a voice so it can’t speak but they are innocent. And human is intellectual beings, we do have compassion and we shall do what we can to protect them instead of taking them as a food.
Dogs are extraordinarily attentive and have an uncanny ability to predict what human will do, Each dog is an individual and will express fear, aggression, stress or joy slightly, they tears when they know the human friends is going to slaughter them .
Actually, only 6-8 million per year. High estimates are only at 10 million.
Not the 10-20 million you quoted.
I do not agree with the killing of any animals and my favourite animals are dogs and horses.
But I replied to clarify the true numbers.
One year’s slaughter of dogs in China is less than one day’s slaughter of animals in the USA, anyway.
I hope to see ALL killing of innocent being stopped, globally. The sooner, the better.
Thank you Bernard Lau for your information and the numbers. We all hope to see all killing of innocent being stopped. Please sign the 2 petitions in the article so that the end of the killing will come sooner. Welcome to the blog and do visit our other sections/ categories as well.
Its refreshing to see real humanity displayed here and its rare these days to see a person go beyond food, making money and so forth. It’s neat that a person actually champion the cause of others and more than that, championing the cause of animals.
There is little awareness of how animals are treated because people generally do not care about animals. People take it for granted that they feel the same range of emotions that we do but are unable to express themselves in the same way as we do. It is heart-wrenching to see how these dogs are harvested for their meat and its amazing to see this man do so much to bring the attention to these helpless dogs. I am in awe of his determination and kindness towards these dogs.
Marc Ching 有几次因为救狗他被狗肉贩卖者发现了,遭到毒打和人身威脅,但他一直沒有停止他的救援。
thank you for taking the time to pull this together so we can share this horrendous treatment of animals many that are STOLEN PETS ! To eat meat is one thing but to torture for weeks for a better taste is beyond words.
People need to know that this happens to millions of cats and dogs all year around and that it’s not going to stop unless we keep awareness up! Please share and keep doing so xxx
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this inspiring article.
Marc Ching s story really inspire us.I wouldnt dare in fact to watch the
heartbreaking video as by looking at those photos shown above its enough to break my heart.Well we should have more activists or people like him to stop the killings of dogs and the awareness of such cruelty do happens.
Thanks again its an interesting and inspiring post every one of us should read it.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this inspiring blog post with us. I would said is so heart breaking as I watch the video imagine the pain and the torturing that the dog has to go through is so intense, however you want to said is the dog karma but is not right for human to inflict this kind of harm to a animals that can’t defence themselves. Marc Ching is really do a good job because we need people like him to create awareness so that we know about what happen to that underground dog meat industry then more people will join the force so that as time go the industry will slowly dying off .
Billions of people in China, 11 million have signed in China itself for the Yulin dog meat festival to end. It is one of the largest signature campaign to have garnered such support in China… and at the same time it took 1 brave man to initiate the saving of 1,000 dogs, though the number is just a fraction of the number that will be killed in the festival, his actions brought hope, and most importantly instill courage in those that wish to lend a helping hand to end this cruel festival.
Mr Marc Ching is an incredible person, a rare gem… who acted out of kindness to end the suffering of these abused and soon to be killed dogs.
With that being said… I am of course against the Yulin Dog Meat Festival, as it breeds suffering from countless of animals… but if you think it is any different from how cows, chickens etc suffer from being killed, then you are very wrong. The Yulin festival received so much support to end it, that it in a way, i wonder how come… people have not bothered to end the sufferings of other animals too at this scale? Are the lives of cows and chickens any less than dogs?
Just because we may not have a cute little cow sitting on our couch, watching tv with us… doesn’t mean that their suffering can be overlooked.
I hope that once the Yulin Dog meat festival is banned, more actions to curb cruelty towards animals will arise… as people gain more awareness on the suffering of these beings.
The torture of animals are so difficult to watch. It is so disturbing, but I feel it is necessary to watch so that we are aware of that such cruel acts are happening everyday. With all the social media posting, the Yulin dog festival is now being pressured, and with much pressure from social media and the passing of laws in the central government, hopefully the trading of dog meat can be put to a stop, hence reducing the suffering of the dogs.
I feel Rinpoche is right about Marc Ching has the thought of an enlightened person, where he would sacrifice his own safely and go out of his way to safe the dogs.
I too have signed the petition, praying hard the dog killing can be put to a stop. In fact, I pray that all killing of animals can be put to a stop.
Dear Rinpoche ,
Thank you for sharing the heroic acts of Marc Ching. His compasssion and kindness has pushed him to do so much just to save the dogs from being slaughtered mercilessly at the Yulin Dog meat festival.
I had already signed up for the petition to stop this festival from going on. It is a festival of massacre where thousands of dogs are being killed for the sake of their meat. They are being treated badly and some had to suffer a slow and painful death.
The phrase from Marc Ching, ” The greatest gift in life, is not death – it is breathing life into those that cannot breathe for themselves. “. I would say this is similar to the bodhisattva way of thinking which is to serve others. Others are more important than us and we should dedicate our lives to make others happy. This is dharma.
It is really saddening to read and watch the torture of dogs in Yulin festival. Dog is also living being and deserve to be treated with respect and love. They deserve to live as well. It is horrible that people there torture the dogs to death just so they can consume the meat. This is inhuman act.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the great works that has done by Marc Ching. He is truly a very compassionate person. He continued his journey eventhough he face various challenges and even beaten by local authority. I respect him for his braveness in rescuing the animals.
May more people support his work and bring more awareness to the cruelty of this dog meat eating festival. May local authority put a stop to this forever.
It’s extremely heart wrenching to see what these poor dogs have to go through every day, it’s too much for such little creatures like them. Eating their meat is bad enough, unfortunately people go for the extreme which in this case is they go all the way with torturing the poor dogs before killing them! What kind of ‘belief’ is this? Their meat has no medicinal values, the methods of killing them definitely will not make a difference. It’s like eating seafood, no matter how you cook or eat it, there’s always cholesterol.
Such inhumane traditions/ practices should be stopped immediately, we must find a way to educate the public about the ugly truth behind all these brutal practices, none of the animals should suffer this. Traditions likes this brings nothing but pain and suffering, the younger generation does not need to learn how to torture animals. I’m very glad and happy that the society still has people like Mr Marc who goes all the way to help the animals who can’t save themselves.