Women who love to kill
There are many ways that we can appreciate beautiful things in life. If we see a nice dress at an expensive store, we can look in awe at it… or we can buy the dress and take it home with us. We all prefer the latter because by getting it, we make it “ours”.
But what if the ‘beautiful thing’ is a wild animal? Do we go on safari tours and stare in awe at them… or shoot them down and bring them back home with us?
Previously, I wrote about a very famous hunter (now conservationist) called Peter Byrne. I wrote in that blog post about how “After his service (at the BAF), he went to northern India to work on a tea plantation where he opened the first tiger hunting concession in Nepal. He was fascinated by exotic animals and his thirst for finding new things kept him hunting.” His perspective on hunting after 16 years of killing animals and opening gaming reserves changed one day when he saw, up-close, the reality of his personal entertainment.
It is great to enjoy the beauty of wild and exotic animals… but what satisfaction can come out of killing them for entertainment? Besides humans, no other living creature on Earth does that.
The article below is of an activity or fad which has been around for a while now: Women Hunters. We all think that hunters are men, but there are many women all over the world who have started hunting companies (or groups in smaller communities) just for women. Their companies organize hunting trips for women, and encourage it to be a family activity – this means, bringing their children along.
These companies will share hunting experiences, advise which type of weapon is easiest or best to use… there are also those who organize specific hunting… like bear hunting, fox hunting, deer hunting, gazelle hunting, etc. If you Google it, you will find many websites such as these… Usually after the hunters kill the animals, they will pose and take photos with them.
Hunting is not fun. Hunting is not positive. Hunting doesn’t make you a better person nor benefit the animal. Hunting is not a value to pass to children is my opininon. Be kind to animals. Be kind to all beings always.
Tsem Rinpoche
Mrs Slaughter takes her daughter to the, er… slaughter
By NEIL MILLARD | Published: 21 May 2011

Grins … Josie and her mother Corinna Slaughter with dead zebra
HUNTING fan Corinna Slaughter kneels proudly beside the body of a shot zebra – along with her teenage daughter.

Hip, hip, hooray… Pam Zaitz proudly shows off hippo she killed in Africa
Josie, 14, joined her mum on a women-only hunting trip in Africa.

Pose … with the skin of a giant brown bear in Alaska
Corinna, 47, is part of a new firm specialising in adrenalin-fuelled slaughter breaks for bloodthirsty females.

Horn to kill … huntresses pose with shot gazelles in Africa
US-based SHE Expeditions opened in January to cash in on demand from female hunting fans, offering trips for up to £28,000. In other snaps, colleague Pam Zaitz is pictured with a dead bear in Alaska and a hippo in Africa.

Trophy wife… pair with dead mountain lions in Canada
Steve Taylor, of the League Against Cruel Sports, said: “We question the sanity of anyone going on holiday to kill things.”
Source: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3592767/Meet-the-women-who-love-to-kill-animals.html
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I understand that in this life, we are unsatisfied and often spend to get what we want, but I can never relate to why people can go so far as to kill to get what they want. Is it the adrenalin? The rush?
Why kill for something that will ultimately not last? So maybe you feel the rush then, or love the way the fur brushes against your skin, or just look the way it looks, but at the end of the day, that feeling will go, as emotions are temporary, and soon, you will brush your and against that fur less and less, and stare at that fur less and less. It is the natural thing to do. Soon, we all move on and whatever you caught will eventually become meaningless. 🙁
It is the same for all materialistic things.
It is a devastating sight to see that the trend of hunting had made it to the women. It is very pity to see that they have to kill another animal and pose with it to feel proud. The wrong view for them to treat it as a proud thing is very bad. This is one of the worst poison that we can have. Because of these wrong views, we keep creating bad karma again and again. This is the consequences of a life without dharma. The negative karma of their killing will come back to them in the future in much more and they will suffer tremendously for it. I am extremely fortunate to have met with dharma early in my life. I must strive to plant more dharma seeds and collect as much merit as I can to make sure I will be reborn near Dharma in my future lives.
Chris Chong
I do not understand how can people hunt the animals down, skin them and then take pictures with it? How is it comfortable to do that? Hunting is not fun! The animals did nothing to you, and they had to die for nothing but for the sake of fulfilling your ‘needs'( which is VERY unnecessary and stupid!!
I don’t care if they are females or male. Hunting animals is still wrong. I don’t think they will like it if someone randomly invade your house and hunt you down for the only reason (entertainment) would you like it? If you don’t like it then you better stop hunting these poor animals down.
Sorry, See again that These People have no Culture and no Sense for nature. Growing up. With a Gun in their hand, practising shooting instead of Reading Books and informing about the ressources in our World .. Than a stupid. Grinse After Having Shot a Wild Animal that doesn’t know the danger of guns and of Course isnt afraid od it … What a Shame for Human being …then this stupid mother with her stupid daughter ….cannot believe what I see!
These women disgust me
These animals are not theirs to kill.How can we stop this?It is an absolute disgrace and a karmic tragedy for the planet. I would like these killers made very public!
This website is sickening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[…] kill. At the end of last year, I blogged about a hunting service that was specifically catered to women who had a passion for hunting. Women, who usually brought along their daughters, would travel all over the United States to kill […]
There are people that claim when Women hunt it is a feminist movement to show that they can be manly too. I believe otherwise as hunters are more cowardly. They are like hitler. Hurting the weak does not give you power, it proves your cowardice. Also, if they truly love the animals and want them. They should also be wanting the best for them and let them live free. How pathetic of these women! SHAME ON THEM!
I didn’t know that women would actually do such a cruel thing for fun, I am not saying that men should do the hunting job. If you’re are a deer living peacefully in the forest and one day, a few hunters came and killed your family then they celebrated happily after killing your family members. How would you feel? Treat animals as your own family, if you don’t want these to happen to animal families then stop hurting animals and become a vegetarian. Thank you for reading
this is horrible news. hunting is horrible, think about it would you like to be shot down and skinned. don’t ever hunt or harm any animals or beings
This is terrible, i cannot believe that people actually like to do kill and make animals suffer just because they think its fun. Its just terrible. I would never do that, i would find another hobby that will not harm or kill any one, or anything. Thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
This is so cruel. How can people keep killing animals without feeling guilty? It is so not fun to take lives away from the animals. They do not deserve this. I actually thought that women would have more kindness..I got a big shock. Thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
No No…animals ,they are living creature also,they have the right to live not only human…why human can always be so cruel,and want people to respect and negotiate them but we dont do and respect to others life…
Yes, this is stereotyping. Kindness is something that both sexes have, but I do somehow feel that females should have softer hearts due mainly to supposedly inborn nature.
For these women who shoot wild animals, maybe they are doing it to prove masculinity. But really, with just a few bullets precious wild animals lose their lives. I don’t see the point.
I hope they will learn their mistakes. Instead of paying a huge sum of money to these hunting trips, how nice will it be if they put these money into much needed animal shelters or animal rescue works?
who can do it organise hunts for women and take their kids along why not save animals expeditions and what will the kids learn from this that it is good to kill
When I read this article, I realised how twisted our society has become. How does killing bring pleasure? And bringing your children on a vacation to kill? This is the 21st Century for goodness sake! Most of us are educated. How can killing for fun be humane?
Try replacing “animals” with people. Then the hunter becomes a serial killer. Now do you get it???
women have their own right for hunting animals and engoyig it.
我还看到他们满手的鲜血!!让人心痛!难过 !
轮回的力量是多么的可怕! 业障是不会对我们的过错 手下留情 !!
Women who love to kill????????????????What they are to show? Killing is the action we need to proud of it and posed to take a picture then hung in the wall?
I have no idea!!!really no idea…kill a being which have feeling then get satisfy…is it right way we treat them????
Many animals are known to kill for fun, especially Dolphins. To bring in perspective. Intelligence is the main cause behind our act of insanity
This is sick. I mean, seriously people have run out of ideas in having entertainment? Top selling arcade games are either gun shooting or killing, thinking that it is a right thing to do. Let alone if you have a pair of hunting parents!
I am sure they have plenty to talk about on the dinner table, how “cool” they are and how much of a strong will they have by not feeling a thing, and how fun the cool “sport” is… I guess they are passing down to their children, “happily” taking happy pictures. Great education. Wait til they learn about the education on Karma.
It is totally not cool at all!
Thousands years ago, human hunt for animals for food to survive. There is no reason at all for us to hunt animal these days whereby food is so easy to obtain. It is not brave at all as we are killing animals that can’t talk and never harm us.
The money spent for it can help so many others people in the world who die because of starvation, or hardly earn enough for living.
I hope so much this kind of activities will stop, since young we have been training our kids how to kill, can you imagine what kind of people they will be in the future?
Not sure whether women hunting is to show that they are capable to hunt as man too and having their family to participate as a family outing/event really sad to know.
Make it more worst is their children involve. Teaching young children to kill since young instead of teaching them to love and be kind to animals.
Taking picture with the dead animal seems a pleasure to these people but what if they are the one that laying down and the animals standing proud? Sure the human will feel the animals is so cruel and such a beast instinct…..
We are just the same cruel sellfish being if we act to kill….the only different is they kill for food and we kill for pleasure (in this context)
Animals have always being regarded as sentient beings by Buddhists. It is also believed that animals living in the animal realm, could have been our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, children or friends in their past rebirths. Though these animals are different in their intellectual capacity than humans, they are no less capable of feeling sufferings and pains same as humans. The doctrine of rebirth held that any human being could be reborn as an animal and vice versa. But by being fascinated with the constant killings of exotic animals, not only will we be bereft of the human form, but we willhave to take an animal form and must be killed by the same type of animals that we have killed at the time we were hunters, male or female irrespective! As buddhist practicioners, we must not forget that we are not to harm or kill sentient beings, but adopt the way to demonstrate buddhist piety to release all animals to freedom and help them to their eventual liberation!
I think it’s very sad … for both the hunters and the hunted. As I scrolled down the page and read, anger seeps in seeing all those happy victorious faces. Then it dawn on me the power of ignorance. The hunters don’t even look like bad people at all. In fact, they look like they could be nice people. The child is innocently collecting negative karma. Both parents and child dont even know it. So much ignorance which even we ourselves in other ways committed before. All have been guilty in one way or another. We should cultivate compassion to those who do not know better
It is a pity that there aren’t organized vacations where parents and children go out as a family to RESCUE animals instead of harming and killing them.
I cannot see what reason there could be for those people to smile posing next to their kill. Are these the same people who cry in cinemas watching a fake love story or a sad cartoon?
And the most cruel of all, is to show the child that its ok to take a life.
Can someone stop this planet? A few of us might want to get off.
i found this really disturbing too… how sad that these women and girls can’t see the horror of their “hobby”… what a tragedy when humans kill another living being for fun =(
Why choose to hunt when there are so many other forms of sports that these women can be involved in? What do they want to prove to the World?
Worst of all these women had gotten their children involved! They are showing their kids that killing animals is alright. They are inculcating bad values into the mind streams of these children. If these children can learn to use rifles, guns to kill animals. I dare not imagine they use these weapons for the wrong reasons e.g. to harm their fellow humans even before they grew up as adults!
Furthermore, these irresponsible parents are putting their children’s lives (including their lives) at risks during the hunt. Any wrong or careless move, they will injure if not kill the humans themselves!
Wouldn’t these women want to instil love and compassion in their children? Why taught them negative values of hatred and cruelty?
The operators of these hunting adventures are not any better. They are perpetuating these inhumane activities.
Human desires are never ending. Hunters tend to seek for greater thrill to satisfy their passion to hunt. They will kill more. They are game for more challenging hunt. Eventually their killing instincts become so strong and unmanageable. These hunters are a walking time-bomb who can kill any moment!
Hunters, are you not aware of the consequences of your actions? You will be extremely afraid at the last of your death when your karma catches up on you!
I find this extremely disturbing. Is it because I’m “disturbed” cos obviously these murderers and killers doesn’t feel the same, instead are deriving so much pleasure, joy, satisfaction out of the experience!
I don’t get it! Must taking another life who has done no harm to you die for your entertainment and price, perhaps to be hung up in your home? Would you like it if someone where to come into your home and kill you and your family. What’s the difference? These killers are going into these wild animal’s homes, hunt them and kill them!
I rather continue to feel totally disturbed than to ever lose my conscience to the value of life.
Pastor Susan,
I think you hit on an interesting point there – that these people actually don’t see anything wrong in something that is so OBVIOUSLY wrong. And not only that but it’s even worse that they rejoice in it too. What kind of strange karma is that? to be born into a situation and a life where you have all the perfect faculties but you use it only to create the worst kinds of karma for yourself and think that it’s fine and good as you’re doing it! In this case, the human rebirth isn’t a result of positive karma, but a negative one because we use it to further our negativities. It’s perhaps even worse than being born as a snake (or some similar animal, which also lives its entire life out by killing) – because humans should have a higher instinct, intellect and reasoning to choose NOT to do this. It’s worse because the intention is not even one out of a biological instinct of survival (such as with animals) but because these women willingly choose to do this, for no reason other than entertainment and pleasure.
My question is – how do you even begin to help people like this? To help them understand and realise that what they’re doing is wrong?
I am so afraid for the future of our world, when Mothers are killing for sport. What are they teaching our future generation? They are teaching their babies that nothing has value, and that it is ok to waste beautiful creatures and inflict pain for no reason.
Is sad to see what is getting worst in today’s world. People are so lost. People killed cause they can’t understand what is the cause and effect. They will ask, Why can’t they kill? They are only animals and we are human. But, if they could see what are the “pain” they cause for the animals and what are the imprint they printed not only for them but the next generation, they will stop. If there is Dharma knowledge in them, they will even worry about their next life. It is essential for Dharma to spread wide and fast, as people in today’s modern world becoming more lost and lost… searching for something to fulfill what is empty in their soul.
I wonder if people who enjoy killing enjoy being killed as well? maybe for the andrenalin rush?
Thank you Rinpoche for this blog.
How can people do this for entertainment? And teaching your kids the same thing? Killing is already bad enough but posing like as though you won a lottery???It is so inhumane…
Ladies and men… don’t hunt animals for sport. I mean come on, a zebra?? going to bring that home on the plane??
There was a post on the blog earlier that it requires a higher level of intelligence for us to us to be compassionate. What kind of person would like to enjoy the sufferings of others? One of the things I recall of what Rinpoche said is that we need to put ourselves in other people’s shoes and that brings about peace in our lives.
Animals are not made for us to kill, hurt, eaten, abused. Animals were once humans too! So shall we get another animal existence within our countless lifetimes.
These are hunting trips, that had traditionally being a sport limited to royal families or hunters only who killed for pleasure, leisure, survival or entertainment.
However, like a knife, it has two sides to it. It is blunt on 1 side and sharp on the other. We can use the knife as a Weapon to KILL or we can choose to use it as a TOOL. Any living form on earth have 2 sides to them but Human are the intelligent ones to decide which to use it for – the Purpose to benefit themselves or others.
Some people might argue that women hunting is about women asserting their rights and their independence, and that if men can go hunting, why can’t women? But that’s besides the point…NO ONE should go hunting. No one, male or female, should kill. Women can assert their rights and their independence and capabilities in a multitude of other ways without having to take the life of another sentient being. What are you doing teaching your kids when they are so young, that killing and taking life is the right thing to do? I find this article quite disturbing.