Mimi Kirk – Looking good at 73 years old
Can you believe this woman is 73 years old?
Born in 1938, Mimi Kirk’s youthful looks have shocked many people around the world… A mother to 4 beautiful children and with 7 grandchildren, she has won ‘PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian over 50‘ award! This beautiful, vibrant, healthy, and energetic lady is living her golden years with the youthful glow of a young adult.
Mimi Kirk credits it all to her healthy plant-based raw food diet! A former actress and model, Mimi has been vegetarian (then vegan) for over 40 years.
To share her success in preserving beauty, Mimi wrote her first book entitled ‘Live Raw’ to share her secrets on health and longevity. She also owns a personal blog called Young on Raw Food, where she shares many of her vegan recipes… How neat!!
People on vegetarian and vegan diets have proven to us countless times how beneficial it is to change to a fully plant-based diet. Patrik Baboumian, Germany’s strongest man 2011, is just one of the many.
Do you want to look this good in your golden years??? Or at least feel better?? Go vegetarian!!! Do not eat animals.
Tsem Rinpoche
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Wow …gorgeious looking good this Mimi Kirk,does not looked 73 years old.Her secret eating healthy on healthy plant-based raw food diet Mimi has been vegetarian and vegan for over 40 years increditable.
It proofs that on vegetarian does really helps in our health ,to look youthful and young.Its wonderful of her sharing her success story on eating healthy and to live long ,writing books which inspired many.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
This is proof that a vegetarian diet can lead to a healthy and sexy body. Mimi Kirk does not even look like she is 73 years old. I have seen ladies in their 40’s that look older than her. With a vegetarian diet, women can please themselves and they won’t feel guilty after a heavy meal as that meal is full of good vegetables.
Mimi Kirk is amazing!!!
Imagine, you can stay young and beautiful just by adjusting your diet! I guess when you dine compassionately, time will treat you kindly too… hehe…
when did Mimi start her raw vegan food diet please?
Wow! She looks amazing, she doesn’t look like she is 73!! I didn’t know that being a vegetarian will keep you young..its very wonderful that she stopped eating animals. Being a vegetarian is not only to make ourselves look good but its also for our own health..
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
Oh my! I really cannot believe Mimi is 73 years old! Who knew that just by following a simple diet can spare us the trip to the cosmetic doctor? She looks healthy and beautiful. Turning vegetarian not only helps us in terms of health wise, it helps the animals by not consuming them! and in return we do not collect bad karma. Win-win situation!
I am even more inspired now to stick to the vegetarian diet! Mimi will be one of the inspirations to me. The main inspiration would of course be Rinpoche! 🙂
Thank you Rinpoche!
wow this is so amazing. I cant believe that she is 73.See guys being a vegetarian does bring benefits.
This is amazing. See how much being a vegetarian can benefit to you? And it not only helps you, but you are also saving the lives of many animals around the world. This is Fantastic. And i was so shocked when i found out that she is actually 73!!! From the Picture i saw, i would have taught that she would be in her 20’s. Being vegetarian is great. I hope more people in the future will stop eating meat. And that there will be no more animal suffering in the world. Thank you for sharing this with us Rinpoche.
Mimi embodies the saying ” you are what you eat”. Besides eating healthily, she has stopped killing (direct/indirect), which is the cause for good health and long life.
Rinpoche always challenges us : how can you be healthy if you keep putting corpses into your body ?
If we reflect on the above, it’s very logical.
To me there is no reason NOT to be on vegetarian diet.
We are what we ate! Look at this beautiful lady who is already in her 73!! What’s her secretes? She is a living proof to have a extremely healthy and beautiful life for being a vegetarian. Just make sure everything we eat is fresh and organic without any animal products. At the same time, for a person who do not kill for 40 years I think she did collected merits or good karma for her to have long life and a healthy body.
I agree with Mimi that raw veg is great…but I disagree that the killing of animals is worse than the killing of plants. It has been proven in many studies that plants respond to music & that plants feel pain. The fact that this does not impact or affect us as humans ( since plants are mute & do not bleed red blood, we’re fine with it) does not alter the fact that a living being has been killed- whether human, animal or plant…
Wow! She looks really young for her age. And she smiles so easily.
Yes, Mimi shows to the world that being vegetarian is abut being healthy and about looking good and young. Do continue to flash this message around the world! Then more and more people will really be motivated to be vegetarian. And that means less and less meat will be consumed and less and less animals killed because of the reduced consumption of meat.
Wow at 73 she still looks so sexy with thick long hair, a nice set of teeth, beautiful smile and a gorgeous body! Definitely I want to look like her if I live until that age!
She is a living example that being a vegetarian or vegan is good for us and the number of animals she saved by not eating them create the cause for her to have a strong body and long life.
Wow Mimi looks fantastic! If there are any doubters out there who are still questioning a vegetarian/vegan diet, this article proves otherwise.
I would love to look like her at 73! hehe.
This lady is gorgeous and healthy even though she is a vegetarian.Why eat meat when we can look this good?Go vegetarian,save lives!
For Mimi Kirk, her age is just a ” number” which rightfully applies to her. She really is living her golden years with the youthful glow of a young adult, and shock many with her turning the clock back with the secrets of success in preserving her beautiful and stunningly youthful fiqure and look at this age! In all her video displays and photos, her lovely ageless face was full of gaiety, smiles and friendliness, displaying a good emotional mental health too. It is said thata good mental health gives one the ability to think clearly and logically, to be able to react in a productive way with any environment. Being a vegetarian, she automactically avoided all killings, thus not causing the sufferings to animals, resulting to a collection of good merits for so doing. Like Patrick Babouimain, germany’s strongest man 2011, who adopted a “plant-based vegetarian diet”, is also said to be the healthiest and most compassionate thing any virtuous person can do for himself/herself and others, particularly for the animals, who are also living beings on this earth, “creatures of God” too in all respect! OM MANI PADME HUM.
Gorgeous lady!!! I must show this video to my 65 year old mum!!
Thanks Rinpoche for this wonderful article on Mimi.
Wow, amazing woman. She is a living proof that being a vegetarian does not affect our health negatively. In contrary, a vegetarian looks better and have better health in long run!
其实在这个新新人类时代。持素已经不是修行学佛持戒的方式,而素食已经是演变成一种时尚潮流了。mimi 她是如此的成功去推崇素食,她是真正最佳形象代表。73岁还如此美丽,我们应学习她的精神,男人女人。。。咱们加油吧!
Unbelievable! 70 and still looking GOOD! Being a Vegetarian doesn’t mean it has to be for spiritual reasons…Now, there are other reasons to be healthy and kind…
Who doesn’t want to look good at that age?
Wow! Mimi Kirk is amazingly youthful and sexy for her age. I will send this out to my friends who love pig trotters. They will surely envy her.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this, this sure will be an eye opener for many who are still carnivores 🙂
This reminds me of an old aunte whom I knew back in HK, she was 75 years old when I met her, a toaist but had been vegetarian for 50 years, the vivid image that is still in my memeory now is that she was tall and slim, wearing a “Sheung Sam”, 2″ high heel and extremely fair and supple complexion.
My mother asked me to guess how old she was then, I said she looked like early 50s.
Here looking at Mimi, she is another living proof of the benefit of a vegetarian/vegan diet, who don’t want to run around like her and look as great as her when we are in our 70s.
So for that reason, I urge everyone to cut down on meat consumption in case you are not a vegetarian, and go all the way!
She is definitely getting all the good karma and merits of looking great and healthy by not killing and causing suffering of many animals!
That is amazing! I don’t even look as healthy as her right now and I’m more than half her age! Thank you for sharing this. It is perfect proof of how vegetarian lifestyles can be healthy – and will shut up all the naysayers who say that if vegetarian diets aren’t balanced, can’t give you the nutrients you need blah blah blah! I’m sure all those “balanced” diet meat guzzlers don’t look half as good as Mimi, whatever age they are!
Like Vajrayogini,Vajrayogini is in Dharma yet still look pretty, sexy and very very daring .. who say vegetarian can’t be healthy and pretty, who say people in dharma looks bad and poor.
Wow, being vegetarian not necessary to for religious reaons only. Look at how healthy and beautiful she is! When eveyone said you need to eat meat to get protein and minerals which you can’t get from vegetables, but no one can be so healthy as Mimi.
There’s no more reason to eat meat.
She is look like incredible healthy and beauty. As a vegetarian over 40 years old, she really a real model to encourage more people become vegetarian. If I be a vegetarian pretty like her, I don’t mind!haha….Mini Kirk look like a sun, her smiling is beautiful she says this is because she is a vegetarian now vegan. No killing other sentient being make our life more light and brilliant.
What a great head of hair! And she has a body that many women would die for, men too!
Being a vegetarian is not for spiritual reasons but also for good health and great looks, just like Mimi.
Do I want to be like her in my 70s, you betcha!
Such a beautiful person, in and out! She sure is a living proof of benefitting from being a vegetarian. Besides that, can you imagine how many lives she has avoided killing throughout her vegetarian life span till now?
I do believe that with vegetarian diet, ladies can look good for a long loooong looong time, just like Mimi!! 😀