My eyes became wet when reading this….I had to blog.
Dear Anila, You are truly a wonderful Buddhist Nun. You may not choose to do many things for good reasons, but what you do choose to do, you do it all the way from your heart expecting nothing in return. You show all of us how religious thoughts can be translated into action. How human kindness is beyond all philosophical debates and arguments behind a keyboard, but pure action…… The key word is action. I pray for your long life, continued compassionate works and you have my prayers and support. Om Mani Peme Hung.
Tsem Rinpoche
P.S. thank you so much for giving Ming some relief from pain and hurt. Thank you for lessening Ming’s crying. I am in tears typing this thinking of Ming’s pain and your compassion.
By Kunzang Drolma in Facebook:
Ming right now. Dumped in high-kill L.A. shelter, 13 years – my vet says probably older, blind, deaf, dementia. Cried constantly until 1/2 tablet a day helped his mind settle. We must never give up or think a case is hopeless. Every being deserves to live and die in comfort and embraced by love ♥

Beautiful Ani Kunzang whom I have never met, but it does not matter…because when you have so much compassion like her, even seeing a picture of this nun will bless everyone…thank you Anila….
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There is so much compassion in this story. I love how kind Ani Kunzang is towards animals. She cares for them, and she gives so much love into taking care of them. I wish for more people in this world to have more compassion towards animals. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this amazing story.
Anila is really kind to animals. She even cried until she have to take medicine because of her pet dog died. I wish she have a good health and long life
Thank you for sharing Rinpoche. I’m very happy that Ming met Anila. I lit an incense n candles for Anila and Ming. May they both have good health and long life.
Love, beatrix.
Ani Kunzang truly is beautiful. She rescued a dog that was on the verge of being euthanized.
Beauty from the within.
Ani Kunzang, a very devoted Buddhist Nun, full of humility, great compassion and loving kindness – always ever-ready and willing to come forth tohelp to relieve the suffering of all beings, including the animals. Animals truly need people of compassion like Ani, always caring, sharing and full of patience to nuture them. Animals are as deserving as human beings of a life free of sufferings and exploitation, unlike this poor dog called Ming, who had been dumped in a L.A. high-kill shelter to die. Ming is said to be 13 years old, blind, deaf, dementia and cried constantly and needed to be stablished by 1/2 of trnquilised Pills. Yes, until really hopeless, every living beings, including insects or animals deserve to live and die in comfort, embraced by love. We believe that Ani will go all out for Ming, expecting nothing in return to do just that, for which, with folded hands we thank you deeply Ani Kunzang, and also to our beloved Rinpoche for the teachings and showing us the way.
Dear Rinpoche,
I offered 10 lights and incense for both Ani and Ming. May all beings free from sufferings and clear of the causes of sufferings.
With folded hands
Siong Woan
A beautiful and touching post about love and compassion for all beings whether its animals or human. May Anila’s compassion through action inspire us to do more for the less fortunate.
My prayers to Ming that he may have less pain and to Anila to live long and for her work to flourish!
Truly is compassion in action. It is the Bodhisattva way, the Bodhisattva heart, the Bodhisattva lifestyle…. Bless you Ani Kunzang, May you be one with Chenrizig.
Dear Rinpoche,
I have followed her posts about all the wonderful rescues she has done. She is a wonderful example of true compassion in action. She will persevere no matter what to rescue a dog in trouble. At the same time she has inspired so many people to help her along the way. This is dharma in action. It is wonderful when she says that she learns about loving from the dogs she works with as she benefits them. How wonderful that she realizes that we get as much out of the relationship as these poor abandoned dogs if we only had the love and compassion to care for them in their final years as they have been faithful all their lives to us.
Dear Rinpoche hank you for sharing, Its really touching!! Ani Kunzang’s compassion its truely an inspiration to many of us!! May Ming be blessed with less pain!!
Thank you Rinpoche for always taking the time to find out and share all this information with us.
Thank you Anila for showing us your compassion towards the animals. It makes me realize that if we have the same compassion for a dog as for a man, the difference is in us and not the dog or the man. Thank you for being a good example to animal rescue and animal care. You are a true inspiration.
Thank you Rinpoche for always showing us LOVE & COMPASSION!
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for this beautiful sharing.
Ani Kunzang, thank you for the love and kindness you have given to Ming.
I’ve offered light and incense for Ani Kunzang and little Ming. May they all be well.
Thank you.
Thank you Rinpoche, for this post which must surely evoke love and compassion for all helpless furry beings, whose needs are so simple but who are more often than not treated as objects of cruelty and destruction by uncaring heartless humans.
Thank you, Anila Kunzang Drolma for your many acts of great love and compassion, including this most touching one of saving Ming and relieving her pain.Thank you for these words of wisdom – ” May we always honor and respect our Teachers with love and devotion, for it is through them that great compassion will prevail until suffering has ceased”
I will light an incense and pray for Ming.
Shelly Tai on June3,2011 at 9:33am
What a pity to see a animal suffer like that.As Rinpoche said we will pray for Ming so to help him to reduce his pain.
Life is about giving and receiving………..the interaction between two beings can be such a heartwarming and loving feelings.
Beautiful Ani Kunzang – Saving lives and giving love and care especially to beings who sometimes cannot even express their thanks to us is the highest of all, I salute to you as you continue to inspire many along, including myself.
I am lighting candles and incnese for For Anila and little Ming, may Amila lives long and stay healthy to continue her noble work, and little Ming, may you find peace and solace through the love you receive from Anila,may your sufferings end……
Already burn one incense to both Ming and Anila Kunzang. Hope that through the real action , it will help Anila to have long life to continue her compassionate mission, and also hope that Ming will have less suffering.
Just lighted one incense for Ming – as Rinpoche said, I prayed that he be freed of suffering.
Lighted another incense for Ani Kunzang – may she lives long and healthy, so that she can save and give love to many more animals.
with folded hands,
I am burning incense as I am typing this post,and I will say a prayer and many prayers the way I know,and also the Buddha Medicine prayer the way I can in hopes that Ming does not suffer.
Ming came to you because you were the one who had to take him/her,and in this way,I know that he has found the compassion and love that he would have not gotten otherwise. He also gives you something very important back to you,and you already said it,he is giving you even more compassion,patience,and more strength to rescue and save others like him,because they truly need you.Animals need truly compassionate people. They are our angels and we also are their angels to them,so we help each other reciprocally. I know that each animal enriches and has enriched our life in many ways,sometimes we laugh with them and many times we cry when they suffer or they die,but all in all always remember the moments of laughter with them and know for sure that they are always next to your heart. I don’t know you but many blessings to all your projects and many blessings to Ming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is all so touching… I lit incense for the beautiful Anila and for the poor little Ming.
It is so very true that every being deserves to live and die embraced by love. Thanks Anila for all that you do!
Thanks dear Rinpoche for being an inspiration and touching my heart every day and in any way!
From Kunzang Drolma posted on facebook:
You are very kind Rinpoche. I am grateful to Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo for creating Taras Babies, both for the many lives we have saved and for us to have the opportunity to engage in compassionate action. The doggies in the photo are my origina…l three. Gypsy Rose, to the left as you look is my heart-dog. She is now nearly 16, and has lived with me and looked after me for 11 years. For several years she and I lived alone here at Dakini Valley. I am holding my delicious scruffy terrier boy, Milo, who has taken on the role of my protector and is super smart. Next to him is my sweet and gentle Nyima, an aussie x heeler girl who always offer love and comfort, and if I cry she comes to me distressed. The same if one of the dogs is upset, she becomes distressed. She also taught me to laugh, as I was always a very serious and little bit rigid nun!! Now I see that laughter is a quality we all need to share sometimes. Each of them, and all of the animals in my life, bring something unique that enriches me and for which I am very grateful.
Rinpoche, thank you for your kindness. I am truly a very ordinary human being who has had the great fortune to have in this lifetime re-met my Teacher Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, and through her blessings come to understand (at least a little ) the potency of compassionate action. I am indebted to her, and to you, and to all Pure Teachers who remain for us, and who never cease to provide opportunities for our hearts to open. May we always honour and respect our Teachers with love and devotion, for it is through them that the Great Compassion will prevail until suffering has ceased. Thank you again.
Beauty is when we do everything we can to relieve the sufferings of others tirelessly. Tsem Rinpoche
Dear everyone, please upon reading this post, light incense for Anila and her continued long life in her works and further success in her practice. She deserves our support and care. She’s from TARA’S BABIES IN ARIZONA.(Ani Kunzang from Tara’s Babies is on facebook)
Please light an incense and light for little Ming…Enough suffering for Ming already please. No more suffering for Ming please. Tsem Rinpoche