Monster in China | 中国天池水怪
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China news report (2007): A reporter shot on video the footage of six water monsters swimming at Tianchi crater lake, Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province, North East China.
When zoomed in, the monsters looked like sea leopard and seemed to move in the water with their flippers.
The eye-witness said initially he thought it was a stone, then five more emerged, and each of them was as big as a goat.
The monsters moved around Tianchi for around one and a half hour, sometimes emerging sometimes submerging, when they swam the maximum speed can be as fast as a normal motorboat.
Tianchi is China’s largest and deepest volcanic crater lake.
The earliest sighting of the water monster was reported some 150 years ago. But in the recent 20 years, they appear even more frequently, and this is the fourth time they appear in this year (2007) alone.
Last night I was receiving treatment from Dr Jiang when he told me about this. He said it very non-chalantly as it was just common knowledge to ppl of that area. Dr Jiang hails from Jilin Province so he knows about this since young.
I found this very interesting as it is the first time I’ve ever heard of this.
Tsem Rinpoche

Local people made these representations of the monsters in the is as they have seen many times. Very unusual and splendid looking animal.

So pristine and clean looking….
1980年的10月9号的《光明日报》刊登了一篇题为“天池怪兽目击记”的文章,其大概内容是作者在1980年8月21号的早上四点多钟,他在长白山天池顶部看日出,突然发现在远处的水面上有一个物体,体大如牛、头大如盆,并且游动极快,身后还拖着一条长长的喇叭形划水线 。此报道一出,让人百思不得其解。长白山的天池是一个火山口湖,山高水冷,里面的营养含量非常低,过去人们都认为在天池里面基本没有什么生物,为什么突然之间出现了这样一个巨型生物?至今都无法解开这个谜,于是天池有“怪兽”的传闻流传到当今。中央电视台10套《走进科学》已经播出了关于天池水怪解密之旅。
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An interesting discovery of a lake monster name as the Lake Tianchi Monoster that lives in Heaven Lake. Heaven Lake is also alleged to be home to the Lake Tianchi Monster. Lake Tianchi is a beautiful body of water in a crater atop Changbai in the northeast China. As reported more than a hundred people saw two of the monsters chasing each other in water. Latest sighting was when a reporter shot on video the footage of six water monsters swimming. Interesting these monsters were chasing each other in water. Described as finned creatures swimming and frolicking in the lake for an hour. Today, the folklore of Changbai Mountain continues. There are frequent news reports of tourists sighting of these mystical creatures at Tianchi.
With this sighting , there could be many other mystical creatures out in the unknown in the water or could be in the forest and so forth. Like the Big Foot, Yeti, Loch Monster and so forth do exist yet still remain unsolved.
Thank you, Rinpoche for this interesting sharing.
The video wasn’t clear but it did arouse my curiosity to learn more. Perhaps I’ll get the ‘lucky chance’ to meet them when I travel there someday!
Thank you Rinpoche for introducing this sea monster here.
Wow, another mystery of the earth. It goes to show that there are so many things, seen or unseen, still unknown to us from this earth alone. Many creatures like the Big Foot, Yeti, Mermaid, Loch Monster, Chupacabra still remain unsolved whether they exist or not. We should not assume we (human) own this earth and take things for granted under the guise of development. As we are sharing this space with all the creatures, known and unknown, seen and unseen, we must be responsible and mindful. Thank you, Rinpoche for this sharing.
Very interesting to know of another uncommon animal appearing in Tianchi, China. I have not heard or seen this animal before. Actually there are many animals which may not know their existence. Perhaps they are avoiding the people.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this video and article.
I love these stories about mysteries and strange creatures and I believe, and if there is anything that Rinpoche taught me with all the Bigfoot tales and stories, it is that there can and is something out there. I really like how humans think that they are in control of nature and they know everything but these creatures only were seen when they wanted to be seen like the loch ness monster. They are only seen when they want to be seen. I like all these mystery animal stories because it reminds me of how humans don’t know everything and there are many cool animals out there.
But for this particular story, I think it is possible that it could be faked because of how the footage could be purposely blurred and the eyewitnesses could be lying to attract attention. Anyways it is a good story and I believe it could be real even though there are some factors saying it could be fake. My theory is that they are similar to the loch ness monster but they evolved to be different in size and in some small features because of the conditions in china. I love these tales, I love the unknown animals, it reminds me that we are not completely in control here on earth because there is still so much to learn and explore here.
Wow Rinpoche, this is fantastic! Another monster hehe i love monsters.
After watching the video and reading the information Rinpoche has presented. I really do believe that this strange creature really exists. In fact, i have come to the conclusion that most monsters sightings are indeed true. I was just thinking to myself, How can so many people be wrong? There has to be at least some truth behind the sighting, right?
I know there are these amazing creatures out there. I do not know where they come from, maybe from space, or maybe they are a scientific experiment. We will probably never know. But there is one thing that we know for sure, these creatures are not like any other animals. They are different, and that means that they should be approached differently. I hope there will be more solid evidence in the future to prove to the world that these things really do exist.
This article is truly interesting, we should believe that sentient beings is every where and some of them can meet by us due to the previous Karma so we should respect them.
The monster look like the “Naga” family or dinosaur…
There are definitely many different animals on this earth that yet to be discovered. It’s good to know they exist but it will not be good to catch them for scientific studies. Even though they are different from human, it doesn’t mean they don’t deserve freedom.
It’s interesting and intriguing to hear sightings of monsters in water and on land. There must be many species of undiscovered life forms on planet Earth waiting to be discovered. But then again, it would be better for these creatures to remain elusive for their continued existence.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the mysterious animals from Tianchi lake in North East China. The scenery at the lake there is so beautiful, peaceful and undisturbed with natural beauty.
There are many living beings which we have not seen or heard about it, but that does not mean they do not exist.
We should be fortunate enough to have lived as human and able to learn and perceive Dharma while we still can, in order to gain merits and blessings for our many future lifetimes ahead.
Thank you Rinpoche for showing us with many mysterious animals and teachings us with a lot of Dharma to benefit many of us tirelessly.
I am certain there are many more mystical creatures out there that humans have not yet discovered. It is said that 95 percent of the ocean realm remains unexplored, unseen by human eyes, so I am not surprised that there are strange creatures living in this lake that looks like giant seals. Interesting that on this planet “earth” we can see all six different realms of existence if we look closely. Acknowledging that there are mystical creatures we haven’t seen is similar to acknowledging there are aliens and other life force instead of just us humans. Hence the possibility different realms, and reincarnation surely exists and the continuity of the mind.
It is only a mystery because we haven’t seen it, it won’t be considered a mystery once man catches it and tears it a part for further “learning”. All these creatures have a right to live and be left alone and away from us humans who tend to exploit. Hope that no gets to catch him/her… and may they have peace.
Very interesting sharing..The universal is so big, anything are possible, only we don’t know.The “Tianchi” very beautiful
This is indeed interesting.. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
Indeed, this has been reported in China as well. Read this if you understand Mandarin:天池怪兽&fromid=1960120&type=search
Wow that was really interesting. And there is an eerie feel to that lake as well. really strange and interesting. I’d like to learn more about this.
Here is another video about the monster.
It’s amazing that these creatures are still out there, surviving especially with all sorts of pollutions these days. I must say that I’m pretty amazed, I also believe that mermaids are real, they exist, it’s just their existence has not been scientifically proven yet, but I think that not everything can be proven through science, sometimes science can’t be everything, just like how it can’t help us when we are on the edge of death. Anyways, I really hope that these creatures remain unseen so their habitats are preserved or maybe remain safe from intruders, because men’s curiosity is the most dangerous weapon, sometimes it may also lead to some complications or damages to others.
Seems to be a similar case of Loch Ness monster? I just wonder why no one went to dive in to have a better understanding?
Hmm… or maybe some mutation or sorts when the crater was made?
Anyway.. it is always very intriguing to know that many more species are yet to be discovered and maybe dinosauric beings are walking / living among us.
This is very interesting sea monster. I think they look like combination of a kind of dinosaur “Apatosaurus” and lizard. hehe… They look harmless. 🙂 hehe
Thank you Rinpcohe for sharing to us! 🙂
Thank you for sharing this interesting video news on potential cryptids in China. There are many animals that have evaded scientific discovery hiding throughout the world, especially in the waters, I wouldn’t be be surprised if this was one of them.
I really hope I will one day be able to encounter such creatures.
However, in addition, after reviewing the video a few times. The video is not very clear as to what the creature could be so it is entirely possible that these are not really cryptozoological creatures but could be travelling seals etc. Nevertheless, it is still rather interesting.
It is also interesting to note that the presence of these beings are common knowledge to the locals so it is entirely possible that it is just an undiscovered species of animal that western science hasn’t bothered to cover yet.
Also, Tian Chi lake is rather interesting and beautiful. I would not mind visiting there one day. Maybe I’d get to see a creature. Haha
Dear Rinpoche, how the people describe the looks of the monsters is very ugly or maybe it is this ugly. I think they might be related to the Lochness monster, just that the difference of the size between the both of them is big. Just like the red dragon or frilled dragon….I want to see it alive too.
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche. This is very interesting, China sure has a lot of unknown creatures ( which is awesome ) but too bad they don’t come out often…well the good thing is so that the scientists do not do experiments on them. Some things are better left unknown.
wow, that place is so beautiful, it is so interesting how this creature was spotted and they say it moves as fast as a boat. i love these mysteries like the loch ness monster. thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
Dear Rinpoche, the view from that place is so beautiful. I do wish that one day I would have the chance to go there and I also wish that the monster doesn’t attack people. I want to see all types of animals in this world.
This is just so amazing. It is just great that there still are some animals that have not been captured by man to do researches and experiments on to know more about them. I believe that wild animals should be left remained in the wild. Not capturing them and putting them in cages where they lose all their freedom and happiness.
This is a very interesting cryptid. Thank you for sharing. From the representations made by the locals, I would think it might be a dugong of sorts or a once-thought extinct dinosaur like the Loch Ness Monster. Very interesting.
i find lake monsters really cool. I never had the chance to see one, but if i were presented the chance i would really go for it! They are such amazing creatures, i know that some people would say that they are not real or that they are faked to make people believe in them. But i believe in them, and i think that they are amazing.
The Statues resemble a large Sealion. cut and paste web address below
Jerry B
I’ve heard of similar sightings at lakes in Tibet.
I’m sure there are more things in this world than we know of. Here in the UK we have stories of the Loch Ness monster which is said to live in a very deep cold water lake in Scotland.
Jon 🙂
Eminence, Dharma Prince,
Sea Lions evolved from a wolf-like creature returning to the sea, after initially evolving on land.
Whales and similar cetaceans evolved from cattle-like creatures returning to the sea.
From the look of these photos, one would think that something in the Camel-Llama family (not Lama family…LOL) returned to the water and evolved accordingly.
It certainly is a possibility, and we will probably never know all off the species of animals that inhabit our deep waters. We (humans) make scores of species become extinct every single day!! Most of which we have never even discovered until it was too late!!
In a pristine environment, like this lake, it surely would be possible for a creature to exist in isolation from mankind.
Love, and Great Respect,