Face the Truth and watch these short videos! | 请你面对现实,观看这些影片!

Photo credit: https://www.govegr.com
Food is one of the most talked about subjects amongst people all over the world. We talk about our diet, food preference, what type of food is nice, where to get good food, how to cook food we like to eat, and so on. Some of us share our food recipes with friends, some offer to cook for others to sample and taste. Others make plans to travel long distances to try some food they heard of or read about. A new word – “foodie”, was coined over 30 years ago to describe people who love food. It is now so easy to Google for the supposedly best food in town and each country has its own unique type of food. Malaysia is considered a country that has good food due to its multiracial population. Each ethnicity has their own cuisine and in Malaysia these have even merged to create unique fusion dishes. Everyone has their own food preference. Many people love cheese, many also love durian and many do not. Hence the food industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. As the saying goes, everyone has to eat.

Carnivores have to hunt daily to live. They have no choice but to kill for their food or die from starvation. Photo credit: https://www.conservationinstitute.org/cheetah-facts/
Humans being omnivorous have a far greater choice of food compared to carnivores and herbivores. Carnivores have to hunt daily to live. They have no choice but to kill for their food or die from starvation. In the animal world, they kill to live. Humans though, live to eat, and make food a pleasure: preparing, making and serving food becomes an art. Most of these foods are meat based, derived from animals butchered for human consumption.
Food companies hire marketing professionals to sell ideas to consumers to buy their beautifully packaged end products. But they do not inform the consumers how the food was produced. Meat harvested from slaughtered animals are processed and dressed with herbs, colourings and additives to make the food aromatic, nice to see and tasty. They spend a lot of money on advertisements. Chefs are employed by food companies to come out with recipes to make cooking at home easy for consumers. So much work, time and effort are put into all these for just a few seconds of pleasure – chewing and swallowing the food. Yet we go back for more because we get so attached to the sensory pleasure albeit even for a few meagre seconds. The memory that lingers on from the pleasures that we continuously seek is so strong that we ignore the plight and suffering of those animals reared in closed captivity. These animals are kept in tight and dirty enclosures, with sores and diseases; they spend their whole lives producing eggs, milk and offspring. They are continuously fed with growth hormones so they can be harvested in the shortest time possible. It is no surprise that diseases spread easily in closed quarters and unhealthy environments, hence livestock farmers give huge amounts of antibiotics to the animals. These antibiotics end up in us when we consume the meat but we do not see all of this. Yet, we enjoy such meat and we call it fresh meat. Countless animals are brutally butchered for their pelt, skin and meat, just to provide for human desire to wear leather products, to use animal by products and to consume them as food. When the time comes, these animals are killed, no sedatives are used. There is no such thing as mercy killing, in my opinion.

One of the examples of animal cruelty – countless animals are brutally butchered their for skin for human desire to wear leather products. Photo credit: https://thegreenvegans.com
In some parts of the world, meat derived from wild exotic animals are considered a delicacy, these include the likes snakes, crocodiles, big cats, bears and primates, just to name a few. But these animals are also pets to pet lovers who, I think, would not want them to end up on dining tables in restaurants and in people’s homes. However, there are some people living in remote places like in forests, jungles, mountains who may not have access to the modern world. Hunting for game is a part of their way of life. They hunt to live, not live to hunt.

Another examples of animal cruelty – Trophy Hunting. Photo credit: Humane Society of the United States
Farmers who grow vegetables and fruits for commercial profit are not innocent either. The use of chemicals in pesticides and in fertilisers kill billions of insects, worms and other living life forms that feed on vegetables and fruits. The so-called organic farms are not that many to cater for the human population, provided those farms are really organic ones. Farmers have little choice but to use chemicals for good yield else they may not be able to profit. At the end of the day, it is about profit. Farmers and companies that kill animals view animals as food. To them animals meant for the abattoir are cash in the bank, similar to robbers who see their victims as money bags and would not hesitate to hurt or even kill for it. The end does not justify the means.
There are many options for healthy food aside from growing our own vegetables and fruit trees. Yes, time is needed to prepare and till the soil, plant seeds, water, weed, fertilise but it is up to us to allocate the time if we want a diet consisting of non-meat food that is healthy and which spares animals from being slaughtered. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, rhizomes, roots all have the necessary ingredients and high fibre for good health. Some people think that a non-meat diet is expensive. On the contrary, it is not. The benefits from non-meat diets outweigh medical bills one has to fork out when one has sicknesses related to eating meat filled with chemicals and antibiotics. Therefore, it is worthwhile to change our eating habits to do so. It is worthwhile for our children, family and loved ones. It is up to us, we cannot change the world but we can lead by example. People wrongly perceive that non-meat food is not filling and not nutritious but the animal kingdom has huge herbivores that debunk this notion.
“Not eating animals is only unnatural when we are not used to it.”
~ Tsem Rinpoche
My Guru, His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche has been a strong advocate of a vegetarian lifestyle for many years. Watching videos of how animals are slaughtered is nothing compared to what the animals themselves have to go through in the slaughter house. These videos below are in fact a way to raise people’s awareness of how to stop eating meat and stop animal cruelty in any form, especially for food.
There is no such thing as mercy killing
Or view the video on the server at:
No one wants to die
Or view the video on the server at:
Even the youngs are not spared
Or view the video on the server at:
Left alone
Or view the video on the server at:
Behind the scenes
Or view the video on the server at:




残害动物的另一个例子:竞技狩猎。图片来源:Humane Society of the United States
For more interesting information:
- 6 Mind-Blowing Benefits To Your Body As A Vegetarian
- 65 Heartwarming Photos
- Amazing Lion Shows Gratitude!
- Ask Your Doctor About Meat™
- Aunt Matza teaches Bortsik & Perisiki
- Extreme Abuse: Dog found in trash
- He Made Millions by Following His Heart
- Malaysia’s Vegetarian Health Minister Wins Peta Award
- Something incredible about Jane Goodall!
- If slaughterhouses had glass walls…
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Sad watching all these videos which paints a thousands of words of pain and disgusting. Just to satisfy human hunger and taste, poor animals were slaughtered for human consumption . Been a multiracial country Malaysia has plenty to offer for dinners. Many do not know where and how did those meat come from till they watch these videos . Its good to bring awareness to those people out there.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor Henry for this sharing.
It’s sad to see the animals being slaughtered to satisfy our taste bud. There are so many options and choices of food to prevent such killing. The obvious reason why certain human doesn’t realize this is because they taught that human is superior to animals and the existing of animals not only to provide food but even being use as clothing and hunting sport to human. This is totally cruel. How can we treat a living being as such? Can we tolerate if people take our skin for clothes, cut our flesh for food and shoot us as a sport? If not then how can we be alright for the animals?
Animals need care, love and peace just like us. Stop hurting animals and respect them. Give them the care, love as how we want from others. If we can’t give any of those but at very minimal pls don’t hurt them.
Thank you, Pastor Henry, for sharing this important message. There are a lot of suffering and killings happens behind walls that people are too ignorant to find out. Killings are very common and in fact, it is a necessary part of the whole industry to produce meat that most people loves. Little did they know where and how did the meat come from.
For us to have the meat, an animal will have to be butchered. There are plenty of suffering right from the moment where the animal is born. Usually, they will be separated from their mothers and start living in small and cramp places. Then, they will be fed an unnatural diet with plenty of growth hormones.
When they are in good size, the animals will be butchered mercilessly without sympathy. This is the life of a farm animal. So much of suffering and pain created just for the sake of us filling our hungry stomach.
Remember when I first started to going into vegetarian is when one of our colleague’s father passed away, so in order to help generate some merits for her father, I vowed to take vegetarian for a week, but unexpectedly, that week has passed very slow and difficult, every single day I have been counting down and the moment the clock strike 12am, immediately i wallop in chicken, seafood, mutton, etc.. (haha, I know this is not right, but just can’t be helped??), being a day vegetarian I have no problem, but being a week vegetarian, it became a challenge.
Until about 2-3 years later when Rinpoche gave me a DVD to watch, the title is “earthling” (this video also available in youtube), I saw how the animals being killed, how much pain they have to suffer before they die, and many more, my heart became very heavy and I struggled to watched till the end. Since then, I started to take more veges and less meat. I started to be 1 day vege a week, then increase to 2 days and eventually I only consume meat once or twice a month, almost 2 years later I decided to take long life vegetarian vow and till today I have became vegetarian for about 6 years already.
I’m glad to be a vegetarian because now when I take my meals, I don’t feel guilty anymore and I’m more happy taking my meals now as compared to last time.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor Henry for this article.
Is really sad to see how our deluded mind causes so much of suffering to the animal.
When I talked to friend, relative and etc, to stop consume meat and be a vegetarian or vegan, they will me give lots of excuse.
Let hope that, by sharing this article on social media, will create awareness.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor Henry for posting. My heart bleeds and mind pains for these beings, used as they are for the selfish wants of those who choose to consume their flesh. Vectors for disease, environmental disaster and unsustainability come to mind as we consider any future continuing on in such a deluded manner. The world simply can’t continue on exploiting animals to sustain human life. Unfortunately logic will not bring us to the forefront of change, we will be forced to realize the senselessness of the slaughter as we witness the cause that affects more and more suffering, which if you understand karma, will effect everyone in the long run. If you want to influence a positive result, stop eating meat. There are so many alternatives and if you think of the benefits all around, it really is a no brainer. Unfortunately a brain is required to see the lies you’ve been told to make you think your doing something healthy for yourself by eating animals. You may stave off hunger a short time, prolonging the inevitable, but you’ll die just the same, why drag so many others down with you?
Grateful that you posted Pastor Henry, many thanks once again. Sorrow seeing the sadness of this destruction of life, happiness in knowing others see a solution in their refrain.
It is true that a lot of emphasis is based on food and the human consumption of same, whether we are meat eaters or vegetarians. Is this obsession of food be an imprint from having suffered hunger in our lives? It is pretty amazing that the first thing asked of a greeting amongst friends especially the Chinese is HAVE YOU EATEN.
Family members spend hours talking about what food they have consumed for lunch and dinner when they met before the close of the day.
Pastor Henry is correct that we HUMAN BEINGS live to eat. Something we will not avoid nor will let go off. So why not do something worthy with this attachment and to a certain degree our need to survive starvation. Eat with compassion and not kill for our food.
One compelling point to letting go of being so obsessed with our food is to remember how good food we consume, they all come out of us the same mess of waste.
Eat sufficiently not to die of starvation and eat compassionately. Most of all do not waste food.
Interesting article……thank you Pastor Henry Ooi to bring awareness of how animals were killed for human consumptions. Do agree when it comes to foods , every one will be thinking of what to eat but will not realised the source of it. Malaysia is food heaven with a wide variety of foods and dishes from different ethnic groups. Generally people are eating more and eating higher-caloried food, and its time to change for more healthier foods. The cornerstone of a healthy diet should be to replace meat and processed food with real food such as vegetables, fruits and so on whenever possible. Eating food that is as close as possible to the way nature made it can make a huge difference to the way you think, look, and feel. Eating a variety of foods promotes good health and can help reduce the risk of disease in many ways.
Thank you so much for this article. This article is mainly about foods. It is true that Malaysia is considered a country that has good food due to its multiracial population. Humans being non-vegetarian have a far greater choice of food compared to the vegetarian ones.
At the same time, countless animals are brutally butchered for their pelt, skin and meat, just to provide for human desire to wear leather products, to use animal by products and to consume them as food.
Thank You Pastor Henry for this post.
I believe awareness is the key here. We are not being aware that we actually KILLING these animals for our food. For many years, I’ve been having this wrong concept too, whereby animals are God’s given right for us to eat and stay healthy. Nonetheless, I was wrong. Very wrong.
Okay, maybe my upbringing did shape the person who I was previously but that doesn’t justify the person for who I am now. Being aware is the first step but next, we have to take charge of it NOW and decide what’s going in my mouth next. Watching these videos, is so heartbreaking. Can I take it anymore? Nope. I am sorry. Even if it’s God’s given right, I will still opt for being a vegetarian. Their suffering is real. Their pain is real. Meat is off my plate for 5 years now and I’m happy about it, and I will be so for the rest of my life. Just like Pastor Henry has mentioned, thanks to Rinpoche for keep highlighting their plight.
I’ve changed. Are you next? I