“Pets” Republic Of China, PRC
Dear all,
There are a certain countries in the world today where their citizens consider what we think of as pets, to be consumable products. What we perceive as “normal” is very subjective and it differs from people to people… collectively and over time, a “norm” can be created for a nation. This can be seen as the culture of a country.
In countries like China, there are people who do think of it as a norm to eat cats and dogs. This long-standing cultural way of thinking is slowly changing. There are people in the same country who view animals as companions, beings to share the good and bad times with… till (natural) death do they part.
I came across this trailer video made by an independent film maker called “Michael Zhao”. Having seen enough of how animals were treated by his country men, Michael decided to pick up his camera and make a movie. He wanted to bring animal cruelty to a national and global awareness. It’s not just the “Peoples Republic” but also a “Pets Republic”.

“What’s a pet? A pet is what you keep at home; you care for and love at home. They ship over 1000 cats to Guangdong to be killed for meat. Are these what we call pets?”
His movie is incomplete and he is requesting the public for kind support here.
There is one passionate animal rescuer in the trailer that said this to the camera. Even though I don’t speak a word of Chinese you can feel how genuine she is, her sincerity and her love for animals.
China is a country where the populous at large still thinks of dogs and cats as part of the daily diet. This is especially so in the rural areas. I applaud this man’s courageous mission to spread the message to his country and to bring about a change in the lives of possibly millions of animals. Please watch the video trailers below and visit his site, help spread the word.
Tsem Rinpoche
Heroes For Life Trailer
“You don’t need to live in China for too long to be involved one way or another about animal issues. For me it was a shocking video 6 years ago about Grandma Ding, a 80-year-old lone rescuer in Beijing, that jolted me to do something. She had over 100 cats at her house, tending to the sick and handicapped all by herself, with occasional help from the outside. And I picked up a camera and decided to do something I could to help millions upon millions of lives in China that most of my compatriots still consider, well, “nothing but animals.”
Help Support the “Heroes for Life” Documentary Film
“Despite the tremendous progress and social change brought about after three decades of mind-blowing unprecedented economic development in human history, pets are just beginning to be adored as family members in China. Indeed, some lucky cats and dogs in Beijing or Shanghai eat better food than most Chinese do, and a few even get hairdressing or cosmetic services that are not affordable by most of their fellow human citizens…”
“…But by and large, a majority of Chinese still somewhat believe animals are nothing but animals, meant to serve whatever the needs are of mankind, be it as food or for fur. However outlandish it may seem from Western perspectives, this mentality still represents a large chunk of modern Chinese society and has deep roots especially in rural areas.”
~ Michael Zhao
Or view the video on the server at:
Or view the video on the server at:
Source: http://www.chinasmack.com/2011/announcements/help-support-the-heroes-for-life-documentary-film.html
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Feeling sad watching the video of how those poor innocent cats were cramped into cages en route to Guangdong. The cats, trapped in cramped cages on the truck, where they would be sold to restaurants as meat. Guangdong is one of the few areas of south-eastern China where eating cat meat is somewhat accepted. Cats are raised and collected in rural areas by villagers for human consumption.
Michael Zhao an independent film maker make a trailer video to bring global awareness of animal cruelty. After coming across an 80 years old Grandma Ding, a lone rescuer in Beijing, rescued over 100 cats. Despite her age, she took care of those cats all by herself with occasional help from the outside. Her story had inspired Michael to do something in saving the lives of those pets. Though there are movements and animal groups that seek bans on the sale and consumption of dog and cat meat, a robust market for the animals that might otherwise be pets still exists. Interesting read.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
The Chair
I have one chair I usually sit on to do my sadhana, watch a program, read, write, research and so on. But many times I return from my bathroom, Oser girl has taken over my chair. She gives me this look like, it’s her chair! She’s a spunky little schnauzer. The room has so much space, other sofas and places of interest, but my Oser has to hijack my chair always. I have to gently move her over and squeeze in next to her like I did last night into the same chair. We sat together for hours and she fell asleep in my chair huddled against me. Love is sharing a chair even though it’s meant for one occupant at a time. ? Tsem Rinpoche
It is incredible how smart Oser girl is. She can steal the treat away from Dharma boy and so casually. Wow. She is so smart. A must watch short video!! Tsem Rinpoche
Mumu boy was Tsem Rinpoche’s little Schnauzer. Partly because of Mumu Kechara was started and you must find out why that is. Do read more and see very cute adorable pictures: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=122472
Tsem Rinpoche’s two adorable cute Schnauzer dogs Oser girl (white) and Dharma boy up to their various antics. Short videos that will warm up your day and give you a ‘cute attack!’ Enjoy!
“Tsem Rinpoche’s Schnausers Oser and Dharma trying their luck”
“Tsem Rinpoche’s adorable Schnauzers Oser and Dharma have a challenge!”
“Friendly Encounter”-Oser and Dharma meet Johnny & Casper
“Friendly Encounter”-Soer & Dharma meet Johnny & Casper (2)
“Tsem Rinpoche’s Pet Schnauzer Oser’s Treat Time!”
“Tsem Rinpoche’s doggie Oser girl and Dharma boy getting treats”
“Dharma fights Chip! Showdown between Tsem Rinpoche’s pet Schnauzer and a dog on wheels!”
“Dharma & Oser Getting Treats in Playhouse”
Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
We do keep pet dogs as our friends, love them very much and or do any harm to them. I have seen pictures of dogs and cats being skinned alive or beaten to death. Especially dogs which many of them slaughtered for their meat. All these pet deserved much better than these, they needs our love and care as well. Watched the Hero for life video, the cat rescuer woman with so many cats to take care. Fantastic , I salute to her been so compassionate taking care all by herself. She is truly a heart of gold. The tradition of eating dogs and cats dates back thousands of years, even though they are often kept as pets. All these has caught the attention of a film maker Michael Zhao to spread the message to his country and to bring about a change in the lives of possibly millions of animals. Pets are our good friends.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Dear Rinpoche, I feel so sorry for the cats that are slaughtered somewhere in China and Korea everyday and the dogs that are also slaughtered for their meat and fur. Why can’t the world just understand that animals are not born to be tortured, killed for fun and fur or eaten. Even most of the doctors in the whole planet says that animals are in our pyramid food chart. I just don’t know idea how to stop this madness.
How can an animal you eat be any different from the ones you keep at home? How can they both have different feelings and different emotions? I do no believe for one moment that the ones we eat are created by some “God” for us to torture and kill… there is no logic to this when you say God is all compassionate. So how did this discrimination happen? Who made it this way? Humans did not “God”. And because of our taste buds we chose to make that choice to hurt one and to love the other and as make ourselves feel good when we save a cat or a dog? Who are we really deceiving but only ourselves. If the tables were turn and we were the chicken and cows, I am sure we will not have that same perception.
The animals do not deserve to be treated that way. They are meant to be pets, who need to be loved and taken care of. Not becoming some kind of food! Animals do feel pain, why harm something that can feel pain?? I really hope that the people in China will eventually realise what is right to do and what is not.
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
We recoil in horror when we read articles like this about how people are killing what we traditionally perceive as “our pets” and eating them for lunch.
The thing is, what’s so different between our pet cat Fluffy and the chicken whose leg we’ve just chewed into at our last meal? What’s the real difference between our pet dog Spot and the minced up cow we’ve got squashed between two burger buns? No real difference. They’re both animals and they both go through the same feelings of love, fear, sadness, pain. So if we really want to be horrified at the thought that our dogs are being eaten, then logically, we should feel just the same about any other animal that we are, in turn, happily eating.
I found this contemplation quite helpful when I first became vegetarian. Every time I wanted to bite into a piece of meat, I would think that it was my pet dog – and I would instantly feel grossed out and stop. Ultimately, it’s the same thing isn’t it? Flesh, dead skin and dead bits of meat – if we wouldn’t eat our pet dog who is a friend or family to us, then why would we inflict that pain on any other being who is also friend or family to someone else?
This is revolting!!!!! No animals should be treated that way. Evryone should be treating animals with compassion and kindness. 🙁 may the slaughtered kitties/any other animals have a swift rebirth into a Dharmic environment..
Thank you for bringing attention to this issue, Rinpoche.
I really wish that people in China can open up their mind to this fact: ANIMALS CAN FEEL. They just do not have a voice to tell you. Actually, wishing won’t get me anywhere right? So, people should put their foot down and do something about it. A way to do something is to create awareness. Me and a few friends with the guidance of Tsem Rinpoche made a Facebook page that addresses the subject of animal cruelty. The facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/AnimalBefriendersCoalition. Thank you 😀
bless this man, Michael, for caring and trying to raise awareness for animal slaughter. i will never harm a animal or being, even if i accidentally squish a bug i recite medicine buddha mantra immediately. be vegetarian now!
I really hate knowing that animals that are ment to be pets are being eaten as food. When they are ment to be loved and taken care of. I dont get how eating dog is good 🙁 i would burst into tears if i saw somebody eaten their dog. Thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
It is awesome to know there are living bodhisattvas amongst the animal kingdom who will rescues animals despite they are put in a difficult situation. OM MANI PADME HUM.
There is a Chinese saying that ” one can eat any animal that goes around with its back facing the sky”. With this age old belief, the Chinese literally eat every living being under the sky. This belief probably arose from the agricultural background of ancient China where food was scarce.
With the advance of China in economy and education, this habit should be changed. Health reason and love for animals will be the main reasons for the Chinese to get rid of the ancient mind set. Nothing is fixed for ever.
I am amazed at the level of courage these people have to be able to stand against their own culture of having cats and dogs on dinner plates. It is not an easy feat, adding on that the tradition came from a thousand year old heritage.
Come to think of it, we’re not much different from China either. How often does it occur to us to feed starving stray animals on the streets? When was the last we took the time to bath that old flea-infested tramp at home?
I, too, am ashamed of myself. Thank you very much for the kind reminder Rinpoche.
I truly hope that with this movie people,especially in China,can understand that pets like dogs and cats,and all animals can feel as we do. The methods of killing these animals are gruesome and so painful.Ignorance brings suffering,and I hope through awareness and education that the world changes and that animal can reclame their freedom and their well being just as we want.
Yes, I confess that it was’t until I worked in China, witnessed the cruelty and consumption of animals and then came across the Dharma message that even animals are a part of sentient beings, did I realise the general psyche of the locals in the way they regard and mistreat animals (i.e. they have no feeling like humans and are for eating). Fortunately, things are indeed changing rapidly with the PET republic culture but in the rural areas, animal mistreatment is still rife in the south. Don’t know what can be done effectively to shift the cultural behaviour other than let change take its course – given the high numbers of animals that suffer and people who mistreat them. Sometimes this taking and trading of animal lives is a means of income. Sigh!