Poor Jessie….

Elize holding precious Jessie at Bow Wow shop in Cheras…(picture taken today)
Sweet little Jessie is my Mumu’s mother. Jessie I just found out has liver cancer. I am so worried and feel so sad. Feel so bad for her. Poor Jessie… Chemo would be very painful and would not cure the cancer just extend her life alittle. Jaundice will set in and she has until Chinese New Year’s to live. I have requested to have some of Jessie’s hair for purification rituals and will place her hair in a stupa in the future.
In August of this year, Jessie starting collapsing. The kind vet checked her and could not detect anything wrong. Last Sunday (December 12, 2010) Jessie collapsed twice and Elize did CPR and revived her. On Monday (December 13, 2010) she was brought to the Vet for tests. Ultrasound and CT scan found alot of ulcers on the liver. This led to the diagnosis of liver cancer. It has been THREE DAYS since today her cancer is confirmed and found out.

This is sweet Jessie. This post is also to commemorate this sweet little doggie…she is so hard not to love
Jessie’s owner lovely Elize must be devastated. She loves her dogs so much. I feel for Elize and poor little Jessie. Jessie is 11 years old. Poor little Jessie…
When I visited Wow Wow Shop where Elize is, Jessie was running around the shop slowly and barking at the other dogs like a housewife scolding her brood… she has a big stomach and it hangs down and skinny little legs… very adorable..She has big eyes and short cut hair to keep her cool… I just visualized her with an apron and watching over her little doggy household. Now the poor litte Jessie has cancer. May the best turn out for her.
My heart goes out to Jessie and Elize who loves her so much. I didn’t post this to advertise the situation or remind Elize what is happening… but to let our friends know what is happening so they can DIRECT THEIR PRAYERS FOR LITTLE JESSIE… I will…
I am sorry Elize. I am sorry Jessie.
Tsem Rinpoche

Elize and Jessie at a park

Jessie (left) and her daughter galgal (right)
Wow Wow Pets
No. 9, Jalan Hujan Rahmat 2,
OUG, 58200
Tel: 03-778 13896
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Mumu boy was Tsem Rinpoche’s little Schnauzer. Partly because of Mumu Kechara was started and you must find out why that is. Do read more and see very cute adorable pictures: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=122472
Tsem Rinpoche’s two adorable cute Schnauzer dogs Oser girl (white) and Dharma boy up to their various antics. Short videos that will warm up your day and give you a ‘cute attack!’ Enjoy!
“Tsem Rinpoche’s Schnausers Oser and Dharma trying their luck”
“Tsem Rinpoche’s adorable Schnauzers Oser and Dharma have a challenge!”
“Friendly Encounter”-Oser and Dharma meet Johnny & Casper
“Friendly Encounter”-Soer & Dharma meet Johnny & Casper (2)
“Tsem Rinpoche’s Pet Schnauzer Oser’s Treat Time!”
“Tsem Rinpoche’s doggie Oser girl and Dharma boy getting treats”
“Dharma fights Chip! Showdown between Tsem Rinpoche’s pet Schnauzer and a dog on wheels!”
“Dharma & Oser Getting Treats in Playhouse”
Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
Dear Rinpoche,
It is so so sad to know that poor Jessie had to go through so much pain and suffering just because of cancer.
Though I have never meet Jessie at all I am touched by how well she has raised her son Mumu and her daughter Gal Gal.
I am very touched by Jessie and I love the way she scolds and orders her family consisting of Smokey and Gal Gal…. together there are one of the first whole dog families I have ever meet (in pictures).
This is such Sad News Rinpoche, I really hope that Jessie will take good rebirth in someplace that will reward her for the kind things she has done to raising Mumu as well as the rest of her family.
Thank You Rinpoche for sharing.
This is so sad. I actually think that i could cry because of reading this post. It is so painful and touching to me at the same time. I really wish that Jessie will get better. I just wouldn’t want anything else besides her being healed and healthy once again.
And i am sure that Jessie was an amazing mother to Mumu. She has raised him up well.
My poor pet dog of 8 months plus name Staci passed away last Sunday 27th Oct. due to food poisoning as the Vet have told me. My heart is broken and I’m so helpless. Please Tsem Rinpoche, can you please advice me what mantra to pray for her to release her from sufferings and be liberated to the Pure Land. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I feel both lucky and unlucky to have a dog in my life. I feel it lucky because my dog has been giving me unconditional love. She NEVER FAILS in consoling me when I feel down. Frankly, I feel that she is better than humans, even though clearly she cannot speak. But dogs give them all.
I feel unlucky because there will come the day when we have to part each other.
It is truly nice to come to know both Elize and Bow Wow shop. Pets can be very good business. Those owners may have started their businesses with a love for animals, but not many can persevere. At the end, animals suffer.
To those who own pets, I hope that they can take good care of them till the time they die naturally. It is painful to have to see abandoned and tortured animals. They cannot take good care of themselves, they rely a lot on us to provide for them. In exchange for your care, they give unconditional love.
Dear rinpoche and Dear all
My beloved jessie’s passed away on the 6/02/11 in the around 9.40am, this is the most painful day for me, because she is pass away infront of me, I just can’t accept it.
Any how, I would like to big thanks to Dear rinpoche and all who’s did the prayer for my Jessie’s,
I will still continue to recite the medicine buddah matra for her, I must do it for her, because I loved her very very much, this is the only things I can do for her now. Thanks once again.
Rinpoche little Mumu’s mother Jessie is having liver cancer. Jessie is also a Sentient being like any other human except for some features and forms. Jessie can be sick also has to endure pain as any other human being except because of having bad Karma became an animal. Jessie lacks the mind of having high intelligence to be able to practice Dharma. Which then leads her not be able to take a good rebirth. If we should practice well and accumulate lots of merits we can then liberate ourselves and take good rebirth. With Rinpoche’s blessings and prayers we hope Jessie will take good rebirth and become human again in the next life when he dies. And be able to practice Dharma.
DATE: 5 January 2011
I just spoke to Wai Meng, who has been in regular contact with Elize. He confirmed with Elize that Jessie is alert but her disease is progressing. Despite this however, she’s not showing any signs of pain.
Elize said that as the disease goes on, Jessie’s stomach is growing, because her liver cannot help her to digest food well.
Because her stomach is slowly losing function, she also cannot eat a lot of food in one go. So she is fed small amounts 5 or 6 times throughout the day, to help her digest more easily. In general however, Jessie’s consuming less food.
Elize has been putting blessed water on Jessie’s head and eyes, and she also chants Medicine Buddha mantra for her.
Thank you,
Jean Ai
Poor dog with Rinpoche blessing and prayer
I m sure Jessie will take a good rebirth and will be able to practice Dharma
in next live.
I am very sorry to Jessie and Eliza. I’ll pray for her, hope that she has less sufferings.
Yes, I agreed with Eliza, not doubt Jessie is sick but she is blessed to have Rinpoche and His Prayers for her, and Eliza’s love n care for Jessie….. OM MANI PADME HUNG!
I echo Martin’s thoughts and sentiments about you , Elize,about the much you have done to benefit animals(as Rinpoche has shown us in this blog); and about the gift of Mumu, Jessie’s son, who has brought much comfort and joy to Rinpoche and Mumu’s carers in Ladrang.As we pray for Jessie, we know she has our Rinpoche’s blessings and support all the way now.
I don’t quite know what to say that may comfort you, Elize, except to say that all the work you have done for the benefit of animals, and all the work you have done to benefit the homeless, and to Jessie, your son Mumu who came though you to bring so much joy to Rinpoche and so many people….all that, must and do count for quite a bit in Jessie’s rebirth. I wish you both comfort from knowing that Jessie will be gently upheld by our Rinpoche.
Dear Rinpoche,
jessie and i would like to thanks you so much for your kind concern abt us, jessie was very lucky to have guardian angel to do blessing for her, at d meantime, i will do the best for her, let her have a happy ending life, that all i can do for her, we would like to thanks you once again from our bottom of our heart for yours prayers and concert, may u stay healty forever.
This is what my dear Chilepupper died from last November, he was 13 years old and my best friend since he was a puppy. I would like to bring his fur and ashes from his cremains to place in stupa.
I will dedicate my prayers to Jessie and Elize, Rinpoche.
Thank you for always teaching us how to care for others.
May the best happens for Jessie and Elize.