Aug 2, 2013 | Views: 1,046
This family shot and killed this elephant as it was eating (you can still see the food in its mouth).
How is it fun to shoot a rare species like elephants just because you can afford to?
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Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing. They are cruel and ignorant. Hope they have stopped doing this and stopped the killing
It is just so disgusting of the family to be smiling so happily beside this dead elephant that they have shot while it was having it’s meal.
The elephant was so vulnerable to all exterior factors while it was trying to fill it’s tummy.
I just cannot understand how can people use hunting as a source of leisure. In the past, people hunt to stay alive. Not for killing for their pleasure. This is just so sick and disgusting.
I cannot believe that these people are still smiling so happily beside this dead elephant that was just trying to eat. What wrong did it have? The only wrong that I can see hear is that it is being there at the point of time, because it had to eat to keep itself alive.
I really do not understand how can they be so proud of their cruel action taken against the poor elephant, how is killing something worth cherishing? What is the point of killing the elephant? Is it just to show off how great you people are? Well you guys have got what you wanted- attention, and on the other hand, karma will do it’s job.
Cruelty in action! This is not something we should be proud of. Killing a living things while it is eating it not fair! Karma will come back to them. Children have to be taught compassion and kindness and not how to pull the trigger to shoot down some living things.
多么的惭愧,又是一件人类为了自己的快乐把痛苦建在动物上事件重演。 om benza sato hum! 祈愿那只被杀的大象能有更好的转世。试想,要是我们在用餐时,也被人射杀,我们会是怎样呢?那我们人类对自己同胞被射杀的感觉又是怎样呢?善哉!善哉!
this is so horrible how people find it funny or fun to murder animals. it is sick! i wish i could stop all of this.please everybody stop killing animals they have lives too. thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
We should feel sadness that some people feel the need to act like this. We should pray for them.To be afflicted by such mental blindness one needs our help. though easy it would b to feel anger at what they did our actions would only perpetuate a cycle of callousness.
I say offer your prayers to those that needs it and they do.
i wonder how they think and what kind of motivation they were holding before they killed the elephant, which has nothing to do with that family after all. some more, they smiled and posted before the dead elephant which they thought as a reward after they had spent so much of energy and time together as family.
Really sad and feel shamed to see this picture. Thanks Rinpoche for the sharing. I will share on my facebook to create more awareness to my friends.
This is really a great shame of humankind, what is it so happy about for killing an animal? they also have family, have children just like anyone of us, when our family member in danger, we will take whatever move to safeguard them, to make sure they are save and sound, we work day and night to feed our children, same to the animals too, they also find food to feed their children, and when we kill the adult animals, we are also killing their babies who will be suffered from no food or also may die due to hunger.. When we work so much to save our children, then what right do we have to take their life?
We should treasures each and every lives just like how we treasures our life, because they are no difference than us, we suffered in Samsara, they also suffered in samsara, so shouldn’t we work together to come out from the samsara instead of killing each other?
People who kill harmless creatures not only have no shame they also have no guts.
Would they be so brave to face a wild animal without modern arms and without sneaking up on the animal!
Poor elephant, really don’t know why people hunt animal down as their hobby. There is much other things to do than killing animals…I folded my hands and pray for the elephant… /_\
OMB ! I really shame on this family! They are so cruel!! They killed the poor elephant for fun and take picture!! Please act like a human not a monster! Never harm animals by any reason! Stop animals cruelty!!
Shame on this family! They are murderers and they are so proud of it!
We may respect our fellow human beings, but unnecessary violence to animals is unwanted and sinful. As an ancient buddhist scripture quote said, “Let him not destroy or cause to be destroyed any life at all, or sanction the acts of those who do so. Let him refrain from even hurting any creature, both those that are strong and those that tremble in the World.” Eating animals for the pleasure of one’s tongue when there are plenty of other food available, is an exhibition of sadism, which every moralist should denounce. It is believed that as long as human beings keep on shedding the blood of animals,there never will be any peace in this World. Man’s conduct with regard to animals should be regulated by right reasons, which prohibits the infliction of purposeless pain and sufferings on all living beings!
That is so cruel!!!!!!!
How could someone do this it is so cruel!!!!
How would you like it if you were munching your food and suddenly you get shot!!
Please stop animal cruelty unless you want to be reborn in a bad place.
I pray that the elephant has a great rebirth.
Dear Rinpoche,
OMB!!! I just really can’t believe what i saw in the picture above.
It is as if killing is already bad enough I still can’t believe that this family still has the guts to take a nice smiley family photo in front of what they have killed.
Aren’t they ashamed of what they have done? How could you just kill a living being at any time of the day, let alone when it is eating???
It’s such a shame on this whole family and I hope that their Karma will soon catch up with them so that they will know how much pain and suffering the elephant they killed had to go through.
It’s amazing how one picture can say so much.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this picture and yes I will definitely share this picture on Facebook and other Social Media Sites to put more shame on this family.
Is it fun to kill animals?What so happy on killing? why people are so cruel with animal? i realy sad rinpoche when i see this photo even elephan havent finish his grass .realy realy sad.
THis is extremely shameful. I can understand why they did this. People who are insecure want to put down other sentient beings to make them more secure. They find joy in hurting others because they know they can. Their conscience does not work. It is people like these that lead to more murders in this world.
This is really digusting at the lowest level, I am deeply sadden looking at this photo. How could someone teach their own children to kill an innocent animal whilst eating its own meal. Parents should be teaching their children to love and take care of other living beings. It really achieves nothing from killing this poor elephant. An animal so rare and majestic which is already having huge difficult problems with their populations to be shot down so mercilessly as this, is truly heart breaking. It is so evil to think that the idea of fun is to kill an innocent animal.
Its really sad that people can do this and be proud of it. Proud because they took the life of a helpless animal and think that they are heroes. They are really ignorant, cruel and selfish. To them its just for fun! I really hope that people are taught how to appreciate animals instead of killing, eating and doing it for fun…
I am glad that they are so proud of themselves for their great achievement.They are so fortunate to spend some quality family time to have a great outdoor to experience in a far away land .To experience nature at its best.
Would it be great to share the stories about their great vacation which they spend a small fortune on.It would be great to let their friends know that they went to a far away land to experience the best time of their lives.
They should not limit their joy and compassion to only their family.They should show mercy to other living beings.It does not cost them anything by restraining themself by not releasing the bullet at the poor elephant.
If they would like some excitement or a sense of achievement they could go to a firing range and show off their skills.
If they would like to show off their are strong and brave then ,they should wrestle with a lion one to one with their bare hands.
What is there to prove???They should understand that the joy of compassion is far more satisfying then the careless release of a merciless bullet.
This is so cruelly and really feel shame on them. They really don’t think about it, if they are the elephant get killed like this, then how they will feel. It is so sad, when I looking on this picture 🙁
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this post.
This is very shameful on the human race – that there is pride in killing. The elephant has done no wrong and nothing justifies killing these lovely creatures. It is not even for food or for their ivory – it is pure ridiculous pride. And what is pride about anyway? That humans can operate a gun? It is very sad and very embarrassing. If aliens were to look at earth and see what we are doing to other animals, each other and our planet, i am sure they would be disgusted. Let’s teach our children differently – with Dharma – and hopefully, we can save our own future.
They killed for fun, not to eat, not for ivory. When an elephant see another being killed because of ivory, whenever it find an elephant corpse with ivory, it brakes all ivory. Because the elephant learns and thinks, it sees that they are being killed because of ivory. But int this case, this is madness.
Stop killing animals, hunting is not an entertainment and not so fun. Feel sad for this elephant, it was enjoyed its food 🙁 Om Mani Padme Hum _/\_
SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! There really is NO NEED for such blatant cruelty and murder! What are these adults teaching their children? The smiles on their faces says it all… the karma is sealed!!! How sad and terrifying!
Geeeessss!! I really hate this! Imagine we were the one whom got killed while eating!! How can killing this beautiful animal as a leisure and fun for them? This is totally unkind, inhuman, selfish, stupid and cruel!! I’m sure karma will get them!!!
The family felt proud after killing the elephant as shown in this picture, So cruel and it is really a shame of them to be so merciless. We must stop killing and harming animals, their lives are precious too like ours.
please stop to killing ……. i realy sad when they kill our they dont have heart to feeling pain? thank you rinpoche .
Thank you rinpoche for sharing this post with us. I really feel shame on them. They have done something wrong but due to their ignorant, they still feel pround on their action. They dont know that one day, the negative karma that they have created will surely return to them. I hope that they can realize from their mistake soon and stop doing this unetchical action anymore.I hope that the elephant can have a good rebirth. Om Ma Ni Pe Me Hum . R.I.P elephant.
This is a shame. How they are proud to kill this animal. So sad. And as it was eating, just terrible. I hope that many people share this information and that this family becomes infamous. And that thinks like this will stop.
Y must they kill an elephant. Because it is fun???? How can they do this. I hope this would be the top of the internet then everyone will know how shameful they are.
this is such a shame, people are so cruel how they can just kill endlessly. imagine yourself getting gunned or stabbed to the ground, then getting skinned, horns cut off, cut up or just left there dead for no reason. humans are so cruel, and then they are proud of killing, make me sick!
Shelly tai on 3 Aug 2013 at 838am
Is really a shame this is not something we should feel proud about it this act us really show how ignorant are we. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this post.
I really hate looking at photos like this, especially with the people smiling away while there’s a dead animal lying next to them. How can they be so cruel? Where have their hearts gone? The fact of killing animals is not something worth of celebrating, because it’was a life thag they have taken away, how could they be so happy and still take picture of their cruel act? This is not going to make them famous.
They will see..what goes around, comes back around..
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
I still don’t understand why killing are proud and fun? What so happy on killing?
Thank You Rinpoche for sharing this.
Best Regards : Eric kksiow
please stop to killing ……. i realy sad when they kill our they dont have heart to feeling pain? thank you rinpoche to sharing.
Dear Rinpoche, Shame on them, shame on them. Why did they killed this innocent elephant and took a family photo after killing the poor elephant. Is it even fun to kill animals? I don’t think is fun, I think is cruel. When are the hunters going to stop killing animals.