Snuggling up on the Beach!
I have been blogging a lot about animal cruelty lately, and I thought it would be nice to show you the possible human-animal interaction most of us don’t expect is possible.
Most of us could never imagine eating a cat or a dog….so why does it seem alright for most of us to eat a cow, lamb or chicken? We all feel some type of special bond with our pets, but for the rest…they remain to us as ‘animals’. Bred to be eaten, born alive to be used for their hide, skin and meat.
The video above is of a tourist at the Gold Habour in South Georgia (off the southern tip of South America), who sat on the beach to watch the seals and penguins interacting. Unexpectedly, one of the elephant seals slowly came up to her…after five minutes, the 6,000lb seal started cuddling up next to her as though they were a couple on a couch! Hehe
Even though he looks three times her size, she doesn’t seem to be afraid…but more amused at the seal’s attempt to snuggle up to her. You can see how continuously surprised she is at how close and friendly the seal is with her…she evens throws in a few kisses here and there!
I have previously posted a video of a seal massacre in Canada (Video 17), could you imagine using seal skin after watching the same animal cuddling up next to you?
Tsem Rinpoche
Or view the video on the server at:
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How gentle! Both of them just let their guard down and be friends with each other.
How simple and easy going… To me, that’s friendship and kindness. Period.
Elephant Seal is the largest of all seals in the world.Cannot imagine if a elephant seal approach you and snuggling to be close into a warm position..Amazing moment for that tourist.Surprisingly she is not scare at all and even kissed that elephant seal,so friendly as if they had know each other a long long time.Its a reminder that animals are our friend.Never harm them or abuse them.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this beautiful video.
This must be the cutest video I have ever seen in my life, now I’m dying to have a seal cuddling with me, LOL. I can’t say that I’m not surprised by the seals’ reaction, it’s not something we see every day, we all know that seals can be very vicious and dangerous although we are actually more threatening to them especially when it comes to hunting them, but these seals are just so friendly. I guess they must have grew up with humans.
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Awwwww..this is so sweet! I wish I were the one who gets to cuddle with the cute seal! Normally they are very afraid of humans as what we do best is to kill them. The seal has shown that we can actually befriends, than just kill and eat them. I hope more people will see this video, then stop killing and eating them eventually. Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix. years
So cute!!! I wish that happened to me too! So amazing, i really think that there is something going on here. And that they seal may actually be communicating with the person. So cool.
I wished that there would be more videos like this, to show the amazing animals that there are out there in the world. Then people could see how nice, loving and cute they really are. Then maybe it will stop people from eating them :). I really liked this video, it looked as though the seal was trying to tell the person something, very interesting.
It’s so cute i am gonna die! I love the special elephant seal so much, it’s surprising not afraid of the woman and end up cuddling with her. I wish i could find wild animals that will not attack people and end up playing with us. Thank you for reading
thank you rinpoche for posting such a cute video. 🙂
after 2 minutes of watching this video and how affectionate this seal is being towards the lady, i’m thinking, could it possible that this seal’s last life maybe a lover to this lady? he/she seemed so happy snuggling and giving her kisses like some lovers do. hehe. just a thought.
What a great constrast between the two video postings, namely “Seal of massacre in Canada”(video 17) and this one,”snuggling upon the beach”. A truely picturesque display of human-animal interaction of affection, kindness and love, which the heartless cannibalistic murderers thought was non-existence. So much of difference from those valid-video blogs, where extremed animal cruelty treatment scenes were shown with torturings, raw flesh mutilation coupled with skins of animals been torn off alive. This happens even in civilised and developed countries, yet todate,still unable to eradicate such animal atrocity by reputed authorities inspite of with adequate proves of evidences. Though many excuses were blamed on harsh living conditions in less developed countries and due to limited education, all these cannot be completely true. With such a lucrative market demand for fur and leather skins in todays’ fashion conscious society, which profit diven entreprenuer will not continue these animal killing trade for exorbitant gains and easy profits!
Shelly Tai on Feb9,2011 at 1030am
Very lovely animal!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tsem Tulku Rinpoche and upayawest, Fred Chace. Fred Chace said: RT @tsemtulku: My personal blog: : Snuggling up on the Beach! … […]
my collegue and me discus about the video ( Restaurant ),we talk about the Meat market and the Restaurants, i am telling my collegue ” we do all our best to help all the animals ”, my collegue told me ” If TODAY we help all the Animals in the Meat Market or restaurants, Then How About TOMORROW?? I was ” Ooppsss…” My collegue told me ” Y everyones dont wanna become a VEGETARIAN??
Dear Rinpoche
How Cute!!!