These Dying Dogs Need Your Help Urgently

The dog meat farm has been shut down, but the lives of these dogs are still in danger.
If you live next to a dog meat farm and are forced to walk your dogs past this horrific slaughter house every day, would it move you to make a difference or would your senses be numbed from the pain of such a sight?
For one couple living in Korea, compassion and the wish to end the sufferings of those dogs led them to take action for the closure of a dog meat farm located near their apartment. After months of obstacle-ridden battles, they finally succeeded in shutting the dog meat farm down. But with one problem solved, another arose. The immediate concern now is, where can these poor abused dogs go?
It is literally “out of the frying pan and into the fire”. With Korean animal welfare organizations placing the rescue of such ‘meat dogs’ at the lowest priority, these dogs are at risk of being transferred to another dog meat farm. A kind Canadian filmmaker has helped to produce a short awareness campaign video, but much support is still needed to ensure these dogs can be saved from the certainty of death. If this should happen, then all that Gina and her husband have worked for will have gone to waste.
Thank you, Gina, for your hard work and for writing in to us to create awareness about the plight of these poor suffering dogs in Korea. H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche is a strong advocate for animal rights, and his compassion is a quality that many of his followers attempt to emulate through spiritual practice.
At this very moment, we may not be able to save every single dog in the world, but let’s start with these 25 dogs. May Gina’s efforts to create awareness about ‘meat dogs’ grow and eventually liberate all dogs from such cruel fates.
If you have come across this article then PLEASE, with compassion, share and donate to this worthy cause. These dogs need your urgent aid, they need to be bought from this cruel farm and most importantly, they need to find a new, loving and caring home, something they have never known.
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Thank you for this sharing. All animals deserved to live. They are not born to be a piece of meat on our dinner plate. Rejoice to the great effort by Gina to free these poor doggies from ending up on dinner table. How could anyone bear to eat them?
Since all animals have feelings and can feel pain, we should not be selective on which species should we choose not to consume. If we can be kind and loving to dogs, hence not eating them, we should be kind and loving to chickens, pigs, cows and lambs too. While we may not breed chickens or pigs etc inside our home, and hug them like how we do dogs, the least we can do is not to cause harm to them. Let’s start by being a vegetarian today.
First, I would love to thank Gina and her husband for putting in so much effort to save these poor doggies from being eaten and treated worse any further. Dog eating is well known in some parts of China, Korea, and Vietnam. Good thing is that more and more people are against eating dogs, and many of them speak it up in public shutting down dog factories and restaurants that serve dog meat.
It is bad enough for people to consume dogs, it is even worse when these people torture the dog by beating it and slowly killing it because they believe that by doing so, they are able to tenderize the flesh further which is an invalid and unreasonable excuse to use for treating them badly. Sometimes, the people will even dump the dogs into blazing hot boiling water while they are still alive! There are videos all over the internet about this issue. Can you imagine if you yourself were to go through that situation just so that a couple of inhumane beasts can enjoy eating your flesh? The body belongs to the animal and we should not have rights to do such cruel things to them.
I am not only referring to dogs only, there are countless of animals being tortured before being slaughtered every single day all around the world. Inside the factories, behind those walls are workers who mistreat these animals, taking pleasure in killing them. You do not usually hear news like this simply because the media tend to cover the truth, you will definitely learn the truth when you visit the factories with your own eyes. It is truly horrifying, it is basically a place where these farm animals are bred and killed. I hope that all of this will soon come to an end one day.
Things we have learnt culturally, can be unlearnt. No animal begs to bee food for other animals or humans. Please end the practice of dog meat farms.
Thanks for sharing.It a good and short article that will show the plight of dogs .The Yulin dog meats festival that begins in China today is really sad .how many dogs suffer under such sequences.Hopefully the government or the activist will do something to stop it. Meantime do hope that people are aware of the dogs sufferings .
Thanks you .
poche and these dogs do need help. Shutting down the dog meat farm was a good move and a good thing to do. However, it seems that the people who did shut it down did not think it through because they did not think about where the dogs would go after. We need people to step in and take them to shelters or adopt.
I really do wish that these dogs would be rescued and I really felt for them when I watched the video. I will share this video and article online to try to spread awareness for these dogs.
Sorry, there was an error, and the first part of my comment was cut off. I said thank you for sharing Rinpoche and before that I talked about how these dogs should not have to endure so much suffering just because us humans are too ignorant to realise that they are like us and they deserve just as much as we do because they are alive too and they feel too.
Thank you for sharing this story. My partner is EK Park, the founder of Free Korean Dogs, who is currently in Korea shooting a documentary titled Compassion Soup: the End of Dog Meat in Korea. The clip featured in this article was shot while filming the documentary.
While we focus on the plight of Korean dogs, our overall goal is to help cultivate compassion over cruelty towards all living beings. Again, thank you for helping to advance this mission.
Dear Greg,
Thank you very much for your and EK Park’s effort to bring awareness on the issues of the Dog Meat industry, and in general, the sufferings of all slaughter housed animals. Our teacher, H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche promotes heavily on Compassionate dining to his readers and students, many of Rinpoche’s students have became vegetarian because of his great patience and constant teachings on developing compassion towards all sentient beings.
I am glad to hear that EK Park is making a documentary. I (and many others I know personally) became vegetarian after Rinpoche shared a video called Earthlings with us. So I believe strongly that evocative documentaries to show the horrors of these slaughter houses has the potential of kindling the innate compassion that everyone have and thus making a strong impact in the lives of many.
I wish the both of you much success. Please do keep us updated on your documentary project.
Much care,
Thank you Sarah for highlighting the plight of the 25 dogs in this dog farm. Our hearts go out to them. Rescuing them from the certain fate of being slaughtered for their meat was a courageous act and a feat, in lieu of the many obstacles that were encountered. May this act not be wasted: may the 25 dogs be placed in secure homes or a shelter.
While the plight of these dogs has caught our attention , what about the daily slaughter of other animals like chickens, pigs, cows, sheep for their meat. All animals without exception have the right to life. They should not be mindlessly and callously slaughtered just to satisfy the craving of humans for their meat.
As George Bernard Shaw has said,”We are the living graves of murdered beasts, slaughtered to satisfy our appetites.” And as supported by Albert Schweitzer, who remarked, “Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages!” We as the living human beings of this World, should take a serious view od such ‘Atrocity’, in our attempt to bring peace, harmony, happiness and unity into this World. For, as written, it is also said,”As the NATION SOWS, SO SHALL IT REAP”. Therefore, to end such senseless killings and cruelty, best is for all to go “Vegetarian”. Om Mani Padme Hung.
Please help all the dogs in dog meat farm of Korean. Don’t let’s them be kill become food of human in table. Dog is royal and can feel pain, as a human we cannot do this kind of things to other beings! I believed that the karma is very heavy.
Dogs are man’s best friend. As cliche as it sounds, it is true. Meat eating shouldn’t be encouraged because it causes suffering in another sentient being. It is not so much of food we are talking about, but our desire that stops us from empathising with others, our denial of being selective in choosing the being we eat. It is necessary for us to see beyond the desire of our three inches taste buds and act from our very kind and compassionate nature. Please start by supporting this good deed, sign the petition and donate to the cause. Thank you!
It is extremely cruel to cut another sentient being’s neck or gut just to take them as our food. As a human being, we are intelligent enough and capable to think and control our mind from all desires. If we really put some affords to do something, we can really make dreams come true.
Being selfish is always the demon inside us, manipulate us at all times. Eating meat just to fulfill ours desires etc,. texture, scent, flavor and appearance. Even we are starve and there is no more food, there is only one living being nearby. It is NOT okay to kill and eat, just to keep ourselves alive.
One way that I think we can do to save lives is to focus on animal birth control. This would stop common stray animals such as cats and dogs from mating and keep giving births.
Thank you.
也许在社会高度文明的今天,物质生活越来越发达,已不需要靠吃狗肉和羊肉来驱寒保暖,但是在遥远的过去,人类获取食物的方式有限,社会生活不发达的情况下,吃狗肉保暖形成了祖先的饮食习惯 。
Thank you Sarah for sharing this. It is very sad to see so many dogs suffers just for our taste bud.
I will share this article and hope to create more awareness. It is important to know that not only dogs that we human are hurting but other animals too as we eat all sorts like chicken, pig, cow and etc.
Thank you Sarah for bringing this up to all of us on the blog here. There is no reason for us to harm animals in any way.
In the past we have heard that many other countries do the same thing for dog and cat meat trade. It is not something that is unusual of a culture. People may say that these dogs should not be treated in this manner, yet, they are doing the same for other animals. How will the fate of these dogs be different from another animal like a cow, pig, sheep, chicken, and so on? It makes no sense how as humans we say that it is alright to kill and harm certain animals yet it is not morally correct to do so for other animals. By the end of the day, both types of animals that we have categorized are all the same. None of them should be better or worst then another being.
People see things similar things that are happening on a daily basis. Unless we take action and stop consumption on our end, we will not be able to help them. By just saying nice words will not help. It is only through the actions that will be able to help what is going on.
Stop eating dogs, but also stop eating any other living beings like chickens, ducks, pigs, cows, fishes, lambs…they are all equal. Become a vegan today, and stop all karma of sentient being eating each other and being eaten by each other.
Well said Pastor Seng Piow. But I am not vegetarian yet.i am trying meatless on every meal and will take three months vege vows on July to make myself successful in spiritual path.
Thanks Sarah Yap for sharing .
Dear Sarah,
Thank you for sharing this sad but encouraging witness. Dogs have been part of my life since young. The dog was always my friend, someone who looked after our house and surroundings.
It never crossed my mind to harm him. So to learn about Dog meat farms is shocking at least. Since I have learned about the pain animals experience only for our tastebuds I have stopped eating meat. It is through the awareness my teacher H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche has created and shared on this blog and on social media.
Now, to eat dog meat most people I know, would refrain as a dog is a friend and part of the family. The dogs in the movie above, look like every dog we know, sweet and trusting, So I hope that eating dog meat and any kind of meat must stop and we take note of what we create to others unnecessarily.
I will share about this and hope the dogs will all be saved and that dog meat farms will end very soon.
Dogs can be man’s best friend… but we man sure can dogs worst enemy. When I see this kind of inhuman places, it really makes me sad, angry and I wish I could demolish such places but I guess just wishing it doesn’t do much. We need to put our wishes into real actions and go out of our way like Gina to do something.
Even if we cannot do anything on our own capacity at this point of time we start with promoting, creating awareness and supporting those who do by at least spreading the news. The other thing we can do since we keep saying we love animals, is that we should STOP eating them. What makes eating dogs and eating chicken or cow any better? What is so different from a steak and from a dog meat? Both are meat and one does make the other any better hence in Korea, they see it all as equal and this is why they are eating them and selling them in the first place.
If we’re truly compassionate, we should start by eating compassionately. We would not eat our dogs, then why be selective and eat others, they are all animals, aren’t they? This we must come to realise… dog meat, chicken meat or beef, all is the same, all these animals feel pain and suffer tremendously from the beginning till the end where they are led to the slaughter house. And none of them liked of enjoys being slaughtered.
Sarah, thank you for sharing this new about the dog meat farm in Korea. It just makes you think, what kind of person and mind does it take to work in a slaughterhouse, abattoir, dog meat farm, etc.?
And people who say, “Awwwww so cute! Poor thing!” when they see suffering dogs and yet still eat meat, are guilty of hypocrisy. Because how can you say it’s wrong or bad to eat dog meat, and yet continue to eat beef (for example)? How can you judge someone for eating dog meat, when you yourself eat beef / lamb / chicken? How is the life of the cow less valuable than the life of the dog? And what gave us the authority to make that distinction?
In a time and age where eating meat, much less dog meat, is not necessary towards our sustenance and survival, there’s really no reason why anyone should continue to keep meat as a part of their diet.
Dogs are such gentle and loyal beings when you give them even a little love and care. It is easy for me to say that I cannot imagine how anyone can eat such beautiful beings. But then again I too ate animals before I met the Dharma and just about all animals we slaughter and eat are gentle, harmless and sentient for sure. They all feel pain and like human beings, seek happiness and security. Other than their form which is different and our prejudice, animals are not that different to us.
Therefore, for me its not a matter of judgement but creating awareness that eating dogs or for that matter, any animals, create such pain for them and great disbenefit for us. In creating awareness there are times when we have to take actions that seem more drastic because the current that makes killing other beings and eating their flesh deeply habituated and have become normalised.
This is a good story but the story and responsibility does not end when we rescue animals from death or the streets. We still have to care for them and this is where the help is needed most.
I think dogs are already one of the more privileged animals because of human domestication and how dogs are man’s companions. But even then, barbaric human beings have still exploited this poor animal and this is just one prime example of animal cruelty. It’s just too bad that dogs being honoured amongst the entire animal kingdom still has to suffer abuse, exploitation, torture and slaughter for its meat.
Awareness of such evil deeds has be brought to public awareness so such cruel people will be stopped. Slowly and surely, people have to really extend kindness and consideration towards other animals and eventually all animals. We as human beings, endowed with intelligence and conscience should evolve higher and develop universal qualities of compassion and kindness.
As intelligent as we have become with the information boom of our era, people often fail to think deeper on the consequences of their actions. We are also too superficial in our effort to help. Yes, closing down a factory could stop the dogs from being killed for meat but it does not resolve the core issue which is: to save the dogs.
Short term solutions is liked to treating the symptoms and not addressing the source of the illness.
It is wonderful that Rinpoche and the blog team is supporting this cause to create awareness of this plight!
Thank you Sarah for sharing this news with us. I’m glad to know that the they finally succeeded in shutting the dog meat farm down.
There is a long history of consumption of dog meat in South Korea, where it is known as “Gaegogi” and it is estimated that approximately 2.5 million dogs are slaughtered in South Korea every year. Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA), In Defense of Animals, Guardians of Rescue, and are petitioning the South Korean government to ban dog meat consumption.
All of us can make a difference for animals. We can adopt (instead of buying) a pet, choosing products not tested on animals, eating a humane diet, or engaging your community in animal protection issues. When we have collective efforts to confront these cruelties, things will change for the better.
Please share this post on social media so that more people are aware as much help is needed.
It is our job to be the voice for creatures who cannot speak up for themselves. As a nation we need to make it our priority to come together and ensure the safety of our beloved pets. As Rinpoche always say “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the mindset of others.Given these examples it’s hard to imagine why all don’t take animal cruelty seriously..
It’s horrible that people still practise this kind of cruelty in the 21st century where everything is advancing. I personally think that people should stop doing this and move forward, dogs are the best companion a man could have. It’s very saddening to watch these poor doggies all cramped up in such a small space, this is extreme cruelty! How can people be so selfish that they can do almost everything to satisfy their taste buds? Even at the cost of killing animals such as dogs…
Dogs are just an example, in fact, all animals should be free from slaughterhouses. All animals are equal as humans, none of one is more superior or ‘low-class’. Animals have their rights too, none of us have the right to take their lives away. All sentient beings have feelings too, we should stop all these cruelties before it’s too late. I hope everyone will read this article thoroughly and share the news out, please help these poor doggies.
There is so much suffering in the world, and it is the goal of Mahayana Buddhists to end this suffering. To this effect, on must show compassion to sentient beings stuck in Samsara as part of this training, even towards animals. His Eminence 25th Tsem Rinpoche who is himself a strong and avid advocate for animal rights, always encourages his students and friends, to adopt a healthier and vegetarian lifestyle in this regards.
Thank you Sarah for sharing this with us, informing us of this horrible practice, it should come to an end. But with the amount of work that animal rights organisations have all over the world to deal with such cruelty for simple and temporary gratification one gets from eating meat, it is up to each individual to make a stand for animals and their rights.
I urge everyone who reads this to show their support in any way they can, at the same time adopting an animal friendly and vegetarian life style. It is through this that we can really make a difference in the world with the short time that we all have to make the earth a better, more loving, suffering-free environment.
Dear Sarah
Thank you for the article. I had several Korean colleagues before. I told them that I love my pet dog very much. They laughed at me and told me that they ate dog meat in a proud way. I was quite disgusted at the time.
I really appreciate the fact that you brought this issue up in Rinpoche’s blog. It will help to bring awareness to the issue. It is really sad that some people do not have conscience and continue to enjoy the suffering of beings to satisfy their taste buds.