Very touching!
Dear all,
This is a very touching story. Love and care transcends everything. Even an animal can remember kindness and care. Please watch this and really remember to be kind to all animals.
Tsem Rinpoche

Giant Jack the moose stands six feet tall, weighs almost 1,000lbs and is very protective of his tiny best friend Vanessa Gibson. The 23-year-old has nurtured Jack since he was three days old and the enormous moose is fiercely protective of her. Playing tag and run, and taking walks around the beautiful grounds of the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Centre in Portage, Vanessa and three year old Jack are inseparable.
Milky way scientists
Uploaded on Aug 15, 2010
(DON’T APPROACH A MOOSE!!!! This woman has been taking care of this moose since he was a calf, under the controlled setting of a wildlife park.)
Visit the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center! These clips were shot by moose biologist Vic VanBallenberghe who’s featured in the movie ALASKAN MOOSE: A JOURNEY WITH GIANTS. To learn more, visit
Source: Facebook
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This is very heartwarming, although Jack just spent 3 years with his owner, he has already considered Vanessa as a family member and is very protective of her. Even a moose is grateful towards his beautiful owner, and that is why we do not have the right to say that they are emotionless creatures because they do have feelings, sometimes even stronger than humans’.
Animals are actually very intelligent living beings. They do think, feel pains and they can suffer. The differences between them and us are actually not so great. They are like us and act in ways that suggest their feelings. People who have ever interacted with animals, from dogs, cats to cows or mice, know that they too are like us and communicate their feelings. As an enlightened society, its time we broadened our circle of compassion. The most important step is to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle! In addition to direct impact of eliminating the sufferings of animals ending up on our plate, it allows us to think about the everyday cruelty that is hard to do when we are part of it!!!
Animals are very sensitive and have feelings too. If you love them, care for them and treat them well they sure to repay your kindness and be very loyal to you too just like this giant moose Jack in this touching and heartwarming story posted by Rinpoche. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
I loved this video, this is nice story.
Let’s be kind and loving to all animals and beings..
Thank You for sharing this video..
A video worth a million words and this video shows the heartwarming interaction between the woman and moose is incredible. It’s true that if we,the human treat animals with a great sincerity, compassion, caring heart and respect; they can feel it and will as well be caring towards the other party even it’s totally the opposite species. There’re 2 previous post about lion showing gratitude towards their saviour and caretaker.
Lion, renowned as the dangerous and fierce wild animal shows gratitude towards humans beings and that’s the mystical part about animal regardless of any kind or species, have appreciative and gratitude that’s difficult to find within human.
1. Blog title “Amazing Lion Shows Gratitude!”
2.Blog title “The Lions’ Pride”
It’s time for us, the human being to rethink about our behaviour and learn to be grateful. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this and you’re right, animals do help us to be more caring and loving.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing such heartwarming video. We should respect every sentient beings, they all got feeling. In Dharmic way, they all maybe is our previous mother…
Animals have feelings and they do repay kindness too. Sometimes they are even better than humans. Moose generally can become aggressive if angered or startled but in this case Jack the Moose is gentle, show genuine care and affection to Vanessa as he remembers the kindness of Vanessa who nurtured him since he was three days old. Even a big moose can be tamed when showered with love and care.
Very touching video. Thank you, Rinpoche, for sharing.
Be kind to animals, never hurt or abuse them.
It just occurred to me that such stories as this can become proof of reincarnation.
There is one argument that we are introducing emotions to the animal that aren’t really there (meaning we see what we want to see and impose human values onto animal reactions).
There is also the perspective that since the animal is clearly capable of what appears to be human emotions, then at some point they WERE a human and these are just imprints of their past lives manifesting. So this can also be proof of reincarnation.
The moose can’t talk but can love, and be loyal and protective. Some people might say that it’s just because the moose was trained to be like this…but if that’s the case, and they ARE JUST animals and are therefore all born with the same mind, how come not ALL animals can be trained in the same way? How come in a litter of puppies, some will be more boisterous and some will be more reserved? Why do animals from the same mother, born at the same time, have different personalities?
Perhaps it’s genetics. But you can also explain that by karma, that karma leads to some animals to be able to manifest more of their previous lives’ emotions (within the limitations of their current physical rebirth) than other animals from the same batch can.
Okay so maybe my thoughts are a little far-fetched. But at the very least if animals are capable of loyalty and protection and love, why can’t we love and protect them back?
Awwwww.. what a heart warming video! Such a gentle giant that moose is.. It is always heart warming to see a great relationship between humans and animals. The special bond they have is priceless! Wish i had a pet moose too. (or any pet for the matter) hehe
Thank you for sharing, Rinpoche!
The video of Giant Jack and Vanessa interacting is very cute. There is so much natural affection between them. I believe that animals don’t fake affection because they simply have no hidden agenda. They are not trying to get anything from us, whereas the average human being almost always has some sort of agenda, even when we love, we expect something in return – gratitude, appreciation, loyalty. With animals, all that comes naturally without expectation.
This is such a nice story. It is very valid proof that animals are more humane than most humans. Animals would not hurt humans on purpose, humans do so anyways. This moose protects his human. Humans don’t even protect their parents.
This makes me wonder, why do people want to harm animals. They deserve to be loved and cared for.
Personally, I would love to own a moose 😀
This video on the relationship of a Alaskan Moose and a lady is just so touching though this video may only be 1 minute lone the actions done in that 1 short minute is already enough to melt your heart. This shows that even Animals have a good heart, love and compassion and just like us they too don’t deserve to be killed.Seeing an cute animal like this getting shot would surely break peoples hearts and more importantly the girl’s heart so the main reason we should go Vegetarian is because it helps all the animals that are killed everyday have a better life, just because you don’t see the digesting part does not mean that the animal that was butchered for our food did not go through pain.
Seeing this Moose walk together with the girl really brightened up my day!
Thank you Rinpoche I loved this video.
When Vanessa first met Jack, he is a badly injured infant in 2008. And his mother had abandoned him.
Here’s the story of Giant Jack and Vanessa, I especially like the picture of both of them “Chilling out”. Thought you might like it…–just-dont-mention-boyfriend.html
such a heartwarming video, even an animal which are not domesticated understand gratitude and kindness being given by the caretaker. This video proves again that animal have feeling too, and they also knows and remember who are kind to them.
It always moves me seeing how human can have a good relationship with animals. If we take care of them sincerely with love you can see the result how the animal treat you back. So many time seeing how the dogs save their owners from danger and how their pets helps them in so many ways.
Animals also need cares just like us in fact they are in much unfortunate condition which we should pay more attention and care for them.
If we can’t help them at least do not harm them.
Such a touching and wonderful friendship! Just goes to show that at the heart of it all, we’re not so different from each other – whether you’re a giant moose, a human or our pet dogs, every being just wants to be protected, happy and loved. I’ve always found it quite fascinating how animals have a natural instinct for people who are genuinely kind – I’ve seen footage of very fierce, defensive animals who back down if a human just genuinely extends care and gentleness towards them. love and compassion is instinctive and can be felt, beyond any kind of language.
And so the converse is true too – If animals can perceive something as subtle as a human’s concern for it, surely they would feel something as powerful as fear and sadness too if they are mistreated, tortured and killed. Scientific research the world over has also proven just how intelligent many animals are, and the high level of perception and emotions they experience. Why would we encourage those kinds of feelings in anyone if we don’t want that?
What animals in terms of a voice to speak out, they show it by returning their love for those people who have been kind and loving to them.
This short clip shows that given love, understanding and proper nurturing, a lot of animals can be tamed.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this amazing video.
It’s so touching and brings tears to my eyes to see the love and devotion Vanessa and Jack have for each other.
There are some humans who are so arrogant to think that they are the only ones with feelings and emotions, and animals are ‘ the lesser beings’ with no feelings. Actually animals have much more love and compassion than humans as animals only kill or hurt another being because of survival and self defence. It’s man who kills and harms others out of greed, anger, desire , revenge …… And man is supposed to be more civilised , evolved ?
It’s just so beautiful to see this truly beautiful friendship between Vanessa and Jack.
Animals always the best friend, they are so loyal and giving. Love with no agenda.
Very touching video, thanks Rinpoche for sharing.
Animals do repay kindness. In fact, they “function on” kindness. No animals will hurt, unless they feel threatened. Although, some of them do have a habit to hurt, for example scorpion stings, but that is more like what their karma has caused them to do so naturally. The action does not justify what they really are!
Even though Jack the moose is a large animal, yet he is so gentle as it can feel the loving and caring vibes from Vanessa. We must not mistreat animals as they too have feelings and is a sentient being also. If children are educated from young how to respect and treat animals with care and love, there will be less abuse on innocent animals.
this is a very touching story. love and care really works, to have such a strong bond is a true friendship from human to animal it doesn’t matter. love and care touches anyone.
Nice video, and beautiful story of Jack. One thing great about animals is that they don’t care about the differences in those around them. You can be a different species, and even unrelated by blood, they always take care of those who take care of them.
Moose are known to attack human, and yet in this video, Giant Jack the moose has such a close relationship with Vanessa. Even animals like the moose can be tamed given the care, love and nurturing. Very heartwarming video to watch! Thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
If you treat your pets like best friend then they will treat you back like best friend too. That is what I love about animals they are like a reflection of myself. I used to have a dog named Jessie when I was about 4 years old, I love her very much and I know that she loves me too. So please be animals best friends and be a vegetarian too so less animal will be killed. Thank you for reading
Yes, many animals has shown us they can remember kindness to human, sometimes I think even better than some human. If animals can remember kindness, why when a person who has treated us so well, and out of sudden, we just ignore all the kindness of the person and become angry with them?
I like the disclaimer “Don’t approach a moose” though, because the moose sure looks cute in the video 😛
Haha, what an amazing moose. Im impressed that it is that protective over her. But this is how people should treat all animals, with love and compassion. And in return, they will show you the same. This video is the proof that if you treat an animal with love, it will show you the same. Always.
I loved this video above, I liked to see the moose run around and be fed. It was indeed a very touching video. I wish that i could see more videos out there like this. People being kind to animals.
How touching and cute this is… Yes animals have feelings and they sure can remember kindness or your harm towards them. So it is plain selfish and ignorant to think that they don’t know anything, otherwise this moose would not be so close to Venessa. It is down right disgusting when you read abusing stories like Herbie’s. We as humans are supposedly the most intelligent species on this planet and so we must protect other species on this planet we share. If we don’t then what good are we as humans? Kindness, love and care is universal.
This is so heartwarming, even an animal knows what grateful is. We can barely find that quality in humans. Animals are very magical living beings. They have always made amazing things happened, things that we will never imagined. We should respect them even though they are animals. After all, they are also living beings like us.
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
I like what you wrote Beatrix. Very often it is animals that show more gratitude than human beings. They don’t forget like human beings do and they cannot feign affection. It makes me wonder whether we have evolved all that much. It seems that the more “advanced” we become, the more we lag behind in simple values such as kindness and gratitude. To the moose, the concept of friendship probably does not exist and by that I mean, friendship is something they feel instinctively. This is quite unlike human beings who cultivate friendship with certain ulterior motives.
I feel the bond between Jack the moose and Vanessa. It is truly wonderful that we have people like Vanessa who can reach out and touch and nurture another being in a different form. To her, Jack is not just an animal. And neither should we see animals as life forms that we can use and abuse.
Such a beautiful relationship! Animals have feelings too or else they’d be attacking for fun! This is why it makes me wonder how can people abuse and torture the poor animals (eg. Herbie). In this case, the moose remembers kind Vanessa and he protects her as well. So think again… Do you think animals have feelings? Let’s be kind and loving to all animals and beings….
Dear Rinpoche
Sometimes, animals are much better and civilized than humans